Important Planning Meetings

Three important meetings to be aware of being held on Molokai and although not directly attached by Big Wind and the Sea Cable, these issues relate to the meetings. Ocean resources and historic preservation are important to Molokai.

The following information from the ORMP Flyer and websites. Take note the new buzz word is “listening” for ORMP and the Historic Preservation folks.

The timing of the ORMP and State Preservation meetings are interesting just two weeks after the sea cable bill passes. These agencies need to know that we still care!

 MEETING I — Statewide Public Listening Sessions for the Hawaii Ocean Resources Management Plan (ORMP)

Molokai Meeting
Wednesday, May 30 – tomorrow
Mitchell Pauole Community Center
Open House 5:30 – 6:30 pm
Formal Presentation 6:30 pm
Followed by Q and A

The purpose of the listening sessions are to identify ways to measure the effectiveness of the ORMP. There flyer says they are eager to hear about issues in ocean places as understood by kupuna and other ocean users: fishermen, swimmers, boaters, and others.

The Hawaiʻi Ocean Resources Management Plan (ORMP) sets forth guiding principles and recommendations for the State of Hawaiʻi to achieve comprehensive and integrated ocean and coastal resources management.  Section 205A-62, Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes, charges the Office of Planning, Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Program, with the review and periodic update of the ORMP, as well as coordination of overall implementation of the plan. The ORMP was last updated in December of 2006, and takes a place-based approach to management of ocean resources in the islands, based on recognition of the ecological connections between the land and sea, the link between human activities and its impacts on the environment, and the need for improved collaboration and stewardship in natural resources governance.

If you are unable to attend any of the meetings, you may provide written comments regarding the update of the ORMP by sending them to the address below, or by emailing the Hawaiʻi CZM Program

For more information, visit the ORMP website and read the Hawai’s Ocean Resources Mangement Plan.

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