kamehameha parade on our maui nui

june 16th, is this illegal state of oahu day for kamehameha, with a parade in Lahaina front street to honor this man, let me confirm....and to educate.....to our next future generation of Royal Kingdom Heirs of our Maui Nui......that this man kamehameha was never from our maui nui.....he is from oahu and big island.....we on our maui nui should never honor this man of Greed, Hate and Vengence....

he never ever united us in Peace and Unity, he killed most of our maui Royal Alii Nui.....using captain crook and two his sharp shooters davis and young to finish the job with american guns and canons....we of maui nui in our history never ever agreed in Peace and UNITY with kamehameha and his foreign Advisors in WAR....for he was a militant of Usa, period.

please read your history and the Truth will reveal itself to set one Free from the Bondage of Lies...amene

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  • amene~~~

  • because of kamehameha we the kanaka.....suffer for a king from hell of usa mentality,

    and we are still under the bloody death bondage of kamehameha.....for what have kamehameha

    done for most of our Royal Kingdom Heirs of our Maui Nui??????.....he done NOTHING, just like usa today~~~

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