Ka Pa'u O Manono

Manono fought by her husband's side to uphold the Hawaiian religion. The death of Kamehameha I in 1819, placed young Kalaninui (Heaven's Great Glowing) Liholiho on the throne as Kamehameha II, with Ka`ahumanu as the Kuhina Nui. Ka`ahumanu, Kamehameha I's favorite wife, in her powerful capacity, started the systematic destruction of the Hawaiian religion. First, she broke the eating kapu for women, then ordered the dismantling of heiaus and burning of the ancient gods. Chief Kekuaokalani, the young kahu of Kukailimoku, the war god, led the warriors and priests in an civil war to uphold their religion against the regime of Liholiho, influenced by foreign interests. Kekuaokalani and his rebels fought valiantly with their spears, clubs and knives but were no match for the modern weaponry used by the king's army. The gallant young war chief stood his ground and fought to his death. Fighting beside him was Manono, his wife, until she also was brought down by a bullet in her left temple. Source: Music of Ancient Hawaii by Dorothy KahananuiI was moved by this story so i created this piece to honor the memory of this wahine koa. the kapa is adorned with the dorsal spine of the a'u...a popular weapon among the women warriors because it could be easily concealed.
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