Aloha,Recently while at lunch with 'ohana we were discussing our great grand aunty, Bernice Pauahi Paki Bishop and got to talk about the school waiving the tuition fees. I said to my cousins, they shouldn't stop there, they should waive the testing as well, to give our Hawaiian children a chance to attend Kamehameha schools. So they asked me to write an article in the Starbulletin which I did and it was posted in yesterday's editorial (March 8, 2010). Check it out.Bernice's mother Laura Konia, has at least three half brothers of which the eldest was Kaholi, who is my father's great grand father. Everyone present with exception of a few who didn't attend the luncheon represented one of the 14 brother and sisters in my father's generation. It was a wonderful gathering filled with chants, stories and talk of a family reunion. We had a great time, the food was great and a few of my cousins got themselves blasted drinking their favorites. Myself and a few other cousins did not drink alcohol but we had a great time catching up on family and what we are doing in our lives.Kupuna Pomai Kinney saw it in my e-mail as he wrote to me to go to Maoli world. I did, then I called him back and told him how this article came about...actually, I was surprised that it even got printed. One thing led to another and a response came in from Kaohi who responded by saying to be, "cautious" about pushing it too far. Well, that's my middle name, "push the envelope as far as possible" and see what happens. I wrote back to Kaohi's second responses but don't know if she got it, because when I pushed the "Send Comment" button, nothing happened and that box stayed grey. So frustrating sometimes.My cousins also saw it and they called to talk story again. We are now planning a family reunion. So all you folks related to: I, Moana, Keawe and Liloa please take notice and involve yourself so we can build a case for Kamehameha schools to also take notice of what our people are going to be saying and proposing from Kamehameha schools when it comes to the education of all of our Hawaiian chldren, don't matter if they are homeless or have a home, Pauahi meant for ALL the Hawaiian children to attend that school. That's how we feel.Got written feed back from Kaohi about the article and it is posted in the independence alliance page in this venue. I responded but don't think it went through so I'm going to sum-up what I wrote there in response to Kaohi.Kaohi is worried that Kamehameha schools would bring back the "lottery" system...I don't see any basis for that and wrote back to her that as long as we continue to share information and educate our family in the inner circle and work our way outwards into the community and the world, such as in these types of venues, eventually our people will catch on and do what needs to be done to secure their education, get a good job, give back to their community, build a house and educate themselves on Hawaiian Kingdom law, they will have more than what we had while growing up in this crooked system called the Fakestatehood.I proceeded by telling her that as na kupuna our kuleana should be to promote that ALL the Hawaiian children go to Kamehameha IF THEY SO CHOOSE...but that they shouldn't be kept out because they cannot pay or not pass the test...infact, if they fail at these two is because of this hurddle that they should be admitted because they HAVE A NEED. I hope I was clear. Then she mentioned Ku Kahakalau and her husband with their children living in Waipio, that that is what our children need to learn and I agree, but not everyone can go to Waipio.I also shared that Ku Kahakalau and her husband Nalei are old friends way back in the Kaho'olawe 'ohana days and that I really aloha them for how and what they are teaching their chldren and living their lives the way our ancestors lived; growing taro, catching fish and talking Hawaiian, involved in Charter Schools, living in Waipio valley and enjoying their lives living off of those lands. What a way to live.I also shared that there is a need to allow all the groups pushing for independence to do their spiritual work and when they are ready, to come together when we can put all the puzzles together and work as one when the plan is clear..that one problem in this movement we have to all overcome is not to let prejudism and racism get in the way to blind us and block those non-Hawaiians who support what we are doing and where we are headed as a country...especially, it is only a handful of Hawaiians who holds animosity towards non-Hawaiians such as the Japanese, Haoles, Chines, Negros, Portugese, etc. that keeps the advanced forces from entering our struggle. That we hae to be open minded and always educate as many possible on many different front and to write in venues such as the editorial and in this venue as well.Kamehameha schools cannot say they don't have money. We know they have at least almost 10 billion dollars in their account. That should eliminate the tuition fees, but the testing has to also go or face more suits from non-Hawaiians who want to break that school down and make it a public school. (mark my words, with the state in dire straights you can bet that they have approached Kamehameha schools to PAY for their DOE system.) We cannot allow them to dip into our bank accounts...they will have create their own bank accounts or become Hawaiian nationals.In closing I want to apologize to all those that used to write to my page. For some reason I am "not ALLOWED" to write there anymore and don't know how long this site will last. Just know that I had nothing to do with what happened to my sites: The Whole Bag of Poi, Bernice Pauahi Paki Bishop, Kauhale O Waimanalo (which we ended)and all the other sites I joined as well. I apologize for the break in those communications and letting you all know that the problem does lie with the moderator to whom I complained and still the problem is no fixed. Smells like a political move against the progressive forces in the independence movement, time will tell.Again, thank you to Poma, Kaohi and my 'ohana for their responses. Let us continue to build our ties for the sake of the next generations.Take care and God Bless,Kawehi Kanui
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We don't need the federal to recognize us, we are already recognized since 1843 by international countries.We are FREE when we free our minds of all the garbage that comes with federal recognition that tries to change our every being from living life to the fullest.The Akaka bill is another Newlands Resolution, only done in our generation...the feds don't even change their our case. It used to work before, not today.When Hawaiians are ready to truly unite is when they have done their homework and willing to take part in the creation of our own government and move it forward as an independent country, not a slave to the US system that only takes from us our lands and vested rights, for them to make a profit and to usurp our infrastructure such as the water, lands, money and resources to feed their military, foreign influx to these islands and mercenaries they call their US congressional members, negative military approaches and the State of Hawai'i as the new local syndicates.That's the difference.
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Posted by Donna Burns on August 16, 2009 at 6:26am
What is an apology...if you don't REALLY mean it?If the United States recognized their COMPLICITY in the illegal overthrow of our Internationally recognized(including the US) Independent Kingdom of Hawai'i...then why (the heck) would we even CONSIDER being 'reorganized and recognized" UNDER the same government that OVERTHREW US in the first place? Does that make ANY SENSE whatsoever?THE AKAKA BILL DOES THAT. It puts us UNDER...(not eye to eye)...the United States...and if that wasn't bad says in it that Kanaka Maoli (we are NOT native hawaiians...get used to it) will relinquish ANY AND ALL FUTURE CLAIMS against the US.COME ON YOU KANAKA MAOLI...WAKE UP! They're about to DO IT it TO LAST TIME!FIGHT THE AKAKA BILL WITH EVERY BIT OF PRIDE, LOVE, AND STRENGTH YOU HAVE...or forever hold your peace!-----excerpts from the Apology Bill---------------------------------------------------------------------------United States Public Law 103-150The "Apology Resolution"Passed by Congress and signed by President William J. ClintonNovember 23, 1993President Clinton signs Public Law 103-150, the "Apology Resolution" to Native Hawaiians, on November 23, 1993, as Vice-President Gore and Hawaii's Congressional delegation look on: Sen. Daniel Inouye, Rep. Patsy Mink, Rep. Neil Abercrombie, and Sen. Daniel Akaka (L to R)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- excerpts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------To acknowledge the 100th anniversary of the January 17, 1893 overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii, and to offer an apology to Native Hawaiians on behalf of the United States for the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Whereas, prior to the arrival of the first Europeans in 1778, the Native Hawaiian people lived in a highly organized, self-sufficient, subsistent social system based on communal land tenure with a sophisticated language, culture, and religion;Whereas, from 1826 until 1893, the United States recognized the independence of the Kingdom of Hawaii, extended full and complete diplomatic recognition to the Hawaiian Government, and entered into treaties and conventions with the Hawaiian monarchs to govern commerce and navigation...Whereas, on January 14, 1893... the United States Minister assigned to the sovereign and independent Kingdom of Hawaii conspired with a small group of non-Hawaiian residents of the Kingdom of Hawaii, including citizens of the United States, to overthrow the indigenous and lawful Government of Hawaii;Whereas, soon thereafter, when informed of the risk of bloodshed with resistance, Queen Liliuokalani issued the following statement yielding her authority to the United States Government rather than to the Provisional Government:"I Liliuokalani, by the Grace of God and under the Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Queen, do hereby solemnly protest against any and all acts done against myself and the Constitutional Government of the Hawaiian Kingdom by certain persons claiming to have established a Provisional Government of and for this Kingdom."That I yield to the superior force of the United States of America whose Minister Plenipotentiary, His Excellency John L. Stevens, has caused United States troops to be landed a Honolulu and declared that he would support the Provisional Government."Now to avoid any collision of armed forces, and perhaps the loss of life, I do this under protest and impelled by said force yield my authority until such time as the Government of the United States shall, upon facts being presented to it, undo the action of its representatives and reinstate me in the authority which I claim as the Constitutional Sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands."- Queen Liliuokalani, Jan 17, 1893Whereas, without the active support and intervention by the United States diplomatic and military representatives, the insurrection against the Government of Queen Liliuokalani would have failed for lack of popular support and insufficient arms.Whereas, in a message to Congress on December 18, 1893, President Grover Cleveland reported fully and accurately on the illegal acts of the conspirators, described such acts as an "act of war, committed with the participation of a diplomatic representative of the United States and without authority of Congress", and acknowledged that by such acts the government of a peaceful and friendly people was overthrown... President Cleveland further concluded that a "substantial wrong has thus been done which a due regard for our national character as well as the rights of the injured people requires we should endeavor to repair" and called for the restoration of the Hawaiian monarchy.Whereas, the indigenous Hawaiian people never directly relinquished their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people or over their national lands to the United States, either through their monarchy or through a plebiscite or referendum.Whereas, the health and well-being of the Native Hawaiian people is intrinsically tied to their deep feelings and attachment to the land;Whereas, the long-range economic and social changes in Hawaii over the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries have been devastating to the population and to the health and well-being of the Hawaiian people;Whereas, the Native Hawaiian people are determined to preserve, develop and transmit to future generations their ancestral territory, and their cultural identity in accordance with their own spiritual and traditional beliefs, customs, practices, language, and social institutions;Now, therefore, be itResolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,The Congress- apologizes to Native Hawaiians on behalf of the people of the United States for the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii on January 17, 1893... and the deprivation of the rights of Native Hawaiians to self-determination;- expresses its commitment to acknowledge the ramifications of the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii, in order to provide a proper foundation for reconciliation between the United States and the Native Hawaiian people; and- urges the President of the United States to also acknowledge the ramifications of the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii and to support reconciliation efforts between the United States and the Native Hawaiian people.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"...the logical consequences of this resolution would be independence."- Senator Slade Gorton (R-Washington), US Senate Congressional RecordWednesday, October 27, 1993, 103rd Cong. 1st Sess.
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Have you ever noticed if the grass is greener on whose lawn? Especially when heat of the sun has been overwhelming? Wela no!Have you ever noticed how people pass you by and drop their opala without picking it up? A'ole no!Have you ever noticed that the ha'awina that is given reinforces what we learn? A'ole pilikia!Have you ever thanked the po'e who have been there and dedicated their lives toward total independence? Imua!It all depends who is looking at the grass and their translation may differ.Are you ready for total independence? Did our Queen die in vain?It is difficult to interpret how other po'e feel, however since writing my dissertation, it has given me new meaning to understanding myself. What was it about the Hawaiian history that was not taught Kamehameha Schools?How long did settlers and those who are corrupt think they would withhold the TRUTH! We learned about from our kupuna and na hoaaloha.Henry Noa that gave new meaning to reclaiming our nation that lit my "torch." Bradah Iz gave me the inspiration to carry forth and Mana gave new meaning to shaping my identity. Overall, cousin Bobby, Tane and Alexander are those who paved the pathway so the footprints remained in tact.These are some of many po'e who have inspired me to persist! BE around those who care.Stay active in activities of interest that fosters personal and professional development!Stay kool and stay in school. Stay away from drugs! Get hooked on music, poi, or genealogy! Keep the mana flowing and stay linked to the Kingdom of Hawaii! Don''t sell yourself short from the truth of what really happended to our po'e.Have a nice day!namaka'eha
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I must admit it was a pleasure attending this event. It was about the po'e coming together wearing different hats and colorful clothing. It was the mana'o that was shared by Kaeo and other poe who voiced their mana'o who challenged old ways of thinking and critically analyzing new ones. Skippy gave new meaning to sharing the aloha spirit through his songs, yet it brought back memories about my mother Joyce Kainoa and the PKO. Wow that was memories of the past to cheerish for whom they are the kanaka, our hero's for standing up for political and social injustices toward Kanaka Maoli.It was about Mana and his band who opened the event of musical metaphors that reminded us about our past that Bradah Iz consistently iterated in his songs of ku'e. It was about Bradah Cruz who sang his melodic songs of today and yesterday bringing out truth in untouched territories.It was about Henry Noa standing up for political justice and laying his foundation to encourage the po'e to take back our kingdom. It was about bradah Andre and Hu'i Pu voicing their concerns yet being pa'a about the historical injustices that nearly decimated our culture. It was about Ikaika Hussey and his band that made HULI a sharper vision to penetrate the unknown!It was the Hawaiian Civic who shared their mana'o. It was about cousin Bobby who gave me poi made by the family poi pounder passed from one generation to another (it is very heavy) used by Daniel yesterday and so forth. It was about Manu sharing the blessings of awa root and the the play at night with sista Leinani and the gang! That was awesome hearing and seeing history in the making of how the Ku'e Petition set the footworks for collecting the signatures from our kupuna. It was about how Lynette Cruz and her hoaloha put together part of history that not only inspired but should be shared on all islands!It is about our po'e recognizing all that is HEWA! Mahaol to cousin Kamelamela and her family for inspiring all that the Hawaiian culture represents. To those who donated and contributed and made this event a spectacular event, MAHALO KE AKUA. To all others who sang and shared their mo'olelo for po'e I do not know, mahalo. I leave you wiith this thought of wisdom...Regardless of which tent you were under yesterday, WE ALL CAN AGREE FOR TOTAL INDEPENDENCE!UNITED WE STAND!There are many ways to film this event and stories to share, your maka, the "camera" is where the focus begins as we all expand by understanding our own history as we take the foot steps ahead to for a stronger and brighter future for our kamali'i!It's not about who did it first, it's about being the winner at the end... That is the po'e and the Kingdom of Hawaii.aloha no...namaka'eha
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What was it about this poem that made me utter the words - This is unbelievable! I discovered many similarities and frightened me to think that this crap is still going on today!Spread the word of your religions - You came to Hawaii and what did you do, you preached about the Bible,Convert the whole world if you can - You forced down what you could and demanded that we listen,Kill and slaughter those who oppose you- You poisoned our people and killed my ancestors with your disease,It's worth it if you save on man - You saved the ones you liked and favored a position in the government,Take the land to build your churches - You stole our lands and expected to take more, leave us landless,A sin to tax the house of God - You taxed the poor and avoided taxes yourselves,Take the child while he is supple - You take our children and shove your words of doom,Spoil the mind and spare the rod - You do no good for others and spare no savage beast,Go and tell the savage nation - You as a settler want to own lands in Hawaii, nonetheless u want even more,That he must be Christianized - You make us be like you and impose us with your work,Tell him, and his heathen worship - You must worship every word I preach or else feel the wrath,And you will make him civilized - You expect us to carry forth and do your work,Shove your gospel, force your values - You took my language and divided my people,Down its throat until it's raw - You shoved so deep while you warped our minds with your valuesAnd after he is crippled - You cut us down to skin and bone,Turn your back and lock the door - You left us landless and cared no lessMissionaries, Missionaries go and leave us alone - The pages are turning expect no gratitudeTake your white God to your white man - We have our own nation and fret no moreWe've a God of our own - We are the descendants of Papa and WakeaWords of Wisdom - Take a look around us and how settlers have treated Kanaka Maoli. Do not allow yourself to be caught up in the "web of deceit." This is a reminder that what happened since the arrival of Capt. Cook has only encouraged settlers to take all that they can.Educate yourself of our true history! Be akamai and take care of your kuleana! We are being blinded sided no matter which way we turn. When is it the best time to use the blinds to obtain full independence from U.S.
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Have you ever seen a fish swim backwards?Of jump out just to grab you?This kind of crap fish is like Daniel Innouye and Linda Lingle and her bandits!Rubbish that has no intentions of leaving.....What do you do with your trash?Innouye has been compelled to stop all Hawaiian sovereignty movements in the Hawaiian Islands! Like many ihep fishes, they consistently discredit kanaka maoli and to ensure that a AKAKA BILL is the solution to their misery.Why would you want a bill that does nothing for kanaka maoli? The IHEP fish is there to "hold" the stolen lands.These settlers have dictated and controlled politics and its time to "take control and continue to ku'e!Lingle may be quiet, but behind closed doors she is shoving her heels against our bottoms like a "kick in our ass!"There is no room for pilau fishes to be around us!CRAP THE AKAKA BILL. GET YOUR REELS AND WHIP THAT PILAU FISH THAT SURROUNDS US!
, LOOK WHO IS IN THE TANK? IT IS US,KANAKA MAOLI SWIMMING AND HELD HOSTAGE IN OUR OWN ISLANDS!Lingle, Akaka, Innouye, Neil, Clayton Hee, OHA, DHHL, U.S., and all those those other iheps are using the reel to control us! Take that reel and whip it the other way!Can you hear the voices of our children calling and being choked by the settlers who oppressed us?Can you hear our kupuna calling?Never allow anyone to tell you who u are! Kanaka Maoli - 133 1/3%. The other 33 1/3% is the blood quantum that will be forced upon us for the next land divisions for Hawaiian Homes!Keep on dividing kanaka maoli by blood quantum. What crap! We need total independence from the settlers!Read more…
I was at Palolo Media Center and Henry Noa was sharing his mana'o on Lawful Hawaiian Government.STAY TUNE FOR SERIES ON THE LAWFUL HAWAIIAN KINGDOM this year.
Posted by Miliaulani on February 21, 2009 at 11:36am
I attended Jeffrey Smith's presentation on GMO food on Kauai on February 11th. I left the presentation ill. I mean literally physcially ill from the information presented. My stomach was twisted in knots and sore. I felt like throwing up. I went home and went straight to bed, unable to eat. I was so angry, so outraged that these GMO corporations have been allowed to contaminate the food supply of every unsuspecting citizen under the jurisdiction of the U.S.Under the administration of the first George Bush, GMO's have been pushed upon us without our knowledge or consent. Genetically modified organisms have been in our food suppy since 1996 and go undetected because these corporations haven't been required to label them. Watch the video "The World According to Monsanto" and you will have a better understanding of why this GMO giant has been able to get away with this. A revolving door exists between Monsanta and the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA is mandated to protect the consumer from unsafe food and drugs entering the market. They have been negligent in their job. Former attorney for Monsanto now heads the department in charge of developing FDA policy. GMO's have been determined to be as safe as non-GMO food under his watch. Intense political pressure by Monsanto and financial donations to important players in Congress and the White House, have kept the public in the dark.Japan has banned all GMO products from the U.S. including the Hawaiian Rainbow Papaya that was genetically engineered to be resistant to the ring-spot virus. Japan has said that they are waiting and watching for the affects of GMO's on America's children. They are not alone. Many European nations ban GMO's as well as a list of other nations.Look and see what diseases are on the rise that are affecting our keiki. Obesity and diabetes are two that come to mind. If you read the ingredients on processed foods you will find Corn Syrup, derived from GMO corn, in almost everything, but especially soda, fruit drinks, candy and fast food. There has been an unprecedented rise in Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) diagnosis and other disorders.I am focused on this issue because of the long term affects GMO's will have on the health and well being of our families. Now GMO proponents want to take the one pure food kanaka have, that has sustained our kupuna for generations and genetically engineer kalo. These corporations are targeting the food staples of the world such as corn and soy, and now kalo. They are trying to get patents on rice, wheat and other grains as well as countless other foods.It is important for Kanaka to educate ourselves, our families and our communities about the hidden dangers of GMO's. It is lurking everywhere. In every can, package or box of processed foods sold in our local grocery store, used in many of the restaurants we take our families to eat and worst of all, in the foods served our children in the school cafeteria's across the U.S.I urge everyone of you on Maoli World to read Jeffrey Smith's two best selling books "Seeds of Deception" and "Genetic Roulette". If it is hard for you to read than google Monsanto and GMO and you will find hundreds of thousands of hits. I do recommend watching the videos. It will blow you away the way these seed corporations target small farmers and put them out of business. It is the goal of these corporations to patent and own all of the seed supply in the world. The greed and dispicability of these organziations are beyond imaginable. And the American media has been silenced by the power they wield which is why we are uninformed.Former sugar cane lands owned by the Big Five are now coming into the hands of these GMO corporations on Kauai. Prime ag land is being used to field test these organisms all the while unsuspecting residents living nearby have no clue of the hidden dangers. We are being used as guinea pigs, without our knowledge or consent and this is what is called the "land of the free"? Just one more way to kill us off. In fact, a Monsanto employee told one of their scientists who had become aware of safety issues but was forbidden to reveal it, just look at it this way, maybe we are solving the over-population problem. One other fact to piss you off, Monsanto doesn't serve any GMO's in their employee cafeteria. Why? Because they have the knowledge of the dangers that they keep hidden from Joe Public, while they protect themselves from these dangers.So Kanaka Maoli, information is power. Educate yourselves, your families and your communities and refuse to buy GMO products. Take the power away from Monsanto, Syngenta and Pioneer. Go back to your natural diets of poi, uala, lu'au, fish and limu as much as possible. These are the foods that kept our ancestors healthy and strong and these are the diets we must go back to if we are to remain strong. I know that is asking a lot since so much of our aina is urbanized and our lo'i and loko i'a destroyed. We need to reclaim them, repair them and bring them back to functioning systems as part of our effort of reclaiming our independence.Aloha aina,Miliaulani
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"BE ALRIGHT" lyrics written by Mana Kaleilani Caceres, music by "Radical Rob" Onekeatrack #4 on Mana's 2nd cd "I BE HAWAIIAN" released 2007You made me send my Gods away,I've built your church, I sit and pray.You promised me a better day,and then you take my land away.Into this world you caste me,before you came I was so free,And now I fear what the future be,Afraid for my keiki.KU I KA 'IKE ka Hawaiian born,Flying oversea to fight the white mans war,Just like the cancer their greed always wants moreand this one thing we can't ignore.Sometimes I see, just how bright the future be,and if we put our differences aside, everything will be alright.One day, we'll see, a better day for you and me,and wouldn't that be a sight, when everything will be alright.I go to work each and everyday,Uncle sam take half my pay,Sometimes I feel just like a slave,With all these bills i have to pay.And then I take a look around,It's not as bad as it may sound,My family keeps me on solid ground,Nothing can ever keep me down.Sometimes I see, just how bright the future be,and if we put our differences aside, everything will be alright.One day, we'll see, a better day for you and me,and wouldn't that be a sight, when everything will be alright.I know you find it hard to believe,that Hawaiians, with all that we've achieved,can come back and rebuild a Nation,so step back for the next generation.We've tried for years and years,To overcome the hurt and tears,We need to get past all our fears,'cuz our future is now clear.Tomorrow can be what you make it,Just stand up and you can take it,Learn these words you cannot fake it,Sing along and shake it shake it.Sometimes I see, just how bright the future be,and if we put our differences aside, everything will be alright.One day, we'll see, a better day for you and me,and wouldn't that be a sight, when everything will be alright.
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Don't Bust a Move Dayne!by Juan Wilson on 5 May 2008On Wednesday, April 30th an anti-GMO meeting was held in Hanapepe at the United Church for Christ. Among the sixty or so people attending were Richard Hoeppner, of People for the Preservation of Kauai, and Dayne Aipoalani, of the Kingdom of Atooi. Dayne was with his wife Toni and twenty month old daughter Alana.Dayne and Richard have known each other and worked together. Richard is a retired police detective and Dayne wanted to have the Kingdom of Atooi marshals get some formal police training, especially in conflict resolution, and mediation.The two have also worked against the Superferry coming to Kauai and against Syngenta spraying herbicides next to Waimea Canyon Middle School. Dayne and Toni had become alarmed because neighborhood children had become sick and even one of their own had become ill after Syngenta spraying.The anti-GMO meeting broke up about nine p.m. The Dayne and the family got in their truck and headed to the parking lot exit to get on the highway going west and home to Kekaha. When he got to the stop sign, at the highway, Dayne noticed a darkened police cruiser parked next to Hanapepe Park. It turned on its lights and pulled up to the stop sign opposite him.Suspecting something, Dayne did not pull out onto the highway, but waited for the police car to move first. It didn’t. Fifteen seconds went by. Suddenly the cop car turned right onto the highway heading west. Dayne followed him.As Dayne pulled away he noticed two vehicles emerge from the church parking lot and follow behind his truck. A SUV and a sedan. At this time Rich Hoeppner was preparing to leave the church too. Rich drove east towards Kalaheo.As Dayne continued west there was little traffic as he came to Moi Street. But there another police cruiser was parked. It fell into line behind him and the two unmarked vehicles. In less than a minute Dayne was passing the National Guard facility on the makai side of the highway. Three police cruisers joined the parade.The police cruisers all at once turned on their flashers and in front of Salt Pond Store pulled Dayne over and boxed him in. Police swarmed Dayne’s truck. From the unmarked SUV four SWAT police emerged in camo and vests. They carried gas canisters and other special equipment.The police team was lead by police officers Steve Sueoka and Detective Hank Barriga. Dayne knew he was in trouble because of Sueoka’s role in the August 2007 Superferry demonstrations. In December of last year KPD Chief Darryl Perry recognized Sueoka for his exceptional assistance of the United States Coast Guard during that time.After Dayne’s car was surrounded by the police and SWAT team there was a lot of yelling. Sueoka said; “You are under arrest!”Dayne said; “What for? What did I do? Wait a minute.”When asked to get out of his truck Dayne did not understand why. He got on his cell phone and called friends for advise and help.Richard Hoeppner got a call as he was passing Kalaheo. He turned the car around and headed for Salt Pond Store.Sueoka continued; “We have a warrant.”Dayne answered; I’m not getting out of the car until I know what’s going on.”Sueoka showed Dayne the warrant. As it turned out the warrant the police were carrying was for failure to show up at a plea hearing on the charge of impersonating an officer. During the August Superferry demonstrations Dayne carried a badge identifying himself as an officer of the Kingdom of Atooi. He never claimed to be a KPD policeman.He was surprised by the police action because of a meeting he had to discuss the issue of Kingdom of Atooi marshals and their responsibilities. The meeting was in Lihue with Chief Perry on November 8th 2007, attended by KPD officer Roy Asher and others. It was understood by Dayne that a line of communication was opened with the KPD and that they would contact him if questions regarding the issue of the Atooi marshals needed attention.Moreover, the warrant regarding the plea hearing was not applicable because Dayne had demonstrated to the court that he was at the hospital emergency room at the time of the hearing. Dayne provided the court with paperwork for a medical excuse concerning his failure to appear. It seems the court had excused him without correcting the warrant paperwork.This came out in the exchange between Sueoka and Dayne. Sueoka said that if Dayne had paperwork with him to prove his excuse there would be no arrest.Dayne did not have the documents in the car. Referring to all the men and material used in the arrest proceeding Dayne countered;“Why didn’t you just call me on my phone to come in and take care of this matter?"As spoke Dayne pointed out that his cellphone number was prominently written on the warrant. ”Sueoka had had enough; “We have a warrant for you! We have to execute our order!”By this time Rich Hoeppner had made the last leg of his way to Salt Pond Store on foot. The police had closed the main highway near the store. Some of Dayne’s people from the Kingdom of Atooi had also arrived to witness the scene. More police arrived. Toni thought there might be as many as thirty policemen by that time.Police were breaking up any groups of passerby greater than three in number. No public assembly was allowed for local people. Richard, a haole, was able to get to the front of Salt Pond Store when one policeman asked him if he wanted to get a newspaper or something. Richard used that as an invitation."Yeah, I need a newspaper".Richard asked the policeman if that wasn’t Dayne’s truck in the middle of all the trouble. Then Richard was confronted by another KPD officer, D. Martin, who called out that;“We know who you are. I saw you at the Superferry!”Martin told him to get his paper and get out of there.The police proceeded to yank open the doors on Dayne’s truck. Police officers tried, unsuccessfully, to pull Dayne from his truck. SWAT team members pushed cans of gas in Dayne’s face. They opened up the back to expose Alana. Dayne was concerned his wife and daughter would be caught in the middle of a violent confrontation. He sensed that the actions of the police seemed to be an attempt to provoke him into making a mistake. They had overwhelming force at the scene.Dayne decided to comply with the order to leave his vehicle. He told Sueoka and Barriga that he would get out of the truck if they did not harass his family, adding;“I’ll go with you guys, but I’m not under your jurisdiction.” Dayne was never read his rights when they took him down.Dayne was brought to the Lihue station, booked and given a copy of the arrest record. The bail is set at $2,175. Immediately friends and family tried to call the 24/7 bail bondsmen on the island to free Dayne. Toni and Richard found that none would respond that night.While in Lihue an unidentified police officer asked Dayne about the Iolani Palace occupation by sovereignty advocates on Oahu. He was casually asked how many of his people were there. Dayne won’t be free that night.Later the police took the arrest record from him. Dayne was taken to the Kauai Correctional County Center (KCCC) and spent the night in jail without bond. Richard was up all night trying to free Dayne.Toni drove home quite upset. She was not followed but got a call shortly from a friend who had spotted two police cruisers parked in the dark down her street watching her house.The next morning a guard at KCCC also asks Dayne about the Iolani palace incident. apparently sovereignty activists anywhere in the state were being connected to the palace occupation. Later Dayne was transferred to court; not in his own clothes but in an orange jumpsuit in shackles on his hands and feet. Toni and Richard Hoeppner was at the court the next morning and were very upset. Before the the judge, Kathleen Watanabe, Dayne stated;“There was no notification of a court date after I missed my plea hearing”.The judge said that no notification was necessary. A plea of not guilty was entered and a jury trail on the impersonation of an officer was set for June 30th. Toni had pulled together the bail money. After some more legal hassles Dayne was finally free to go home around three in the afternoon.Sometime after, early Friday morning, that Richard had a heart attack. He was flown to Oahu and is still in the Staub Hospital. Dayne sister Keikeilani went over to visit him. Richard is scheduled for a triple-bypass operation on Thursday. He is in Room #302. You can call him at 1 (808) 522-4000.One lesson to be learned from this behavior by the Kauai Police Department is how seriously the connections between the anti-Superferry, anti-GMO and the sovereignty movement are taken by Hawaiian authorities. Dayne is involved with all three and he is Hawaiian. This makes him a danger to the status quo.In addition, Hawaii State Attorney General Mark Bennett is deeply involved with not only the conspiracy of the State with the Superferry Corporation to avoid the law, he is also facing a disenfranchisement of the State of Hawaii to manage Hawaiian government land. The recent Hawaii Supreme Court decision to deny the State "ownership" of ceded land is a fundamental problem for the whole apparatus of control.The Kingdom of Atooi has made a direct challenge to title of ceded lands on Kauai that is right under the feet of the westside GMO companies and the PMRF easement agreement that was negotiated with the State. Challenges to the status quo are certainly simmering.If you carefully follow the events of the night it becomes clear that the KPD was stalking Dayne Aipoalani with a great deal of manpower, equipment and expense.That kind of police action might be appropriate for arresting an armed murderer or to bust a meth factory, but not to execute a warrant on a failure to make it to court on a charge of carrying a “phony” badge. This huge KPD effort was over a failed court appearance where there was a medical excuse on record.It is further evident to me that the police were trying to taunt Dayne, to make him angry, to make him make a mistake - the result would have easily provokes a violent response by the police. This kind of baiting is unforgivable behavior for a force of professional “peace keepers”.God forbid you are on their list for your activities and have an open can of beer at the beach or are having a fight with your spouse. Don’t tase me bro!
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