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Kaohi: Linda Lingle and the 'White Women Movement' did considerable amount of damage in Hawaii and abroad. As a 'Niaupio' for decades we Hawaiian women have been opposing these international agendas

Linda Lingle has caused considerable amount of damage to Department of Hawaiian Homesteads.  This is a light shot though our economy.  But, people need to note this was one of many strikes to DHHL and its women residence.  One cannot remember--clos

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Kaohi: Molokai is so on it when it comes to our natural way of life, just as our ancestors once did in their time. CZM is more than just access, gathering, and to kahea in thanks,it's about the future

Important Planning Meetings

Three important meetings to be aware of being held on Molokai and although not directly attached by Big Wind and the Sea Cable, these issues relate to the meet

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