Maui Film Festival has announced that it will host the public world premiere of “ Hawaii A Voice for Sovereignty”, a documentary by award winning photojournalist Catherine Bauknight. This epic documentary will be showing as a Special Sunday Surprise
The lands for the maka'ainana is clear yet, tell me, where is the land for alii? There are descendents who are alii by birth with their lines still uncut (ke alii puaa) Their lands were taken when they were born and their birthright not yet restored.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Roads in Kalaeloa reopened after ammonia leak at Campbell Industrial
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Firefighters, police and private company
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Wai'anae Intermediate sets yard sale
Advertiser Staff
Wai'anae Intermediate School seventh-graders will hold a yard sale Sept. 19 and 20 at 86-024 Glenmonger St. to raise funds for a Hawaiian cultural workshop.
The sale
Aloha no Anakele,
I will miss your mana'o on this forum and hope you stay in touch with me and the efforts of the Kingdom to regain our wai wai au pau [government, land and the people]. You kokua has been invaluable and you have helped me keep my ha
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 Honolulu Advertiser
Events of 1893 Come Alive In This Week's Free Living History Walking Tour
By Will Hoover
Advertiser Staff Writer
Emotions flared last night in front of Ali'iolani Hale.
Anne > Editorials > Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Makua training vital to troop preparation
By Maj. Gen. Robert G.F. Lee
POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Jul 28, 2009
I applaud the Army's decision to resume training at Makua Mi
This is a Dynamic and Empowering Women-only Play Shop!
It is a celebration of Awakening and Re-Claiming our Divine Feminine Selves! A Sacred place will be created where you will:
* Discover and release old patterns that no longer serve You.
* Re-co
This is a Kahea to all who say with your mouth and believe in your heart that you are a true and proud "Hawaiian National" of the already recognized and legally authorized "Hawaiian Kingdom Government." We are calling all "Hawaiian Nationals" through
Why are they memorializing the dead???
It seems hypocritial for people to memorialize their dead and have no empathy for the dead of the Hawaiians. Here in Hawai'i, of all places where it is more evident of the loss of loved ones in their own countr
Published on Monday, July 27, 2009 by The Telegraph/UK
Climate Change to Force 75 Million Pacific Islanders From Their Homes
More than 75 million people living on Pacific islands will have to relocate by 2050 because of the effects of climate chang
Monday, August 24, 2009
by Larry Geller
Sonny Kaniho was one of the giants in the modern Hawaiian rights movement who gained fame by quietly, and then not-so-quietly, protesting the failures of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands to make land avail
Aloha Kakahiaka Maoliworld Ohana,
As you all know, there was a bunch of us that got together this past Friday and Saturday at the Iolani Palace Grounds for a two day kukakuka session and question and answer session entitled "Affirming & Exercising Y
My Work with Women
I Help YOU unfold YOUR feminine mystery held in YOUR body and hidden in YOUR psyche.
YOUR Private Sessions or the 10 hour (or longer) Intensive may include:
Awakening YOUR Female Sacred Sexuality
Tantric Holistic Healing
Limbaugh repeated false claim that U.S. was "strictly neutral" in overthrow of Hawaiian queen
August 22, 2005 12:19 pm ET
Nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh falsely claimed that the United States was a neutral party in the 1893 overthro > News > Hawaii News >
Protection Urged For Heiau
By Kaylee Noborikawa
POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Jun 20, 2009
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The city halted construction at a heiau in Hawaii Kai on June 12, after
It's high time for people to use National, nation, our country. Why does it have to be only sovereign? Who are they trying to convince? We already know we're sovereign. We have sovereignty. Now let's be proud of our nation and country.
Aloha, e na hoamakamaka,
Just got an email from the scientist-in-charge of the Haleakala desecration. Telescope is another war machine as it will monitor solar eruptions, that would interrupt military communications, das why we got a USAF installati