Its Po'alima tomarrow and time to shake, rattle and roll. Spend the day doing something productive. Take your 'ohana to Ala Moana and have fun. Join the rest of the po'e and walk for unity! Share and educate with others rather than watch kiwi!Its time to get out of you hale and FREE HAWAII from its imperialistic na lima. Celebrate life for a change on August 21, 2009.
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Have you ever noticed if the grass is greener on whose lawn? Especially when heat of the sun has been overwhelming? Wela no!Have you ever noticed how people pass you by and drop their opala without picking it up? A'ole no!Have you ever noticed that the ha'awina that is given reinforces what we learn? A'ole pilikia!Have you ever thanked the po'e who have been there and dedicated their lives toward total independence? Imua!It all depends who is looking at the grass and their translation may differ.Are you ready for total independence? Did our Queen die in vain?It is difficult to interpret how other po'e feel, however since writing my dissertation, it has given me new meaning to understanding myself. What was it about the Hawaiian history that was not taught Kamehameha Schools?How long did settlers and those who are corrupt think they would withhold the TRUTH! We learned about from our kupuna and na hoaaloha.Henry Noa that gave new meaning to reclaiming our nation that lit my "torch." Bradah Iz gave me the inspiration to carry forth and Mana gave new meaning to shaping my identity. Overall, cousin Bobby, Tane and Alexander are those who paved the pathway so the footprints remained in tact.These are some of many po'e who have inspired me to persist! BE around those who care.Stay active in activities of interest that fosters personal and professional development!Stay kool and stay in school. Stay away from drugs! Get hooked on music, poi, or genealogy! Keep the mana flowing and stay linked to the Kingdom of Hawaii! Don''t sell yourself short from the truth of what really happended to our po'e.Have a nice day!namaka'eha
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I must admit it was a pleasure attending this event. It was about the po'e coming together wearing different hats and colorful clothing. It was the mana'o that was shared by Kaeo and other poe who voiced their mana'o who challenged old ways of thinking and critically analyzing new ones. Skippy gave new meaning to sharing the aloha spirit through his songs, yet it brought back memories about my mother Joyce Kainoa and the PKO. Wow that was memories of the past to cheerish for whom they are the kanaka, our hero's for standing up for political and social injustices toward Kanaka Maoli.It was about Mana and his band who opened the event of musical metaphors that reminded us about our past that Bradah Iz consistently iterated in his songs of ku'e. It was about Bradah Cruz who sang his melodic songs of today and yesterday bringing out truth in untouched territories.It was about Henry Noa standing up for political justice and laying his foundation to encourage the po'e to take back our kingdom. It was about bradah Andre and Hu'i Pu voicing their concerns yet being pa'a about the historical injustices that nearly decimated our culture. It was about Ikaika Hussey and his band that made HULI a sharper vision to penetrate the unknown!It was the Hawaiian Civic who shared their mana'o. It was about cousin Bobby who gave me poi made by the family poi pounder passed from one generation to another (it is very heavy) used by Daniel yesterday and so forth. It was about Manu sharing the blessings of awa root and the the play at night with sista Leinani and the gang! That was awesome hearing and seeing history in the making of how the Ku'e Petition set the footworks for collecting the signatures from our kupuna. It was about how Lynette Cruz and her hoaloha put together part of history that not only inspired but should be shared on all islands!It is about our po'e recognizing all that is HEWA! Mahaol to cousin Kamelamela and her family for inspiring all that the Hawaiian culture represents. To those who donated and contributed and made this event a spectacular event, MAHALO KE AKUA. To all others who sang and shared their mo'olelo for po'e I do not know, mahalo. I leave you wiith this thought of wisdom...Regardless of which tent you were under yesterday, WE ALL CAN AGREE FOR TOTAL INDEPENDENCE!UNITED WE STAND!There are many ways to film this event and stories to share, your maka, the "camera" is where the focus begins as we all expand by understanding our own history as we take the foot steps ahead to for a stronger and brighter future for our kamali'i!It's not about who did it first, it's about being the winner at the end... That is the po'e and the Kingdom of Hawaii.aloha no...namaka'eha
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Aloha,Its a friendly reminder of the LAWFUL HAWAIIAN GOVERNMENT will be at SANDY BEACH on Juyl 17 -19, 2009. I will be there with my 'ohana camping and swimming too. I must admit I'm not a beach going kanaka, but for my kids, I modify my own schedule.It is about family and spending time to learn more about the LAWFUL HAWAIIAN GOVERNMENT. A questions was posed to me if I was ready as a Hawaiian National. My response is YES!I spend most of my life in search of my own self identity. I'm glad I've reached that point and I learn more about my self everyday. Personal and professional development starts with YOU no matter what subject. It is about learning about what anything and everything that will impact you and your 'ohana.Take the time to learn about standing up for your kupuna! I'm proud my tutu, KEAAPOI HAINA did exactly that when she signed the Ku'e Peition. She live a long life an dhappy that I'm here today. For without her and other kupuna, the life of a KANAKA MAOLI would have ended withe diseases that came in along with other pilikia.I will be taking my reserach with me as I look at ways to tie in research of international laws too!namaka'eha
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There are many experiences that I can share of my life, yet none can surpass this experience this past Saturday, May 2, 2009 at approximately 8:40 p.m. or so.Before I begin, let me share my mana'o on several things. As a kanaka maoli, I've had the privilege for the past three months of reconnecting to our Hawaiian culture. For many years I've spent in college and so forth, yet never made time to connect spiritually and emotionally with our culture in physical form. I have been there for genealogy, but others were very limited. I've read about 500 journal articles pertaining to my research, spent endless hours at the beach, park, etc just doing my homework while watching and playing with my children in between. I am a "bookworm!"Only recently that I've had the privilege to engage in our Hawaiian culture and proud to say so! Cousin Alexander Luka interview with him has really hit the "core" of being a kanaka maoli. There are no words to describe the HISTORICALINJUSTICE we feel today and back then. For many years, well practically since high schools days, I've not had many opportunities to celebrate the Hawaiian culture. Perhaps the food mostly likely, even though I don't eat raw food. I may sound "kinda funny," but is just me. I don't take what I can't eat or heaven forbids!It was what he said at the Celebration of the Battle of Nu'uanu! Alexander Luka was honest and shared mana'o that really showed a different side. It hit the core of all substance of what he and many others like myself missed out. Afraid to admit or shame to share in fear of being ridiculed! I felt the same way too! He was genuine and encouraged the po'e to return home!People can be "anal retentive" who stereotypes and criticizes us for having a beautiful culture! Nothing new and I've been there and heard it all!Now........we are in the present state of mind and time which is 2009. I went on a journey that I refused to participate. I gave the hardest time and created footwork to make sure it didn't work! I was adamant to break all rules!In the process of "going into a deep state of mind," crickets can be heard along with passing cars and outdoor noises! As the numbers were counted and other terms were used to comfort the soul and find a place for balance or peaceful, I fought it! I moved my foot and clinched my fist and repeatedly said no!I SLOWLY WENT INTO THAT FRAME OF MIND and I traveled back into time. I was looking for water and someplace more comforting, but unable to find that place! I don't recall how long I was in it, but something happened!Okay I got to breathe.......Tears rolled down from my left eye slowly. I went back into time and present at a burial of great grandfather from Kaua'i...My 'ohana was weeping for him....I saw my kupuna on all four lines. I heard two baby voices. One was oldest sister and my child from the past life........I heard my father speak in "Olelo Hawaii to someone, not sure who he was talking to at Iliiliopae on Molokai. I saw a bright light and heard my aunty Alice tell me to go back, its not mine time, you need to take care of your kuleana. I saw all the men in my life (one was sick)By this time, tears from my right eye was coming down like a waterfall. I was not crying at all (you can tell when you are emotional, the heart beats fast too)!The last person I saw was Queen Liliuokalani in her room in the tower weeping! I reached out to her to comfort her!By the this time, the energy that entered through both feet went up my legs in waves. Yes, it was occurring in wavelike forms and stopped at my knee then to the piko. The mana was in my piko. What an amazing experience because that energy release all negative energy and cleansed my SOUL!I don't know of these things, but it was "Deep!" When I got out of it, I wiped my tears and didn't share. I was one of seven in the group. By the end, I did share my experience with the group. I was "stoked" yet comfortable of sharing my experience of my journey into time!Lesson Learned: I had been very disappointed with the "general world" because they took away our right to be KANAKA MAOLI! I was disappointed at all schools I attended and the negative energy released was lifted off my shoulder. Oh, I did express my mana'o and ripped the apart my high school who never taught us the true history.I'm not ashame to share and express my mana'o aloud.I'm not ashame to celebrate our Hawaiian culture with my children.I leave you this message to self reflect upon..WE ARE NOT PERFECT AND LIFE IS TO SHORT! BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE AND PERPETUATE OUR CULTURE WITH YOUR CHILDREN.. THE WORK IS NOT DONE AND MANY MORE TO TAKE CARE OF!My response to Queen Liliuokalani was...the HEWA is close to an end and we will all turn A NEW CHAPTER IN OUR HISTORY...CRY NO MORE FOR THE PO'E WILL RISE AND THE HEAVENS WILL LIGHT UP...Mahalo to the seven who took that journey. We all stopped at different places, however we all share a common goal! NEVER FORGET WHERE YOU COME FORM! Be connected in both heritage and genealogy!Mahalo Ke Akua and na kupuna...A big ALOHA to Alexander Luka for sharing and inspiring me to do so too! I did give him a call last night and shared my mana'o with him!namaka'ehaAloha from my 'ohana...
Have you ever seen a fish swim backwards?Of jump out just to grab you?This kind of crap fish is like Daniel Innouye and Linda Lingle and her bandits!Rubbish that has no intentions of leaving.....What do you do with your trash?Innouye has been compelled to stop all Hawaiian sovereignty movements in the Hawaiian Islands! Like many ihep fishes, they consistently discredit kanaka maoli and to ensure that a AKAKA BILL is the solution to their misery.Why would you want a bill that does nothing for kanaka maoli? The IHEP fish is there to "hold" the stolen lands.These settlers have dictated and controlled politics and its time to "take control and continue to ku'e!Lingle may be quiet, but behind closed doors she is shoving her heels against our bottoms like a "kick in our ass!"There is no room for pilau fishes to be around us!CRAP THE AKAKA BILL. GET YOUR REELS AND WHIP THAT PILAU FISH THAT SURROUNDS US!
, LOOK WHO IS IN THE TANK? IT IS US,KANAKA MAOLI SWIMMING AND HELD HOSTAGE IN OUR OWN ISLANDS!Lingle, Akaka, Innouye, Neil, Clayton Hee, OHA, DHHL, U.S., and all those those other iheps are using the reel to control us! Take that reel and whip it the other way!Can you hear the voices of our children calling and being choked by the settlers who oppressed us?Can you hear our kupuna calling?Never allow anyone to tell you who u are! Kanaka Maoli - 133 1/3%. The other 33 1/3% is the blood quantum that will be forced upon us for the next land divisions for Hawaiian Homes!Keep on dividing kanaka maoli by blood quantum. What crap! We need total independence from the settlers!Read more…
I spent the weekend camping at Sandy Beach with Henry Noa, his 'ohana, Alexander Luca and other members of LHG. As I drove to Sandy's, I saw a sign that says
I was intrigued to learn more about the LAWFUL HAWAIIAN GOVERNMENT. I always saw the signs, but never took the time to inquire about it. Perhaps spend many years hearing about it from different groups. I was very optimistic about any group knowingly that the primary goal is to unite and move forward.I must admit I was amazed. I decided to camp after several request. The LHG had occupied the whole "corner pocket" with their tents. Yes, they had tents with their mo'olelo to educate the po'e. I took many pictures and asked questions. I video taped many people who came. Very interesting people I met and eager to be part of a process already established. Yes, the LHG is established already and currently educating po'e what they are all about.The process took ten years, however the time invested is worthwhile. Why were they successful to reinstate the government is the question I asked?What made this group different as cousin Luca had described in his interview?Come home to the KINGDOM!
I camped for two nights and had a wonderful time. It wasn't about Henry Noa forcing me to choose his entity over others. It was about educating me on their process. There many police officers that past through the night "chasing the young generation out to go home." However, the po'e who was on the side we camped was not bothered by the police. I was amazed because most times they are chasing or harassing Hawaiians for camping at the beach!AT SANDYS! No possible way to camp there and not be bothered by the police! The last time, FIRST NATION rocked the house with their "rasta man music." I could not imagine what it felt like to sit near the beach, enjoy the music of their songs. It has been a long time being able to relax and not worry about life itself! FIRST NATION jammed and played in rhythm as they rapped their music of what happened to our people.Kai, a member of the band pounded the drums and rapped about our own history that brought tears to my eyes. Yes, it is our po'e, the younger generation recognizes that the historical injustice that prevails among our own people!
FIRST NATION (MUSICAL BAND) all songs are originalIn my opinion, it was an educational experience that I enjoyed. Mahalo to cousin Luca and Bobby for sharing, inspiring and inviting everyone! Mahalo to these two men in my life!I leave you with these thoughts.....Don't allow people to tell you how you should feel about your own history. It is your kuleana to educate yourself of your own history. Our people have listened to others and look what happened. Its time to malama and care for our 'ohana!It is time to do something about it and it starts in with YOU! Be akamai and learn about the issues that impact all of us today. I learn something new everyday and share my mana'o of my insight!Sending a ray of sunshine to all kanaka maoli! Have a wonderful day!
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I was at Palolo Media Center and Henry Noa was sharing his mana'o on Lawful Hawaiian Government.STAY TUNE FOR SERIES ON THE LAWFUL HAWAIIAN KINGDOM this year.
The Place of Hawaii in American Studies was the so called topic. Hmmm. Keala Kelly had it going on! She knew her stuff!
Very interesting yet can be emotional too!
As I looked onward and listened... I was disappointed when a woman kept on asking about Hawaiians and current issues of status. For myself, it was actually educating someone who didn't understand or only knew little. It was the way she said and insisted that we "kinda like saying we asked for it." What an "anal retentive attitude" she had. I set her straight and any other curious person who was there trying to understand or seek information about Hawaiians.We did not give permission to Westerners to come here and take our 'aina and so forth. In Westerner terms, easy to to relate to: "Involuntary."We need to get this straight...the Fake State is not here for you along with LINDA LINGLE and her bandits or CLAYTON HEE. THEY WILL EXPLOIT YOU AND MAKE MONIES BY TRYING TO SELL SEIZED LANDS!They stole from our Kingdom and robbed us of our self dignity and expect us to keep quiet!!! I don't thinks so! I shared my mana'o and just let them know how we feel about this historical injustice!!!
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This is clipping form Tane's Blog:I watched Mrs. Emma Nawahi as she arose to address the people. I have never heard two women talk in public in quite the same way. Would this Hawaiian women be embarrassed or timid, or self-conscious or assertive?Not any of these. Her manner had the simple directness that made Charlotte Perkins Stetson, two years ago, the most interesting speaker of the Women's congress. But Mrs. Stetson's pose is the most artistic of poses - a pretense of simplicity. This Hawaiian woman's thoughts were of her subjects, not of herself. There was an interesting impersonality about her delivery that kept my eyes fastened upon her while the interpreter at my side whispered his translation in short, detached phrases, hesitating now and then for a word, sometimes completing the thought with a gesture.""We are weak a people, we Hawaiians, and have no power unless we stand together." read Mrs. Nawahi frequently raising her eyes from her paper and at times altogether forgetting it."The United States is just - a land of liberty. The people there are the friends - the great friends of the weak. Let us tell them - let us show them that as they love their country and would suffer much before giving it up, so do we love our country, our Hawai'i, and pray that they do not take it from us."Our one hope is in standing firm - shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart. The voice of the people is the voice of God. Surely that great country across the ocean must hear our cry. By uniting our voices the sound will be carried on so they must hear us."In this petition, which we offer for your signature today, you, women of Hawai'i, have a chance to speak your mind. The men's petition will be sent on by the men's club as soon as the loyal men of Honolulu have signed it. There is nothing underhand, nothing deceitful in our way - our only way - of fighting. Everybody will see and may know of our petition. We have nothing to conceal. We have right on our side. This land is ours -- our Hawai'i. Say, shall we lose our nationality? Shall we be annexed to the United States? "'A'ole loa. 'A'ole loa."Let us not forget our kupuna who signed Ku'e Petition! I was reading cuz's blogs who always write about our true history. It is he who has inspired me to persist! Our ancestors are calling YOU!I leave you with this thought. BE PROUD WHO YOU ARE AND PERSIST IN ALL THAT YOU DO! BELIEVE IN YOURSELVES BECAUSE OUR KUPUNA DID TOO!Read more…
Posted by Namaka'eha on February 20, 2009 at 5:00am
You will never how it feels unless you walk the path of our kupuna. You will never know how it feels when SEIZED LANDS (Ceded lands) are no more. This is our home, our 'aina. One day you will walk and see no more or hear the laughter of our keiki. I hear them laughing today. What about tomarrow? Or next the day? We have been victimized for more then a century, its time to RAISE YOUR VOICES and show your MANA.Rain or shine, on my birthday, I will make history to walk and share my mana'o in this ahupua'a called Nanakuli. I was born and raised on Moloka'i. MOLOKA'I will raise thier flags too!We are a few in numbers, but need more kokua to pass out flag. The more kokua we have, the faster we cover the right and the left. For every flag we fly, we acknowledge every kanaka and non kanaka maoli who signed the KU'E PETITION. For every step we take, it is for HAWAII NEI!PLEASE COME AND GIVE YOUR KOKUA..Wear your hat, bring sunscreen/lip balm on FEBRUARY 21, 2009 at Nanakuli Beach Park (8:30 a.m -11:00a.m.)WE do this for our kupuna and keiki...
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Take Action TODAY in support of County Council Resolution on Depleted Uranium !!In a brave first-step, Hawaii Island County Council is calling for full disclosure about depleted uranium (DU) contamination at Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA).From our friends on the Big Island: Depleted Uranium contamination in the air and watershed poses tremendous risks to human health and the environment--impacts lasing many generations. The severity of the risks of DU upon human populations and the environment calls for immediate extensive testing of potentially affected areas. After 50 years of informed inaction on the part of the federal military and the state government to reduce and remove the toxic danger of DU in the Hawaiian environment, there is widespread concern that continuing activities in areas with DU contamination will only serve to increase the risk to the public.Please support the Hawaii County Council Resolution 639-08 to address the hazards of Depleted Uranium at the Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA).CLICK HERE! Quick + Easy! Submit a letter to Councilmembers in support of Resolution 639-08. Takes just a minute!Read more…
Don't Bust a Move Dayne!by Juan Wilson on 5 May 2008On Wednesday, April 30th an anti-GMO meeting was held in Hanapepe at the United Church for Christ. Among the sixty or so people attending were Richard Hoeppner, of People for the Preservation of Kauai, and Dayne Aipoalani, of the Kingdom of Atooi. Dayne was with his wife Toni and twenty month old daughter Alana.Dayne and Richard have known each other and worked together. Richard is a retired police detective and Dayne wanted to have the Kingdom of Atooi marshals get some formal police training, especially in conflict resolution, and mediation.The two have also worked against the Superferry coming to Kauai and against Syngenta spraying herbicides next to Waimea Canyon Middle School. Dayne and Toni had become alarmed because neighborhood children had become sick and even one of their own had become ill after Syngenta spraying.The anti-GMO meeting broke up about nine p.m. The Dayne and the family got in their truck and headed to the parking lot exit to get on the highway going west and home to Kekaha. When he got to the stop sign, at the highway, Dayne noticed a darkened police cruiser parked next to Hanapepe Park. It turned on its lights and pulled up to the stop sign opposite him.Suspecting something, Dayne did not pull out onto the highway, but waited for the police car to move first. It didn’t. Fifteen seconds went by. Suddenly the cop car turned right onto the highway heading west. Dayne followed him.As Dayne pulled away he noticed two vehicles emerge from the church parking lot and follow behind his truck. A SUV and a sedan. At this time Rich Hoeppner was preparing to leave the church too. Rich drove east towards Kalaheo.As Dayne continued west there was little traffic as he came to Moi Street. But there another police cruiser was parked. It fell into line behind him and the two unmarked vehicles. In less than a minute Dayne was passing the National Guard facility on the makai side of the highway. Three police cruisers joined the parade.The police cruisers all at once turned on their flashers and in front of Salt Pond Store pulled Dayne over and boxed him in. Police swarmed Dayne’s truck. From the unmarked SUV four SWAT police emerged in camo and vests. They carried gas canisters and other special equipment.The police team was lead by police officers Steve Sueoka and Detective Hank Barriga. Dayne knew he was in trouble because of Sueoka’s role in the August 2007 Superferry demonstrations. In December of last year KPD Chief Darryl Perry recognized Sueoka for his exceptional assistance of the United States Coast Guard during that time.After Dayne’s car was surrounded by the police and SWAT team there was a lot of yelling. Sueoka said; “You are under arrest!”Dayne said; “What for? What did I do? Wait a minute.”When asked to get out of his truck Dayne did not understand why. He got on his cell phone and called friends for advise and help.Richard Hoeppner got a call as he was passing Kalaheo. He turned the car around and headed for Salt Pond Store.Sueoka continued; “We have a warrant.”Dayne answered; I’m not getting out of the car until I know what’s going on.”Sueoka showed Dayne the warrant. As it turned out the warrant the police were carrying was for failure to show up at a plea hearing on the charge of impersonating an officer. During the August Superferry demonstrations Dayne carried a badge identifying himself as an officer of the Kingdom of Atooi. He never claimed to be a KPD policeman.He was surprised by the police action because of a meeting he had to discuss the issue of Kingdom of Atooi marshals and their responsibilities. The meeting was in Lihue with Chief Perry on November 8th 2007, attended by KPD officer Roy Asher and others. It was understood by Dayne that a line of communication was opened with the KPD and that they would contact him if questions regarding the issue of the Atooi marshals needed attention.Moreover, the warrant regarding the plea hearing was not applicable because Dayne had demonstrated to the court that he was at the hospital emergency room at the time of the hearing. Dayne provided the court with paperwork for a medical excuse concerning his failure to appear. It seems the court had excused him without correcting the warrant paperwork.This came out in the exchange between Sueoka and Dayne. Sueoka said that if Dayne had paperwork with him to prove his excuse there would be no arrest.Dayne did not have the documents in the car. Referring to all the men and material used in the arrest proceeding Dayne countered;“Why didn’t you just call me on my phone to come in and take care of this matter?"As spoke Dayne pointed out that his cellphone number was prominently written on the warrant. ”Sueoka had had enough; “We have a warrant for you! We have to execute our order!”By this time Rich Hoeppner had made the last leg of his way to Salt Pond Store on foot. The police had closed the main highway near the store. Some of Dayne’s people from the Kingdom of Atooi had also arrived to witness the scene. More police arrived. Toni thought there might be as many as thirty policemen by that time.Police were breaking up any groups of passerby greater than three in number. No public assembly was allowed for local people. Richard, a haole, was able to get to the front of Salt Pond Store when one policeman asked him if he wanted to get a newspaper or something. Richard used that as an invitation."Yeah, I need a newspaper".Richard asked the policeman if that wasn’t Dayne’s truck in the middle of all the trouble. Then Richard was confronted by another KPD officer, D. Martin, who called out that;“We know who you are. I saw you at the Superferry!”Martin told him to get his paper and get out of there.The police proceeded to yank open the doors on Dayne’s truck. Police officers tried, unsuccessfully, to pull Dayne from his truck. SWAT team members pushed cans of gas in Dayne’s face. They opened up the back to expose Alana. Dayne was concerned his wife and daughter would be caught in the middle of a violent confrontation. He sensed that the actions of the police seemed to be an attempt to provoke him into making a mistake. They had overwhelming force at the scene.Dayne decided to comply with the order to leave his vehicle. He told Sueoka and Barriga that he would get out of the truck if they did not harass his family, adding;“I’ll go with you guys, but I’m not under your jurisdiction.” Dayne was never read his rights when they took him down.Dayne was brought to the Lihue station, booked and given a copy of the arrest record. The bail is set at $2,175. Immediately friends and family tried to call the 24/7 bail bondsmen on the island to free Dayne. Toni and Richard found that none would respond that night.While in Lihue an unidentified police officer asked Dayne about the Iolani Palace occupation by sovereignty advocates on Oahu. He was casually asked how many of his people were there. Dayne won’t be free that night.Later the police took the arrest record from him. Dayne was taken to the Kauai Correctional County Center (KCCC) and spent the night in jail without bond. Richard was up all night trying to free Dayne.Toni drove home quite upset. She was not followed but got a call shortly from a friend who had spotted two police cruisers parked in the dark down her street watching her house.The next morning a guard at KCCC also asks Dayne about the Iolani palace incident. apparently sovereignty activists anywhere in the state were being connected to the palace occupation. Later Dayne was transferred to court; not in his own clothes but in an orange jumpsuit in shackles on his hands and feet. Toni and Richard Hoeppner was at the court the next morning and were very upset. Before the the judge, Kathleen Watanabe, Dayne stated;“There was no notification of a court date after I missed my plea hearing”.The judge said that no notification was necessary. A plea of not guilty was entered and a jury trail on the impersonation of an officer was set for June 30th. Toni had pulled together the bail money. After some more legal hassles Dayne was finally free to go home around three in the afternoon.Sometime after, early Friday morning, that Richard had a heart attack. He was flown to Oahu and is still in the Staub Hospital. Dayne sister Keikeilani went over to visit him. Richard is scheduled for a triple-bypass operation on Thursday. He is in Room #302. You can call him at 1 (808) 522-4000.One lesson to be learned from this behavior by the Kauai Police Department is how seriously the connections between the anti-Superferry, anti-GMO and the sovereignty movement are taken by Hawaiian authorities. Dayne is involved with all three and he is Hawaiian. This makes him a danger to the status quo.In addition, Hawaii State Attorney General Mark Bennett is deeply involved with not only the conspiracy of the State with the Superferry Corporation to avoid the law, he is also facing a disenfranchisement of the State of Hawaii to manage Hawaiian government land. The recent Hawaii Supreme Court decision to deny the State "ownership" of ceded land is a fundamental problem for the whole apparatus of control.The Kingdom of Atooi has made a direct challenge to title of ceded lands on Kauai that is right under the feet of the westside GMO companies and the PMRF easement agreement that was negotiated with the State. Challenges to the status quo are certainly simmering.If you carefully follow the events of the night it becomes clear that the KPD was stalking Dayne Aipoalani with a great deal of manpower, equipment and expense.That kind of police action might be appropriate for arresting an armed murderer or to bust a meth factory, but not to execute a warrant on a failure to make it to court on a charge of carrying a “phony” badge. This huge KPD effort was over a failed court appearance where there was a medical excuse on record.It is further evident to me that the police were trying to taunt Dayne, to make him angry, to make him make a mistake - the result would have easily provokes a violent response by the police. This kind of baiting is unforgivable behavior for a force of professional “peace keepers”.God forbid you are on their list for your activities and have an open can of beer at the beach or are having a fight with your spouse. Don’t tase me bro!
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