wedding kapa

she was putting on the watermark so i was pulling the kapa foward to move the work along
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  • actually, 4x6 is one size..the malos end up being 10'x 1', and this wedding pa'u was about 3x12. good trees make all the difference.
  • mahalo Aohoku.. you can use a dowel to do this part or in a pinch even the wauke stalk itself if you sand down the rough bumps. yeah making the big pieces is scary and i always trip out on the giant kapa moe.. so big AND flat AND perfectly even! so far my biggest is around 4'x6' but yeah, my goal is that elusive blanket size piece!
  • mahalo for this beautiful pic of the making. i could never figure out how to move the kapa when it got to this stage without over-stretching one side more than the other. this simple "rod" makes perfect sense!

    what's the biggest piece of kapa that you've made?
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