Reply to Mr. Bullhorn

Well – they did have a unilateral document for annexation – The Joint Resolution.  But then – a resolution is a domestic document, and if it has any force at law – it is only within the boundaries of that nation.  To remind Mr.Bullhorn – Hawai’i was a foreign country at that time.  And, Pohakuloa – where the bombs fall – is “Lands Stolen.”  They want to bomb – heck – bomb u.s. lands.  The days of “Doctrine of Discovery” and “Terra Nullis” are over.  In Hawai’i – They never started.
editor’s note:  Ku is a retired attorney

addicted to war!

Wednesday, July 18th, 2012

The U.S. Military-Industrial


Congress is poised once again to sacrifice domestic security in the service of unnecessary wars and the profits of defense contractors. The FY 2013 Defense Appropriations bill, which includes $519 billion for the Pentagon’s base budget and $88.5 billion for the war in Afghanistan is expected to reach the House floor this week. This represents 57% of all federal appropriations for the coming year.”

On Jan. 17, 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower, a retired five-star Army general, in his last speech from the White House, gave the nation a dire warning about what he described as a threat to democratic government. He called it the military-industrial complex, a formidable union of defense contractors and the armed forces.

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist… We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic process.”

See a short 3 minute video of former General/President Dwight Eisenhower warning about the growing dangers of the military-industrial complex and reflect about how far the US has moved in 50 years toward total domination by this arms industry.  Please share with others.

Fund Human Needs not War!

1. Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject war as a solution. 3. Defend civil liberties.4. Oppose all discrimination, anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, etc.
5. Seek peace through justice in Hawai`i and around the world.

Malu `Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box AB Kurtistown, Hawai`i 96760. 
Phone (808) 966-7622. 
Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet (July 20, 2012 – 565th week) – Friday 3:30-5PM downtown Post Office


answering request from “walking eagle” with the bullhorn

Tuesday, July 17th, 2012

“Why don’t you respect the will of the people here in Hawaii that they permit and profit from being American citizens? and allowing the use of PTA by the beloved military?  I dare you to answer this on your website…” Woody Harper (pro-war “Walking Eagle” with the Bullhorn in support of bombing Pohakuloa)

My answer:  In 1893 the independent nation of Hawaii was illegally overthrown by U.S. business interests (sugar) with the assistance of the U.S. military.  In 1897 a petition signed by 95% of Hawaii’s population (can be found in US archives) opposed annexation.  The elite business interests and the US went forward with annexation in 1898 anyway, ignoring THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.  But NO treaty of annexation ever passed the U.S. senate, as required by the U.S. Constitution in acquiring territory.  Therefore, Hawaii never legally became a territory of the U.S. and could never legally become a state.  Today the U.S. continues to occupy the nation of Hawaii illegally and has imposed a massive settler population on an independent country.  So when Mr. “Bullhorn” Woody speaks loudly of “the beloved military.” he is speaking from an illegal occupier/settler viewpoint and he wants the illegal Occupiers to determine “the will of the people.”  This same U.S. viewpoint and mentality is at work on a much larger scale.  U.S. economic interests under the cover of “freedom and democracy,” are imposing their will all over the world today.  The real answer is to end the illegal U.S. occupation of the independent nation of Hawaii.

Jim Albertini


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