Bush to George Washington, et. als. Connected to Every European Monarch - Henry III, Charles II of England, et. als.  

Obama also connected.............cousin of Bush, Cheney, et. als.

another cousin:

You need to be a member of maoliworld to add comments!

Email me when people reply –


  •  ObamaPedalsHard.gif




    Listen to what OBAMA said about Drones, etc................

    So, the Presidents are related, are on the continued path of WAR against INNOCENTS, continuing on the One World Order/New World Order, and have been discovered that they are treasonous against the American people......Obama fails to pass the test of being an American........which means all that he has been passing as "Executive Orders" are null and appears that Prosecution for lying to Americans are in order and expected that Obama and Family will be running from the U.S. finding safety in England, etc.

    Nothing short of being Wicked..............information posted for all to see/read/listen to/understand...........





      Romney Silent as Ohio Supporters Call Obama Treasonous

      Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, in his second White House bid, was reminded of just how easily outside forces can distract a campaign’s message.

      The former Massachusetts governor had intended to keep his focus on the U.S. economy and joblessness during an appearance yesterday at a metals stamping plant near Cleveland. He instead drew criticism, and his message was blurred by an Ohio Republican leader who compared President Barack Obama to fast- food clown Ronald McDonald and a supporter who said the president should be tried for treason.

      Mitt Romney speaks at a town hall-style meeting in Euclid, Ohio, on May 7, 2012. Photographer: Jae C. Hong/AP Photo

      Mitt Romney, second from right, at a town hall-style meeting in Euclid, Ohio, on May 7, 2012. Photographer: Jae C. Hong/AP Photo

      On stage, Romney declined to challenge either statement, though he later told reporters that he disagreed with the treason remark. Days earlier, Romney had suggested that the presidential campaign had already become too ugly.

      “Some of the rhetoric is too hot for both sides of the aisle,” he said May 4 at a stop in Pittsburgh.

      Romney’s response to the treason remark stood in contrast to how Senator John McCain of Arizona handled a situation in 2008 when he was the Republican nominee and a supporter called Obama “an Arab.”

      “No, ma’am,” McCain replied. “He’s a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that’s what this campaign is all about.”

      Santorum Endorsement

      Romney’s appearance came hours before he received the public endorsement of former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, his one-time rival for the Republican nomination who withdrew from the race on April 10.

      During the campaign, Santorum spent several months portraying Romney as a phony while offering himself as the candidate who best understood middle-class voters. In a statement on his website, Santorum said he and Romney agreed that “President Obama must be defeated.”

      Governor Romney has my endorsement and support to win this the most critical election of our lifetime,” he said.

      Santorum said that he couldn’t consider an endorsement until after meeting privately with Romney in Pittsburgh on May 4 to discuss issues critical to “social conservatives, tea-party supporters, lower and middle income working families.”

      Foreign Investment

      During his stop in Ohio yesterday, Romney was asked by an audience member about taxes he paid to foreign countries on investments outside the U.S. Boos greeted the question.

      “I’ll look at it,” Romney said. “I’m not familiar with that. I don’t think I paid any foreign income taxes, but I’ll be happy to take a look at it.”

      Romney claimed a foreign tax credit of $129,697 on his 2010 federal return. To prevent double taxation, Americans who pay taxes to foreign governments for income earned outside the U.S. can receive a credit against their U.S. income taxes.

      The foreign tax credit form on Romney’s return shows he received $1.5 million in passive income earned in “various countries.”

      Romney, who helped form the private-equity firm Bain Capital LLC, has estimated his wealth to be as much as $250 million on financial disclosure statements. He earned $21.6 million in 2010, mostly from investments, according to tax returns he released in late January.

      Democrats have raised questions about Romney’s ability to relate to people facing economic hardship, citing as one example his $12 million renovation of a San Diego-area beach home that includes an elevator for his cars.

      Tax Credit

      Obama’s campaign also has criticized Romney for having a now-closed account with Zurich-based UBS AG (UBSN), titling one of its ads as “Swiss Bank Account.” Obama’s campaign hasn’t directly raised the foreign tax credit issue.

      The Democratic president claimed a $5,841 foreign tax credit in 2011 associated with overseas sales of his books.

      The calculations that determine the foreign tax credit can be complicated and the amount of the credit depends on a number of limits and other rules. The forms and statements associated with the foreign tax credit make up 22 pages, or more than 10 percent of Romney’s 203-page tax return for 2010.

      Another audience member suggested, as an aside to a question about adherence to the U.S. Constitution, that she thought Obama should be tried for treason.

      Romney confined his answer to the question’s main thrust, saying, “I happen to believe that the Constitution was not just brilliant, but probably inspired.”

      Treason Comment

      After his event, he said, “No, of course not,” when asked if he agreed with the comment about treason.

      In a prelude to Romney’s appearance, Ohio Auditor Dave Yost criticized vacations the Obama family has taken while in the White House, including trips to Hawaii and New York City.

      “Mr. President, that’s not middle class and you stop lecturing us about our lives,” Yost told the crowd.

      He also said Obama has taken too much credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden.

      “It strikes me as a little weird,” Yost said. “I mean that’s like giving Ronald McDonald credit for the Big Mac you had for lunch. Everybody knows it’s really the guy at the grill that deserves the credit, right, not the pitchman on TV.”

      Romney’s decision not to publicly criticize some of the comments made during the event drew a rebuke from Obama’s campaign.

      Rebuke From Obama

      “We saw Mitt Romney’s version of leadership: standing by silently as his chief surrogate attacked the president’s family at the event and another supporter alleged that the president should be tried for treason,” Lis Smith, an Obama campaign spokeswoman, said in a statement.

      “Time after time in this campaign, Mitt Romney has had the opportunity to show that he has the fortitude to stand up to hateful and over-the-line rhetoric and time after time, he has failed to do so,” she said.

      Over the weekend, Obama officially began his on-the-road campaigning for re-election with rallies in the swing states of Ohio and Virginia. With the economy the dominant issue in the November election, the president asserted that, while the recovery has been uneven, the U.S. is making progress.

      The previous day, the Labor Department said employers added fewer workers than forecast in April and the jobless rate unexpectedly dropped as people left the labor force.

      Romney said yesterday the tendency of workers to leave the labor force because of frustration over finding a job.

      Employment Record

      “You might assume that that number came down from 10 percent to 8.1 percent because of all the jobs that have been created,” he said. “That assumption would be wrong. The reason that percent came down was because of all the people that dropped out of the workforce.”

      Ohio’s jobless rate in March was 7.5 percent, below the national average and down from 10.6 percent in January 2010. It was 8.6 percent when Obama took office.

      The state has been a bellwether in presidential politics and no Republican has won the White House without a victory there. Obama won the state four years ago with 51 percent.

      Both campaigns are preparing for a close contest. The most recent Gallup daily tracking poll, completed May 6, shows the race essentially tied, with Obama getting support from 45 percent and Romney 46 percent. The margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.

      In Ohio, Obama leads 44 percent to 42 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released last week. That is within the 2.9-percentage-point margin of error for the survey, taken April 25-May 1.

      To contact the reporters on this story: John McCormick in Euclid, Ohio, at; Richard Rubin in Washington at

      To contact the editor responsible for this story: Jeanne Cummings at


      1. Videos for obamas treason

          - Report videos
      2. Romney On Obama 'Treason' Allegation Is Silent - Business Insider

        ROMNEY'S MOMENT OF SILENCE: Does Not Dispute Woman's Accusation Of Obama's 'Treason'. Brett LoGiurato | May 7, 2012, 2:55 PM | 947 | 12 ...
      3. Romney backer sees treason, Obama's campaign cries foul | Reuters

        1 day ago – EUCLID, Ohio (Reuters) - It was one of the defining moments of the 2008 presidential campaign: A woman at a rally for Republican John ...
      4. Obama not subject to charges of treason?

        June 21, 2011. Sher Zieve, RenewAmerica analyst. Treason is generally defined as "betrayal of country: a violation of the allegiance owed by somebody to his ...
      5. Mitt's Mormon moment — when asked about Obama's 'treason' - Digg

        1 day ago – It's Mormon teaching that the U.S. Constitution is divinely inspired. But that's not what made his response so unfortunate.


      • ***********************************************************



        Issues analysis

        Obama not subject to charges of treason?

        June 21, 2011
        Sher Zieve, RenewAmerica analyst

        110621zieve.jpg Treason is generally defined as "betrayal of country: a violation of the allegiance owed by somebody to his or her own country, e.g. by aiding an enemy."

        High treason is defined as "treason perpetrated by somebody against his or her own country."

        Another apt definition of treason is "any attempt to overthrow the government or impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance; the crime of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of one's government."

        It is my contention that Barack Hussein Obama has perpetrated all of these. It is also my assertion that our current Congress and our increasingly leftist court system have allowed — and continue to allow — Obama to perpetrate such treachery upon the United States of America and its citizens with impunity.

        From the start, Obama has defrauded and undermined our country

        Prior to his 2008 campaign, Obama was never vetted as to his eligibility to run for the office of president.

        Once elected to the most powerful position in America, and arguably the world, Obama then issued an executive fiat that all of his prior records (school transcripts, passport information, birth certificate, etc.) were to be sealed and summarily hidden from the American people and the world.

        Since that time, Obama has produced multiple "birth certificates" that have each been proven to be fraudulent, including the ostensible long-form birth certificate released April 27, 2011.

          read more at the above website............


        A Robert Hefner click on image

        read more at the above website.............


        • Make no mistake here, or it will be America’s last mistake. The war is with Islam first and foremost. Our ongoing struggle against the illegal invasion from Mexico, the banking cannibalism (eating the depositors wealth), the ongoing communist threat from Washington and the open treason by Eric Holder, Tim Geithner, Ben Bernanke, Harry Reid, Dick Durbin and of course, the Muslim in Chief. It is an eternal slap against veterans, who gave their all to insure victory in defeating communism, and we are once again pitted against the same socialist, communist, one world corrupted, demon inspired legions of people who now are “occupying Washington.” May god forgive us and deliver us from evil—AMEN!


          Click on the image above for Rachel Cohen’s full report.

          Our Declaration of Independence says, “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”

          This assertion was put forth as a pretext to ejecting another bunch of foreigners who were eating out our substance.  What more justification do we need than the fact that our country is being destroyed from within by treasonous foreign elements that have worked their way into the deepest recesses of our government and are in fact openly supporting an invasion of our country by a foreign power?

          There is no higher crime than treason in the form of aiding and abetting an enemy.  We the people of the United States have not only the right under our law to attack these insurgents at every level, but we are bound by our responsibility to our progeny to do so.  What is so hard about saying, “This is our country and you cannot have it.  So get out now or we will drive you out?”


          A Robert Hefner click on image

          “In the three years since Obama took office, he has pushed legislation that has disregarded the US Constitution, given the federal government more power over businesses and the financial market and placed the nation on the verge of financial collapse. Obama has instituted one socialist policy after another. The Communist Party USA has officially endorsed him for the 2012 election…

          “Shades of SovietRussia(KGB) and NaziGermany(Gestapo).

          “Then before we know what happened, Obama disbands Congress and assumes complete and absolute control of the government and nation, establishing the first dictatorship in American history…?”


          “I add my name with Miss Peri Mcmillian and hereby stand by her charges against Barrack H. Obama.”



          From: Peri Mcmillan

          To: Foreman and Federal Grand Jury of Los Angeles County Grand Jury

          C/o U.S. District Court

          312 N. Spring Street

          Los Angeles, CA. 90012

          To the Foreman and Jurors:



          OBAMA conducts an Act of War against the United States and it’s government by OBAMA’S forcible resistance to the United States Constitution intent upon and successful setting up a rival unconstitutional government.

          I accuse OBAMA AND OBAMA’S civilian and military-political criminal associates as TRAITORS.  OBAMA’S criminal ascension and TREASON manifests a clear and present danger.

          OBAMA’S TREASON destroys our American constitutional protections.  Under OBAMA, the United States Constitution no longer works to protect myself or my family from a rival, overreaching oppressive and totalitarian government.

          Confident holding OBAMA’S silent agreement and admission, I identify OBAMA as a foreign born domestic enemy

          My duty as a United States Citizen is to stand against what OBAMA stands for.  BARACK OBAMA IS NOT MY PRESIDENT !

          For members of this County Grand Jury: I refuse to accept the complicity of cowards.  I insist and inspire YOU, the Grand Jury , in the exercise of your Great Commission: The Power of Presentment.  You are capable of transforming a collective fear and shame darkening this land into the peaceful exercise of constitutionally recognized law enforcement.

          Be mindful and clear on this point, this point alone: We the People—in one aspect or another—are the final arbiters in this matter.  We the People hold in our hands the final appeal our Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution command.

          Obedient to the Law of our Sacred Constitution in submission of this criminal accusation of TREASON, I remain steadfast and Born fighting.


          OUR CONSTITUTION    


          Article 3  Section 3

          3.3.1     Treason against the United States means making war against them, or joining with their enemies, or giving them assistance and support.  A person may not be convicted of treason unless there is testimony of at least two witnesses to the same actual act, or unless the person confesses in a public courtroom.

          3.3.2     Congress will have Power to declare the punishment for treason, but the penalty may not include confiscating a person’s property after that person is executed.


          • ·      Directed DOJ to file suit against the State of Arizona, placing the U.S. and Mexico against Arizona.
          • ·      Appointed Hillary Clinton to Secretary of State while she was still a Senator.  Article 1 Sec.6  of the Constitution states:
          • ‘no Senator or Representative during the time for which he/she was elected shall be appointed to a Civil Office under the authority of the United States. (she was appointed while still a Senator and the pay for what that position was increased during her time in the Senate.)
          • ·      No United States President has taken Chairmanship of the powerful U.N. Council

          Sec. 9 of the Constitution ‘no Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States.  No person holding office shall without the Consent of Congress accept any kind whatever from a King,  Prince or Foreign State.  Obama has been appointed to this.       

          • ·      Obama violated court orders in implementing a 3rd oil drill moratorium creating a de facto Gulf Coast Offshore oil drilling ban.
          • ·      Obama violated the 14th Amendment in the Black Panther voter intimidation who was brandishing weapons in front of a voting location.
          • ·       Obama did not secure our borders.  Article IV  Sec. 4  states ‘protect the States from foreign invasion.
          • ·      Misrepresentation—his administration stated that “a panel of experts agreed with a 6 month ban on the Gulf Coast drilling moratorium when in actuality none had supported the measure!
          • ·      He, sent troops into Pakistan as an Act of War without Congressional approval, violating the War Powers Act.
          • ·      Creating his own army to be used against Americans
          • ·      He sent troops into Samson Ala. with the approval of Martin Dempsey who Obama plans to appoint as Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff.
          • ·      He violated our Constitution in which he DID NOT QUALIFY  to run for the President of the United States.  He is not a ‘natural
          • ·      born’ citizen of the United States.   Article 2 1.11 of our Constitution states: ‘to be eligible for the office of President, a person must be a ‘natural-born’ citizen i.e. both parents born on U.S. soil and both being U.S. citizens.  Obama’s father was a Kenyen and a British Subject.
          • ·      86 Executive Orders have been signed by this President.

          The above listed Crimes of Treason has been committed by this President and HE NEEDS TO BE ARRESTED AND CHARGED FOR ALL THE CRIMES AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND OUR NATION.

          ‘Citizen and Patriot of the United States of America, God Founded’

          /s/ Peri Mcmillan

          (USPS Certified mail #: 7009 2250 0003 3386 4321)

          A Robert Hefne’sr illustration (click on image)

          • A Michael Ramirez cartoon (click on image)

            A Robert Hefner click on illustration

            Man on the street quotations:

            • Obama has committed treason. He and anyone supporting him in violation of their oath of office, should be tried as traitors.

            • Holder was appointed knowing full well anything he, Obama, did, treasonous, illegal, unconstitutional, he gets away with because everything must go through Holder, U.S. Attorney General. Holder has Obama’s back. Likewise, Obama has Holder’s back. Is that what I’m understanding??? How can there be NO REMEDY for the American People??? What ohappened to checks & balances??? How is this NOT addressed??? Has Obama even figured out a way to strip Congress of its power??? Where is the Supreme Court??? Obama has a lock or the stranglehold on ALL 3 BRANCHES??? Does he even have the lock and stranglehold on the American People??? If the American People revolt, peacefully or by revolution, Obama institutes MARTIAL LAW??? Would our own troops & every entity of our law enforcement FIRE ON THE U.S. CITIZENS??? Shoot their own mothers, fathers, siblings grandparents, their own children??? After all, the military answers to the Joint-Chiefs-of-Staff, who thereby answer to Obama (I shudder to say it, Commander-In-Chief). Worst case scenario for Obama is the military breaks down, ignores the chain of command (or commanding officers or even the JCS say, “screw you, Obama), ie., ignores their orders to arrest & shoot, kill Americans, Obama still has 20-30+ million illegal aliens he can look to and “deputize.” I’m sure many would have no qualms, reservations, hesitation, conflicts or issues with “complying.” They’ll gladly kill……er ……sing for their supper. He’s given them Carte Blanche on everything else. He also has U.N. NATO forces he can call on??? I imagine we don’t have to worry about the French (jk). I’m just Spitballing here. We’re in deep shit here. WE NEED TO GET OUR ASSES IN GEAR!!! That means put down the remotes, gaming crap, the partying & boozing, quit finding avenues of escape cause you don’t want to face it, hear it or believe it. Because, when you are aware or cognizant of something, you must then take responsibility. You must do something. YOU BECOME ACCOUNTIBLE!!! When you’re too afraid, too self-absorbed, too self-centered, too stupid or ignorant to bother “checking in,” instead of tuning out, you think you’re off the hook. The reality is, it is those very people who will be the first & the loudest who will be screaming, crying, DEMANDING to be rescued!!! What will you do? WHAT WILL YOU DO??? I know for me, one of first things I did after posting the amnesty-by-decree articles on my FB wall to inform as many people as I could reach, it only took a few seconds, I crafted letters to my elected reps. Because of having a number of different addresses from my moving around the country with my job, I was able to use them to reach other elected leaders in other states. They ask for!addresses & zip codes. You stay long enough, you get into their data bases. Reached elected leaders of 6 different states. They said burn the phone lines, flood their FAX machines and email addresses. Then I go to numbersusa and got busy there. No TV, no big fun time, playtime is over. We’ve got a problem. A huge problem of cataclysmic proportions living in the “Black House.” WE NEED TO ACT—…………YESTERDAY!!! Oh, and BTW, don’t forget to PRAY!!! But do more than just pray. James 2:14-19. GET BUSY……..PLEASE!!!!!!!!

            • He is not enacting a law, he is merely going around the law. It’s definitely a political move. If you look at our current occupier of the White House, or in his case the Black House, his public approval ratings are the lowest of any American President in history. He thinks that getting the illegals on his side he has a better chance of actually winning re-election in 2012. But, legally, he is NOT UPHOLDING the Constitution as he took an oath to do. He is guilty of treason in the least.

            • So how do we get him tried on treason charges???




              From: Peri Mcmillan

              To: Foreman and Federal Grand Jury of Los Angeles County Grand Jury

              C/o U.S. District Court

              312 N. Spring Street

              Los Angeles, CA. 90012

              To the Foreman and Jurors:



              OBAMA conducts an Act of War against the United States and it’s government by OBAMA’S forcible resistance to the United States Constitution intent upon and successful setting up a rival unconstitutional government.

              I accuse OBAMA AND OBAMA’S civilian and military-political criminal associates as TRAITORS.  OBAMA’S criminal ascension and TREASON manifests a clear and present danger.

              OBAMA’S TREASON destroys our American constitutional protections.  Under OBAMA, the United States Constitution no longer works to protect myself or my family from a rival, overreaching oppressive and totalitarian government.

              Confident holding OBAMA’S silent agreement and admission, I identify OBAMA as a foreign born domestic enemy

              My duty as a United States Citizen is to stand against what OBAMA stands for.  BARACK OBAMA IS NOT MY PRESIDENT !

              For members of this County Grand Jury: I refuse to accept the complicity of cowards.  I insist and inspire YOU, the Grand Jury , in the exercise of your Great Commission: The Power of Presentment.  You are capable of transforming a collective fear and shame darkening this land into the peaceful exercise of constitutionally recognized law enforcement.

              Be mindful and clear on this point, this point alone: We the People—in one aspect or another—are the final arbiters in this matter.  We the People hold in our hands the final appeal our Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution command.

              Obedient to the Law of our Sacred Constitution in submission of this criminal accusation of TREASON, I remain steadfast and Born fighting.


              OUR CONSTITUTION    


              Article 3  Section 3

              3.3.1     Treason against the United States means making war against them, or joining with their enemies, or giving them assistance and support.  A person may not be convicted of treason unless there is testimony of at least two witnesses to the same actual act, or unless the person confesses in a public courtroom.

              3.3.2     Congress will have Power to declare the punishment for treason, but the penalty may not include confiscating a person’s property after that person is executed.


              • ·      Directed DOJ to file suit against the State of Arizona, placing the U.S. and Mexico against Arizona.
              • ·      Appointed Hillary Clinton to Secretary of State while she was still a Senator.  Article 1 Sec.6  of the Constitution states:
              • ‘no Senator or Representative during the time for which he/she was elected shall be appointed to a Civil Office under the authority of the United States. (she was appointed while still a Senator and the pay for what that position was increased during her time in the Senate.)
              • ·      No United States President has taken Chairmanship of the powerful U.N. Council

              Sec. 9 of the Constitution ‘no Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States.  No person holding office shall without the Consent of Congress accept any kind whatever from a King,  Prince or Foreign State.  Obama has been appointed to this.       

              • ·      Obama violated court orders in implementing a 3rd oil drill moratorium creating a de facto Gulf Coast Offshore oil drilling ban.
              • ·      Obama violated the 14th Amendment in the Black Panther voter intimidation who was brandishing weapons in front of a voting location.
              • ·       Obama did not secure our borders.  Article IV  Sec. 4  states ‘protect the States from foreign invasion.
              • ·      Misrepresentation—his administration stated that “a panel of experts agreed with a 6 month ban on the Gulf Coast drilling moratorium when in actuality none had supported the measure!
              • ·      He, sent troops into Pakistan as an Act of War without Congressional approval, violating the War Powers Act.
              • ·      Creating his own army to be used against Americans
              • ·      He sent troops into Samson Ala. with the approval of Martin Dempsey who Obama plans to appoint as Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff.
              • ·      He violated our Constitution in which he DID NOT QUALIFY  to run for the President of the United States.  He is not a ‘natural
              • ·      born’ citizen of the United States.   Article 2 1.11 of our Constitution states: ‘to be eligible for the office of President, a person must be a ‘natural-born’ citizen i.e. both parents born on U.S. soil and both being U.S. citizens.  Obama’s father was a Kenyen and a British Subject.
              • ·      86 Executive Orders have been signed by this President.

              The above listed Crimes of Treason has been committed by this President and HE NEEDS TO BE ARRESTED AND CHARGED FOR ALL THE CRIMES AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND OUR NATION.

              ‘Citizen and Patriot of the United States of America, God Founded’

              /s/ Peri Mcmillan

              (USPS Certified mail #: 7009 2250 0003 3386 4321)

              A Robert Hefne’sr illustration (click on image)

              “Because Obama isn’t American born and has fraudulently represented his American birth for obtaining the office of POTUS, then as a foreign invader/interloper who is ineligible for impeachment under U.S. law, he must be arrested and, ultimately, executed for his treasonous acts, as well as all those who aided him, whether they are American born or not.” LINK



      • It's true. Obama operatives are working hard to confuse and conceal this issue.

        Posting the text of John McCain's eligibility certification on the Wikipedia "Natural Born Citizen" page gets an interesting response - it is removed within minutes. Posting the text of the law that defined Natural Born Citizen gets the same response.

        They're watching and they are actively suppressing information.

      • You got it backwards. We know what the law requires - birth to parents who are both citizens and birth under US Jurisdiction.

        Can you name Presidents and Candidates who apparently did NOT meet the requirements?

        I sure can. And both of them took extreme measures to conceal their past and stonewall enforcement of the Constitution.

      • I'm surprised this isn't on faux news.

      • hahahaha, you must be a ghetto rat fuckkking nigger.

        On the other hand, my best friend is another American who happens to be Black.

        Enjoy you handjob tonight.

        I'll be with your sister. lol

      • Prove beyond any doubt that every single one of America's past presidents had two citizen parents.

      • I just tried to click on the link: I was born in Hawaii attached to this and it is now private? Who remove it? Everything about this President acts shady. If he had a long birth cert. don't you think he would have shown it before spending 1.3 mil. to fight it and other important info from coming out? By his own actions he creates distrust. He is not acting truthful. I know - I'm racist. But Obama is full of lies and by the time everybody finds out we will all be comrades.

      • Yeah. You did. A brave man, being out of range. Real brave, when the "niggers" as you call them, aren't in front of you.

        No. I don't need to fuck myself. See, intelligent men like me, who have jobs and earn money, we get women who will do that for us. I will leave fucking yourself to you, since it is likely the only sex you will ever get. I bet you use a large broomstick, jam it in deep, and think of "niggers", as you call them, when you do fuck yourself... don't you?

        Sure you do.

      • lol, yeah right!

        I said: niggah, nigger, fuckkking nigger, and I'm not a rap star.

        Go fuck yourself, you racist pig.

      • If it is a fact that Obama's birth certificate is not authentic, then that would make him an illegal president wouldn't it? Wow, it boggles the mind that something like this could happen in the USA. Nothing should stand in the way of determining the truth or falsehood of this allegation regardless of the dire consequences should the allegation be proven to be true.

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      • TREASON DOCUMENTED................Notice How the Media DIVERTS the Truth?

        Uploader Comments ( TheDebtAssassins )


        • 4+4=11 was his school record. Doublespeak agenda... pleeezz

          Ron Paul FTW!

        • You really think that if they faked the birth certificate they wouldn't cover all the bases? I mean really

        • Yea your right. Hes been sooo honest. We are all just jazzin ya, all acting, all complete idiots. Nothing to see here, move along move along...

        Top Comments

        see all

        All Comments (79)

        Add a channel now to post a comment!
        • okay

        • The Matrix has you... I sleep just fine knowing I did everything I could against tyranny. Go pound sand if you dont love or understand our Conny!

        • Uhm, alright. Don't have a heart attack man.

        • Well not sure what to say. YouTube is on its last breath as we speak. I lost director status, RonPaul2008 channel just got deleted. Alex Jones also lost director. I have seen total chaos on mine as far YT search engine not finding my videos. Like I said this is not a good situation because so many thought we were just entertainment and sat on thier hands. Sun-stein now going to supreme court. Look into this guy, total goerbels reincarnate. Please get active my intelligent friend.

        • You are correct and thanks for giving me the kick in the ass I deserve.. Wrong of me not to do more to take a stand with Americans and defend the liberty of our REPUBLIC for which we stand,, with all I can.. Honestly I felt I do better in a conversation, but I'll make no more personal exuses, do my part, and make a video .. As for the USSC, I am now understanding that over half are going to need to be replaced with new appointments by whoever is elected as the next President... Delegate RP2012

        • Its pretty amazing to me.. Obama stands on TV and says, "My father is born in Kenya" and it just goes right over every Americans heads. You know, The founders also said "United we stand, but divided we will fall" and the document that united us together to protect called the constitution of the "republic" for which we stand has become so distant its near extinct in basicly one generation. The grandest expierement in the history of the world will be defeated if the fires of liberty are not lit.

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        Published on Mar 24, 2012 by TheDebtAssassins

        "Finally some REAL phucking AMERICAN reporting!"


        FAIR USE NOTICE: These Videos may contain copyrighted (©) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes.

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        All Comments (79)

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        • Seen it. Ron Paul like all of us, will use ALL means to spread the word. I was just trying to let you in on my insight, i.e. old SOB who researchs 24/7. I will repeat ITS A GLOBALIST FRAUD propaganda piece. Created to distract young people new to politics, and send them off into STAR TREK land. Hence neutralizing a large swatch of this demographic. Do you also think the HIPPIE movement was a real grassroots movement?

        • I'm for Ron Paul too. I believe there is a lot of conspiracy videos out there. But the Zeitgeist seems pretty factual to me, as opposed to hundreds of other conspiracy videos basically based on opinions without any factual backing.... and even Ron Paul has many segments on the federal banking system, Anyways believe or not. I agree with you that electing Ron Paul is one step in the right direction for America.

        • By the way you are a joke just like Obama is..

        • Not sure if it got into your thick skull by reading a statement..but my point was that Obama is a scumbag who is supported by the corporations..Whether or not his birth certificate is real or fake is moot point..

        • Wow thats some apathy you got there. Sheriff A took some iniative against tyranny, and you come up with a bitch ass statement like this? Look you faceless, non uploading moran who thinks we are all a joke fighting for our childrens future huh! Its lazy couchpotatoes like you that think Jimmy Kimmel is an American. Put up or shut up Mr./Mrs. 4 years on YouTube and no balls! Get in the ring or get me a fucking towel mother fucker!

        • Who gives a fuck about his birth certificate..Goldman Sachs has his back covered.

        • Hey been there done that. Look, those movies are frauds. Half truths and unreal solutions, hence no thanks. Life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness. friends with all, trade with all, and only go to war under the Constitution. Ron Paul is a solution, and a better start than NWO propaganda. The UN is evil man, and those folks paid for the Z movies. They want us all dead man, please look into Ron Paul whose won 4 states already, being blacked out on TV because them NWO bitches are scared to death

        • Dude I don't get your point with you comment but Obama's birth certificate that you can download from whitehouse(dot)gov is totally fake because of all the reasons I mentioned above. It has been proven fake by experts and even non-experts because of the poor quality of the forgery.

        • My American friends, join the local militia, train, prepare before your rights under that area of the Constitution are raped. We watch and wait ready to aid our American friends to reinstate the American Constitution. You are not alone.

        • Have a look at the Omaba pic of Obama, mum, baby and stepdad "taken" in Indonesia.Enlarge the point between mum's knees.Pixelation on a black and white photo. Note the weird shadows that breach the laws of physics.

        « Previous  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  
        • I checked Obama's birth certificate, I downloaded it from the white house website, I found around 30 fake elements myself in one hour, zooming and removing layers. His birth certificate is so ridiculously fake that it's actually quite funny.

          Ron Paul 2012!!!

  • The Anti-Empire Report

    What you need to succeed is sincerity, and if you can fake sincerity you've got it made. (Old Hollywood axiom)

    "A few months ago I told the American people that I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that is true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not." — President Ronald Reagan, 1987 1

    On April 23, speaking at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, President Barack Obama told his assembled audience that as president "I've done my utmost ... to prevent and end atrocities".

    Do the facts and evidence tell him that his words are not true?

    Well, let's see ... There's the multiple atrocities carried out in Iraq by American forces under President Obama. There's the multiple atrocities carried out in Afghanistan by American forces under Obama. There's the multiple atrocities carried out in Pakistan by American forces under Obama. There's the multiple atrocities carried out in Libya by American/NATO forces under Obama. There are also the hundreds of American drone attacks against people and homes in Somalia and in Yemen (including against American citizens in the latter). Might the friends and families of these victims regard the murder of their loved ones and the loss of their homes as atrocities?

    Ronald Reagan was pre-Alzheimer's when he uttered the above. What excuse can be made for Barack Obama?

    The president then continued in the same fashion by saying: "We possess many tools ... and using these tools over the past three years, I believe — I know — that we have saved countless lives." Obama pointed out that this includes Libya, where the United States, in conjunction with NATO, took part in seven months of almost daily bombing missions. We may never learn from the new pro-NATO Libyan government how many the bombs killed, or the extent of the damage to homes and infrastructure. But the President of the United States assured his Holocaust Museum audience that "today, the Libyan people are forging their own future, and the world can take pride in the innocent lives that we saved." (As I described in last month's report, Libya could now qualify as a failed state.)

    Language is an invention that makes it possible for a person to deny what he is doing even as he does it.

    Mr. Obama closed with these stirring words; "It can be tempting to throw up our hands and resign ourselves to man's endless capacity for cruelty. It's tempting sometimes to believe that there is nothing we can do." But Barack Obama is not one of those doubters. He knows there is something he can do about man's endless capacity for cruelty. He can add to it. Greatly. And yet, I am certain that, with exceedingly few exceptions, those in his Holocaust audience left with no doubt that this was a man wholly deserving of his Nobel Peace Prize.

    And future American history books may well certify the president's words as factual, his motivation sincere, for his talk indeed possessed the quality needed for schoolbooks.

    The Israeli-American-Iranian-Holocaust-NobelPeacePrize Circus

    It's a textbook case of how the American media is at its worst when it comes to US foreign policy and particularly when an Officially Designated Enemy (ODE) is involved. I've discussed this case several times in this report in recent years. The ODE is Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The accusation has been that he had threatened violence against Israel, based on his 2005 remark calling for "wiping Israel off the map". Who can count the number of times this has been repeated in every kind of media, in every country of the world, without questioning the accuracy of what was reported? A Lexis-Nexis search of "All News (English)" for <Iran and Israel and "off the map"> for the past seven years produced the message: "This search has been interrupted because it will return more than 3000 results."

    As I've pointed out, Ahmadinejad's "threat of violence" was a serious misinterpretation, one piece of evidence being that the following year he declared: "The Zionist regime will be wiped out soon, the same way the Soviet Union was, and humanity will achieve freedom." 2 Obviously, he was not calling for any kind of violent attack upon Israel, for the dissolution of the Soviet Union took place remarkably peacefully. But the myth of course continued.

    Now, finally, we have the following exchange from the radio-TV simulcast, Democracy Now!, of April 19:

    A top Israeli official has acknowledged that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad never said that Iran seeks to "wipe Israel off the face of the map." The falsely translated statement has been widely attributed to Ahmadinejad and used repeatedly by U.S. and Israeli government officials to back military action and sanctions against Iran. But speaking to Teymoor Nabili of the network Al Jazeera, Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor admitted Ahmadinejad had been misquoted.

    Teymoor Nabili: "As we know, Ahmadinejad didn't say that he plans to exterminate Israel, nor did he say that Iran policy is to exterminate Israel. Ahmadinejad's position and Iran's position always has been, and they've made this — they've said this as many times as Ahmadinejad has criticized Israel, he has said as many times that he has no plans to attack Israel. ..."

    Dan Meridor: "Well, I have to disagree, with all due respect. You speak of Ahmadinejad. I speak of Khamenei, Ahmadinejad, Rafsanjani, Shamkhani. I give the names of all these people. They all come, basically ideologically, religiously, with the statement that Israel is an unnatural creature, it will not survive. They didn't say, 'We'll wipe it out,' you're right. But 'It will not survive, it is a cancerous tumor that should be removed,' was said just two weeks ago again."

    Teymoor Nabili: "Well, I'm glad you've acknowledged that they didn't say they will wipe it out."

    So that's that. Right? Of course not. Fox News, NPR, CNN, NBC, et al. will likely continue to claim that Ahmadinejad threatened violence against Israel, threatened to "wipe it off the map".

    And that's only Ahmadinejad the Israeli Killer. There's still Ahmadinejad the Holocaust Denier. So until a high Israeli official finally admits that that too is a lie, keep in mind that Ahmadinejad has never said simply, clearly, unambiguously, and unequivocally that he thinks that what we historically know as the Holocaust never happened. He has instead commented about the peculiarity and injustice of a Holocaust which took place in Europe resulting in a state for the Jews in the Middle East instead of in Europe. Why are the Palestinians paying a price for a German crime? he asks. And he has questioned the figure of six million Jews killed by Nazi Germany, as have many other people of various political stripes. In a speech at Columbia University on September 24, 2007, in reply to a question about the Holocaust, the Iranian president declared: "I'm not saying that it didn't happen at all. This is not the judgment that I'm passing here." 3

    Let us now listen to Elie Wiesel, the simplistic, reactionary man who's built a career around being a Holocaust survivor, introducing President Obama at the Holocaust Museum for the talk referred to above, some five days after the statement made by the Israeli Deputy Prime Minister:

    "How is it that the Holocaust's No. 1 denier, Ahmadinejad, is still a president? He who threatens to use nuclear weapons — to use nuclear weapons — to destroy the Jewish state. Have we not learned? We must. We must know that when evil has power, it is almost too late."

    "Nuclear weapons" is of course adding a new myth on the back of the old myth.

    Wiesel, like Obama, is a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. As is Henry Kissinger and Menachim Begin. And several other such war-loving beauties. When will that monumental farce of a prize be put to sleep?

    For the record, let it be noted that on March 4, speaking before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Obama said: "Let's begin with a basic truth that you all understand: No Israeli government can tolerate a nuclear weapon in the hands of a regime that denies the Holocaust, threatens to wipe Israel off the map, and sponsors terrorist groups committed to Israel's destruction." 4

    Postscript: Each time I strongly criticize Barack Obama a few of my readers ask to unsubscribe. I'm really sorry to lose them but it's important that those on the left rid themselves of their attachment to the Democratic Party. I'm not certain how best to institute revolutionary change in the United States, but I do know that it will not happen through the Democratic Party, and the sooner those on the left cut their umbilical cord to the Democrats, the sooner we can start to get more serious about this thing called revolution.

    Written on Earth Day, Sunday, April 22, 2012

    Two simple suggestions as part of a plan to save the planet.

    1. Population control: limit families to two children

    All else being equal, a markedly reduced population count would have a markedly beneficial effect upon global warming, air pollution, and food and water availability; as well as finding a parking spot, getting a seat on the subway, getting on the flight you prefer, and much, much more. Some favor limiting families to one child. Still others, who spend a major part of each day digesting the awful news of the world, are calling for a limit of zero. (The Chinese government announced in 2008 that the country would have about 400 million more people if it wasn't for its limit of one or two children per couple. 5

    But, within the environmental movement, there is still significant opposition to this. Part of the reason is fear of ethnic criticism inasmuch as population programs have traditionally been aimed at — or seen to be aimed at — primarily the poor, the weak, and various "outsiders". There is also the fear of the religious right and its medieval views on birth control.

    2. Eliminate the greatest consumer of energy in the world: The United States military.

    Here's Michael Klare, professor of Peace and World Security Studies at Hampshire College, Mass. in 2007:

    Sixteen gallons of oil. That's how much the average American soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan consumes on a daily basis — either directly, through the use of Humvees, tanks, trucks, and helicopters, or indirectly, by calling in air strikes. Multiply this figure by 162,000 soldiers in Iraq, 24,000 in Afghanistan, and 30,000 in the surrounding region (including sailors aboard U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf) and you arrive at approximately 3.5 million gallons of oil: the daily petroleum tab for U.S. combat operations in the Middle East war zone. Multiply that daily tab by 365 and you get 1.3 billion gallons: the estimated annual oil expenditure for U.S. combat operations in Southwest Asia. That's greater than the total annual oil usage of Bangladesh, population 150 million — and yet it's a gross underestimate of the Pentagon's wartime consumption. 6

    The United States military, for decades, with its legion of bases and its numerous wars has also produced and left behind a deadly toxic legacy. From the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam in the 1960s to the open-air burn pits on US bases in Iraq and Afghanistan in the 21st century, countless local people have been sickened and killed; and in between those two periods we could read things such as this from a lengthy article on the subject in the Los Angeles Times in 1990:

    U.S. military installations have polluted the drinking water of the Pacific island of Guam, poured tons of toxic chemicals into Subic Bay in the Philippines, leaked carcinogens into the water source of a German spa, spewed tons of sulfurous coal smoke into the skies of Central Europe and pumped millions of gallons of raw sewage into the oceans. 7

    The military has caused similar harm to the environment in the United States at a number of its installations. (Do a Google search for <"U.S. military bases" toxic>)

    When I suggest eliminating the military I am usually rebuked for leaving "a defenseless America open to foreign military invasion". And I usually reply:

    "Tell me who would invade us? Which country?"

    "What do you mean which country? It could be any country."

    "So then it should be easy to name one."

    "Okay, any of the 200 members of the United Nations!"

    "No, I'd like you to name a specific country that you think would invade the United States. Name just one."

    "Okay, Paraguay. You happy now?"

    "No, you have to tell me why Paraguay would invade the United States."

    "How would I know?"

    Etc., etc., and if this charming dialogue continues, I ask the person to tell me how many troops the invading country would have to have to occupy a country of more than 300 million people.

    Yankee karma

    The questions concerning immigration into the United States from south of the border go on year after year, with the same issues argued back and forth: What's the best way to block the flow into the country? How shall we punish those caught here illegally? Should we separate families, which happens when parents are deported but their American-born children remain? Should the police and various other institutions have the right to ask for proof of legal residence from anyone they suspect of being here illegally? Should we punish employers who hire illegal immigrants? Should we grant amnesty to at least some of the immigrants already here for years? ... on and on, round and round it goes, for decades. Every once in a while someone opposed to immigration will make it a point to declare that the United States does not have any moral obligation to take in these Latino immigrants.

    But the counter-argument to the last is almost never mentioned: Yes, the United States does have a moral obligation because so many of the immigrants are escaping situations in their homelands made hopeless by American interventions and policy. In Guatemala and Nicaragua Washington overthrew progressive governments which were sincerely committed to fighting poverty. In El Salvador the US played a major role in suppressing a movement striving to install such a government, and to a lesser extent played such a role in Honduras. And in Mexico, although Washington has not intervened militarily in Mexico since 1919, over the years the US has been providing training, arms, and surveillance technology to Mexico's police and armed forces to better their ability to suppress their own people's aspirations, as in Chiapas, and this has added to the influx of the impoverished to the United States. Moreover, Washington's North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), has brought a flood of cheap, subsidized US agricultural products into Mexico and driven many Mexican farmers off the land.

    The end result of all these policies has been an army of migrants heading north in search of a better life. It's not that these people prefer to live in the United States. They'd much rather remain with their families and friends, be able to speak their native language at all times, and avoid the hardships imposed on them by American police and right-wingers.


    Several readers have asked me why Counterpunch, one of the most important progressive websites, no longer runs this report. It's been going on for about six months. Awhile ago I wrote to the two gentlemen who run the site, asking what happened. Neither one answered. It's a big mystery, particularly since I seemed to be on very friendly terms with them. Any reader who shares my concern can feel free to contact the editors; perhaps you'll have more luck than I did.


    1. Washington Post, March 5, 1987 
    2. Associated Press, December 12, 2006 
    3. President Ahmadinejad Delivers Remarks at Columbia University, Transcript, Washington Post, September 24, 2007 
    4. Remarks by the President at AIPAC Policy Conference, White House Office of the Press Secretary, March 4, 2012
    5. Washington Post, March 3, 2008 
    6. The Pentagon v. Peak, June 14, 2007 
    7. Los Angeles Times, June 18, 1990 

    William Blum is the author of:

    • Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War 2
    • Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower
    • West-Bloc Dissident: A Cold War Memoir
    • Freeing the World to Death: Essays on the American Empire

    Portions of the books can be read, and signed copies purchased, at

    Previous Anti-Empire Reports can be read at this website.

    To add yourself to this mailing list simply send an email to bblum6 [at] with "add" in the subject line. I'd like your name and city in the message, but that's optional. I ask for your city only in case I'll be speaking in your area.

    (Or put "remove" in the subject line to do the opposite.)

    Any part of this report may be disseminated without permission. I'd appreciate it if the website were mentioned.




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