u.s. supreme court to hear ceded lands case
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 U.S. Supreme Court to hear ceded lands case The U.S. Supreme Court today agreed to hear a case involving attempts by the state of Hawai'i to sell portions of ceded lands on Maui and the Big Island to private, residential developers. * * * _______ My responses to this story - Deeded? No way. Ceded? By Whom? Tried to by the Republic of Hawaii. Where did it get its title? It didnt' have any. Annexation? It never happened. The myth continues, for instance, on the…
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I love Hawaii so much, I can't put it into words.
the Department of the Interior ?
Aloha brada and thank you. I understand truely what your explaining and I can never stop learning about who I am as being one person. You are right the way one must be excepted hawaiian and how one is a good hawaiian,again you are right. I may be ignorant on who I am but,I'm still learning.
On the issue of KAUINOA and OHA my sister in Pahoa at the time signed her name and my husband tried explaining to her what this will bring.She went to check on it and found out her name along with her kids name was on a list of names that OHA used to help push the AKAKA BILL!Now she belives what the AKAKA BILL will become.She contected them and sent a letter demanding her name be removed.It was done!I'm really glad that the BILL is at a HOLT!
I am 50% on my moms side and hubby is 15% on his moms side. Being just my mana'o yeah to me it doesn't mean kaka how much one carries but,it's how one carries ones self as you have explaned.
Both my husband and I have been members of the Kanaka Maoli since 1998 on Kauai.Now on the big island since 2007 .
Thank you again,your comments/any comments are always welcome because it helps me to understand and LEARN more.
Aloha kāua e Barbi!
Protecting the land and its surviving descendents is not one of the U.S. Government's priorities. The blood quantum was established by the white men at the Bureau of Indian Affairs to accelerate the genocide of Indians, Native Hawaiians and Native Alaskans. It works in a very simple way. If you have 50% Hawaiian blood and you are married to another Hawaiian who is also in the 50% category your children will still satisfy the white-men-made blood quantum, but if they marry anyone with less than 50% their offsprings are out of the game, so that they cannot claim anything as native Hawaiians. Even in the Kingdom of Hawai‘i marriages outside of your race were not frowned upon and they were accepted, because it is not your koko that makes you a good Hawaiian, but the way you act and let it be up to the Hawaiian whom they accept and whome they consider good Hawaiian. Kau Inoa is just another way for the OHA to collect the records of kanaka maoli for the U, maybe for rounding them up one day. Remember that OHA is an agency of the de facto Hawaiian government that swore obedience to the occupiers of this ‘āina. Your mana‘o is right. When I visited China and to answer the question re citizenship on the visa application paper I wrote Hawaiian and they accepted it without any question.
Na nā akua e ho‘ola‘a i keia pae ‘āina nei!
Me ke aloha
János Keoni Samu
"Final Report : From: Kekoa Lake, Election Commissioner
Mahalo nui loa to Every Kanaka Maoli and Kanaka e for your participation and assistance. This could not happen without you. Now let ours voice be heard!!!
Mahalo nui loa Ke akua for guidance ours people in the righteousness ...Amene
From: Kekoa Lake
Election Commissioner
Email: kekoalake@gmail.com
49 Contests for Executive and Legislative Offices
On November 5, 2011, eligible voters in the twenty-four districts that comprise the reinstated nation of Hawai’i cast their ballots in the country’s fourth governmental election since its return from
exile in 1999. Qualified candidates ran campaigns for positions within the Mana Kau Kanawai – its bicameral legislature – and the Office of the Prime Minister, the nation’s head of state.
Henry Noa ran unopposed for the position of chief executive, securing a fourth term.
The winners of the contests for the House of Representatives are as follows:
Yolanda Niau-Blevins (Kaua’i Dist. 1),
Andrew Brewer (Kaua’i Dist. 2),
Billy Kaneholani (Kaua’i Dist. 3),
Waikoloa Noa (O’ahu Dist. 1),
Guyton Galdeira (O’ahu Dist. 2),
Henry Enos (O’ahu Dist. 3),
Jacqualyn Cuban (O’ahu Dist. 4),
Cynthia Cullen-Sotelo (O’ahu Dist. 5),
Justin Barit (O’ahu Dist. 6),
Leo Cardia Enos (O’ahu Dist. 7),
Makanaokeakua Ramos (O’ahu Dist. 8),
Bronson Duke Kalipi (Moloka’i Dist. 1),
Paul Justin Keahi (Maui Dist. 1),
Samuel Ku’ailani Jr. (Maui Dist. 2),
Kilinahe Noa (Maui Dist. 3),
Charles Ma’alea (Maui Dist. 4),
Russell Kaho’okele (Maui Dist. 5),
Michael Weeks (Hawai’i Dist. 1),
Charles England (Hawai’i Dist. 2), and
Keala Kadooka (Hawai’i Dist. 5).
Within the races for the at-large offices for the
House of Nobles, the three winners from Kaua’i are:
Stewart Kopa Akana,
Timothy Oga, and
Eugene Kekane Pa.
The O’ahu winners include:
Loren Andrade,
Daniel Anthony,
Johnette Germano,
Donna Hanohano-Medeiros,
Hi’iaka Jardine,
Keolani Noa,
Alexander Luka and
Sylva Rivera.
The sole Noble from the island of Moloka’i is:
Kevin Doug Lopes.
Three persons were elected on Maui to serve as Nobles:
Edward Chang,
Keith Malaqui and
Ka’ohulani Pua’a.
The winners on the Island of Hawai’i are:
Mahealani Enos,
Samuel Kaleleiki,
Robert Keli’iho’omalu, Sr,
Robert Keli’iho’omalu, Jr,
Sam Keli’iho’omalu,
Jerryl Mauhili and
George Pua, Sr.
The newly-elected officials will take their oaths of office at a convening of the Mana Kau Kanawai in the third week of January 2012 on the grounds of the ‘Iolani Palace. They will serve for a period of four years.
The election commissioner Kekoa Lake would like to acknowledge the tireless organizational efforts of the island commissioners:
Naliko Markel of Kaua’i,
Georgette Hugho and
Bernice Cardinas of O’ahu,
Monette Ka’akimaka of Moloka’i,
Nelson Armitage of Maui,
Gary and Cyd Hoffeld of the Big Island, and
the personnel of the numerous election precincts.
The continuity of our nation’s government exists only through their enthusiasm and persistence."
They ran "Honey Boy" off the road !! Pomai is begging rides now.
Janos went to traffic court 8- 22 on Kaua'i; Bronson 8- 23 on Molokai
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is busy testing the LHG on Kaua'i and Molokai with traffic tickets marking the "incidents". We all recall that Lance Larsen drove his car right up to the doors of The Hague !! Hillary is very busy with the LHG.
Looking for "rights" ?? ....well, that's okay.
Looking for "powers" for the LHG ?? Big Trouble.
What will be Hillary's next move ??
53newamerica.com, watch this and see where America is taking there people.