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Kaohi: On Sundays I attend a jam session at Thomas Square. Keeau's City and County Sweep left two people dead. People are dying at the Waianae Harbors as we speak. So, I wrote a note to Hawaii News

In support of (de) Occupation at Honolulu Police Department:

People do die during sweeps, and Trish Morikawa has notches on the wall the only memorial for the deaths of houseless.  I've been doing houseless for over 30 years and it used to be easy

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Kaohi: Doug Matsuoka's facebook has a lot of up to date information about the housless, State (fake) rules-laws about Bill 54, and it's abuses. I'm watching a sit-in on live UStream at HPD Honolulu

I am at the present watching a sit in at the HPD main office on Ustream.  They City and County did a raid on (De) Occupy today by misuse of force by Trisha Morikawa and her helpers.  She operated out of her own protocol, no rules, or admin. miss rep

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OBSERVATION from Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom of another Nation, the U.S.: DRASTIC CHANGES ON AMERICAN Constitutions FROM 2006 to PRESENT Time With Foreign KENYAN BORN OBAMA In Place

OBSERVATION from Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom of another Nation, the U.S.:  DRASTIC CHANGES  ON AMERICAN Constitutions FROM 2006 to PRESENT Time With Foreign KENYAN BORN OBAMA In Place


Proclamation by the President:  

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