Last week I attended funeral/memorial services for a friend who died unexpectedly. His wife died a few years earlier of cancer. They have three young adult children. Friday and Saturday services were held at a church. I attended Saturday's services. The church was overflowing with 'ohana and friends. After the kahu spoke, attendees were invited to share their thoughts. Two of his coworkers spoke about him and had everyone nodding in agreement and laughing about his always being right even when he was wrong. I shed many tears of sorrow and joy during this part of the service. His oldest daughter thanked everyone for coming and sharing their aloha with them. The children sang a few songs of which one really broke my heart wide open. It was a song that the oldest daughter wrote for her father after her mothers' death. She mentioned that this would be the last time she would sing it. While she sang with aloha, her younger sister danced the hula with aloha. I tried to hold back my tears but was overwhelmed by their courage.The oldest daughter mentioned the big kuleana that they all have. They were brought up by Hawaiian parents who were cultural practitioners. Their father was so proud of them. Whenever they met someone, the person already knew who they were because their father told everyone all about his children and their activities. She mentioned that this is her biggest fear, not being able to carry out her parents legacy of aloha. Their parents are loved by many in the community. If the children need anything, all they have to do is ask. Their parents gave so much. The community will give back in the spirit of kahiau-to give without expecting anything in return.Last night I attended a 1 year anniversary for a friend who died a year ago. She died of cancer at the young age of 44. At the sign in table was her urn, a ceramic ipu with a maile lei draped around it and also placed on a easel was a large photo collage of her. She was definitely there in spirit to greet us as we entered. The hall was decorated beautifully with pink and white balloons, pink ribbons and little white Christmas trees. Stepping into the hall was a joyous feeling.The community center was filled with 'ohana and friends who, ate, drank and laughed together in honor of a wonderful woman. Her sisters sang a few of her favorite songs and shared some of their favorite stories about her. Her husband was very appreciative of the outpouring of love shown to him and his 'ohana. He has had a rough year without her but I think this evening helped him to celebrate life. He has two beautiful children that bring him much joy.Life is to be celebrated. While writing this blog, a friend that I talk to 2 or 3 times a year called to catch up on things. I had him on the speakerphone while I continued to write. He asked me how I'm doing and I told him that I was working on some school assignments hinting that I wanted to keep our conversation short. I even thought about telling him that I would call him back when I realized I needed to make time to listen to him with sincerity. I stopped and listened to him share about his recent travels and some of his challenges while traveling. My friend was paralyzed 40 years ago from a motor vehicle accident. He had just returned from a class reunion where he was told by a few classmates that he was living a life that they don't think they could manage. He went on to tell me that he shared with them that it's all about choices and making the best of any situation. I was getting impatient because I wanted to finish my assignments. I was having two conversations at the same time, one with him and one with myself. I had to let go of control and enjoy the conversation with this very caring and kind man.As soon as our conversation ended I resumed writing this blog when somehow my text was highlighted and I pressed enter only to have my words disappear. Somehow, the very thing I thought important disappeared. I tried several things to retrieve it but it was gone. Now what? What are my choices. Exactly what he was talking about. Get over it and move forward. Persevere. Make the best of the situation. Have faith. So that's what I amdoing now. I'm no longer talking about this blog but thinking about some other situations that need clearing. I hope tonight while I sleep answers will come so that I can live aloha and celebrate life.
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I had the opportunity to rest and complete my scholarly research. Wow, what a relief to have some time to myself. In the meantime, I had the opportunity to do genealogy research for another 'ohana. It feels good to be able to help others too. I visited the Archives and the Bureau of Conveyances. It has been some time since I last entered those buildings. Today, I went to the Hawaii State Library and found what I was looking for.When I was searching for the inoa, I found my great great grand parents in the 1890 census in Hamakua. I found more of my 'ohana as I searched for other names. Coincidence? No, it reminds of my kuleana of being the care taker of the 'ohana!I am grateful for all that I have and I that I share. Mahalo to Ke Akua and na kupuna. For they are the inspiration of my life that give forth energy to be used for all great things in life!namaka'ehaP.S. Don't forget to pamper yourself. I relax by doing genealogy.
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Around the office there is one thing that is required of us and everything else seems to follow naturally and that is to follow "The Law of Aloha."Of course we're not perfect and sometimes when being firm it is seen as not following "The Law of Aloha."We receive 100+ telephone calls per day with drop ins at least 10 per day while we are working on 50 appointments per month with follow ups to more than 600 past appointments per month. We are booked until April 2010 with appointments rapidly increasing so sometimes people get a little pushy when they want a closer appointment or when their email or telephone call doesn't get returned asap. So sometimes we have to be firm but we always strive to do it with Aloha.This also applies when doing transactions with the currently occupied de facto Bureau of Conveyances a private for profit and plunder corporation formed out of the de facto private for plunder corporation State Of Hawaii.We have 80+ documents per month going through the occupied BOC and because the documents do not mean any gain or profit for the plundering private corporation State Of Hawaii we are given a hard time. Why? Because as Kanaka Maoli (Not Native Hawaiians or native Hawaiians all terms graciously given to us by the private for plunder corporation the de facto United States of America which we so lovingly embrace every day in our terminology thereby giving those very terms they use against us our energy - hmmmm red pill? blue pill?) we have the only lawful rights to claim any lands in the archipelago of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina (If you look on your Palapala Sila Nui or Palapala Hooko it will say "Ko Hawaii Pae Aina" not Kingdom of Hawaii). Because this is so they have to take our paperwork no matter how many times they return it hoping to wear us down and in frustration...quit.Do they know who they are dealing with? I really don't think so. We may all see things differently in many cases but the bottom line is this. Kanaka Maoli have a deep almost ancient Love for one another that they just can't rid us of. That is our power, not money or riches (although we are the richest country in the world with the largest land mass), not dominion over serfs, but that deep ancient Love.That paperwork I'm talking about specifically is the koe nae na kuleana o na Kanaka documents. There are currently 900 individuals and families who have submitted paperwork. As we submit and have our paperwork recorded red flags go up all over the place and whoever is under the illusion that they own our land is in for a shock.If you want to know more about koe nae you can go to this website. There are also classes held monthly on Maui and also CD's of the class available for purchase. This is the website: http://kohawaiipaeaina.netOk, back to "The Law of Aloha." As I've posted before Mahealani works closely with several de jure American Nationals of the General Republic of the United States of America consisting of the original 13 colonies. One of them accompanied Mahealani on a trip to the occupied BOC and as he watched Mahealani, Pili, and the BOC employees interact and exchange with each other he started to tear.Now usually, when Mahealani goes to the occupied BOC it's pretty stressful. Out of 80 documents maybe 2 or 3 have to be corrected which ends up being not that bad. What made our friend cry was this. That the BOC employees actually worked with Mahealani and Pili to get the docs through even if they were doing it begrudgingly and only then because they are just doing their job. This is what he told us, in Arizona and Ohio and I'm not so sure about Texas the employees of the BOC don't even talk to you. They just look at the paper and hand it right back to you. They don't even tell you what needs to be corrected. Many of them don't even look at the papers they just throw it right back at you. Hence the tears, kinda tears of joy to see that kind of "Aloha" exists to this day and sadness because it isn't so where he comes from.I have a favorite person that practices "The Law of Aloha" here on Maoliworld and he's also my children's favorite and I think he's everyone's favorite!
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I'm sitting here drinking my morning coffee and all of a sudden my throat got clogged and tears welled up in my eyes. I was thinking about my children and how far we've come.I'm a single mother and to say that I've been without struggles would be a complete lie. I've seen my fair of struggles. What compounded those struggles was that I didn't think I'd have anything to leave my children whom I love dearly with all my heart and all my soul. I would die for them if I had to. Still I continued with my daily existence to give them what I could, not materially for we are poor, but I vowed to at least give them spiritually, emotionally, build their self esteem, pray, be thankful for what we do have, a roof over our head (a pretty decent house with a big yard), food, car, money enough for gas and pay the electric bill. I try to fill them with creativity as an outlet and they are creative. And now I've found Maoliworld and my children are on here and although they have their crazy fun with people their age they also seek out the wisdom of Kupuna here on Maoliworld which is something I encourage them to do. This place is a wealth of wisdom and I'm just amazed!Still there was a heaviness in my heart for I knew that someday, at the rate land was being gobbled up for rich developers and money hungry mongrels, to even have a hope for land and a house they could call their own, they would have to move to Las Vegas or Iowa or somewhere thereabouts just to have a house. So many Kanaka are moving off island for that reason and it was very, very discouraging. We Love the island life, we don't want to move.I moved my family here from Guam (a place that I Love very much!) because when free land was being given (well you had to pay $50.00) I couldn't qualify because I didn't have Chamorro blood. I didn't get upset or anything but I was a little down because I wanted the land for my daughter. Because I grew up on Guam I didn't really know the extent of the land grabbing being done by the developers and profiteers. I believed that because I was Hawaiian (I know now that I'm Kanaka Maoli) I could get land here in Hawaii (Ko Hawaii Pae Aina). I was sadly mistaken, well not really, I could get land, for 1/2 million dollars. There was always DHHL which in my heart I didn't believe in because it was only for 50%er's and there was extensive research that needed to be done. I began the process of researching so I could apply all the while knowing that the house would be left to 3 of my children but I remained thankful that I had at least that. Now I know it was and is crumbs the de facto throws our way to appease "the natives" (natives = small "n" stands for 50%er's) just like they'll take a Kanaka family to court, the Kanaka family has all their deeds, lawful deeds and Palapala Sila Nui, Palapala Hooko but the foreigner will "win" in court* but to appease the family will take, if the family had 11acres, 7 of their acres and "give" 3 acres to the Kanaka family. B.S. and bola bola! I'm talking about land in Lanai that my ggg grandfather held a Royal Patent Grant (private kuleana) on. I'm in the process of completing my documents and will move forward to give notice to the current occupiers of my family's ownership of the land. There's is also 99 acres from my maternal ggg grandfather which is also on Lanai.Now comes the time when my silent prayers are met. Here is where I meet the person who, after exhaustive teachings, finally gets me to realize what "koe nae na kuleana o na Kanaka" is. Once I realize what it is I grab it and run with it. Now my children have 2 acres in Honualua (I've included a picture of a map) and 5 acres in Molokai. Will they ever go to Molokai? I doubt it. But hey, we don't do it just to pass land down to our children and future generations, we do it to assist in keeping the development out!The most recent victory is the Hokulia development in Hawaii. The developers have done gone bankrupt. They cannot get insurance when the title to the land is filled with red flags (palapala koe nae submitted to the currently occupied Bureau of Conveyances). If they cannot get insurance they cannot get the financial backing they need to develop from potential investor's. This is also what happened on Molokai and Hale Mua in Wailuku (even the attorney's went bankrupt).So, now comes the part that upsets me. The rumor(s) that people (Kanaka) who are taking part in koe nae are taking all the land. What? There are 440,000 Kanaka Maoli counted in the world, there is millions of acres of land in Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, how can we be taking all the land? That's not logical.This is the second time I've heard of something that threatens to take the land away from children, and their children, and their children, land that cannot be sold but can be handed down for generations to come. This is the second time I've heard of someone trying to down grade koe nae and by doing that they perpetuae the development of our lands, the use of our water, and all kinds of activity that is not beneficial to Kanaka and their children. Why would you do that? Why would you try to do something that would stop the progress of something so positive, the most positive action I've ever seen here in Ko Hawaii Pae Aina? Why would someone say it is illegal? It is part of the He Kumu Kanawai, the Constitution set forth by King Kamehameha III that if not for him we probably really would have nothing, no lawful rights, aliens in our own land. Why would you come to one of our classes and stand outside passing out fliers to your meetings and telling people who are attending the class that what is being taught inside is illegal? Why?That's all I want to know is why? And part of my tears this morning is because I hurt when I know that people, whether consciously or unconsciously are hurting my children. You are hurting them by trying to take their land away and I equate that action with the action of rich developers and profiteers. What is your profit? And how will my children pay for it?
Ola Na Iwi: The Bones LiveBy Hale MawaeIn caring for my ancestors, I know that it is within the bones of our people, na o‘iwi o Ko Hawai‘i Pae ‘Aina, that our ancestors live. Ku‘u ewe, ku‘u piko, ku‘u iwi, ku‘u koko. My umbilical cord, my navel, my bones, my blood. All the elements of our body that constitute us as kanaka maoli. All cherished pieces of ourselves that connect us to that iwi. Ola na iwi. The bones live.Here within the iwi is the life of our people. Our deep spiritual resonance and connection to that source with our iwi. That which is most sacred. Our kupuna, who we serve and protect in the highest and at all cost.That is our kuleana. The bones must live. They must be cherished and held dearly as our brothers and sisters; because as the ‘olelo no‘eau states clearly, they have life, they gave life. the bones live. Generations upon generations, surviving on ‘aina which thrived and was forever giving.Our kupuna never imagined that our ‘aina would become such a distant place from their descendants. Their lives, which paved the way for us to stumble upon this bare Earth to seal the survival of a hundred generations to follow in our place. E ola mau e na poki‘i! The ohi‘a lehua tree falls and another bud rises in its place. A resurrection of life. Na o‘iwi o Hawai‘i!That is our kuleana.To live. To breathe. Ha. To give life.Our kupuna never wished that our struggle would be so great in this corrupted time and place we struggle amongst today. Yet, we must carry on in defending these offensive and culturally insensitive tirades that come from all angles of the illegitimate, illegal, and fabricated state of Hawai‘i.A state being manipulated by the occupying U.S. Nation and military; their accompanying, co-conspirator corporations; incorporated third and fourth parties; and those few individuals who still refuse to believe the god, honest truth.That Ko Hawai‘i Pae ‘Aina is still an independent and lawful nation, with an enacted and lawful constitution set forth by Kauikeaouli: Kamehameha III. The truth continuing to be shadowed in blatant secrecy as the illegally acting state government has refused to recognize the error of their ways.“Others say its because Lingle awarded high-level government jobs to "pro-growth”people who lacked proper experience. This in reference to the fact that Peter Young, who resigned as the head of the DLNR concerning statements he made to state officials before his term was renewed, came from the real estate industry. In addition, Melanie Chinen apparently had no experience in historic preservation before Lingle tapped her to headSHPD.” ( says she’s tired of having to defend herself. There are times when she has considered resigning from the job, she says. “Many nights, I have left this office, crying, thinking I cannot do this anymore. I am tired, I am burnt out,” she says. “My children don’t want me to be here. It hurts my whole family.”Trying to evoke sympathy and apologetic legal explanations just doesn’t cut it. I don’t think it really gets to the root of the problem. A‘ole pono! It doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface. Sympathy doesn’t make up for buying and selling property that no one, but the remaining survivors of kanaka maoli have a clear title to. Creating fraudulent documents of title and land guarantee so we can go on digging up more iwi, throwing heiau rocks into a rock crusher, and desecrating more beloved ‘aina in the dishonorable act of “fast tracking” development projects.How does sympathy make up for thousands of iwi kupuna being removed from those same illegal land purchases for military, commercial, and private real estate expansion?‘A‘ole Pono! It doesn’t!“That is absolutely untrue,” Melanie Chinen says in commenting on a Hawaiian activist who proclaimed that thousands upon thousands of iwi remained to be buried in the illegitimate State.“It’s more like a few hundred.” She says in a homely statement to Honolulu magazine, which preceded her resignation in late November 2007.A few hundred? Can we see some numbers on that please? A few hundred can be quite a lot of bones when you base it on a loose base count on the broad definition of “a few?”What is your definition of a few hundred? Are we talking like 200 hundred plus equals a few hundred here? Or are we talking like 500 plus equals a few hundred?Chinen who has since resigned from her position as SHPD administrator has been caught up with legal scandals implicating her work ethic as having “fast tracked” projects on preservation of precious Hawaiian cultural archaeological sites.These serious allegations she faces carries over across all illegitimate state and county SHPD offices, including the persons as named in civil lawsuit Ashley Chinen, Robert A Masuda, Bob Awana(who shortly thereafter resigned from his position under Lingle’s administration), Peter Young(also resigned), Laura Theilen(still in office), Nancy McMahon(still in office), Melissa Kirkendall(still in office), and another twenty-something John Does.Concerned sites, which included implications on their work with SHPD for development projects for Wal-Mart(illegal), the army’s Pohakuloa bombing site(illegal), Kawaihae Harbor concerning expansion for the Superferry harbor improvements(we could spend a field day with this one; also illegal) and the Stryker brigade(illegal), and even the Turtle Bay development on the North shore of O‘ahu(yup, folks you guessed it ILLEGAL).All major development issues that have caused major controversy through out the “state” as the iwi kupuna continue to be unearthed with no solidified plans for reinterrment.Every single iwi kupuna that has been dug up falling under serious illegal practices not only within lawful jurisdiction of Ko Hawai‘i Pae ‘Aina as clear title cases stand, but breaking state laws and violations within its own illegitimate state processes for burial treatment if inadvertent discoveries. That’s what most lawyer’s like to call a double whammy.Nevertheless, “a time-consuming process.”Our kupuna who have been buried in culturally distinct resting places, which have major cultural and spiritual ties that go far deeper than the realms of Western spirituality, philosophy, and archaeology can even begin to comprehend and explain with a 12 page archaeology report. Are we so culturally insensitive that you have to ask an archaeologist for mana‘o concerning a culture that has a beating heart, standing strong, and breathing right in front of your face?Pure ignorance.To ignore. That, which is ignored. Not made aware. Neglected. A misogynistic mirage created by an illusionistic portion of Western society that has depraved us of our ability to walk upon our ‘aina freely.Those same unfortunate iwi being forced into dry wooden boxes. Tagged, broken, and fragmented. Covered in dust and dirt. Torn from their cool cavern chamber or pebbled sand dune.Being stored in an air-conditioned Matson container, while illegally acting officials on a trumped up “burial council” sit and twiddle-dee their thumbs. While archaeologists and state officials make decisions based upon political motives for development projects and money. Cases as large as containers being stacked to the sealing with little wooden boxes made out of ticky-tacky for our iwi kupuna.Serious and dire decisions that are then made under the table by scheming land developers. Protected by their lawyers who act on a basis of law that has no legal standing in a fabricated state, but more importantly hold no legal standing on fabricated land documents that can be easily challenged with genealogical land title awards.The few sell out Kanaka Maoli cultural icons, who sit on a table and pawn political motives coming on high from SHPD. A council taking direction under duress from an archaeologist who doesn’t even have credentials to be making decisions on such matters concerning very important cultural sites. And let’s not forget about the land developers who get more excited about a million-dollar-turn-around shoreline property building permit dropping into their pants from SHPD and DLNR, than the excitement their desperate housewife can get out of them in the bedroom.The same kind of archaeologist, where, in the case of Naue, have dished out potentially “fast tracked” orders of an archaeological dig utilizing a backhoe that not only “disturbs” the remains, but destroys 8 whole sets in the process.BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The backhoe chugs out a huff of smoke as it lurks across the soft sand leaving behind foot deep trenches as it tears its head into the sand to make the first “inadvertent” mistake of its life. The backhoe strikes the skull of a child leaving it broken and shattered in the sand.“Keep digging.” They follow their “fast tracked” orders.Stop!But, the general public usually doesn’t have privy to this kind of information. The general public doesn’t even get the common courtesy to know what’s being discussed on the table at levels of DLNR, SHPD, or the measly burial council.The public doesn’t even get a public posting at their county offices what time the meeting starts and where the meeting is actually located. The exclusivity of their meetings makes you think you might have to R.S.V.P. to get in through the door. Thank goodness for the reliable coconut wireless for meeting times and places, or half the decisions they let come through the door would go flying right back out the window.The public has limited online access, as it is the privy of the council to post minutes as they find it necessary. No camera’s or public television access are required for recording their minutes. Absolutely no physical access to previous minutes, burial treatment plans, or archaeological findings that are said to be stored in boxes on someone’s floor somewhere amid the rest of their piles of rubbish. As the office of DLNR at the state building has stated that they don’t have room to house such documents. If they don’t have room for documents, no wonder bones end up in cold metal storage containers, and artifacts end up on private collector’s shelves.You might be asking yourself the question, how is any of this due process in any way legal?Well, the reality of it is. It’s not legal. That’s the truth. Completely and totally illegal.So, after spending the last couple of months patiently digging away at internet blogs, online articles, legal, and state documents. After losing many nights of sleep staring at a computer screen, compiling information that always seemed to point me in the right direction to help save our iwi kupuna, but never really gave me a straight answer to how all of this was being allowed to happen. After sitting through ridiculous meeting after meeting to try and make sense of their retarded illegal process.I finally came to the conclusion as I was beginning to plant hala trees under the shade of the false kamani trees at our camp at Naue, that the truth is like the wind when you are sailing on a canoe. Sometimes its hard to hear, but when you really listen and keep your ears open, the faintest sound can be heard. Sometimes it’s just a whisper. But that’s when you find it. And Once you find it, then you catch it.Then you follow its direction until your sail is caught and you’re being carried off over the horizon until you reach that new land. With the great hope and kuleana of cultivating that new land and sailing back for your other loved ones.That is the truth.I’ve come to the solid realization that we as the people of Ko Hawai ‘I Pae ‘Aina must fulfill our inherent duty to care for the iwi of Naue, and our ‘aina at all cost. Also truth.I’ve sat on the point at Naue for many nights and often wondered what my ancestor’s saw when they stared from the sea, to the mountains, to the night sky above. What did they see past the point of Makana as it was enraptured in the blazing setting sun. What images would they invoke from within them as their thoughts gazed into the future? What ho‘ailona would they read as the wind and clouds shifted before them? The ocean currents changing with the season as warmer waters flow from the south. Our ever dignified kohola migrating into the cold Northern distance.What did they see?Naue’s true character stands prominent with many hula, mele, oli, and mo‘olelo that have survived in the face of a thousand indigenous extinctions since the time the Western foreigner’s arrived, and decided not to leave. Oral traditions that have kept the true character of our sacred places alive. Places that have been historically captured with kanaka maoli’s superb poetic language, creative thought, and dignified expression.Na Hala o Naue. The many hala trees of Naue. Naue, which was told to me by a kupuna that it is like the swaying of the ocean, when you look far out to see and watch it go back and forth like the hips of a graceful hula dancer. “How the Hala trees would once bend and sway to the rhythm of the wind and rise of the tides.” She says to me with the biggest smile upon her face. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine I can hear the sound of the wind in their broad green leaves.As her smile fades, I open my eyes and look around at the million dollar homes being crowded on to the beach and the image is gone. I begin to comprehend, and not “wonder” what happened to Na Hala o Naue and the Hala trees so famed at this particular wahi pana. This special, sacred place.There is no place for them in a world full of multi-million dollar, pimped out vacation rental homes with 5 bedrooms and 4 baths. All built to perfection with their ocean front view, and well groomed landscaping. A place in a world full of greedy land squabblers and lawyers all trying to strike a deal and make some fast illegal cash.Or do they have a place?The hope that this same tragedy of illegal acts and misappropriated property that has cost so many families, iwi, and hala trees of Naue their final resting place, will hopefully be turned into the future home for some kanaka maoli descendant of an ancestor was wronged of that same place.Now you see the absolute truth that has been allowed to happen, yet you also see the hope for those people who have kuleana and their future ahead of them. The tempest rises.Where is it that we finally draw the line? My line’s in the sand, and I’m ready. Or at least my tent is set up so you’ll know where to find me down at Naue when you feel the time is right. The truth is here, and even if it’s only a whisper in the wind today, the sail is caught, and it turns toward a new horizon tomorrow. Ola na iwi! The bones live!
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