

February 6


'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?

'O Malia Kapuaonalani Evans ko'u inoa.

No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?

No Hilo mai au aka ke noho nei au i ka ahupua'a o Kamananui i ka moku o Waialua.

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  • Howzit...wow, nice to see photos of the stairway. I went up long ago at night !! And spent the night in the pill box at the very top. Drank hot cocoa, went to sleep and woke up at the break dawn with the clouds hovering at my feet. The view was breathe taking !

  • Hey gurl yu gotta take me up there on those stairs....thats awesome..what a view man...

    Bobby E
  • Mahalo e Malia for the update on the stairway. It's nice to know people are still using it. It is vital to Hawaiians to have access and you are asserting your rights....I think it is great.

    Aloha no,

  • mahalo nui, i will remember that..im gonna do the great aloha run so i will check out the stairs then too.
    choke aloha,
    michael z
  • Aloha e Malia,

    Mahalo nui! That picture brought back some memories of my childhood. How were the stairs? I heard it was falling apart. Yes, I agree...it is truly a spiritual experience, everytime we went up there...it was incredible..Mahalo for sharing....

    Happy New Year and Ho`omaika`i ke akua...


  • cool, thanx...why gotta go before security guards?
    myko z
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