

March 31


'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?

Yolanda Kaipoleimanu Kinney Crisostomo

No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?

Ko Hawaii Pae Aina

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  • February 26, A.D. 2010

    Aloha Mai, huiii...e kaua, Yolanda,
    Pehea Oe? I pray, all is well with you?

    I finally...met up with Uncle Able Simeona & his Sister, on February 21, A.D. 2010. I aim to kahea them...upon my request, we were able to exchange telephone numbers and, spend a little time, to kuka kuka. May Our Kupuna(s) ame Na KeAKUA
    bless us all! With fondest Aloha:Noe'lani.
  • Aloha Mai! Yolanda,

    It is Noe'Lani, I AM here, on Moewee(Maui) No Ka Oe. Please E-Mail me @koepa..Need to Kuka Kuka With you! Mahalo A Nui Loa: Noe'Lani.
  • Mahalo for getting back to me.
    sending love aloha to you and our ohana hope all is well with you.




  • Thanks for the add and comment....Hey do you know bout the laws for reclaiming our kuleana land....We recently found out that our ohana had land in Waikapu Maui but it was sold 4-5 years ago..Im not sure how the title looks but the royal patent has my ohana name on it ((Palakiko))....not sure what to do can you help?

    Anna Palakiko
  • aloha yolanda,

    this is princess lehuanani, good to see your blog
    and that you are also on this mo'okuauhau ohana network

    keep in touch
    until we meet again
    mahalo Ke Akua
    malama kou kino............................da princess
  • Hey aunty I have not seen you for along time.
  • mahalo nui! the last reunion we had was in 05 and out next one is coming up September 11-13, 2009 at Kakela (Kokololio) Beach Park in Hau'ula. Would you give me more info about those people you mentioned please. I would like to get a hold of them as well. Aloha..Ku
  • Hey anty I am asking mom if I can go to alka on the 22and I hope I can go.Bye iove you.
  • here's one that you'll love!

    here's another one you'll love!!

    Breaking dawn

    Breaking dawn
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