March 31
March 31
'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?
Yolanda Kaipoleimanu Kinney Crisostomo
No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?
Ko Hawaii Pae Aina
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Aloha Mai, huiii...e kaua, Yolanda,
Pehea Oe? I pray, all is well with you?
I finally...met up with Uncle Able Simeona & his Sister, on February 21, A.D. 2010. I aim to kahea them...upon my request, we were able to exchange telephone numbers and, spend a little time, to kuka kuka. May Our Kupuna(s) ame Na KeAKUA
bless us all! With fondest Aloha:Noe'lani.
It is Noe'Lani, I AM here, on Moewee(Maui) No Ka Oe. Please E-Mail me @koepa..Need to Kuka Kuka With you! Mahalo A Nui Loa: Noe'Lani.
sending love aloha to you and our ohana hope all is well with you.
Anna Palakiko
this is princess lehuanani, good to see your blog
and that you are also on this mo'okuauhau ohana network
keep in touch
until we meet again
mahalo Ke Akua
malama kou kino............................da princess
here's another one you'll love!!
Breaking dawn
Breaking dawn