



Louisville, KY


February 28



'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?

‘O Ka'auikekailoa Pulupēmekemele ko‘u inoa hānai Hawai‘i. ‘O Kailoa ka inoa pōkole.

No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?

No Indiana mai au.

ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?

Noho au i Louisville, KY i kēia manwa, akā na‘e, ua noho au i Hawai‘i i kekahi manawa ma mua no ‘ekolu mau makahiki (1967-1970).

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  • Mahalo no kau ki'i o Hilo.  Maika'i kau 'o'lelo Hawai'i!

  • Red Ribbon
  • Mahalo malama pono he oahu ne what is your real inoa ? peha oe thank you for kuakua to me. My appreciation to the Aina and the Hawaiian People is very important to me , I am so New in comming back to my roots along time i have not kept up with my roots, and i just discovered in this past years , i been doing geneology of my own ancestors, always contacted them through my keakua called jesus,The people here has called me back because of our emergency we had about the akaka bill, and also the ceded lands, as far i have done research on it done alot of pule in my situation i have not claimed any thing yet , I am a profound person and do not speak to much of hawaiian like you all because my mom took care of me when i was young , i wish i had some one who could teach me for free. Are you a Professer? My grandfather was one in UH he worked for the Queen Lilioukalani trust do you KNOW a Daniel Hanakahi i was supposed to be adopted to him like he take care of me then i would of learned more of what you folks have learned along time ago , which i was brouhgt up in that nature and in a different part of my own world in my life time , do you teach i will be gladly to learn one on one with you much mahalo.
  • Aloha nui no e Kailoa.O wai la kela hoa au i olelo mai ia'u.Aia oia mai ka aina o amelika??..E ha'i aku ia ia e hoohui mai ai ia'u i mea e lilo he hoaaloha nona kekahi ma luna o keia aoao o ka Maoli Honua no ho'i.Pehea la oe i keia mau la??Ua lo'ihi ka manawa a'ale kaua e kama'ilio ai.A oia.O wale no kela no keia manawa.Mahalo nui Ke Akua no keia hoohui mai ana a kaua.Malama Pono.

    O wau iho no!
  • Aloha e Kailoa! Pehea 'oe i keia la? Makemake 'oe e kama'ilio me a'u i keia ahiahi?
  • he kalamai aloha peha oe
  • Pau ka ua a pā mai ka lā. He lā mālie kēia.
  • Nui loa ka ua i Louisville, e like nō me Hilo.
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