Please mark August 26, Aug. 28 and Sept. 4 on your calendars as days your voice needs to be heard to preserve the cultural and natural resources in the area adjacent to Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park.
The most important of these dates is > News > Aug 04, 2009
For the past two years, the Army has reviewed more than 2 million documents under a congressional mandate to pinpoint and determine the effects of dumpin
This is a email I received from Da Princess and I find it disturbing. I am not sure how to answer it and I perhaps some other mana'o would be better than mine. I could explain how Prince Kuhio was forced to accept blood quantum by the American govern
North Kohala Coast -- The Silent Treasure features interviews of Clyde "Kindy" Sproat, Papa Bill Akau and Oscar Ahuna telling why we need to preserve the coast from development. It is accompanied by the music of Kindy Sproat and David Gomes and narra
I noted in a closed discussion highlighting an excerpt which I have chosen as a discussion title for this forum I'm posting.
Genealogy is something not to be taken without seriousness (for it is a record/document) and in my opinion, it shouldn't be
To: TMT Observatory Project
Office of the Chancellor
University of Hawai`i at Hilo
200 W. Kawili Street
Hilo, Hawai`i 96720-4091
Office of Environmental Quality Control
235 South Beretania Street, Suite 702
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
(Sent vi
June 10, 2009-Wednesday
Maui Community Collage
Meet in front of Pilina Building
Bring everyone with you to oppose unnecessary (UNSUSTAINABLE)Development on Maui’s already OVERDEVELOP
Friday August 21, 2009
Spiritual Ritual
Alio Beach, Wailuanuiahoano, Puna
Sunrise – Sunset
Contact; Noelani Josselin 1-808-634-2007
Never forget, Let us band together on the shores of “Alio” and keep the fire burning!
5:00 A.M - Meet at Alio Beach,
What is your opinion of this discussion title? And on that note, what purpose does one serve when they stir and seem to have no other purpose of unity but instead create division? I say this because there is usually some sort of chaos associated with
Posted on: Thursday, July 9, 2009 Honolulu Advertiser
Plan to build Kauai home over native burials raises legal issues
About Honokahua
By Diana Leone
Advertiser Kaua'i Bureau
LIHU'E, Kaua'i — A Kaua'i landowner's decision to proceed with building
I wrote this many years ago and feel it's apropos today:
by Tane
The Papal Bulls established the framework of Western concept regarding
non-white civilizations. John Calvin, a Frenchman, developed it further on a
Go to this site and sign my petition to the United States Government to promote and spread word about the proper restoration of a Hawaiian Nation! Also, please help me promote my petition by emailing it to friends and family, or posting it on your we
Unite to Save the Maunas
Mahalo piha to everyone who submitted testimony on the two latest telescopes proposed for Maunakea and Haleakala. The University has been allowed to push telescope construction on both sacred summits for decades without any
This is an invitation to all the people entering third year Hawaiian Language at the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo. There is a new class available,
It is going to be held at Ke Kula o Nāwahīokalaniʻōpuʻu in Keaʻau at 7:00am. The earlier you get in cl
Dear Ms. Gora,
You are or could be a bright shining example of many who have few. The knowledge and education that you posses can help those who lack thereof. There is no need for sarcasim in a time when our people need something or someone to holom
Aloha Kakahiaka to all 3,803 Maoliworld Members,
Before i send and post what i know to be the "causal root" to every single HEWA that has been going on throughout the Hawaiian Archapelego for over a century and a half now, comes down to these two p
May 18, 2009 CounterPunch
The U.S. is Using White Phosphorous in Afghanistan
When doctors started reporting that some of the victims of the US bombing of several villages in Farah Province last week—an attack that
Posted on: Saturday, May 23, 2009 Honolulu Advertiser
No Ceasing Ceded-Lands Fight
UH professor believes recent agreement fails to resolve all concerns
By Gordon Y.K. Pang
Advertiser Staff Writer
University of Hawai'i-Manoa Hawaiian Studies Professo