Kekahuna Keaweiwi wrote:
>Aloha Kamaunu,
> This statement by Inouye
> "We are here this morning to consider a measure that would restore the government that represented the Native people of Hawaii to its rightful status among domestic sovereigns of the United States, in the same manner that other governments representing the Native peoples of the United States are recognized by the Federal Government."
> leaves no room for error! He's trying to "sound" like he's helpping us get our National Sovereignty back, but really what he's doing ia specifically meaning/recognizing us ethnic Hawaiians as Native Amercian//Alaskan Tribes.....all "domestic sovereigns of the United States"
> The quick switch-a-roo!
Kekahuna is absolutely correct.
However, Inouye is doing all that he can - in his capacity as an american senator in the u.s. congress - where, even if he had our good intentions in mind - without proposing some kind of treaty that would reverse all the "shitty" history that the u.s. has dumped upon us - but really cannot give us what it (america) took from us by stealth, deception, misrepresentation and fraud back in the 1890s - our independence.
So, garbed in the the golden-voiced cloak of paternalistic bombast - he can only provide us with the status of a dependent "domestic sovereign of the United States" - just like the Indians - "wards" of the great, white father, who, perched on its throne in Washington DC, takes care of all those defined as "incapacitated" and unable to take care of themselves.
That Inouye claims that this "status" will "restore the government that represented the Native people of Hawaii to its rightful status" is a bunch of the sweetest bullshit that a great american senator can possibly muster in the marbled halls of that great capitol of the most democratic nation in the world - on behalf of an ignorant and uneducated constituency that he may assume that we all are.
That Inouye and Akaka intend to "gut" our Kingdom and its government by transforming it into a dependent "Native Hawaiian Government Entity of the United States" - then "stealing" (for the second time) our so-called "ceded" lands to be "held in trust," with some of the stolen "spoils" probably being handed to the "state-birthed agency" - 0HA - in apparent appeasment, while the feds and state retain all of the best of the lands in a supreme legislative "quiet title" action - leaves me aghast.
That many Hawaiians - sweet-talked by trustees (of 0HA) with their unlimited budgets and public relations, thinking of themselves as the "gift of the gods and goddesses" as they affirm the glib words of the great senator - will believe all of this "hash" - hook, line and sinker.
Let us not be like the Indians who gave up any claims that they may have had in Manhattan for a few colorful beads and trinkets (of glib and empty words).
As a Hawaiian National and forever true to the Kingdom - it is sad to see these eloquent, but empty, words be swallowed by my "racial" brothers and sisters, in their "political" naivete. (Sorry if this may sound condescending, it isn't intended to be.)
May our "'Akua" and separate "'Aumakua" help us and our Nation.
>Kamaunu Kahaialii wrote:
> On Thursday, February 25, 2003 a hearing before the Committee On Indian Affairs was convened during the 108th Congress. It was at that hearing that Senator Inouye made a very important statement, part of which reads as follows;
> This measure, S. 344, was introduced by Senator Daniel Akaka on February 12, 2003, and was referred to this committee. It is my honor to serve as an original cosponsor
> of this measure. [Text of S. 344 follows:]
> Before I call upon members of this committee, I would like to remind those present here today, and those who are watching this hearing, of the historical
> events that have brought us here today. On January 17, 1893, the Government of Hawaii was overthrown with the assistance and direct involvement of the U.S. minister,
> who authorized U.S. Marine troops to assist in the overthrow of a stable government. Prior to the overthrow, that government enjoyed international recognition from countries around the world and carried on treaty relationships with Great Britain and France. One hundred years later, the U.S. Government approved a resolution now known as the "Apology Resolution,'' in which the United States formally extended an apology to the Native Hawaiian people for America's role in the overthrow of the government.
> We are here this morning to consider a measure that would restore the government that represented the Native people of Hawaii to its rightful status among domestic sovereigns of the United States, in the same manner that other governments representing the Native peoples of the United States are recognized by the Federal Government.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> I leave this statement above, with you to consider, contemplate, ponder and share with others. So, according to Senator Inouye, it sounds as if the Akaka Bill is a "measure that would restore the government that represented the native people?
> Kamaunu
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Dan is a genocidal maniac like Lingle and Abercrombie.