All Discussions (4359)
PONO ALERT: Nanakuli Industrial Park DEAD!
Nanakuli industrial park dead
A refusal to alter the site's zoning scuttles a project planned for Lualualei Valley
POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Apr 23, 2011
Plans to establish an industrial park in Nanakuli were derailed
HEWA ALERT: A Slow Agonizing Death that will Effect Hawaii!
April 6, 2011
A Slow Agonizing Death
Fukushima, Nearly a Month In
It's been more than three weeks now, and things are still getting worse at Fukushima Daiichi. The world's news media, and the tired public, may be trying to mo
Read more…Kaohi: "Memories of the Minutes" from Hale o na Alii o Hawaii Halau O Wahiikaahuula Ahahui Poo 1918-1958 Part two page nine
November 1946: The iku Hai informed the meeting that the members of the Kumuahakalani had left for Kona, Hawaii, to survey Hulihee Palace, and select a room in which to place our late Iku Lani Hoano's bedroom set; later the room will be dedicated to
Read more…Onipa'a kakou no ko mo'i wahine o ko Hawaii pae aina...
Aloha aina,
Keeping one eye on the fish, always; the hearing date on HCR 107 has been scheduled and is attached. It will be heard by the Committee on Hawaiian Affairs chaired by Rep. Faye Hanohano. The date of the hearing is on Wednesday 3/23/2011 at
PONO ALERT: Hawaiian National Leon Speaks on 'AKaKa' Clowns Clones!
As reported on Monday, two ‘Akaka bill’ clones (genetically modified and reconstituted for state consumption), SENATE BILL 1 (SB1) and SENATE BILL 1520 (SB1520) were blindly rubber-sta
Kaohi: Why HR1627 have similarities that promises to support "Nuclear Ban Treaty Proliferation" where does it connect?
03 March 2011
Clinton Urges Negotiators to Adopt Nuclear Materials Treaty
Read more…End racist attacks on Hawaiians by the Southern Poverty Law Center!
End racist attacks on Hawaiians by the South Poverty Law Center!
To Petition the SPLC to end the use of fa
Kaohi: Last nights Tom Berg meeting at Kapolei Hale was about bashing the IBEW 1260. It was a fair community meeting because I got to bring Waianae's challeges to the Public.
Last nights Councilman Tom Berg's landfill meeting at Kapolei Hale was really about bashing IBEW 1260. What is interesting is there are similarities to IBEW 1260 and EPA Regional 9 tehy both represent Guam. There were HECO employees there to answer
Much of the early history of the Hale O Na Alii O Hawaii, a Hawaiian benevolent organization, has been lost. However, from the limited records available, we learn that it was organized April 15, 1918, b
Read more…Kaohi: This just in from Jim Albertini a need to read. 6.5 Earth Quake around 7:20 pm tonight.
There is a new post on the Malu 'Aina blog: 'Fukushima "is going to Dwarf
Below are comments from Dr. Tom Burnett, PhD sent via a series of emails. Tom
is a retired nuclear physicist now living in Hawaii. He has been following the
PONO ALERT: Committee of Hawaiian Nationals Meeting
PONO ALERT: FTCLDF in Suit over Monsanto GMO SEED
FTCLDF in Suit over Monsanto GMO Seed
Falls Church, Virginia (April 13, 2011) - On behalf of 60 family farmers, seed businesses and organic agricultural organizations, the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) filed suit on March 29 against Monsanto Com
Read more…Yet Another Reason Why the U.S. IS ILLEGAL in the Hawaiian Islands
PONO ALERT: Obama Releases Birth Certicate!
WASHINGTON >> Responding to critics' relentless claims, President Barack Obama on Wednesday produced a detailed Hawaii birth certificate in an extraordinary attempt to bury the issue of where he was born and confirm his legitimacy to hold office. H
Read more…The Humble People Will Reach to Righteousness........... with Aloha from our families to yours.....
Ka poe haahaa ka naau no ka mea lakou ke aupuni o ka lani
- Tutu Mele Keawe Kauweloa and oral history from gramma Mary Kuulei Gora (2001)
The humble people will reach to righteousness.
Read more…Kaohi: Hank Fergerstrom speaks!
VIDEO: Military’s Mauna Kea helicopter plan draws more criticism
Video by David Corrigan | Voice of Stephanie Salazar
An army plan to use landing zones on the slopes of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa during high al
Read more…Sai's reponse to court ruling
UPDATE: MARCH 10, 2011 — On March 9, 2011, U
Read more…ACCESS TO INFORMATION ......................... CELEBRATE! Kamehameha Descendant Sends Info....
Press Releases
Chris sent the following:
Sent: Mon, April 4, 2011 4:13:56 PM
Subject: Online Hawaiian Information Resource Created
The public now has free access to an online library intended to preserve significant cultural and historical Hawaii
Kaohi: How much is your daughter worth? Without legislation, Hawaii will continue as a hub for sex crimes by Shantel Grace "Honolulu Weekly" page 5
Posting in part:
First paragraph:
What looks like prostitution is not prostitution. What's called human trafficking is nothing less than slavery. For modern-day abolitionists like Kathy Xian, the executive director for the Pacific Allia
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