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The United States acquired Hawai`i through force.

Queen Liliu`okalani, Hawai`i's last Queen, was deposed on January 17, 1893, by a group of American businessmen supported by the United States Navy and Marine Corps and diplomatic representatives.

Sovereignty of Hawai`i was allegedly transferred to the US on August 12, 1898 during ceremonies at `Iolani Palace in Honolulu, on the island of O`ahu.

Hawai`i allegedly became a US territory in 1900.

On November 23, 1993, The United States apologized for illegally overthrowing the Kingdom of Hawai`i, and recognized the inherent sovereignty and right of self-determination of native islanders.

Needless to say, a lot of shady events took place between January 17,1893 and August 21, 1959.

Hawaiian sovereignty is a hot issue in the islands to this day and likely will be for as long as the United States flag flies over Hawai`i.

History Clearly Shows The Hawaiian Nation Wasn't Annexed It Was Stolen
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We don't need the federal to recognize us, we are already recognized since 1843 by international countries.We are FREE when we free our minds of all the garbage that comes with federal recognition that tries to change our every being from living life to the fullest.The Akaka bill is another Newlands Resolution, only done in our generation...the feds don't even change their M.O.in our case. It used to work before, not today.When Hawaiians are ready to truly unite is when they have done their homework and willing to take part in the creation of our own government and move it forward as an independent country, not a slave to the US system that only takes from us our lands and vested rights, for them to make a profit and to usurp our infrastructure such as the water, lands, money and resources to feed their military, foreign influx to these islands and mercenaries they call their US congressional members, negative military approaches and the State of Hawai'i as the new local syndicates.That's the difference.
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"Hawai'i in the Congress of Mexico today"

Aloha no, Hawai'i TV Live Ohana. I have forwarded a electronic letter from Joscelyn Proctor. Joscelyn is a member of a grass roots organization, that is also a non-governing organization known as the "Executive Council Federal National & International of the Mexican Human Rights Front. Joscelyn is the messenger of Peace to the United Nations. Please "Pay this Forward," to all of your family friends, neighbors, and co-workers that you can think of. We will be discussing this on Hawai'i TV Live at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/hawaii-tv at 2pm-3pm, today, Hawai'i standard time. See below for Joscelyn's electronic message.

Mahalo no,

Hawai'i TV Live
Direct: 808.489.7065

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Hawaii in the Congress of Mexico today
From: Joscelyn Proctor <ocelotcihuatl@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, March 25, 2010 2:50 pm
To: kaleo@hawaiitvblog.com

aloha kaleo. We will be on the congress channel at 5 pm mexico city time so it would be 1 pm hawaian time.This is the link where you can watch it. I can ask for a copy and send it thru to you as well. http://www.canaldelcongreso.gob.mx/nueva_imagen/tv_vivo.php.

Mahalo, J

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