The Pirates Version of Queen's Hospital was changed to the Queen's Medical Center, then the recent title QUEEN'S DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION.

 The Queen's Hospital was criminally assumed by PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC including the Provisional Government which was formed by treasonous persons from the one third voted in, temporary part of the Hawaiian Government, turned Republic of Hawaii, then Territory of Hawaii, and State of Hawaii with oppositions documented by Kamehameha's descendants every step of the way.

The Hawaiian Government is made up of three parts, two permanent parts, and one temporary, voted in part.  The parts follows:  1)  Sovereign - heirs and successors; 2) House of Nobles - descendants and heirs; and 3) the temporary, voted in part called the House of Representatives which was manned by pirates and supported by the United States, England, and the bankers.

In March, Governor Neil Abercrombie passed a law affecting the Queen's Hospital or should I say the Queen's Medical Center, and the newly dubbed QUEEN'S DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION.

The following information was taken off the Queen's Medical Center website:

1859. About The Medical Center

The Queen's Medical Center, located in downtown Honolulu, Hawaii, is a private, non-profit, acute medical care facility. It is the largest private hospital in Hawaii, licensed to operate with 505 acute care beds and 28 sub-acute beds. The medical center has more than 3,000 employees and over 1,200 physicians on staff.

As the leading medical referral center in the Pacific Basin, Queen's offers a comprehensive range of primary and specialized care services. Queen's is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and affiliated with VHA Inc., the national health care alliance. The medical center is also approved to participate in residency training by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.


Mission Statement:
To fulfill the intent of Queen Emma and King Kamehameha IV to provide in perpetuity quality health care services to improve the well-being of Native Hawaiians and all the people of Hawaii.


A Brief History:
The Queen's Hospital, now called The Queen's Medical Center, was founded in 1859 by Queen Emma and King Kamehameha IV.

In King Kamehameha IV's initial speech to the legislature in 1854, the King voiced his desire to create a hospital for the people of Hawaii. At that time, the continued existence of the Hawaiian race was seriously threatened by the influx of disease brought to the islands by foreign visitors. Queen Emma enthusiastically supported the dream of a hospital, and the two campaigned tirelessly to make it a reality. They personally went door-to-door soliciting the necessary funding. The royal couple exceeded their goal in just over a month, raising $13,530. In turn, the Legislature appropriated $6,000.

Through six generations, The Queen's Medical Center has become a major provider of health care to the people of our State and a part of the cultural fabric of Hawaii.


Biography of Founder King Kamehameha IV

Alexander Liholiho 'Iolani, "the royal hawk", was the grandson of King Kamehameha the Great. His mother, Kina'u, the Queen Regent, was a tall capable woman whose leadership qualities were powerful, as her father before her. Alexander's high chief father was Governor of the Island of Oahu.

From the day of his birth, February 9, 1834, the boy had a promising future. As a child, he was considered brilliant and perceptive, with an inquiring mind, one of the finest scholars at the Chiefs' Children's' School. His talent for writing was evident from this excerpt from a journal kept on a trip to Europe when he was just 14 years old.

"The last four days of our passage I was exceedingly sick from a very bad cold, and so much so that I was confined to my berth. I complained of a lightness around my chest and a very bad cough, and was also feverish - The Doctor of the ship was asked to attend on me. He applied a Mustard plaster on my chest, and after giving me several nasty little knickknacks that physicians generally give, and kind nursing, I slowly began to recover after an illness of four days."

The European trip was undertaken with his brother, Lot, on a diplomatic mission to France and Washington, D.C. The boys were accompanied by Dr. Gerritt P. Judd. The young men had a variety of memorable experiences, including introductions to Napoleon and Prince Albert of England. Their impact on European society was splendid, and they enjoyed the parties, fencing and French language lessons immensely.

A bad experience with a rude train conductor in America tainted his feelings toward Americans for the rest of his life. The conductor "had probably taken me for somebody's servant, just because I had darker skin than he had. Confounded fool." Alexander, in later years, feared the Americans might try to establish slavery in Hawaii.

When Alexander was twenty, the old king died, and the young man became Kamehameha IV. He was an imposing monarch. Tall, slender, athletic and with the high forehead greatly favored by Hawaiians, he was admired for his intelligence and aristocratic manner.

His marriage to Emma Rooke came in 1856. Fearful of American power and possible annexation, King Kamehameha IV did not encourage missionaries to be part of his government, preferring his relatives and friends instead.

The King and Queen were dedicated to the creation of a hospital for the people of Hawaii "to stay the wasting hand that is destroying our population," and it was a powerful bond between them. The king and queen both went personally soliciting funds, on foot and at times in the rain. Within a month they had achieved their goal. Once the hospital was established, the king and his cabinet agreed to name it for the queen without whose efforts it could not have been built.

He and Queen Emma were great favorites in Honolulu society, whom they entertained often and well. Operas, musicals and equestrian events were greatly enjoyed. Tennyson, Thackery and Shakespeare were among the King's most-read authors.

Amidst his brilliance however, were mood swings and fits of melancholy. The sudden death of little four-year-old Albert, his only son, shattered him and he never recovered. After years of suffering from nerve disorders and asthma, he died unexpectedly in 1863.


Biography of Founder Queen Emma

In 1836, Honolulu was just a large village with only one street, King Street, and less than 6,000 people. About 500 were haole (Hawaiian for foreigners) and the rest ka Hawaii. It was a major port for whaling ships, and as one writer put it, one of the most "unattractive" places in the world.

Emma, the future queen, was born in Honolulu on January 2, 1836 to Fanny Kekelaokalani Young, daughter of John Young, King Kamehameha I's haole counselor, and Ka'oana'eha, Kamehameha's niece. Her father was high chief George Naea.

The little chiefess had been offered, as was the custom, to her mother's sister, Grace Kamaikui Rooke and her husband, Dr. T.C.B. Rooke. Unable to have children of their own, the Rookes adopted Emma.

Dr. Rooke was a young English surgeon who had arrived in Hawaii in 1830 and was serving as the court physician. He doted on the baby girl, a small, pretty child with a fair complexion and delicate features. As she grew, her nature was fun-loving, sensitive, bright and a little stubborn.

While Dr. Rooke raised Emma to be very British, her aunt Grace raised her to be Hawaiian as well. She learned about the world from her scholarly father, with the help of many letters from her paternal grandmother in England who instructed Dr. Rooke on how to raise Emma properly.

The British did not indulge children, while the Hawaiians did. Dr. Rooke did his best not to allow Emma to be spoiled rotten by Grace, her hanai (Hawaiian for adopted) mother, whom she called Kiawai.

Emma grew up speaking both Hawaiian and English, the latter "with a perfect English accent." She began formal schooling at age 5 in the Chief's Children's School, where she was quick and bright in her studies.

At age 13, Dr. Rooke hired an English governess, Sarah Rhodes von Pfister, to tutor young Emma. He also encouraged reading from his extensive library. As a writer, he influenced Emma's interest in reading and books. By the time she was 20 years old, she was a beautiful and accomplished young woman.

She was 5'2," slender, well-proportioned, with large, beautiful black eyes. Her musical talents as a fine vocalist, talented pianist and good dancer were well known. She was also a skilled horsewoman.

Emma became engaged to the king of Hawaii, Alexander Liholiho, also called Kamehameha IV, a 22 year old who had ascended to the throne in 1855. The couple had known each other since childhood. The young king was tall, dark and handsome, very intelligent and well-read, fluent in both Hawaiian and English.

At the engagement party, accusations were made that Emma's Caucasian blood made her not fit to be the Hawaiian queen, and her lineage was not suitable enough to be Alexander Liholiho's bride. Tempers flared, Emma burst into tears, and the party was a shambles.

The wedding was held as planned however, and the new queen soon became involved in the business of the kingdom, particularly that of saving the Hawaiian people from extinction.

In his first speech as king, Kamehameha IV stated the need for a hospital to treat the native population. Due to introduced diseases, the Hawaiian population had plummeted from 350,000 at the time of Captain Cook's arrival, to 70,000, with extinction a very real possibility. The treasury was empty, so the king and his queen undertook the mission of soliciting enough funds to establish a proper hospital in Honolulu. Within a month, their personal campaign had raised $13,530, almost twice their original goal.

To recognize and honor Emma's efforts, it was decided to call the new hospital "Queen's." The original building, housing just 18 patient beds, opened its doors on August 1, 1859. Within a year, a much larger building with room for 124 beds was built on the same site where The Queen's Medical Center stands today. It took time to convince the Native Hawaiians to take advantage of the new hospital, as many preferred the traditional Hawaiian methods of healing.

The King and Queen rejoiced at the birth of their son, Albert Kauikeaouli Leiopapa a Kamehameha, on May 20, 1858. The entire populace welcomed the new heir to the throne with joy, only to be stricken by utter grief four years later when the little boy died suddenly of "brain fever." Just 15 months later, the young king, weakened by chronic asthma and a broken heart, died at age 29.

In her grief, Queen Emma took a new name, Kaleleonalani, which means "flight of the heavenly chiefs." To ease her pain, Emma dedicated herself to many worthy causes, among which was organizing a hospital auxiliary of women to help with the ill. She also helped found two schools, St. Andrews Priory in Honolulu and St. Cross on Maui. Her work included the development of St. Andrews Cathedral. She journeyed to England where she and her friend, Queen Victoria, raised $30,000 for the construction or the cathedral.

When King Lunalilo died in 1874, Emma became a candidate for the throne (the Kingdom had become a constitutional democracy). Lunalilo had wanted her to succeed him, but he failed to make the legal pronouncement before he died. Had he done so, she would have reigned as sovereign queen. Instead, an election for a new sovereign was held. Although she campaigned actively, she lost the throne to David Kalakaua.

Politics was not her strong suit -- humanitarianism was. Queen Emma was much loved by the people and hundreds of mele have been composed in her honor. Her humanitarian efforts set an example for Hawaii's royal legacy of charitable bequests. After her death on April 25, 1885 at age 49, she was given a royal funeral and laid to rest in Mauna 'Ala beside her husband and son.

Emma Kaleleonalani left the bulk of her estate, some 13,000 acres of land on the Big Island and in Waikiki on Oahu, in trust for the hospital that honors her.


2012 - February.

Governor Signs Bill To Establish Queen's Transplant Center

New Law Appropriates $1.5 Million In State Funds For Kidney, Liver Transplant Center

UPDATED 10:07 AM GMT Feb 04, 2012
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Queen's Hospital will be initiating an organ transplant center in Hawaii following the signing of HB 608 into law Saturday morning.

Governor Neil Abercrombie signed the law at the Cyclotron Facility at Queen's Hospital, providing a financial boost for establishing a kidney and liver transplant center in Hawaii.

The law appropriates $1.5 million in state money to the center, requiring that the funds be matched by private sources. It also provides $300,000 to the National Kidney Foundation to help continue its chronic disease management program.

The kidney and liver transplant facility will fill a critical need following December's closure of Hawaii Medical Centers (HMC).

The bill stalled last year, but it was brought back as the urgency grew for a state organ transplant facility.

HMC doctors had performed dozens of organ transplants each year. The closure meant Hawaii patients would have to go to the mainland.

More than 400 people are on the organ transplant waiting list in Hawaii.

We'll have more on the bill signing into law at KITV 4 News at 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., including reaction from patients currently on the organ donor list.

    (Background on Abercrombie, a good friend of OBAMA promoting LIES, LIES, LIES about a birth record that doesn't exist in the Hawaiian Islands, showing his questionnable nature/his lies put out in public:

A blog to discuss the U.S. Constitution Article II, Section 1, "natural born Citizen" presidential eligibility clause.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Gov. Abercrombie Tells Hollywood Journalist/Radio Host Mike Evans There Is No Obama Hawaii Birth Certificate

Click the Usurper Image to See the Catalog of Evidence
Hollywood celebrity journalist/radio host, Mike Evans, has known now Governor of Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie, for decades. He first met the Governor when the Governor was driving a cab in Honolulu, Hawaii. They became good friends. They spent a lot of time together in Washington during the time of Obama’s inauguration. Abercrombie told Evans then that he was going to run for Governor of Hawaii. He also told Evans that he remembered Obama as a child and that he used to call him Barry. He told him that once he became Governor, he was going to put an end to the story that Obama was not born in the United States by getting a copy of his birth certificate.

Abercrombie did become Governor and using his powers as Governor, he did look for the document. On January 19, 2011, Abercrombie told Evans during a telephone conversation that he searched everywhere for the birth certificate. He told him that he went to the only
Recognize Reality Bob.  Obama is NOT a natural born Citizen
two hospitals that existed in Honolulu at the time at which a baby could be born, Kapi’olani Women’s and Children’s Hospital and Queen’s Hospital. Abercrombie told him that there is no Obama birth certificate in Hawaii and that there is absolutely no proof that Obama was born in Hawaii. Abercrombie also told Evans that he remembered Obama playing in a tee-ball league when he was about 5 or 6 but not before that. A confirmation of this information can be heard on a recording of an interview on the radio 92 KQRS Morning Show done on January 20, 2011. During this radio show, Mike Evans, recounts the details of his conversation he had with Governor Abercrombie just the day before.

A story on this new revelation and the radio interview can be heard at . A full bio on Mike Evans can be seen at .

On January 20, 2011, former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams signed an affidavit in which he swears that his supervisors in Hawaii told him that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Obama. He swears that he was also told that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi'olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any medical record showing that Obama was born in either facility. Read more: Hawaii official now swears: No Obama birth certificate

The question now is if Abercrombie has not been able to find any Obama Hawaii birth certificate, why did he tell the public that he was abandoning his search for it because privacy laws prohibit him from disclosing the document?

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
January 25, 2011



James said...

There is a very simple answer to the question. Hawaii simply doesn't have the birth certificate and they know it. Rather than fessing up to it, they are hiding behind privacy laws as a defense. Hawaii is bluffing. Unfortinately we can't call their bluff. The only thing Hawaii has to some type of birthing statement probably submitted by the grandparents which how the COLB is derived from. It's that simple.

sap_vb said...

One needs to ask why the Main Street Media refuses to broadcast this most troubling of news.

bdwilcox said...

Oh, my, my. How deep this rabbit hole goes!

Puzo1 said...

Even if the Governor were to find the long-form birth certificate or some other convincing evidence of an Obama Hawaiian birth, Obama still would not be a "natural born Citizen."

Briefly, we know from Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 that for anybody born prior to the adoption of the Constitution, to be eligible to be President that person, satisfying the age and residency requirements, only had to be a "citizen of the United States" at the time of the adoption of the Constitution. But for anyone born after that adoption, that person has to be a "natural born Citizen" in order to be eligible to be President and Commander in Chief of the Military.

Emer de Vattel told us what a "citizen" and "natural born Citizen" are, defining the former simply as a member of civil society with rights and obligations and the latter as a child born in the country to citizen parents (meaning father and mother). Our U.S. Supreme Court in Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162, 167-68(1875), providing the same definitions which it said are based on "common law," confirmed these definitions of a "citizen" and "natural born Citizen," stating that the former is a member of civil society with rights and obligations and the latter is a child born in the country to citizen parents.

Obama's supporters argue that if Obama was born in the U.S., he would be a “natural born Citizen” under the case of U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898). They also cite the state court decision of Akeny v. Governor of the State of Indiana, 916 N.E.2d 678 (Ind.Ct.App. 2009), which while not ruling that Obama was born in Hawaii or that he is an Article II “natural born Citizen,” did rule that "persons born within the borders of the United States are 'natural born Citizens' for Article II, Section 1 purposes, regardless of the citizenship of their parents." In so ruling, the Ankeny court incorrectly equated a British "natural born subject" with a U.S. "natural born Citizen" and incorrectly relied upon Wong Kim Ark.

The Wong Court declared a child born in the U.S. to alien parents to be a “born” “citizen of the United States” under the 14th Amendment. In the decision, the Court did clearly explain that the Constitution in Article II includes "natural born citizens" and "citizens of the United States." The Court then defined a "citizen of the United States" under English common law that existed in the British colonies prior to the Revolution. The Court was careful to tell us that it was deciding the case based only “upon the facts agreed by the parties” and that the “necessary effect” of its decision was to declare “a child born in the United States, of parents of Chinese descent, who, at the time of his birth, are subject of the emperor of China, but have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States, and are there carrying on business, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the emperor of China, becomes at the time of his birth a citizen of the United States.” Id. 169 U.S. at 705. Hence, the Court only decided that Wong was a “citizen of the United States.”

Hence, neither U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649(1898), Ankeny (because it was decided incorrectly), the 14th Amendment, nor any Congressional Act ever changed the American common law definition of a "natural born Citizen."

When Obama was born, his mother was a “citizen of the United States.” But his father was not a “citizen of the United States” but rather under the British Nationality Act of 1948 a British subject/citizen and Obama himself by descent from his father was born a British subject/citizen. Hence, Obama, born to a non-U.S. citizen father and himself being born a British subject/citizen, fails the “natural born Citizen” test, even if he was born in Hawaii.

cfkerchner said...

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) explains on the Bill "Willy" Cunningham radio show in Cincinnati OH in Aug 2009 why there is not long-form hospital generated Birth Certificate for Obama in Hawaii. Grandma Dunham falsely testified via a mail-in birth registration affidavit that Obama was born there simply and conveniently to get her new foreign born grandson U.S. Citizenship using the lax Hawaii birth registration laws. Document and identity and birth registration fraud occurs today to get U.S. Citizenship and it occurred back then, especially in Hawaii which as a new state with many undocumented residents had very lax birth registration laws. Obama and his falsified birth registration in 1961 is a classic example of it.

bdwilcox said...

LameCherry explains Obama's lack of Birth Certificate and mysterious 'registry entry':

bdwilcox said...

When it comes to Obama not being a 'Natural Born Citizen', common folks probably either won't understand it, think it's important or say that the definition isn't clear (though we know otherwise).

What's wonderful about these revelations is that this situation is scandalous and EVERYONE knows a scandal when they see one (and don't like being made a fool of, either.) Once the common folk realize that Obama has been involved in a conspiracy to re-write his past and has been supported in that effort by numerous high-level officials, it will be hard to keep that dam from breaking.

As in the Watergate scandal, it's not the crime, it's the cover-up.

bdwilcox said...

That picture of Robert Fibbs as Baghdad Bob is classic. :)

bdwilcox said...

Mr. Apuzzo, what's your take on this article?

Kagan, Sotomayor blew chance to stop eligibility challenge?
Lawyers say Supremes broke rule, failed to respond to recusal motion

bdwilcox said...

Also, what's the correct tag on your bulletin board here to make an active link? I tried using an "a href" and my link became a recursive link back to this page.

cfkerchner said...

Hello BDWilcox,

Here is a link to the instructions of how to make links active in Blogger blogs using HTML code:

Carlyle said...

Even if supposedly "private" don't both abbercrummy and AG have the ability to appoint a task for or a commission with subpoena powers?

winnybar said...

The Open to the Public vital document index of the Hawaii Health department lists Barack Hussain Obmaa II. That index describes the type of vital document and the location number. What type of vital document?

Big drops in Hawaii vistors in 2008 and 2009. Visitor arrivals¹ -10.6 -4.5
Tourism is second biggest industry in Hawaii. A good motivation to clean up Hawaii's reputation possibly connected to the Obama fraud.

Robert said...


Bob said...

Remember, the only copy of any birth certificate is from Mombassa --

Perhaps now Governor Abercrombie will used his good offices to ask the Kenyan Government (from Obama's Dad), if it has a copy of Obama's authentic birth certificate, since there is none in Hawaii.

Its just a suggestion, and he probably won't to it, but it should be asked -- to put the interest of the whole country first, along with his personal friendship with Obama's Dad.

Puzo1 said...

Someone who posts as "nbc" said on his/her blog during an on-going debate with me:

“We all know your position and wonder why someone would hold to such an opinion when legal rulings, contemporary scholars, logic and reason all point the simple fact that natural born refers to the common law principle of birth on soil, and that the status of the parents made no difference?”

This is my brief response:

You are wrong here. Simple birth on the nation’s soil without considering the citizenship of the parents can only produce a “born” naturalized citizenship status created by positive law. This citizen is naturalized at birth by positive law and needs no further naturalization. These birth circumstances, while allowing one to become a member of American society, do not produce a “natural born” citizenship status which requires birth in the country (or equivalent) to citizen parents and which status is created by nature alone without the intervention of any positive law.

The Framers conveyed this understanding when they wrote in Article II as their eligibility requirement for President and Commander in Chief that for births occuring after the adoption of the Constitution, he (today he or she) not only have the requisite age and residency in the U.S. , but that he also be a “natural born Citizen of the United States” and not just a “Citizen of the United States” or even a “born Citizen of the United States.” Again, the Framers said “natural born,” not “born.”

Doublee said...

WND just posted Arizona's presidential eligibility bill, HB 2544. ""

This bill "nails it" as far as the elibility requirements are concerned. It requires documentation of all three eligibility requirements.

Somebody has done his homework, because the bill requires that the following documentation be provided:


As an Arizonan, I will write my representatives and senator, who are co-sponsors of the bill to offer my full support.

Ted said...

Drudge ups the ante — no hawaii bc NOW IN RED!

Puzo1 said...

There are nations and there are citizens or subjects. Historically, nations have been created by conquest and enlarged by either more conquest or peaceful acquisition of more territory in exchange for a valuable consideration. In formal organized society, positive law eventually recognizes a nation and its boundaries. The members of these nations have been called citizens or subjects, coming into being as the first to create their societies or thereafter by the law of nature or by positive law.

Today as since time immemorial, citizenship is a product of allegiance to that nation. But formally organized society is not necessary for a person to acquire a natural allegiance for a given group, become a member of that group, and in return receive protection from that group. In a state of nature, no laws or national boundaries are needed to create natural allegiance. Simply stated, since the beginning of time, if one was born in whatever place to members of a tribe, then that person upon gaining maturity to reason and through rearing by his or her parents identified with the place where he or she was born and that tribe, all causing the person to became a member of that tribe and attaching to the tribe and the place of birth. The infant would follow his parents whose responsibility it was to rear him or her. Upon maturity, that natural attachment caused the person to inhabit where the tribe was physically located and followed that tribe wherever it went when deemed necessary. The tribe could count on that person’s natural allegiance to be used for the defense and preservation of the tribe and its people and the tribe would in turn give that person protection.

This is a law of nature and the basis for the Framers’ “natural born Citizen” clause.

Puzo1 said...

Now Mike Evans says he never spoke to Governor Abercrombie.

He clearly said during his radio interview: "Yesterday, talking to Neil's office, Neil says that he searched everywhere using his powers as governor ..... there is no Barack Obama birth certificate in Hawaii. Absolutely no proof at all that he was born in Hawaii."

So why would Evans make such stuff up?

Read the full story here:

jayjay said...

When we eventually find out the true particulars of Obama's life story I think it will become ovious even to his supporters that the man is an outrageous liar and fraud and has flummoxed the American public.

Or, as the Wizard of Oz might have said ... "a humbug". In the current situation, I think there are many, many levels of both criminal and civil penalties for the many laws he will obviously have broken no matter the claims of the Flying Monkeys of "... but we love him and he meant well ...".

jayjay said...

Sounds like the radio show guy Evans has been told in no uncertain terms to shut up or else ... either by his "pal" the HI gov or by the Chief of the Flying Monkeys o one of his functionaries.

Puzo1 said...

Can we just imagine a seasoned, intelligent, articulate, journalist/radio host like Mike Evans saying all those things on a recorded national radio show about Obama and his close friend, Governor Abercrombie, in the context of the national controversy concerning Obama's place of birth and his birth certificate, and then telling us later on that he never spoke to Governor Abercrombie about the birth certificate.

Now isn't that all just a coincidence that Evans would just say all that given what Governor Abercrombie has himself revealed lately?

I did not see in any explanation by Evans that he had learned what Governor Abercrombie said just several days back about his not being able to find Obama's birth certificate and that that information somehow tainted his thinking.

Also note that in Evans' radio interview in which he said that he did speak with Abercrombie, he also did not say that what the Governor told him about there being no birth certificate should not be a surprise to anyone because the Governor just days before himself told the public the same thing.

Are we therefore to conclude that Evans was not aware of what the Governor said just days before? If he was not aware, what a coincidence it would be for him to say the same thing that the Governor said previously but it be a mistake. If he did know about what the Governor said, with such information being fresh in his mind, how could he have made such a blunder by saying he spoke to the Governor when he in fact did not speak to him?

cfkerchner said...

Is this "celebrity journalist" Mike Evans throwing himself under the bus and back tracking about what he was told by AberCOMMIE as a result of pressure brought to bear on him by Obama and his powerful friends to squelch this AberCrombie slip up by saying it never really happened and Mike Evans and possibly his journalistic career takes the fall for it all. Did the Obama goons find some dirt on him to make him change his story? I mean it was very, very clear what Mike Evans said on that radio show a few days ago about his very good friend Abercrombie's conversation with him. He was speaking in a relaxed first person knowledge state during his radio show account the other day of his phone call to Governor Abercrombie's office. Now when you hear him talk to others about it such as on the Peter Boyle radio show out of Denver CO, he's tap dancing all over the place and one sentence after another contradicts what he said 5 minutes previously. It does not sound like he's telling the truth now. He sounded like he was telling the truth during that radio show a few days ago which caused this latest round of higher profile discussion of Obama's nativity story. Has another person been forced to throw himself under the bus to protect Obama, the Usurper-in-Chief? Was pressure put on his radio station and bosses and/or major sponsors by the White House to get Mike Evans to change his story?

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)

Dixhistory said...

This is what ticks me off. Dumb media (Fox) writing stuff that is not true. The link is at the bottom.

"In 2008, the Obama campaign provided a certification of live birth -- a shorter form document that bears the same legal weight as the more detailed original certificate of live birth -- to prove his eligibility to be president. That has not quelled calls by those who have asked for the president’s original, longer form birth certificate, which they maintain would more clearly prove his status as a natural-born American citizen."

The below in the same story makes it clear that no BC is needed as there was no such thing back then.

The fact that his father was a Brit is all one needs to know. We and they all know that. Including all those that post stating other wise.

If you are smart enough to turn on your computer and make a post then in your heart you know this is all a fraud. Men in places that matter that are to scared to take a stand is what it all amounts to.

"The U.S. Constitution stipulates that only “a natural-born citizen,” or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of the President.”

Puzo1 said...

Evans told KQRS that he talked "with Neil's office, Neil says that he's searched everywhere using his power as governor" at Kapiolani Medical Center and Queens Medical Center only to come up with no birth certificate.

Now Evans says he never spoke to the Governor.

Has anyone asked Evan then who did he speak with in the Governor's office?

Evans did not say that he just made the whole story up. The only change now is that he did not speak to the Governor. Then tell us to whom you spoke in that office. Then the next question is how does that person know that there is no birth certificate showing that Obama was born in Hawaii.

Read more:

Vixmith said...

This story about Abercrombie and some birth certificate being there or being lost simply ratchets up a lie that a Hawaiian birth certificate will qualify obama. That premise hides the real issue: Natural Born Citizen means born of two US citizen parents; and born in the US. By selling this deception with the help of media, including those in FOX claiming to respect The Constitution, Abercrombie has achieved his goal.

Both parents must be citizens in order to be a Natural Born Citizen.

Do not be fooled by this well-designed move. Ask yourself “Why is obama’s party still trying to sell him as a Natural Born Citizen?” Press secretary Gibbs ridiculed those who wanted to defend The Constitution, asking if obama needed to wear a birth certificate pasted to his forehead. He ignored $2 million spent hiding whatever is on file. This story admits that the question has NOT been truly answered YET!!

Burden to qualify lies upon he/she who desires to be President, and NOT upon 300 million citizens who are guaranteed a Natural Born Citizen President by The Constitution.

Thanx, VGS

Carlyle said...

What is so BIG or so SCARY that Evans would throw himself under the bus like that. Surely a simple polite phone call from the White House would not be sufficient. So what was it?

Or was it the tried and true horse head in the bed or a kidnapped loved one?

The Stacker said...

Mario and Charles,

WHAT ARE YOU going to do about this?

Remember? I TOLD you he wasn't born at Kapi'olani.

Now we know for certain.

MichaelN said...

Surely there is a way to have the COLB that was produced as an internet image verified by an independent entity & ascertain the source document that it was generated from by having that document cited.

Obama has offered the COLB as his 'proof', then he is obliged to verify it's authenticity.

What about putting Abercrombie to task and have him seek verification of what document 'held on file' (see HRS 338-13) gave the basis for the generation of the COLB.

Then there is also the matter of HRS 338-13 that excludes 'part thereof' (as opposed to ALL 'the contents' of a record held on file')as being 'considered for all purposes the same as the original'

As I read HRS 338-13, only an image copy of the original or a copy of ALL the contents is considered the same as the original to the exclusion of 'part thereof' (aka a COLB)

Legal proceeding should be commenced in Hawaii and possibly also Arizona, where Obama swore before a notary public that he was a 'natural born Citizen on his nomination.

MichaelN said...

What CERTIFICATE 'on file' did the HDoH base the COLB on, if in fact they issued the COLB.

A COLB is a 'part thereof'.

'The contents' must mean ALL the contents, because of the mention of 'part thereof'

In (b) the 'part thereof' doesn't get a mention, only the 'contents'.

See HRS 338-13.

§338-13 Certified copies. (
a) Subject to the requirements of sections 338-16, 338-17, and 338-18, the department of health shall, upon request, furnish to any applicant a certified copy of any CERTIFICATE, or the contents of any CERTIFICATE, or any part thereof.

b) Copies of the contents of any CERTIFICATE ON FILE IN THE DEPARTMENT, certified by the department shall be considered for all purposes the same as the original, subject to the requirements of sections 338-16, 338-17, and 338-18.

(c) Copies may be made by photography, dry copy reproduction, typing, computer printout or other process approved by the director of health. [L 1949, c 327, §17; RL 1955, §57-16; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §19; HRS §338-13; am L 1978, c 49, §1]

MichaelN said...

There must be a CERTIFICATE ON FILE in the department, FIRST, for a COLB to be authentic & valid as a 'certified copy' per HRS 338-13.

Joe said...

You know what surprises me the most about this story,

that FOX News scrambled to get this up on their internet site the same day the lie was exposed. Boy he must have some really close friends at FOX.

Wow that was fast. The same news organization that wouldn't even mention the issue for 3 years, yeah right, their real credible on this issue.

In fact I can't think of single issue of this magnitude or interest, that has gone on this long, that a news station wouldn't do a story on.

I guess they didn't want to get Dobbed.

Alana said...

Aloha and Welcome to Chicago West. Abercommie was not elected, he was bought and paid for. Sister Maya campaigned for him and introduced him as our new governor, was on the podium for his inauguration. Neil announced his search intentions to the media on the day Barry arrived for vacation, however, he and Nancie departed for remote Hana prior to his arrival and returned the day after Obama's departure. This is a huge scam folks. Our officials are the most corrupt in the nation, not the people. Congress is still celebrating Neils resignation. Enter slimy Schatz, our Lt. Gov.

Precisely As predicted: Brian Schatz becomes part of birther conspiracy

Governor Abercrombie’s recent pronouncements indicate to me, he believes no documents were available in the public record which could have provided a basis for the oath taken in 2008 by his Lieutenant Governor Brian Schatz, then Chair of the HI Democratic Party, to HI election officials guaranteeing then candidate Barack Obama was Constitutionally eligible for the office of POTUS, which sworn statement was required under HRS §11-113 before these officials could authorize his name to be printed on HI state ballots.

What does arouse my suspicion in HI is the ‘coincidence’ that Mr. Schatz, Chair of the HDP, taught in Kenya and went to school there, in the early ’90′s… What are the odds?


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  • Neil Abercrombie

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    Obama's life beard





    Items on this page archived in order of discovery . . .

    I Told You So

    The Los Angeles Times is reporting that the Democrat and Socialist, Neil Abercrombie, [claims to have known] knew Barack Obama's parents when Obama was born here in 1961, and he has been aggravated by the so-called Birther movement, which alleges Obama was not born in the United States and thus should be expelled from office.

    That is a false description of the "Birthers" -- which of course isn't a movement, at all.  Birthers are independent Americans who want Barack Obama to release his hidden bona fides.  The American People have a right to know and a need to know who Barack Obama is, where he's from, and who sent him.

    There is no independently verified PROOF that Obama was born in the United States in the public domain -- none.  All of the PROOF comes from two sources, the Obama campaign and, and they have allied themselves in support of Obama's conspiracy to usurp the Office of the president of the United States.

    Now Abercrombie has an office of his own -- he became governor of Hawaii on Dec. 6. -- and he intends to do something about it.  What, exactly, is unclear.  But in an interview this week at the state Capitol, he left little doubt that torpedoing the conspiracy theorists was a priority.

    I predicted this as soon as Abercrombie, who I refer to as "Obama's life beard," announced his run for governor. 

    Now that he's in office, his first priority is "torpedoing the conspiracy theorists," an odd statement, since the conspirators are Abercrombie, the Democratic Party, the Obama campaign, the Daily Kos, and

    "What bothers me is that some people who should know better are trying to use this for political reasons," said Abercrombie, 72.  "Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, 'I was here when that baby was born.' "

    I wrote, "Abercrombie is the only human being on the planet to put Barack Hussein Obama Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham in the same room together" in 2008 -- read Abercrombie's statement, "I'm the only one in the country..." -- he's saying the same thing.  He's the only guy to ever put Obama Sr. and Anna together.  There are no photos of Obama Sr. from the early 1960s.  There are no letters.  Obama Sr. never spoke of having family in Hawaii -- never.

    Abercrombie's bother Hal said he never saw them together and drinking buddy Pake Zane could not recall Ann from those days but had precise memories of Senior.

    And, Abercrombie statement, "I was here when that baby was born," means nothing.  I was in Massachusetts "when that baby was born."  You were wherever you were "when that baby was born."  We were all someplace.  That doesn't document Obama's birthplace.

    Ample evidence has been produced to discredit the "Birther" movement, so in the view of the White House, the Democratic governor's comments are reviving an issue that most people see as resolved.

    "Ample evidence?"  That's a joke.  Here's Obama's "ample evidence," A fake autobiography, a counterfeit birth document, and two old newspaper clippings, that aren't even newspaper clippings.  You can't get a driver's license in Massachusetts with that stuff,

    And the claim that the circumstance of Obama's birth is "an issue that most people see as resolved," is ludicrous.  A recent CNN poll (not known as a Birther organization) indicates that 6 out of 10 Americans question Obama's birthplace.

    Although Abercrombie's goal may be to support Obama, experts who study political extremism say the release of additional evidence would only perpetuate the conspiracy theory.  They say people who embrace such theories are guided by suspicion and, therefore, view any contrary evidence as part of the conspiracy.

    "Abercrombie's goal may be to support Obama" -- you think?  And, you want evidence of a conspiracy?  Read this.  This is a documented conspiracy, not the hallucinations of a liberal reporter from the Los Angeles Times.

    Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was born in Kansas and met and married his father, also named Barack, when the two were college students in Hawaii.  Obama was born at Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961.

    There is no evidence or documentation of a marriage -- none, nada, zilch.

    Kapi'olani refuses to support the notion that Obama was born at their facility.  There is no plaque in the lobby identifying the hospital as, "The birthplace of the 44th President of the United States."

    And if Obama was born at Kapiolani, why have both Obama and the Obama campaign claimed the Queens medical center as Obama's birthplace?  Of course there's no evidence to support that assertion, either.

    The actual wording on Obama's "Organizing for America" website is:

    1.  Barack Hussein Obama, was born 4 August, 1961 at the Queens Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii...

    And even liberal talker Bill Press says he was born at Queens Medical Center.  What Press said is, "Even after the Hawaii Department of Health produced his birth certificate -- born August 4, 1961, at Honolulu's Queens Medical center..."

    According to Obama's Kenyan step-grandmother Sarah, he was born in Mombasa, Kenya.

    That's three hospitals that the Obama, his supporters and family have identified as his birthplace.  It used be "George Washington slept here."  Now it's Barack Obama was born here, and here, and here, and... 

    There will soon be plaques everywhere saying, "birthplace of the 44th President of the United States -- but there isn't a single one, yet????

    But in 2008, as Obama ran for president, critics posted allegations online, without proof, that he was born in Kenya.

    Critics?  Without proof?  What about supporters? 

    Here's a whole page of "reliable news sources," such as the Associated Press and National Public Radio, that reported he was born in Kenya.  Five Kenyan officials said Obama was born in Kenya, most in formal session.  Family members, specifically his step-grandmother, and wife Michelle, have said Obama was born in Kenya.

    The allegations that Obama was born in Kenya come from the liberal press, his family and Kenyan officials, not from Birthers.

    That June, the Obama campaign released a certificate of live birth, an official document from the Hawaii Health Department certifying the facts of a person's birth, as proof of his birthplace.  Investigations by two prominent fact-checking organizations, PolitiFact and, concluded that the certificate was authentic.  FactCheck also turned up a 1961 birth announcement in the Honolulu Advertiser marking the birth of a son to "Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama of Kalanianaole Hwy."

    The "official document from the Hawaii Health Department" is debunked, here -- it's bogus.  And the only people certifying the facts of Obama's birth are these two political operatives.

    However, this is the first time I've heard that it was that "discovered" the birth announcement, and this assertion clearly puts at the center of the conspiracy to fraudulently document Obama's mysterious birth circumstance.

    PolitiFact also published this statement from Janice Okubo, the Communications Officer for the Hawaii Department of Public Health -- "I don't know that it's possible for us to even say beyond a doubt what the image on the site represents."

    But the Hawaii birth document, dated 2007 and generated at the request of the Obama campaign, was insufficient for some of Obama's detractors.  They demand the release of his original birth certificate, which in Hawaii is not a public record.  Several lawsuits have been filed seeking to force Obama to disclose more information, but they have been routinely dismissed by courts.

    The Hawaii birth document, dated 2007 and generated at the request of the Obama campaign is clearly bogus, but where did this birth document come from?

    "... they have been routinely dismissed by courts."  True, and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas tells us why that is -- "We're evading that one" -- and Army Col. Denise R. Lind, acting as a judge in the prosecution of Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, told us the reason why, when she said opening up such evidence could be an "embarrassment" to Obama

    Bills have been introduced in state legislatures that would require presidential candidates to document that they were born in this country. One was passed by the Arizona House of Representatives in April. Similar legislation was introduced in Congress in 2009 and failed to gain traction, but the attempt troubled Abercrombie.

    Bills are currently working their way through a dozen state legislatures, and of course they trouble Abercrombie.  If Obama's bona fides are released, both he an Obama are out of jobs.  Hell, they could both end up in Leavenworth.

    Hawaii's existing requirements for certification of their presidential candidates didn't get in the way of certifying Obama's constitutional eligibility.  Hawaii just filed an illegal certification.
    Here is
    a statement on the law from the State of Hawaii, Office of Elections, dated December 18, 2008.  Note the highlighted paragraph 2:

    "(2) a statement by the political party that each candidate is legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution..."

    here is the Democratic Party of Hawai’i certification for Obama.  It is missing the required language, "qualified to serve under the provisions of the US Constitution."  Instead, it substitutes the following language:

    "THIS IS TO CERIFY that the following candidates for President and Vice president of the United States are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the national Democratic parties..."

    "More than demonization -- this is self-evisceration of politics," said Abercrombie, who raised the birthplace issue unprompted during the interview. "Empires fall and countries fall when that takes the place of discourse."

    No, Abercrombie.  This is self-evisceration of politics.  This is fraud on a massive scale.

    In Hawaii, the efforts to challenge Obama's birthplace still burden the state government with endless requests for further documentation, officials have said.  Abercrombie's predecessor, Republican Linda Lingle, in May signed legislation that allowed the state to ignore repeated nuisance inquiries.

    That's because those "repeated nuisance inquiries" revealed the obfuscation and stonewalling of Hawaiian officials.

    "If I were the governor, I would call a press conference, I'd pull out all the records I have and show the world he was born in Hawaii," said state Sen. Will Espero, a Democrat who sponsored that bill.

    Please! Espero.  Please!  Pull out all the records.  I dare you.  I double dare you.  That's all we're asking for -- "all the records."

    But the state has consistently held that releasing all of Obama's records would be a violation of its citizens' confidentiality, and that privacy rights should not be sacrificed to appease extreme views.  Espero said he understands that stance and noted that the conspiracy theories have ebbed.

    The state refuses to release, "all of Obama's records."  They just release selected part's of Obama's records.  The parts that support their story, a violation of Hawaii law.

    Republican governor, Lind Lingle, who was a McCain campaign member, and a party to "The Deal," has a vested interest in supporting Obama's story.
    • The Los Angeles Times is reporting that the Democrat and Socialist, Neil Abercrombie, [claims to have known] knew Barack Obama's parents when Obama was born here in 1961, and he has been aggravated by the so-called Birther movement, which alleges Obama was not born in the United States and thus should be expelled from office.

      That is a false description of the "Birthers" -- which of course isn't a movement, at all.  Birthers are independent Americans who want Barack Obama to release his hidden bona fides.  The American People have a right to know and a need to know who Barack Obama is, where he's from, and who sent him.

      There is no independently verified PROOF that Obama was born in the United States in the public domain -- none.  All of the PROOF comes from two sources, the Obama campaign and, and they have allied themselves in support of Obama's conspiracy to usurp the Office of the president of the United States.

      Now Abercrombie has an office of his own -- he became governor of Hawaii on Dec. 6. -- and he intends to do something about it.  What, exactly, is unclear.  But in an interview this week at the state Capitol, he left little doubt that torpedoing the conspiracy theorists was a priority.

      I predicted this as soon as Abercrombie, who I refer to as "Obama's life beard," announced his run for governor. 

      Now that he's in office, his first priority is "torpedoing the conspiracy theorists," an odd statement, since the conspirators are Abercrombie, the Democratic Party, the Obama campaign, the Daily Kos, and

      "What bothers me is that some people who should know better are trying to use this for political reasons," said Abercrombie, 72.  "Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, 'I was here when that baby was born.' "

      I wrote, "Abercrombie is the only human being on the planet to put Barack Hussein Obama Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham in the same room together" in 2008 -- read Abercrombie's statement, "I'm the only one in the country..." -- he's saying the same thing.  He's the only guy to ever put Obama Sr. and Anna together.  There are no photos of Obama Sr. from the early 1960s.  There are no letters.  Obama Sr. never spoke of having family in Hawaii -- never.

      Abercrombie's bother Hal said he never saw them together and drinking buddy Pake Zane could not recall Ann from those days but had precise memories of Senior.

      And, Abercrombie statement, "I was here when that baby was born," means nothing.  I was in Massachusetts "when that baby was born."  You were wherever you were "when that baby was born."  We were all someplace.  That doesn't document Obama's birthplace.

      Ample evidence has been produced to discredit the "Birther" movement, so in the view of the White House, the Democratic governor's comments are reviving an issue that most people see as resolved.

      "Ample evidence?"  That's a joke.  Here's Obama's "ample evidence," A fake autobiography, a counterfeit birth document, and two old newspaper clippings, that aren't even newspaper clippings.  You can't get a driver's license in Massachusetts with that stuff,

      And the claim that the circumstance of Obama's birth is "an issue that most people see as resolved," is ludicrous.  A recent CNN poll (not known as a Birther organization) indicates that 6 out of 10 Americans question Obama's birthplace.

      Although Abercrombie's goal may be to support Obama, experts who study political extremism say the release of additional evidence would only perpetuate the conspiracy theory.  They say people who embrace such theories are guided by suspicion and, therefore, view any contrary evidence as part of the conspiracy.

      "Abercrombie's goal may be to support Obama" -- you think?  And, you want evidence of a conspiracy?  Read this.  This is a documented conspiracy, not the hallucinations of a liberal reporter from the Los Angeles Times.

      Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was born in Kansas and met and married his father, also named Barack, when the two were college students in Hawaii.  Obama was born at Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961.

      There is no evidence or documentation of a marriage -- none, nada, zilch.

      Kapi'olani refuses to support the notion that Obama was born at their facility.  There is no plaque in the lobby identifying the hospital as, "The birthplace of the 44th President of the United States."

      And if Obama was born at Kapiolani, why have both Obama and the Obama campaign claimed the Queens medical center as Obama's birthplace?  Of course there's no evidence to support that assertion, either.

      The actual wording on Obama's "Organizing for America" website is:

      1.  Barack Hussein Obama, was born 4 August, 1961 at the Queens Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii...

      And even liberal talker Bill Press says he was born at Queens Medical Center.  What Press said is, "Even after the Hawaii Department of Health produced his birth certificate -- born August 4, 1961, at Honolulu's Queens Medical center..."

      According to Obama's Kenyan step-grandmother Sarah, he was born in Mombasa, Kenya.

      That's three hospitals that the Obama, his supporters and family have identified as his birthplace.  It used be "George Washington slept here."  Now it's Barack Obama was born here, and here, and here, and... 

      There will soon be plaques everywhere saying, "birthplace of the 44th President of the United States -- but there isn't a single one, yet????

      But in 2008, as Obama ran for president, critics posted allegations online, without proof, that he was born in Kenya.

      Critics?  Without proof?  What about supporters? 

      Here's a whole page of "reliable news sources," such as the Associated Press and National Public Radio, that reported he was born in Kenya.  Five Kenyan officials said Obama was born in Kenya, most in formal session.  Family members, specifically his step-grandmother, and wife Michelle, have said Obama was born in Kenya.

      The allegations that Obama was born in Kenya come from the liberal press, his family and Kenyan officials, not from Birthers.

      That June, the Obama campaign released a certificate of live birth, an official document from the Hawaii Health Department certifying the facts of a person's birth, as proof of his birthplace.  Investigations by two prominent fact-checking organizations, PolitiFact and, concluded that the certificate was authentic.  FactCheck also turned up a 1961 birth announcement in the Honolulu Advertiser marking the birth of a son to "Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama of Kalanianaole Hwy."

      The "official document from the Hawaii Health Department" is debunked, here -- it's bogus.  And the only people certifying the facts of Obama's birth are these two political operatives.

      However, this is the first time I've heard that it was that "discovered" the birth announcement, and this assertion clearly puts at the center of the conspiracy to fraudulently document Obama's mysterious birth circumstance.

      PolitiFact also published this statement from Janice Okubo, the Communications Officer for the Hawaii Department of Public Health -- "I don't know that it's possible for us to even say beyond a doubt what the image on the site represents."

      But the Hawaii birth document, dated 2007 and generated at the request of the Obama campaign, was insufficient for some of Obama's detractors.  They demand the release of his original birth certificate, which in Hawaii is not a public record.  Several lawsuits have been filed seeking to force Obama to disclose more information, but they have been routinely dismissed by courts.

      The Hawaii birth document, dated 2007 and generated at the request of the Obama campaign is clearly bogus, but where did this birth document come from?

      "... they have been routinely dismissed by courts."  True, and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas tells us why that is -- "We're evading that one" -- and Army Col. Denise R. Lind, acting as a judge in the prosecution of Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, told us the reason why, when she said opening up such evidence could be an "embarrassment" to Obama

      Bills have been introduced in state legislatures that would require presidential candidates to document that they were born in this country. One was passed by the Arizona House of Representatives in April. Similar legislation was introduced in Congress in 2009 and failed to gain traction, but the attempt troubled Abercrombie.

      Bills are currently working their way through a dozen state legislatures, and of course they trouble Abercrombie.  If Obama's bona fides are released, both he an Obama are out of jobs.  Hell, they could both end up in Leavenworth.

      Hawaii's existing requirements for certification of their presidential candidates didn't get in the way of certifying Obama's constitutional eligibility.  Hawaii just filed an illegal certification.
      Here is
      a statement on the law from the State of Hawaii, Office of Elections, dated December 18, 2008.  Note the highlighted paragraph 2:

      "(2) a statement by the political party that each candidate is legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution..."

      here is the Democratic Party of Hawai’i certification for Obama.  It is missing the required language, "qualified to serve under the provisions of the US Constitution."  Instead, it substitutes the following language:

      "THIS IS TO CERIFY that the following candidates for President and Vice president of the United States are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the national Democratic parties..."

      "More than demonization -- this is self-evisceration of politics," said Abercrombie, who raised the birthplace issue unprompted during the interview. "Empires fall and countries fall when that takes the place of discourse."

      No, Abercrombie.  This is self-evisceration of politics.  This is fraud on a massive scale.

      In Hawaii, the efforts to challenge Obama's birthplace still burden the state government with endless requests for further documentation, officials have said.  Abercrombie's predecessor, Republican Linda Lingle, in May signed legislation that allowed the state to ignore repeated nuisance inquiries.

      That's because those "repeated nuisance inquiries" revealed the obfuscation and stonewalling of Hawaiian officials.

      "If I were the governor, I would call a press conference, I'd pull out all the records I have and show the world he was born in Hawaii," said state Sen. Will Espero, a Democrat who sponsored that bill.

      Please! Espero.  Please!  Pull out all the records.  I dare you.  I double dare you.  That's all we're asking for -- "all the records."

      But the state has consistently held that releasing all of Obama's records would be a violation of its citizens' confidentiality, and that privacy rights should not be sacrificed to appease extreme views.  Espero said he understands that stance and noted that the conspiracy theories have ebbed.

      The state refuses to release, "all of Obama's records."  They just release selected part's of Obama's records.  The parts that support their story, a violation of Hawaii law.

      Republican governor, Lind Lingle, who was a McCain campaign member, and a party to "The Deal," has a vested interest in supporting Obama's story.

      She said, "So I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi'olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii.  And that's just a fact and yet people continue to call up and e-mail and want to make it an issue and I think it's again a horrible distraction for the country by those people who continue this."

      Lingle's statement, above, is a lie.  Fukino's statement never identified Kapiolani as Obama's birthplace -- never, never, never!

      Fukino said, "[I have]...personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record...," so there is a document. 

      Hawaii released an Adobe document containing an alphabetical list of births, produced from the Hawaii Birth Index database, containing the names of those issued Certificates of Hawaiian Birth from 1911 to 1971, for those who did not get a standard Birth certificate, at birth." The name Obama does not exist.

      Beyond the lie, if Lingle disclosed Obama's birth hospital without his permission, she has committed a misdemeanor.  If Obama gave permission for this public disclosure, then Hawaii no longer has a basis for maintaining the privacy of Obama's birth records.

      §338-18 Disclosure of records. (a) To protect the integrity of vital statistics records, to ensure their proper use, and to ensure the efficient and proper administration of the vital statistics system, it shall be unlawful for any person to permit inspection of, or to disclose information contained in vital statistics records, or to copy or issue a copy of all or part of any such record, except as authorized by this part or by rules adopted by the department of health.

      But the movement made news this month, when a former Army officer, Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, was dismissed from the military and sentenced to six months in military prison after he refused to deploy to Afghanistan because he claimed Obama may be ineligible to serve as president.

      Judge "Lind denied Lakin the right to discovery, and forbade the defense from producing any evidence or experts" -- pretty good definition of a kangaroo court -- no discovery, no evidence, no experts -- no defense.

      A decorated military physician, with 18 years of honorable service, goes down because Obama refuses to release his birth certificate.

      Obama has been fighting the release of his birth certificate (and other documents) for three years now.  Kinda makes one wonder, what could possibly on (or not on) that document that Obama is so afraid of? 

      "When you look at the certification of live birth … you don't find the name of the doctor, hospital or signature," said prominent "birther" Orly Taitz, a California lawyer and dentist. "We've asked to see the original one that is still sealed."  Taitz said she is willing to debate Abercrombie on national television and "let the American people decide."

      I'd pay to see that.

      Last year, he sponsored a congressional resolution honoring the 50th anniversary of Hawaiian statehood, which included language stating, "Whereas the 44th president of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii."

      Everyone know that congressional resolutions carry no weight.  Congress can resolve anything, but they can't prove where Obama was born, or who his parents are.  Only the release of Obama's long-form, vault birth certificate can do that, and Obama has spent in excess of $2,000,000 to keep that document hidden from the American people.

      However, it is important to understand, that wherever Barack Hussein Obama II was born, he is still ineligible to serve as POTUS.  He is a statutory citizen, and not a "natural born" citizen, as required by Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution.

      But why would anyone believe Abercrombie?  He's a Marxist, like Obama, and has been a socialist since the early 1960s.  As of February 20, 2009  Abercrombie was listed as a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, the Democratic Socialists of America's front group in Congress.  His wife Dr. Nancie Caraway was listed as a member of the Feminist Commission of the Democratic Socialists of America.
      Abercrombie's Bullsh!t Fantasy Debunked
      Four newspaper web sites have had articles on Abercrombie and his views about "Birthers" in the past three days.  It seems to have started with the Los Angeles Times that was addressed here, and which should be read before this item.  Then The New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Honolulu Star Advertiser and Politico got in on the act. 

      This is a huge, coordinated political campaign by Abercrombie to discredit "Birthers."

      But Abercrombie put his foot in it when he told Sheryl Gay Stolberg, writer for The New York Times, that he remembered Obama Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham bringing the baby to social events.  The actual quote from the Times is:

      "Mr. Abercrombie, 72, said that although he did not see the elder Obamas at the hospital with their newborn son, he did remember the couple bringing the baby to social events."

      That statement is demonstrably a lie.  Stanley Ann Dunham left Hawaii days after Obama was born.  It was impossible for Abercrombie to see "the couple bringing the baby to social events," because Obama Sr. was in Hawaii, and Stanley Ann Dunham was in Seattle, Washington, 2678 air miles away.

      Lets look at the evidence.

      Anna and the infant Barry were in Washington state by August 1961, when she registered for classes at University of Washington using the Capitol Hill apartment address as her address.  Anna Dunham started night classes at the University of Washington's Fall semester on September 19, 1961.  She was living at that address in fall of 1962 when Barbara Cannon Rusk visited her.

      Susan Blake, a former Mercer Island city councilwoman, recalls that Dunham, who was calling herself Ann Obama at the time, visited her at her house in Mercer Island during the last week of August, 1961 (search Scribd on "Blake").  Blake said that Anna left Honolulu just as soon she had clearance from her doctor to travel with her new baby.  He was just 3 weeks old the day of the visit.  Anna had sent a postcard that she would be in town, and was staying with a friend of her mother's.  She drove out to Blake's house in her mother’s friend's car, and Blake and Dunham spent the entire day together.

      Here is a video in which Susan Blake recalls the visit and said Stanley Ann didn't know how to change diapers, and Dunham said to Blake, "Here, you do it." 

      Here is a copy of Anna's transcript from the University of Washington.  It clearly shows her to have begun classes in Seattle on September 19, 1961.  Anna took a full course load in the spring of 1962, and had her transcript transferred to the University of Hawaii after the fall 1962 semester.

      Stanley Ann returned to Hawaii over the Christmas holiday period 1962/1963, and began classes at the University of Hawaii.  Here is the documentation from the University of Hawaii, and here is additional documentation from Stuart Lau, University Registrar, University of Hawaii, that demonstrates Anna was not attending classes at the University of Hawaii, between the Fall of 1960 semester and the Spring semester of 1963.

      Meanwhile, Obama Sr. was in Hawaii, attending classes at the university.

      When Senior moved to Hawaii in June of 1959, it has been well documented that he originally lived in a room at the Atherton Y.M.C.A., not far from campus.  He later moved to a small, single story wooden home located at 625 11th Ave., located in the St. Louis Heights area.  Senior remained at 625 11th Ave., until he left Hawaii on June 22, 1962 -- after graduation.  Obama Sr. and Dunham never lived under the same roof together.

      In an article in the Star-Bulletin, dated June 20, 1962, says, "A 1962 graduate, he [Obama Sr.] leaves next week...," and a second article about Barack H. Obama, in the Honolulu Advertiser, dated June 22, 1962, says, "The first African to graduate from the University of Hawaii leaves today..."

      On his way east, Obama stopped in San Francisco and went to dinner at the Blue Fox in the financial district with Hal Abercrombie, who had moved to the city with his wife, Shirley.  Obama Sr. embarrassed the Abercrombies by, "...berating the guy [the waiter] and condescending every time the waiter came to our table.  There was a superiority and an arrogance about it that I didn't like."

      There is no evidence, anywhere, that Obama Sr. and Anna ever lived under the same roof together, and this report says Hal Abercrombie, Neil's brother  said he never saw them together.  Drinking buddy, Pake Zane could not recall Ann from those days but had precise memories of Senior.

      Years later, Abercrombie and another grad school friend looked up Obama Sr. during a trip through Africa.  At that point, the senior Obama was a bitter man, according to Abercrombie, feeling that he had been denied due opportunities to influence the running of his country.  "He was drinking too much; his frustration was apparent," Abercrombie said.

      To Abercrombie's surprise, Senior never asked about Stanley Ann Dunham or Barry [Barack Obama].

      This should be no surprise, because there never was a "marriage."  There's no better authority on Obama's life than his wife Michelle, and she tells us that his [Obama's] own mother was "very young and very single when she had him." (2nd source)

      Isn’t it comforting to know that the new governor of Hawaii is a bold-faced liar, and if he’s lying, guess what? 

      Obama’s lying too.

      And isn't it interesting that Obama and Abercrombie are currently both in Hawaii, and this stuff started the day Obama arrived.  How much do you want to bet they had a drink together?
      Jerome Corsi Slams Abercrombie
      This is a long interview, and repeats much of what's been here in the last couple of day, but if you've got 22 minutes, give it a listen.

      You can start the interview, and listen while you can continue your browsing.
      You Scratch My Back . . .
      Barack Obama is supporting Democratic gubernatorial nominee Neil Abercrombie in a new TV ad.

      Obama, who was [allegedly] born in Hawaii, said in the ad released Wednesday, that Abercrombie is an inspiring leader and a lifetime friend.

      Abercrombie faces Republican James "Duke" Aiona, the incumbent lieutenant governor, in the Nov. 2 election.

      Obama said Abercrombie will help create jobs, improve schools and promote clean energy.  He said Abercrombie has the experience, independence and character needed to serve as governor.  Obama previously had endorsed Abercrombie in e-mail messages sent earlier this week.

      Aiona's campaign responded that Abercrombie would bring tax-and-spend socialist politics to Hawaii.
      Abercrombie Continues His Anti-Birther Campaign
      As Abercrombie continues his attack on 60% of the American People, he was interviewed by Hawaiian News Now. Almost everything that news reader said was a mischaracterization of the Obama eligibility issue.  He begins his "news" report by saying that Obama's been in office for almost two full years, and then trumpets:

      "Abercrombie goes after the Birthers.  The governor says the conspiracy theory that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii has to end."

      He then mischaracterizes the issue by saying that some say he [Obama] is not a US citizen, but the Obama citizenship meme is the standard Obot misdirection.  Obama's citizenship is not the issue.  Obama's eligibility to serve as president of the United States under Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution is the issue, and quite simply, Obama is NOT a "natural born" American citizen.

      Abercrombie goes on to say, "those allegations come from the dark side, and he like to quiet that kind of talk once and for all."

      I bet he would!  However, Abercrombie is not going to make the eligibility issues go away by lying his lying ass off.

      Abercrombie whines, "This has to do with the people in Hawaii who love him, the "people who loved his mom and dad."

      Hey, Abercombie, name two.  They don't exist.  Your own brother doesn't even remember Obama Sr. and Anna as a couple.

      The news reader continues by saying the controversy began 2008, adding the Obama's mythological birth story from "Dreams...," about the mom from Kansas, and the (alleged) dad from Kenya.

      Well, if Obama's dad really came from Kenya, Obama is not a "natural born" citizen, and and is ineligible for the office. The news guy just made the "Birthers" case, but rambles on saying that doubters claim he was born in Kenya or Indonesia.

      Some do.  Some don't.  But Obama's birthplace is not important, unless it is discovered that Obama Sr. is not his father.   What's important is that Obama has dual citizenship, and is a "statutory" citizen.

      The the news guy drags up the counterfeit Certification of Live Birth (COLB) that Obama's campaign posted on the Internet, but doesn't identify which one of the four bogus COLB's he's referring to.  Then he goes on to say that the state law says Hawaii can't release the long-form birth certificate, because it's not a public record, and references Dr. Fukino's statement that the original birth certificate is on record

      If there's a long-form birth certificate, then why doesn't Obama release it?  What is on (or not on) that document that could possibly damage Obama so much that he has illegally spent over $2,000,000 of his campaign funds to keep it hidden from public view.  Why is Obama now illegally employing civil servant lawyers from the Justice department to preventing the American People from knowing who he is, where he comes from, and who sent him.

      And, as far as that bogus COLB up on the Internet, the communications director from Hawaii's department of Health has said, on the record, "I don't know that it's possible for us to even say beyond a doubt what the image on the site represents."

      Abercrombie goes on to say that challenging Obama's legal citizenship (more misdirection) is an insult to mother and father, saying he was friends of his mom and dad -- evidently the only one they had, because no one else ever remembers the couple, and that Obama deserves the respect of his office.

      Well, Abercrombie, respect is earned, and as long as 58% of the American People have question about Obama's eligibility, he's not going to get the respect you think he deserves.
      • Abercrombie Can't Find Obama's Birth Certificate
        Hawaii's new hippy-socialist governor, Neil Abercrombie, has a few interesting things to say in the last few paragraphs of a Honolulu Star-Advertiser article:

        Questioner:  You stirred up quite a controversy with your comments regarding birthers and your plans to release more information regarding President Barack Obama's birth certificate.  How is that coming?

        Abercrombie:  I got a letter from someone the other day who was genuinely concerned about it; it is not all just political agenda.  They were talking on Olelo last night about this; it has a political implication for 2012 that we simply cannot have.

        The writer parenthesizes a footnote here -- (Abercrombie said there is a recording of the birth in the State Archives and he wants to use that.) 

        It was actually written I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives, written down ...

        ...What I can do, and all I have ever said, is that I am going to see to it as governor that I can verify to anyone who is honest about it that this is the case.

        If there is a political agenda then there is nothing I can do about that, nor can the president.

        Is Abercrombie suggesting the long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health?  Is Abercrombie saying there is no Obama long-form birth document.

        Why is Abercrombie talking about a hand-written document in "the State Archives?"  What about the long-form, vault copy birth certificate?

        DR. Fukino said, "Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures."

        Dr. Fukino says the Department of Health has Obama's original birth certificate

        Now, the new governor, and the only person on the planet to put Obama Sr. and Stanley Ann in the same room, says they found a "hand-written" document in "the State Archives?"

        And why an investigation, Abercrombie?  What's to investigate?  Why not walk over to the Department of Health and ask for Obama's "original birth certificate?"  You're the governor!

        After all, Dr. Fukino's said,"...the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures."

        We have three different Obama birth documents in the public domain now.  Abercrombie's "State Archive" artifact would be the fourth Obama birth document.

        And none of them will be the standard Certificate Of Live Birth issued by the Hawaii State Department of Health, that the Department of health says they have, and is available for only $12.00.

        "It has a political implication for 2012 that we simply cannot have."  Heh, heh, heh!  You bet it does, Neil, baby!
        The Heat Is Now On Abercrombie
        The Mail Online has another article about Abercrombie stepping into it by attacking Birthers, "Abercrombie claims a record of Obama's birth 'exists in archives' but can't produce the vital document."

        Two days ago, we found out that Abercrombie conducted a search for Obama's bona fides, and couldn't seem to find Obama's long-form birth certificate -- the one Dr. Fukino has said was in the hands of the Hawaii Department of Health.  What his investigation has discovered, though, was an unspecified listing, or notation, of Obama's birth that someone had made in the state archives.  However, it is not a "birth certificate."  According to Abercrombie, it was "written down."

        One more piece of evidence that Obama's Internet-posted documents are counterfeit.  Remember, the Certification Of Live Birth (COLB) is produced from data originating on a certified official, long form birth certificate, issued by an official or agency responsible for filing the birth with the Department of Health.  So what is the origin of the data on Obama's COLB -- the ones posted on the Daily Kos, Fight the Smears, and websites?  Crickets?.

        Abercrombie was asked how his plan for releasing more information regarding Barack Obama's birth certificate is coming?

        He acknowledged the birth certificate issue would have "political implications" for the next presidential election "that we simply cannot have."  According to Abercrombie, the "conspiracy theories" still thrive, and are likely to continue despite whatever evidence that shows him to be a proper U.S. citizen.  "Conspiratorial theorists are never going to be satisfied.  This has gone into another area of political attack."

        Reasonable people wanting to know who Obama is, is not a political attack.  Obama's stonewalling IS a political tactic. 

        He again promised he would do "what I can do" to publicly verify that records show Obama was born in Hawaii and is a citizen of the United States, making him eligible to be president.

        And there's the spin -- citizenship.  Despite the wishes of the political Left, all citizens are not eligible -- only "natural born" citizens are eligible to serve as POTUS, and Barack Obama is simply not eligible because he was born a British subject and Kenyan citizen.

        "We'll do what we can as quickly as we can to make it inevitable that only those who wish the president ill, only the ones with a political agenda, will be the ones doing this kind of thing," he said at the time.  "The President is entitled to the respect of his office and he's entitled to have his mother and father respected."

        Don't you just love this crap!  "The President is entitled to the respect of his office and he's entitled to have his mother and father respected."

        What respect?

        Obama has usurped the Office of President.  He has hidden his entire life from the American People.  Daily, he violates his oath to "... faithfully execute the office of President of the United States ... and to ... preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

        Obama Sr., alleged to be the father, was a 25-year old married man who was having relations with a 17-year old, Stanley Ann.  He was a serial bigamist.  He abandoned his wives and children.  He became a wife-beater and drunk.  His arrogance destroyed his government career.  He killed a man and lost both legs in alcohol-related accidents.  He eventually killed himself behind the wheel -- hammered!

        Stanley Ann, she of the naked photos, was a gypsy who jumped into the sack with Obama Sr. (assuming he was the father) as soon as she met him -- and a "nice girl" just didn't have sex like that in 1960 -- and with a black African -- fahgettaboudit!  And there's no record of a marriage and according to Michelle Obama, Stanley Ann was "very young and very single" when she birthed Obama.

        And Abercrombie wants to have Obama, his mother and alleged father respected.

        Go roll another one governor.
        Abercrombie Hides Behind Law
        Mark Niesse says a privacy law that shields birth certificates has prompted Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie to abandon his efforts to dispel claims that Barack Obama was born outside Hawaii, his office says.

        State Attorney General David Louie told the governor that privacy laws bar him from disclosing an individual's birth documentation without the person's consent, Abercrombie spokeswoman Donalyn Dela Cruz said Friday.

        "There is nothing more that Gov. Abercrombie can do within the law to produce a document," said Dela Cruz. "Unfortunately, there are conspirators who will continue to question the citizenship of our president."

        Abercrombie, who was a friend of Obama's parents and knew him as a child, launched an investigation last month into whether he can release more information about the president's Aug. 4, 1961 birth. The governor said at the time he was bothered by people who questioned Obama's birthplace for political reasons.

        But Abercrombie's attempt reached a dead end when Louie told him the law restricted his options.

        Hawaii's privacy laws have long barred the release of a certified birth certificate to anyone who doesn't have a tangible interest.

        More here . . .

        Abercrombie is on the spot because he volunteered to " what I can do" to publicly verify that records show Obama was born in Hawaii and is a citizen of the United States so it wouldn't be an issue in the 2012 election.

        So Abercrombie launched an investigation to find and release Obama's birth certificate.

        Problem was, he couldn't find a birth certificate.  However, he did find a handwritten note in the state archives describing the circumstances of the birth.

        Obviously, Obama didn't give his consent, and now Abercrombie can't release the birth certificate that doesn't exist, because "privacy laws have long ... blah, blah, blah."

        What happened to the tangible interest of the Governor of the State of Hawaii in dispelling the "conspirator's" claims?

        Pretty weak, governor.  And you, Dela Cruz and the rest of the Democratic crooks in Hawaii are the conspirators, not a bunch of Americans who simply want to know who Obama is.
        Too Late, Abercrombie
        Dr. Kate says the cat is already out of the bag, so no amount of back-peddling by Governor Neil Abercrombie will do.  Obama is not an American citizen, he was not born in Hawaii, and there is no long-form birth certificate.  The Governor has committed perjury:

        •  As a representative, Abercrombie was responsible for inserting language into appropriations bills that stated Obama was born in Hawaii,

        •  As a representative, Abercrombie spoke at a fund-raiser for Kapiolani Hospital and read aloud a letter purportedly from the White House stating Obama was born at Kapiolani Hospital in Honolulu;

        •  As newly elected Governor, Abercrombie stated "I’m one of the only ones who saw that baby in Hawaii,"

        •  As Governor,stating that no long form birth certificate exists and then implying it does but he can’t release it due to state privacy laws and without the permission of Obama.

        The Washington Post article reveals that this perjury has company: co-conspirators include the Obamas, the State of Hawaii, former Governor Lingle and DOH staffer Fukino, and the major media like the Post article linked here.  This reveals a two-year coordinated effort to conceal Obama’s prima facie evidence to ascertain whether he (a) was born in Hawaii, and (b) is an American.  This gigantic diversion was contrived to ignore Obama’s fundamental disability as to meeting the requirements of a natural born citizen: born in the USA of two US citizen parents.  This should be a RICO investigation.

        Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie will end his quest to prove Barack Obama was born in Hawaii because it’s against state law to release private documents, his office said Friday.  State Attorney General David Louie told the governor he can’t disclose an individual’s birth documentation without a person’s consent, Abercrombie spokeswoman Donalyn Dela Cruz said.

        First, let’s critically examine this statement.  Abercrombie certainly knew this before he opened his hairy mouth.  So he’s playing a game straight up.  This "fall back" was used to dishonestly imply that a private record -- like a vital record -- exists, but will remain hidden even if it doesn’t exist to keep the game going can’t be released.  The same old co-conspirators were brought in to verify what has been shown to be a complete fabrication, and the Post repeats the lie that Obama released a "certificate of live birth," instead of a forged certification of live birth released by his campaign-controlled spokespersons and lackeys.

        It would seem clever to again focus the burden of proof on Obama, where it should be, but in the grander scheme, it is either a Clinton-wing NWO warning to Obama and/or a bribe.  Let’s see how much money the Native Hawaiians receive from the Obama administration, as well as individual state projects, and officials who should be in jail receiving appointments or able to "burrow" into federal agencies.

        When dealing with the Alinsky-trained anti-Americans, Obama tactics call for naming your opponents what you yourself actually are.  Look who are called the "conspirators" -- a markedly escalated version of "conspiracy theorists."  This is subtle shift in the term and language is not a coincidence:

        "There is nothing more that Gov. Abercrombie can do within the law to produce a document," said Dela Cruz.  "Unfortunately, there are conspirators who will continue to question the citizenship of our president."

        The idea is to name Constitutionalists as "conspirators," elevating the perceived threat they hope the public will feel from us regular citizens Americans.

        Notice also the use of the term citizenship versus "natural born" citizenship.  The term "citizenship" has always been used to dumb down "natural born" citizenship, and it is clearly not the same thing despite the eligibility flat-earthers and communists by proxy.

        Obama made his own bed -- actually he had plenty of clever and illegal assistance -- lying about his life and parents.  It was Bill Ayers being too smart for his own britches making up a story, and now whatever the truth really is, Obama has to live stand down with the fact he is not eligible for the office he occupies.

        Every single bit of NWO assistance he has received to deceive the American public about the requirements for the presidency has failed.  They now feel the need to desperately escalate the attacks on and diversions from any truth regarding Obama’s raw ineligibility.

        The jig is up.  Obama is a poor and unconstitutional tool and he’s been found out.  Frankly, they all have been found out.
        • There Is No Birth Certificate

          Mike Evans, of Hollywood Reporter, has been a friend of Gov. Abercrombie's for "decades."  Evans spoke to him yesterday. 

          "Neil and I spent a lot of time together during Obama's Inauguration.  He promised me that he when he became Governor, he was going to cut thru all the BS and find absolute proof that "Barry" was born in Hawaii.  Well, I spoke to him yesterday and Abercrombie told me he "searched everywhere using his powers as governor, and... There is NO Barack Obama Birth Certificate in Hawaii ... absolutely no proof at all that Obama was born in Hawaii."

          I Misspoke
          Jana Winter says a celebrity journalist now claims he misspoke when he said last week that Hawaii’s governor told him he was unable to find Barack Obama’s original birth certificate after a search of state and hospital archives.

          Mike Evans told on Wednesday he was remorseful and embarrassed that he appeared to have given the impression that he had discussed the search for Obama’s birth certificate with Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie.

          Evans, who says he has been a close friend of Abercrombie since the 1980s, appeared on Minnesota’s KQRS radio last week and said he'd been told by the governor himself that Obama’s birth certificate was nowhere to be found.  Evans told KQRS on Jan. 20:

          "Yesterday, talking to Neil's office, Neil says that he searched everywhere using his powers as governor ..... there is no Barack Obama birth certificate in Hawaii. Absolutely no proof at all that he was born in Hawaii."

          But that’s no longer Evans' story.

          Last week's radio interview was part of Evans' syndicated five-minute feature, "On the Road with Mike Evans," which is broadcast on 34 stations across the country each morning.

          On the morning of Jan. 20, Evans says he accidentally told one of those radio stations -- KQRS -- that he’d spoken directly with Gov. Abercrombie about the Obama birth certificate.

          "I was on 34 radio stations that morning.  That was the only station where I said, instead of saying 'the hospital said there’s no birth certificate,' I misspoke and said Neil said that," Evans said.  "I misspoke and I apologize for that.  I apologize to Neil."

          Sounds like Evans received a phone call.

          Evans didn't misspeak.  If he misspoke, he repeatedly misspoke.  He goes on for almost 5 minutes talking about Obama's missing records and questionable citizenship.

          This is always the way with Obama revelations.  Whenever another contradiction to the Obama story surfaces, it's a matter of days until a cover story is released along with a statement that the original speaker "misspoke" -- the reporter got it wrong -- somebody misremembered.

          It's been that way for 3 years.

          You know the rules.  Mustn't embarrass Obama.
          Abercrombie 86's Nominee
          Gov. Neil Abercrombie's office said he asked Dr. Chiyome Fukino's replacement, Dr. Neal Palafox to withdraw his nomination to lead the state Department of Health, contradicting his administration's previous claim that Palafox withdrew himself.

          Abercrombie spokeswoman Donalyn Dela Cruz confirmed it was the governor and not Palafox who asked (demanded?) for the withdrawal.

          Dela Cruz declined to discuss the reason for Palafox's abrupt departure, and Palafox has said he doesn't know what led to his Wednesday dismissal after a month as interim Health Department director.

          Palafox, 58, has said he was surprised when he heard TV news reports citing anonymous sources claiming he was under investigation for medical billing fraud, and referred questions to his attorney, Brook Hart.

          ''He did not volunteer it on his own.  He had no idea why the governor asked him to resign.  But he did because the governor asked him to do so,'' Hart said.  ''He has no information at this point why there's an investigation, what the investigation is about or even a hint about what it is that somebody is claiming he did wrong.''

          The attorney general's office has declined comment on whether it's investigating Palafox.

          More puzzles from paradise.
          More Prevaricating From Abercrombie
          Jack Cashill has found a video, recorded on January 21, 2009, the day after Obama was inaugurated, talk radio host Mike Evans interviewed then Congressman Neil Abercrombie on his relationships with the Barack Obamas, senior and junior.

          During this little-seen, congenial, 7-minute interview on C-SPAN, a relaxed Abercrombie reminisced about his own arrival in Hawaii in 1959 and his acquaintance with Barack Obama Sr., whom he described in glowing terms.

          When the subject turned to Obama, Evans asked, "Do you remember him growing up."

          "I remember him as a little boy with his grandfather," Abercrombie answered, "because his mother and father separated." Abercrombie elaborated that "little Barry" went everywhere with his grandfather, Stanley Dunham, and one could not help but to run into them.

          The reader may recall that just before Christmas Abercrombie told the Los Angeles Times, "Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, 'I was here when that baby was born.'"

          A few days later, Abercrombie clarified to Mark Niesse of the Associated Press that he didn't exactly see Obama's parents with their newborn son at the hospital, but that he "remembers seeing Obama as a child with his parents at social events."  In fact, however, Abercrombie never saw young Barry with his parents at all.

          In his effort to embarrass those who would like to see Obama's birth certificate, it seems that Abercrombie has been serially fabricating a family that never existed and embellishing his own relation to it.

          Curious, too, is that in his 2009 interview with Evans, one in which he describes Obama Sr. in great detail, Abercrombie has not a word to say about Ann Dunham or the Obamas as a couple.

          No, Virginia, Abercrombie is not screwing with the "Birthers."  He is simply screwing up.

          Regarding the, "Abercrombie on his relationships with the Barack Obamas, senior and junior," statement.

          There is no "Barack Obamas, senior and junior."  The Kenyan was named "Barak Hussein Obama."  The usurper is named "Barack Hussein Obama II.

          The people who Photoshopped the usurper's Certification of Live Birth didn't do their homework, and now the world spells the alleged father's name incorrectly.
          Lost In Translation
          Check out this previously overlooked, but shocking tidbit -- when Hawaiian governor Abercrombie went on his quest to find Obama's  birth certificate, he used a "search warrant."

          Hollywood Reporter and friend of Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie, Mike Evans, in this audio, stated that Governor Abercrombie used a search warrant to try and acquire Obama's birth certificate at the hospitals in Hawaii.

          Check out this exchange:

          Evans:  Yesterday I talked to Neil.  Said that he searched everywhere using all of his power as governor, looking at Kapiolani Women and Children’s Hospital and Queens Medical Center, where children were born back in that day.  And he (Abercrombie) said, "Mike, there is no Barack Obama birth certificate."

          Announcer:  He’s a foreigner!  We knew it from the start!

          Announcer #2:  Well, I thought, I thought the holder of the certificate said it was locked up and she had seen it.

          Evans:  Well, the governor demanded to see it, went to the hospital, sent all of his people, with a search warrant, and he could not get it.  Uh, there, he’s really good friends to the President but he says, he thinks this could cause some problems during re-election

          A search warrant is a court order issued by a judge or magistrate judge that authorizes law enforcement officers to conduct a search of a person or location for evidence of a crime and to confiscate evidence if it is found.
          Abercrombie's "Investigation"
          Abercrombie said to a reporter that an "investigation" had shown that there was actually something written down in the State Archive.  The State Archive would be the last place to look, since the only thing it would have -- according to the Vital Records Office/HDoH retention schedule -- is 75-year-old COHB’s and registrations of foreign birth.  If the "investigation" led to the Archives you can bet your bottom dollar that it did so because there was nothing in the HDoH office nor the hospitals.  So Abercrombie as good as stated HIMSELF publicly that there was no birth certificate for Obama.

          The Hawaii legislature as much as confirmed that also by introducing a bill allowing them to make up their own record of birth for Obama, without having to follow the rules for vital records and putting a STATE seal on it rather than the HDOH seal that is for legitimate vital records.  So much for due process.  That’s basically saying out loud and proud that Obama doesn’t have to follow the same laws as the rest of us peons; he can be certified by the state with no evidence whatsoever.  The ONLY reason for a bill like that is if the legislators know there are no records for Obama, because current Hawaii law ALREADY requires the disclosure of whatever Fukino was looking at when she came up with her 2 public statements regarding Obama’s records there.

          Butterdezillion says the whole subject of Abercrombie’s statement/actions is surrounded by people lying/changing their stories: the AG saying they can’t release Obama’s records when it’s actually required, HDoH Director Palafox being said to be investigated for Medicare fraud when he wasn’t told he was under investigation, Abercrombie’s office saying he didn’t ask Palafox to resign and then later admitting that they had, and Janice Okubo claiming Palafox quit for personal reasons when Palafox was saying he had no idea why he was resigning.  I bet Palafox has a very special understanding of why Mike Evans changed his tune.  I’d sure like to hear Janice Okubo explain why she said Palafox resigned for personal reasons when Palafox wasn’t saying that at all.
          Hope 'N' Change

          Comments . . .

          • 2012 - March 15.

            Queen's hospital celebrates first organ transplants

            By Associated Press

            POSTED: 04:47 a.m. HST, Mar 15, 2012
            LAST UPDATED: 03:07 p.m. HST, Mar 15, 2012

            The Queen's Medical Center is celebrating Hawaii's first organ transplants since Hawaii Medical Center closed more than three months ago.

            The Honolulu hospital plans to host a celebration Thursday for two liver transplant patients.

            Hawaii Medical Center, formerly St. Francis Medical Center, used to run the state's only organ transplant center. Queen's decided to start one when Hawaii Medical Center announced in December it would close because it couldn't find a buyer.

            In January, the national organization for organ transplants approved Queen's application to perform liver transplants. The United Network for Organ Sharing is still reviewing the hospital's request to perform kidney, pancreas and heart transplants.

            Queen's has hired 16 employees to support The Queen's Transplant Center.

            More From The Star-Advertiser

            Hawaii organ transplant facility funding approved

            Queen's seeking approvals to create organ transplant program

            Queen's celebrates first transplant procedures

            Abercrombie signs law funding transplant center

            HMC's closure leaves hundreds of transplant hopefuls in limbo

            Emergency funding for transplant center approved

            Abercrombie OKs $1.8M fund to set up Queen's transplant center

            Stabilize emergency health care

            State funds to go toward center for transplants

            2012 - March 22. 

            Doctors accused Queen's Medical Center of creating monopoly

            Reported by: Manolo Morales
            Print Story
            Updated: 3/22 6:31 pm
            • Video
            • Images
            • Doctors accused Queen's Medical Center of creating monopoly

            A federal judge has ruled in favor of doctors who accused Queen's Medical Center of trying to establish a monopoly.

            The doctors say the hospital was using cancer patients as pawns in its attempt to control the market.

            Doctors with PRO, Pacific Radiation Oncology, use facilities at different hospitals to treat cancer patients.

            For the past 40 years, some of the patients have been sent to Queen's Medical Center.

            But when Hawaii Medical Center West and East shut down a few months ago, doctors say Queen's made a power play.

            "We were told that we either had to become salaried physicians and quit competing at any of these other facilities with Queen's or we'd be unable to continue practicing at the Queen's Medical Center,” said Dr. John Lederer of Pacific Radiation Oncology.

            "It was an effort, as PRO as we saw it, to establish a complete monopoly on the radiation oncology services here in Hawaii, taking advantage of the closure of the two hospitals,” said Mark Davis, attorney.

            The doctors filed a lawsuit against Queen's, claiming unfair business practices and anti-trust violations.

            A federal judge ruled that Queen's cannot stop the doctors from using the hospital.

            "We've argued and we feel very strongly that the patients were becoming the pawns in this attempt to grab the market in the face of the closing of the two hospitals,” said Davis.

            But the ruling can be temporary.

            Davis says Queen's has already filed an appeal.

            The ruling also limits the doctors to use Queen's for services that aren't offered at other hospitals.

            "If somebody comes to see me and they say I'd like to be treated at Queen's, and I've had this happen, and I tell them well I'll be happy to get you a physician if that's what you want to do, but I no longer can deliver that service to you at Queen's as of this time,” said Dr. Lederer.

            To prevent future problems, Dr. Lederer says PRO has already committed almost $10 million to build their own facilities at Hawaii Medical Centers East and West. But that's still several months away.



            Fw: Treasury Finalizes Regulations On Tax Credits To Help Make Health Insurance Affordable For Middle-Class Americans

            pilipo pilipohale
            11:10 PM (5 hours ago)
            to dayna
            Aloha kakou he Hawaii au,
            Some where around of August 1946 in the horse town of Kailua, Oahu, E. K. Fernandes (Fun Factory) brought the first Big Top Three Ring Circus to town complete with "Flying Walenas", clowns, assorted exotic animal acts, mid-way, freak show and Carney Barkers selling their wares and tricks. It was then, I witnesses my first "Shell Game". At age 10, I  was quite amazed, so amazed to the point I waned to run  away with the Circus and see the world. Instead I waited till I was 17 and joined the United States Army. But my father being an old family friend to the Mr. Fernandes from Kauai got Mr. Fernandes to give a job as Water Tender if I promised I would not run away with the Circus. I tended the gaged lions and tigers  and got to go free in everything for seven days of Summer 46, even ate with the Circus crew.  
            The attached Treasury Report on the ObamaCare Health Plan is an exclusive "Hot Before The Press" from Sista Dee brought back those memories of the "Shell Game" where you paid one dollar to win seven. The only guys that won anything were the guys who supervised me with tending the gaged big cats? It seems the U. S. Congress are very similar to Circus people and play the Shell Game quite well too! However, I will not glorify O'sCare any longer than the death it well deserves.  To me the RAIL and Obama are on the same track. Like that of my first 1946 Big Top Circus, it is another Shell Game even though Mr. Fernandes was a great man of aloha and the animals I watered were real.
            Hiki no!
            Hawaiian National (1936)     
            From: dayna
            Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 8:47 PM
            To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
            Subject: Fw: Treasury Finalizes Regulations On Tax Credits To Help Make Health Insurance Affordable For Middle-Class Americans
            Hot off the press, actually this may not have hit the press as of this writing.
            Did you vote for the guy that pushed for the Obama[health]Care?
            Check this out and let me know if this helps or hurts us?
            Am I understanding that AFTER we pay for our health care, we will see the savings when we get a tax credit?
            Someone read this for me and let me know what it REALLY says.
            ----- Original Message -----
            Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 6:13 PM
            Subject: Treasury Finalizes Regulations On Tax Credits To Help Make Health Insurance Affordable For Middle-Class Americans

            You are subscribed to All Treasury Press Releases for U.S. Department of the Treasury. 

            The Affordable Care Act established Affordable Insurance Exchanges – one-stop marketplaces where consumers can choose a private health insurance plan that fits their health needs and have the same kind of insurance choices as members of Congress. Today, the Treasury Department issued final regulations implementing the premium tax credit that will give middle-class Americans unprecedented tax benefits to make the purchase of health insurance affordable.
            The Premium Tax Credit:
            • Makes Coverage Affordable. Starting in 2014, millions of Americans will get help to purchase private health coverage through an Affordable Insurance Exchange. To make coverage affordable, the level of support is tailored to individuals' needs.
            • Provides a Substantial Benefit. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that, when the Affordable Care Act is fully implemented, individuals and families who qualify for assistance will receive premium tax credits of over $5,000 per year on average.
            • Builds on What is Best in the Existing Health Care System. The Affordable Care Act includes crucial safeguards to ensure that the coverage purchased on an Affordable Insurance Exchange with the premium tax credits will supplement – not supersede – existing employer- and government-sponsored health programs. This allows Americans to keep the coverage they have.
            • Includes Special Protections For Married Couples. The final regulations include a new taxpayer-friendly rule aimed at addressing the concern that individuals who marry during the year could receive reduced tax benefits.
            Key Facts about the Premium Tax Credit:

            ·         Broad Middle-Class Eligibility.  The premium tax credit is generally available to individuals and families with incomes between 100 percent and 400 percent of the federal poverty level (or $22,350 to $89,400 for a family of four in 2011.  The Congressional Budget Office estimates that, when fully implemented, the Affordable Care Act will provide premium tax credits to help 18 million Americans afford private health insurance.
            ·         Larger Tax Credits for Older Americans who Face Higher Premiums.  The amount of the premium tax credit is tied to the amount of the premium, so that older Americans who face higher premiums can receive a larger tax credit. 
            ·         Controls Health Care Costs by Encouraging Families to Choose More Cost-Effective Coverage.  The amount of the premium tax credit is generally fixed based on a benchmark plan (which may be age- adjusted within Affordable Care Act limitations), so families that choose to purchase coverage that is less expensive than the benchmark plan will pay less towards the cost of that coverage. 
            ·         Credit Is Refundable So Even Families with Modest Incomes Can Benefit.  The premium tax credit is fully refundable, so even moderate-income families who may have little federal income tax liability (but who may pay a higher share of their income towards payroll taxes and other taxes) can receive the full benefit of the credit.
            ·         Helps Families' Cash-Flow by Covering Premiums Upfront.  Since many low- and moderate-income families may not have sufficient cash on hand to pay the full premium upfront, an advance payment of the premium tax credit will be made by the Department of the Treasury directly to the insurance company.  This advance payment will assist families to purchase the health insurance they need. 
            How the Premium Tax Credit Works
            • Household income must be between 100% and 400% of the Federal Poverty Level.
            • Covered individuals must be enrolled in a "qualified health plan" through an Affordable Insurance Exchange.
            • Covered individuals must be legally present in the United States and not incarcerated.
            • Covered individuals must not be eligible for other qualifying coverage, such as Medicare, Medicaid, or affordable employer-sponsored coverage.
            Credit Amount
            • The credit amount is generally equal to the difference between the premium for the "benchmark plan" and the taxpayer's "expected contribution." 
            • The expected contribution is a specified percentage of the taxpayer's household income.  The percentage increases as income increases, from 2% of income for families at 100% of the federal poverty level (FPL) to 9.5% of income for families at 400% of FPL. (The actual amount a family pays for coverage will be less than the expected contribution if the family chooses a plan that is less expensive than the benchmark plan.)
            • The benchmark plan is the second-lowest-cost plan that would cover the family at the "silver" level of coverage.
            • The credit is capped at the premium for the plan the family chooses (so that no one receives a credit that is larger than the amount they actually pay for their plan).
            Special Rules
            • The credit is advanceable, with advance payments made directly to the insurance company on the family's behalf. At the end of the year, the advance payments are reconciled against the amount of the family's actual premium tax credit, as calculated on the family's federal income tax return.  Any repayment due from the taxpayer is subject to a cap for taxpayers with incomes under 400% of FPL.
            • The final regulations include a special rule allowing individuals who marry during the year to use an alternative credit calculation intended to protect them from receiving a lower credit than similarly situated taxpayers who do not marry.  


            Premium Tax Credit Calculation: Three Examples


            Example 1: Family of Four with Income of $50,000, Purchases Benchmark Plan

            The premium tax credit is generally set based on the benchmark plan.  The family's expected contribution is a percentage of the family's household income. 

            • Income as a Percentage of FPL                  224%
            • Expected Family Contribution:                   $3,570
            • Premium for Benchmark Plan:                  $9,000
            • Premium Tax Credit:                                    $5,430 ($9,000 - $3,570)
            • Premium for Plan Family Chooses:         $9,000
            • Actual Family Contribution:                         $3,570



            Example 2: Family of Four with Income of $50,000, Purchases Less Expensive Plan

            If a family chooses a plan that is less expensive than the benchmark plan, the family will generally pay less.

            •    Income as a Percentage of FPL               224%
            •    Expected Family Contribution:                  $3,570
            •    Premium for Benchmark Plan:                 $9,000
            •    Premium Tax Credit:                                   $5,430 ($9,000 - $3,570)
            •    Premium for Plan Family Chooses:        $7,500
            •    Actual Family Contribution:                        $2,070  ($7,500 - $5,430)



            Example 3: Family of Four with Income of $50,000, Parents are between the ages of 55 and 64


            Because premiums are generally higher for older individuals, the premium tax credit also is higher for these individuals.

            •    Income as a Percentage of FPL                  224%
            •    Expected Family Contribution:                   $3,570
            •    Premium for Benchmark Plan:                  $14,000
            •    Premium Tax Credit:                                    $10,430 ($14,000 - $3,570)
            •    Premium for Plan Family Chooses:         $14,000
            •    Actual Family Contribution:                         $3,570





            2012 - May.

            Saturday, May 19, 2012

            First Transplants at The Queen's Medical Center Celebrated

            For some people, getting an organ transplant within a few weeks could mean the difference between life and death. Such was the case with a Hawaii Medical Center patient who needed a liver transplant late last year. In November of 2011, he became the last patient to get a transplant before both HMC hospitals closed their doors, ending a program begun by St. Francis Medical Center over four decades ago. 

            But there were others on the list. Transplant surgeon Linda Wong, MD, and other transplant staff joined with the staff of The Queen's Medical Center to rebuild the organ transplant program at Queen's in 82 days. "This is about a team of people, experienced and inexperienced in transplantation, coming together to rebuild a transplant program for a community," said Dr. Wong. "When Queen's stepped up to carry on the organ transplantation program in Hawaii, it ushered in a new era in transplant services for the state." 

            The United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), the national approval organization for organ transplantation, approved Queen's application to perform liver transplants on January 25, 2012. Requests to perform kidney, pancreas, and heart transplants are still under review by UNOS. Queen's has hired 16 employees to support the Queen's Transplant Center. A celebration was held at Queen's—"a celebration of life and second chances with the gift of life," as Dr. Wong put it.



            The Queen's Medical Center Among 1st to Use Revolutionary Heart Procedure

            The Queen's Medical Center has been selected as the first and only hospital in Hawaii to offer a new non-surgical treatment for aortic stenosis, or the narrowing of the heart valves. The treatment will be available to select patients who are not candidates for open heart surgery. Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on November 2, 2011, the new treatment allows replacement of the aortic heart valve via a catheter inserted into an artery in the groin. The minimally invasive procedure, called Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR), which uses the SAPIEN heart valve from Edwards Lifesciences, has been approved at only a limited number of selected medical centers across the nation. As a selected site, Queen's Heart has also partnered with other Hawaii cardiac surgeons and cardiologists to form the Pacific Valve Consortium, which will help identify and treat Hawaii patients who can benefit from TAVR. "Queen's Heart, in collaboration with the Pacific Valve Consortium, is among the first in the nation chosen to use this new technology outside of earlier research trials," said Art Ushijima, QHS/QMC President.

            Once the symptoms of aortic stenosis develop, the prognosis for a patient is poor, and the probability of death within two years is greater than 50%. Symptoms of severe aortic stenosis usually include chest pain, fainting, and shortness of breath. Patients can also experience fatigue, heart palpitations, and other symptoms, and the heart-weakening effects of the disease often leads to heart failure. With an aging population, over 100,000 people in the United States live with significant aortic stenosis. However, surgery is not an options for a large group of these patients because they are too fragile for open heart surgery. In Hawaii, 400 to 500 people a year are diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis.



            PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC and PIRATES OF THE WORLD are partnering to further PIRATE ASSETS of the Royal Families through NEIL ABERCROMBIE and Long time friend, foreign born, Kenyan born BARACK OBAMA.

            The Queen's Hospital was formed by both Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho and Queen Emma.

            The permanent head of the Queen's Hospital Trust is Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho.

            The families of Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho and Queen Emma existed then, and their descendants/heirs exists now.

            Review all the facts by looking at the incorporation documents of Queen's Hospital, as well as the Will of Grace Kamaikui and you'll find that the title holders of the lands does not belong to the Queen's Hospital.

            The Queen's Incorporation documents also shows that "free health care" was entered for all indigent.

            I, Amelia Gora, did make corrections on that and served it to the President OBAMA, et. als.  The corrections were made for "only kanaka maoli".

            It was at the time when OBAMA went off on Free Health Care for all, which is what is going on even now.

            But, the thing that I noticed is that they are no longer calling the Queen's Hospital the original name but changed it to The Queen's Medical Center and most recently called the Queen's Development Corporation!

            So, Abercrombie along with OBAMA push for health care at the expense of our Royal Families......which is simply NOT O.K., downright evil too.

            Realistically, the claimed "control" of Alii lands is moved on by those who haven't the titles, are not the title holders to lands in the Hawaiian Islands.............and the owners exist.

            Legally, lawfully, the lands claimed by a dishonorable criminal racketeers maneuvering to maintain lands and monies in the Hawaiian Islands haven't the genealogies of the Royal Families and remain PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC and PIRATES ON THE HIGH SEAS!  .....the earliest form of Terrorists based in the Hawaiian Islands, which all Nations needs to know about.

            This is a legal notice to inform the State Governor, his friend President, a foreign alien born BARACK OBAMA, and the newly formed Corporation called the Queen's Development Corporation that the true land owners are here and you do not have ownership to the properties claimed under Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho who was usurped as the PERMANENT head of Queen's Hospital and replaced by a PIRATE and lands of Queen Emma which really belongs to John Young's, Grace Kamaikui's descendants/heirs exists, including myself, Amelia Gora.

            The Queen's Hospital is under new management and for the records the following is evidence as to why: 


            Response from U.S. President Barack a Kamehameha Descendant, Heir of King Kalakaua, Queen Liliuokalani


            Informing many because..............


            Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!


            eyes 068

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