Because of the state politics and a few power hungry people, we compromised our future generation.  As to the moral of the decision and given the pressure of the amount of people that attended, we compromised.  The Neighborhood Board quickly did a usual vote of confidence and won a 9 vote, however, did the people know the truth beforehand?  We they did know was a 'public housing project for the general public was proposed.  What they didn't know that the construction will begin on Sept 1, 2012.  Who wants to stop the construction and possibly get arrested too?

Given the situation the Nanakuli Neighborhood Board took advantage of the situation, and at first, tried to sidewind-sideways with a proposal that included both public housing and senior housing on DHHL without the bloodquantum definition.  But, I believe if I heard Kimo Kealii correctly, he refuted Cynthia Rezentes and proposed a Senior only housing project.

Complicated and under pressure with people not really used to activism the night was in the bag.  Bagging the HUD monies, DHHL had it's resident-beneficial's mucking up the night with their agenda's of deceit.  But, under the circumstances of time, little stance, and monies spent the pressure to compromise that night was very much the only solution available.  But, what about the future generations.  Did we compromise their future as residence in the 21st century?  Yes, and we did this with full knowledge and consciousness.  The question is what do we do now that we have exploited our children?

Just to note that the meeting brought together consenting adults and it was the children that saw through these dealings and actually was at cause for the many people to come together.  This non voting voices spoke bravely for their grandparents that are the remnants of poor leadership in the native Hawaiian community.  I am very proud of these young people for sacrificing their future to live in Nanakuli for their senior native Hawaiians.  

What I have proposed in the past when this very same issue came up during the evictions and sidewinding and swindling off Kalawaihine in Papakolea Hawaiian Homestead to the Board of Water Supply that had dense enforcement monies--was senior housing and boarding for university students attending college.  This should have been on the frontal lobe of the DHHL Admin when they themselves proposed this Nanakuli mess-up.  Kali Watson did a presentation, and we who attended needed to keep quite during the meeting for this was a top down situation.  It was a take it or leave it and although a shopping center was the focus, Kali and the elders joined hands with the planners and had agreed to this deal.  Sadly, without questions and understanding from the audience as to what Kali Watson was proposing a situation for the general public beneficiaries and so doing carving out the future generations from these corporate deals.  This is done throughout any corporate deals in indigenous land planning.

What do we do about seniors and grandchildren?  Who will tell the children that they are so brave for this assertion and decision that they themselves had made?  This meeting was brought together by the voices of the children.  They asked their parents to attend and speak up against this general public housing.  The parents in attendance did not understand their future generations was to be carved out of a place in Nanakuli.  This is old politics!



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