ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaiian Nationals  
During our April 16 kuka we agreed how vital it is to add Hawaiian Nationals to our ranks. One preemption of restoration is we will be asked by the International authorities, "just how many people are Hawaiian Nationals? Being on a homestead or pastoral lands raising pipi does not make one a Hawaiian National, they are "federalized" but won't admit it. Anything in their system makes you "federal property". Nou ke koho, the choice is yours but don't prevent our choice.
In the second week of November, the APEC Conference is meeting in Honolulu.  We must Ku'e their presence and tell them they are dealing with applications and ventures in Fraud and are not dealing with the Lawful Hawaiian Nation. We are suggesting creating a new political entity, Hawaiian Nationalist Party, and sign up people based upon their Birthright to this Aina. No blood quantum or genealogy, just Birthright. We are looking at two Saturdays a month or ten Saturdays before November. We will commence this effort on Memorial Day (May 28-30) weekend.
We must meet to finalize our strategy and resources on April 30 (Saturday) !0:00 AM at Blasdell Park. Bring something to eat and share with another person. I will bring bottled drinking water for all.
Many will expound, I am a Hawaiian! You may be Hawaiian but not a Hawaiian National for we all have been trick to play in their game and have a known or unknown "tracking record". And many Hawaiians have thrown this in my face, "What I going get being a Hawaiian National'? All I can say is, "truth honors your Tutus, your peace of mind, and a pay raise".  
For more information on Hawaiian National go to
Please dwell upon this and let me know your manao via the net and confirm you will be at April 30 meeting.
malama ke kino,
Hawaiian National (1936)         

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  • 2766659964?profile=original

    Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National 1993

  • Imua Hawaiian Nationals
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