'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?
No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?
Born and raised in California, moved to Kailua, hanai by kupuna Elizabeth Pa Chai, of the Rowan family, who gave me the name Makana. The next day I met her son, artist Mark Chai, and now we are married!
ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?
Ko'olauloa, O'ahu
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No, I don't have any resources for aka cords, but Mellon Thomas may. I will contact him. What I find fascinating about the subject is that aka cords seemingly are identical to string theory of physics.
I would enjoy knowing more about your book. (And so would Mellon). My email address is:
Mahalo for adding me as a friend. I would enjoy chating with you.
Malama pono,
Aloha Ke Akua,
Mahalo for your response comments. Thanks for sharing the title of that book. I am going to check it out.
Anyway, the UH library does not currently have a copy of Matthew James' dissertation. But the entire text of it is available online as a pdf file:
"Ho'oponopono: Assessing the effects of a traditional Hawaiian forgiveness technique on unforgiveness"
It's dated November 2008 and was done through Walden University in health psychology. It's the shortest doctoral dissertation that I have ever seen, at just less than 100 pages! It has a very short bibliography that cites very few resources from Hawaii or Hawaiians. It looks like a very academic work, using comparative analytical framework for investigating ho'oponopono's role in forgiveness vis-à-vis many psychological models and extrapolates some potential for creating positive social change through "improved health" and "improved interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships."
A bio of Matthew James describes him as the president of American Pacific University, "which offers degrees in esoteric studies, as well as in clinical therapeutic disciplines" as well as "president of Empowerment Partnership, a firm that delivers transformational seminars and intensive trainings throughout the US, Canada, Asia, and Europe.
Having worked with Kaleo Patterson and Ha'aheo Guanson for over a year now, I am more and more interested in researching similar practices from throughout the Pacific islands. I have similar experiences in my own family. As I shared in that summer 2008 educational seminar at Chaminade University, my younger brother got drunk with some of his peers and got into a fight where he stabbed and killed a high school classmate of mine, who was the only child of a woman with whom my family made amends with. They went through something similar to ho'oponopono, and adopted the woman into our family as one of our sister. My brother served a prison term for just 2 years or less, made much amends during his prison term, and has integrated into the community. He continues to behave as our hanai sister's own son, bringing her fish whenever he goes fishing, etc, etc. I was away from home when all these happened so it was fascinating to return home and watch my family and our hanai sister from a certain remove!
This experience has led me to inquire into my own culture's beliefs and cultural protocols on forgiveness and generated intense interests in putting all these together in some form of compilation. I have little time to do it now, so I am hoping that I can do it in the future.
mahalo, merci beaucoup.
richard salvador
I saw you at the Hawaii International Forgiveness Day event at UH Center for Hawaiian Studies.
Sorry I didn't get the title of the book on South Pacific island practices similar to Ho'oponopono, and I can't remember it. I should have written it down. Can I ask you again what the title is?
Richard Salvador
It's & also
I talked to Kalani last night on facebook. It seems things are hectic with his apartment and all, but he's doing great. I told him I was putting in applications and resume's to places in hawaii. I soooooooooooooo want to move back home so I have been applying at places. I sent my resume to the Ritz on Maui and am waiting to hear back from them. Sending one to Grand Wailea. Already sent one to the Kea lani but they aren't hiring as of right now. I saw a part time at Ko'olina, but I need more than just part time. who knows, i just need something to get me back on the aina. I will let you know how that works.
Kalani said I should ask Brenda because her daughter in law Eri has a place in Kailua. I will send stuff there too. Wish me luck.
I was just reading some of the topics in the forum and was just shaking my head on 1 in particular. It is about "What are the qualifications of a Kupuna". One individual intrigues me and she goes by "da princess".
She is very Hawaiian, but her comments and remarks make me sad especially the fact that she is very outspoken and is very boisterous about her issues. I just thought I had to say a little something. Do you want to get involved? hahahaha just kidding. Maybe you have some words of wisdom to calm the situation. I just hate to see the bickering. I don't personally agree with the princess' views, but hopefully I did not say anything to offend her. Oh well, people will be people. If not, that's fine too.
I hope all is well with you. Kalani just sent me his videos that he made, and i just love to watch them. I am able to share that with my students now and give them a better sense of what Hawaiian lifestyle is, and the importance of lomilomi.
Ok, how's the studying for the exam going? Don't stress, maybe you need to go see Brenda and get a lomi to calm the nerves and quiet the mind. That would be so nice. Good luck and take care.