Under-representation of Polynesian Populations in Ongoing Genetic Research:
The first panels of common patterns of human genetic variation developed by the International HapMap Project did not include Polynesian populations. http://hapmap.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ • Unfortunately, representation of our people is also absent in the ongoing 1,000 genomes project, which aims to deepen our understanding of human genetic variation across the globe. http://www.1000genomes.org/page.php?page=data • Moreover, the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) CRISP grant allocation website…
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it costs money to get tested. I had donations to the project though too. Some who get tested (like myself) did it because of genetic genealogy. Others, not sure, maybe just curious. And then my mother was adopted, so this was a way to help get over brick walls.
It worked ! But these guys look like spending money ??
NG people can transfer over to FTDNA where I got tested.
That NG one looks confusing. lol
Their site isn't working for me but someone else told me that it is working for them.
Where do I look up yours ??! I am L3d.
Cassanda (who wrote that Natl Geographic article) is in my DNA project on FTDNA.
As for that Hawaiian encyclopedia article, they didn't even name the article, but mentioned the author - Rebecca Cann. Based on what they wrote, mentioning 3 sub-groups, I'm wondering if they did a full mitochondrial sequencing test. I'm of B4a1a1a3, and I know of B4a1a1a, and one person I know is B4a1a1a2. And one Maori woman I know has the actual Polynesian motif - B4a1a1, so that's 4 that are common.
The University of Otago has a link to the various haplogroups throughout the south Pacific and mentioned specific groups that have them.