Manana,O'ahu : Kingdom of Hawai'i
'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?
Pono Kealoha
ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?
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***** :D (Y) > < :D ***** (Y) "this makes my
#"1000" Video up on YOUTUBE" :D (Y) I have reached my goal and now for 2000 more!!!! :P Please SHARE!!! :( (Y) (Y) :D
Mahalo for your support <3 <3 <3
> <
> KANAKA Independent Guerilla Media <
donations to support my works, will be very happily accepted at:
Pono Kealoha
1107 Acacia Rd.#113 Pearl City, HI. 96782
or Central Pacific Bank Routing # 121301578 and DDA # 6002104320
Mahalo nui loa,
to all that have and continue to help me do what I love to do Enjoy
donations to support my works, will be very happily accepted at:
Pono Kealoha
1107 Acacia Rd.#113 Pearl City, HI. 96782
or Central Pacific Bank Routing # 121301578 and DDA # 6002104320
Mahalo nui loa, to all that have and continue to help me do what I love to do Enjoy.
KANAKA Independent Guerilla Media
donations to support my works, will be very happily accepted at:
Pono Kealoha
1107 Acacia Rd.#113 Pearl City, HI. 96782
or Central Pacific Bank Routing # 121301578 and DDA # 6002104320
Mahalo nui loa, to all that have and continue to help me do what I love to do Enjoy.
I am such a huge supporter! Keep teaching me. I love listening and learning from you.
Me ke aloha,
Happy New Year

The War Crime Complaint alleges:
“State of Hawai‘i Judges OKAMOTO, FOLEY, LEONARD, and REIFURTH committed a war crime by willfully depriving my client, a protected person, of a fair and regular trial prescribed by the fourth Geneva Convention. The Plaintiff, State of Hawai‘i Department of Hawaiian Home Lands Chair JOBIE MASAGATANI and State of Hawai‘i Governor NEAL ABERCROMBIE, represented by the State of Hawai‘i Attorney General DAVID M. LOUIE and Deputy Attorney Generals MATTHEW S. DVONCH, DIANE K. TAIRA and S. KALANI BUSH were complicit in these proceedings and therefore committed a war crime as accessories.”
The War Crime Complaint concludes:
“Accordingly, pursuant to Article 17(3) of the Rome Statute, I respectfully request the office of the Prosecutor, with all due speed, investigate the situation in order to determine if the alleged perpetrators should be charged with the war crime specified above.”
The ICC jurisdiction over the Hawaiian Islands will begin March 4, 2013.
Hi Pono, thanks for the add =)
Aloha Pono, May Akua bless you richly this Holiday Season for you are surely a blessing to many. Enjoy your time off, but we will expect you back at the grind as soon as possible. What are we to do while you are gone? Hummm.....WAKE UP maybe? Love & Hugs