

March 1


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  • Good Day,

    How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately.I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on this email( ubabawauh@gmail.com ) for the full details,
    Have a nice day

    Thanks God bless.

    Mrs Abiola.

  • Aloha e kauka:

    Mahalo a nui loa for your wonderful participation at COA. I will look forward to your return next year. Health issues are moving forward and I am hoping to be "normal" again soon! Much aloha to you for all that you do. My 'ohana really took a liking to you...how could they not!!!

    e ola ia oe e Kauka...e ola.
  • Aloha Tita,
    Lucky I nevah get my Airline ticket yet. I'll let you know when Momi lets me know. Are you going?
  • Aloha Tita,
    I have been thinking of you and now I have found you. How is life? I have been so busy with my paying job doing Literacy at Alu Like that I haven't been doing too much Kapa. My Ohana is fine. Ke Akua Malama ia oe a me kou Ohana.
  • Hi Sabra Kauka,My name is Clarette Quandus.i saw you online of Voices Of Truth..it is very interesting ta see you interest in the flora and fauna of you island.so hope we can be good friends

    Clarette Quandus
    Of the island of Aruba
    in the cariibean sea
  • Aloha,
    I knew I could find u here....jus wanted to say Aloha to u and for all the wonderful places u took out keiki from Halau Lokahi on Saturday. Mahalo nui loa.
  • Aloha kaua e Sabra!
    Malama Pono!
  • Aloha,

    Joyce is my mother who married my father Peter Namakaeha. Jennie Keuma and I are first cousin by her mother, Miriam who is sister to my father. I miss Kaua'i. Yes, we can get together and talk story. I've been working on the Kanei genealogy and fill in the tutu. Tane and Ku Ching has been very helpful. I'm working on the parents for Kawailani-i-pakui Kanei. When I moved to Kaua'i in 1989 - 1995, I was able to visit relatives and get to know my father's side. I have a strong connection to Kaua'i. Cousing Jennie and are very close.

    Mahalo Ke Akua
  • Aloha makahiki hou iaoe e Kauka. Pehea oe? manaolana nei ua maikai no oe. Malama pono Iesu pu...
  • Aloha.

    My cousin Jennie Keuma and I was talking about you. She knows you well. We are working on the Kanei genealogy and has made progress. Hope to have another Kanei reunion on Kauai this year.
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