The first panels of common patterns of human genetic variation developed by the International HapMap Project did not include Polynesian populations.
• Unfortunately, representation of our people is also absent in the
As a Hawaiian in science, we would like to invite you to visit ʻAhahui Mālama i ka Lōkahi on Maoliworld, become a friend, and learn about our integrated science and cultural approach to conservation in Hawaiʻi.
Chuck Burrows, Presiden
It might be a good thing to share our knowledge of the lunar phases, their names, and events associated with each of the phases, according to the traditional sources. Letʻs start with the basic lunar calendar:
The Hawaiian Lunar Calendar
(Sources: K
This struggle has an asteroid!! Scientific Hawaiians are especially needed to dispel the myth that we are "anti-science" just because we are concerned about desecration, impacts, etc., so if you can help with this, please do!
Hearing be