Airport Security Hassle Hurts Hawaii Tourism
The Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government reported recently that Hawaii state tax revenues are down 16.2 percent in the first quarter of 2009.
Surveys consistently show that a major reason for the decline in tourism, even before the recession, was the harassment endured at the hands of the TSA.
Because of the recently details of the torture of Khalid Sheik Mohammed, we know that prisoners were tortured into providing "confessions" used by the previous administration to bolster a case for invading Iraq. In other words, much of the proclaimed terror threat was a war-justifying hoax.
This makes sense as despite all the confiscated Swiss Army knives and nail clippers, TSA has yet to actually find any real terrorists, even though Homeland Security's own testing shows that a real terrorist would have a 50% chance of smuggling their bombs onto a U.S. airplane.
The hard-working people of Hawaii are paying a hideous price for this deception. Tourism is in crisis mode, with no relief in sight.
Enough is enough. This hoax has gone on long enough. It is time to put the aloha back into the Hawaii travel experience.
Michael Rivero
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