Aloha, e na hoamakamaka,
Just got an email from the scientist-in-charge of the Haleakala desecration. Telescope is another war machine as it will monitor solar eruptions, that would interrupt military communications, das why we got a USAF installation up there too. The public testimony is in Vol IV...check out also the archeological surveys. Naone
"Dear Interested Party:
Thank you for participating in the process conducted by the National Science Foundation (NSF), pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. §4321 et seq. (NEPA), concerning the proposed Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST). The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the proposed ATST Project, prepared pursuant to NEPA and its implementing regulations at 40 C.F.R. Parts 1500-1508, is now available on the Internet at: in Adobe® portable document format (PDF).
Please note that responses to all comments received (including all written comments and those provided through testimony at the public hearings) on both the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (September 2006), and on the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (May of 2009), are included in Volume IV of the FEIS. The written comments and transcripts of public hearings are also included in Volume IV. The FEIS reflects the changes made to the SDEIS based on the comments received, availability of new data, and correction of errors and omissions.
The NSF will issue a record of decision (ROD) for the proposed ATST Project following consideration of the entire administrative record for the proposed ATST Project, including the FEIS and NSF's compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The ROD will be issued no earlier than August 31, 2009, or 30 days from the date of publication in the Federal Register of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Notice of Availability of the FEIS, whichever is later. Limited hard copies of the ROD will be available, on a first request basis, by contacting the NSF contact, Craig Foltz, Ph.D., ATST Program Director, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Room 1045, Arlington, VA 22230, Telephone: 703-292-4909, e-mail: The ROD will also be available on the Internet at the web address provided above.
Thank you, again, for your participation in NSF's NEPA process for the proposed ATST Project. The involvement of individuals, Native Hawaiian organizations, government agencies, and private organizations is critical to improving NSF's ability to make an informed decision on the proposed ATST Project.
/// signed ///
Craig Foltz, Ph.D.
ATST Program Director"
You need to be a member of maoliworld to add comments!
I attended an event yesterday, and passed out a flyer with both citations, specifically the sites that people can go to and read for the purpose of learning/understanding--but most of all with more people invovle things could change. For example, a decommission for the largest Telescope in the world that is about to be built on Maui, as my students would say--"my bad."
I know some contractors that was looking forward to this project, for it's their livelihood. But, are we supposed to look down at our feet, for the sake of brotherhood greed. This is not about education, learning and enhancing a quality of life or humanity--this is about pure greed.
To rip out 2 million from Maui Community College (young adults) and transfer it to other entities as a deal/mitigation/avoidance process in midway-- is evil. Not to mention sets of lies, overlaid upon more sets of lies, unbelieveable, is this planet earth, if not, why not?
Aloha Naone,
I am still reading and digesting the notes from June 8, 2009, I am assuming the secret notes took long time so nobody can send in their testimony, or an IPetition against the largest telescope in the world being resurrected on Haleakala.
I got confused between Jeff Barr and Jeff Kuhn
Jeff Kuhn (University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy)
Here is my understanding of the testimony:
Maile Delos Reyes: There was a comment made at the last meeting about activity on the sun. When activity stops there's an ice age?
Jeff Kuhn: I was talking about cycles. Cultures have come and gone due to the cycles of the sun. We will understand the comings and goings of civilizations by studying the sun.
Maile Delos Reyes: Yesterday in Ha'iku we were drinking our coffee and flipped on the TV. Lo and behold there was a National Geographic program about the sun. It said that when the sun's activity stops, the Earth stops.
Clare Apana: I've heard so many people say this so great, this is so great. I haven't heard anyone say anything practical. So how will it affect me?
Jeff Kuhn: If I could tell you that in 5 years the temperature of the Earth will be 5 degrees warmer, wouldn't you want to know this? What is the connection between the sun and the climate? We looked all over the world and Haleakala is the best spot to view the sun.
We have Ku Kane Lo Ko to determine the sun actions
We have negative rainbows at night to determine the sun actions
We have Kauna Na Oa that crawls to the ocean towards the sun that determines the sun actions
We have brighter rainbows with deeper purple at the bottom of the rainbow
We bury our dead, and we have births, that marks the suns' flares actions
I don't need pseudo science to tell me anything, because they cannot predict disaster's and climate changes even if they tried. The flares of the sun surge outward, this is pre-school stuff and during that year we have climate changes. California has simpler telescopes less costly methods of determining the sun's flares something we've known for thousands of years, and only now pseudo boy realizing the 'happenings.'
We need to decommission this $146 million Medusa now!!!!! Caltech decommissioned their project on Mauna Kea. Why not do the same?
Maui is Tongan mo'olelo and the Southern Cross is an important navigational star. If, one is not careful you can make mistake with the false southern cross. I believe we the Hawaiian culture is the true observers and pseudo boy will create a huge security budget in the Pacific for pre-empted moves on China and Taiwan. That's my take on Jeff Kuhn. I betah send this before it gets zapped. Kaohi
The following information was taken from Final Environmental Impact Statement--Advanced Technology Solar Telescope page 6-1
I’m writing this for the fourth time, First I can't believe this process that is blatantly out right in disrespect to our cultural practices, Secondly, the children of Maui-Hawaii were the cash crop of 2 million throughout the whole process deal, Thirdly, if we, the Na kanakas don't buy into their corporate 'deal/mitigation' (I can't tell which?) we (MCC students) loose 2 million. We (like I give a shit, my own opinion) loose da 2 million to Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and State Hawai'i Historic Preservation Division.
Another part to this evil, da Special Use Permit asserts ATST Project acts as if they’re already traversing across the landscape and fully in operation that’s already approved. So, never mind the historic bridge they have to cross over, the noise and access to historic sites for the continuation of cultural practices that’s been going on for two thousand years because we/they have a SUP and I’m not talking chicken noodle soup either.
Am I reading this correctly? “While the parties have agreed to several items in concept, which are included in the analysis contained in this FEIS, details of those items and additional SUP provisions are currently being negotiated.”
So an agreement was partially struck, and, but ...provisions are currently being negotiated. Meaning never mind what we say, they going ahead anyway because they now have SUP which, however, are in negotiations.
The scary FAA comes into play, but that’s okay no problem on interference because NSF said they can move the antennas around and this particular concern it’s in mitigation. A deal’s a deal no matter what, “who’s the king of the mountain?” Don’t one think that is the real game on top of Haleakala? I can’t help, but get a little bit stir crazy.
Aloha Kaohi-
This document is shibai - see unresolved issues. The comment period was to end July 23, 2009 for all Sec 106 (of the National Historic Preservation Act)consulting parties--this project has to be in compliance. This means the State Historic Presevation Division, the Feds, Native Hawaiian organizations, and individuals have to come up with an agreement. Then on July 24 2009, there was to be a teleconference call to see if an Programmatic Agreement has been reached. .If no agreement reached then, the ATSTwill move forward under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
How they are trying to rairoad this project....dangling training for Native Hawaiian students in math and science. MCC administration is right behind it and OHA, Clyde Namu`o wrote in a letter as one of the Sec 106 parties that since the project is on State stolen crown lands that OHA would be entitled to the lease payments. You are right!!! Follow the kala...from the unions to the Maui Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce, Maui Tourism Board, everyone wants a piece of the stimulus pie to the tune of 146 million dollars. They''re going to build a visitors center in the lobby of this 14-story monstrosity. Sacred lands. The NSF has a habit of claiming that they are culturally sensitive but yet they fund projects such as this, one in the sacred Black Hills - a Deep Underground Science & Engineering Lab (DUSEL), no public hearing in Indian country even though the lands are still part of the Great Sioux Nation.
Yes, They already have their decision made........Aka,.He wao akua kela. `A`ole ka wao kanaka. He aha ka hopena o ko lakou mau hana kupono `ole? naone
As I was reading my already post, I was not at that meeting, if I left that impression, my apologies, although I have been to Kitt peak in Arizona. I was reading and commenting on the report. My questions are how do we play a role into our own sicence observations and continue our thousands of years of cultural practices? We don't need psuedo science settlers, we can teleconference with real scientist and share information with other countries. As for the telescope to tell us if the sun or global warming are upon us, just attend the G8 meetings. And as the braddah would say, so what? Are these big corporates going to do something about it, hell no! The gobal warming is inevitable, not because of the sun, because of pure greed. Avoidance seems the way we should go.
Please someome enlighten me with your observations or wisdom. Mahalo Naone Kaohi
Taken from: Notes from June 8, 2009 Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST) Section 106 Consultation Meeting at Kula Community Center.
Who are these guys? I know who is Linda Colburn. Who are the federal agency?
"In our case, we have the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD),
Native Hawaiian organizations, individuals, and other interested entities involved. We also have the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation (Advisory Council) involved. They are the
Federal agency that is responsible for the regulations to implement Section 106 of the Act. Theyare involved as a consulting party to help guide us through this."
Registering....then becomes "The National Register is a
list of those types of resources that are significant to the nation." So our cultural living practice is just a thing, or a registered junk pile?
Here is the process: deal, avoid or minimize the effects to cultural (junk pile) according to the Act.
Timeline: Conspiracy theorist have been meeting since 2005, last two meeting June and August 2008
Community benefit package: includes educational programs, Hawaiian star compass place on the junk pile "somewhere" and we're expanding the area to study the road.
Process: Is designed for a give and take", as in the winner take all?
" Our minds are open...until June 22 than it closes."
"Linda Colburn: It depends on how vociferously we engage. If you guys have choke ideas then…My goal is to get these to you by the end of these meetings."
Craig Fotz: Caroline and I work for the NSF which is an agency of the Federal government. The mission of the agency is to fund (psuedo scienctist) science, engineering, research, and education; that’s what we do. We do that in response to requests from scientists. ” We don’t plan. What we do is listen to communities of (psuedo) scientists who say, “We need this array of telescopes.” This project dates back to 1990’s, when solar physicists and solar astronomers got together and decided what they needed was a telescope of substantial size to observe the effects of solar activities: sunspots, solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and so on. They approached the NSF back in 2001 to fund design of the telescope. That design was been funded by my (GOD) division, the Division of Natural Sciences, through the NSO. In 2004, the NSF received a proposal for the construction of the ATST. It’s a very expensive proposition. This is not the sort of decision that one makes lightly. (because I am GOD) Furthermore consideration of funding makes us, as a Federal agency, responsible for compliance with the statutes.
As Nainoa Thompson said last night, this is about money, not telescopes.
Let's follow the money:
Craig Foltz said, "I want to point out again that the NSF is a funding agency; it is not the executor of this project. If we fund this project, the project execution will be led by Jeremy Wagner and his team of professionals at the NSO. The scientists, engineers, technicians, and support staff of the NSO are not Federal employees. The NSF provides support to the NSO through a managing organization called the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), which is a non-profit corporation. It’s the NSF’s responsibility is to do the compliance and if the decision is made to fund the project, funds will flow through our agency to AURA.
Kaohi: I have been to Kitt peak in Arizona
Mmmmm...100 gallons of acids and chromium salts everytwo years are stored in an underground tank and trucked down the mountain and shipped over seas. Maybe we should hire Waianae Foster and he can toss the waste into Pele, wasn't that proposed by da 'True' corporation during the geothermal process. (don't quote me on this) and say he got a letter from DHHL to go and do it.
My question is, if the mirror already there, and they stay washing it already, what gives?
Oh, oh here comes the 'shall' thing, this sounds like the Akaka Bill.
Da Road?????
Liz Gordon: There are 11 archeological sites within 50 feet of the road.
Liz Gordon: The 11 archeological sites will not be directly affected, since activities associated
with the proposed project is confined to the road corridor.
Liz Gordon: Correct. They are outside of the road corridor. But I can’t speak for the impacts to
cultural practices.
Da cultural practice deaded????
Caroline Blanco: Could you describe a little more what the impacts to traditional cultural
practices are?
Mikahala Helm: Yes. Clearly, one of them would be noise; another would be visual. With these
vehicles transporting construction materials up and down, the regardless of what time of the day; that alone would be disruption when cultural practices are happening.
Craig Foltz: Are there currently cultural practices carried out at these sites?
Mikahala Helm: Yes.
Stan Truitt: At these 11 Sites?
Mikahala Helm: I’m talking about along the whole way. .
Cultural education, also too dead ended with 2 million, huh?
Clyde Sakamoto: At Maui Community College we have had extensive discussions with our
Native Hawaiian faculty. We are very interested as an educational institution in science and
technology. We’ve been struggling with the ATST and what it means to Hawaiian culture. Of
particular concern to the college is the education of our Native Hawaiian students and
opportunities open to them to explore leadership roles to cultural and science. We have a
proposal of to marry the education of science and culture with mutually respect; a synergy
between culture and science. This is a serious mitigation approach for the community, costing 2 million dollars a year for 10 years. This is a work in progress. I’m here this afternoon to listen
to what the community has to say about our proposal and explore what the dimensions of this
proposal might be.
Back on the cultural practices again, Niele Bitch!!!!! How many times a week do you shit Verna?
Verna Nahulu: I’d like to know how many cultural practices are done each year.
Verna: It seems very important to me. If there are only 4 per year, it doesn’t disturb much. I’d
like to see the numbers.
Da noise@#$%
Craig Foltz: Precautions for reducing noise comes at a very high cost.
Petral is a stupid, lolo head bird which reflects.... Go home and take your Transformer toy with you!
Craig Foltz: During a long period of the year, because of the petrel, a lot of activities will not be
allowed. I want to reiterate that this comes at great cost.
Our winds are not noise, they are sacred waves that Tevaka, Mau, Buffalo used when they sailed across the Pacific ocean. Like I say, psuedo scientist are not brothers, so as past history tells us these stupid toy players will not be in harmony with the environment and it's people. So why are they here?
UNION: Keep our kids here! yeah right! Wasn't Jesus nailed to the cross, the sun of a carpenter?
Ivan Lay: I'm representing the carpenters union. Our first concern is our apprentices here on Maui. They're educated and looking for work right now. What I see before us is two different cultures clashing against each other religion and science. Which one is more important? To me, They're both important. I'm hawaiian too. We need to work together to make this pono. Keeping our kid's here on Maui, that's what it's about.
Mikahala Helm: I know that this is a Section 106 meeting and I just wanted to mention two
things. I know that Maui Community College has proposed mitigation of $2 million per year,
over 10 years; that’s $20 million. I know that $23 million has been spent between 2001 and
2009 for the design of the project, and $146 million of stimulus funds would be used for
construction. When you look at the impacts of the proposed ATST, I find it insulting to use
educational programs in that amount of money to minimize the direct, adverse effects on the
Hawaiian people. So I’m here to represent not a mitigation proposal, but another other
option…avoidance. You can see how important Haleakalā is to us. The proposed desecration is physically painful. My other comment is that these meetings were scheduled when it is very
difficult for working people to make it.
I attended an event yesterday, and passed out a flyer with both citations, specifically the sites that people can go to and read for the purpose of learning/understanding--but most of all with more people invovle things could change. For example, a decommission for the largest Telescope in the world that is about to be built on Maui, as my students would say--"my bad."
I know some contractors that was looking forward to this project, for it's their livelihood. But, are we supposed to look down at our feet, for the sake of brotherhood greed. This is not about education, learning and enhancing a quality of life or humanity--this is about pure greed.
To rip out 2 million from Maui Community College (young adults) and transfer it to other entities as a deal/mitigation/avoidance process in midway-- is evil. Not to mention sets of lies, overlaid upon more sets of lies, unbelieveable, is this planet earth, if not, why not?
I am still reading and digesting the notes from June 8, 2009, I am assuming the secret notes took long time so nobody can send in their testimony, or an IPetition against the largest telescope in the world being resurrected on Haleakala.
I got confused between Jeff Barr and Jeff Kuhn
Jeff Kuhn (University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy)
Here is my understanding of the testimony:
Maile Delos Reyes: There was a comment made at the last meeting about activity on the sun. When activity stops there's an ice age?
Jeff Kuhn: I was talking about cycles. Cultures have come and gone due to the cycles of the sun. We will understand the comings and goings of civilizations by studying the sun.
Maile Delos Reyes: Yesterday in Ha'iku we were drinking our coffee and flipped on the TV. Lo and behold there was a National Geographic program about the sun. It said that when the sun's activity stops, the Earth stops.
Clare Apana: I've heard so many people say this so great, this is so great. I haven't heard anyone say anything practical. So how will it affect me?
Jeff Kuhn: If I could tell you that in 5 years the temperature of the Earth will be 5 degrees warmer, wouldn't you want to know this? What is the connection between the sun and the climate? We looked all over the world and Haleakala is the best spot to view the sun.
We have Ku Kane Lo Ko to determine the sun actions
We have negative rainbows at night to determine the sun actions
We have Kauna Na Oa that crawls to the ocean towards the sun that determines the sun actions
We have brighter rainbows with deeper purple at the bottom of the rainbow
We bury our dead, and we have births, that marks the suns' flares actions
I don't need pseudo science to tell me anything, because they cannot predict disaster's and climate changes even if they tried. The flares of the sun surge outward, this is pre-school stuff and during that year we have climate changes. California has simpler telescopes less costly methods of determining the sun's flares something we've known for thousands of years, and only now pseudo boy realizing the 'happenings.'
We need to decommission this $146 million Medusa now!!!!! Caltech decommissioned their project on Mauna Kea. Why not do the same?
Maui is Tongan mo'olelo and the Southern Cross is an important navigational star. If, one is not careful you can make mistake with the false southern cross. I believe we the Hawaiian culture is the true observers and pseudo boy will create a huge security budget in the Pacific for pre-empted moves on China and Taiwan. That's my take on Jeff Kuhn. I betah send this before it gets zapped. Kaohi
The following information was taken from Final Environmental Impact Statement--Advanced Technology Solar Telescope page 6-1
I’m writing this for the fourth time, First I can't believe this process that is blatantly out right in disrespect to our cultural practices, Secondly, the children of Maui-Hawaii were the cash crop of 2 million throughout the whole process deal, Thirdly, if we, the Na kanakas don't buy into their corporate 'deal/mitigation' (I can't tell which?) we (MCC students) loose 2 million. We (like I give a shit, my own opinion) loose da 2 million to Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and State Hawai'i Historic Preservation Division.
Another part to this evil, da Special Use Permit asserts ATST Project acts as if they’re already traversing across the landscape and fully in operation that’s already approved. So, never mind the historic bridge they have to cross over, the noise and access to historic sites for the continuation of cultural practices that’s been going on for two thousand years because we/they have a SUP and I’m not talking chicken noodle soup either.
Am I reading this correctly? “While the parties have agreed to several items in concept, which are included in the analysis contained in this FEIS, details of those items and additional SUP provisions are currently being negotiated.”
So an agreement was partially struck, and, but ...provisions are currently being negotiated. Meaning never mind what we say, they going ahead anyway because they now have SUP which, however, are in negotiations.
The scary FAA comes into play, but that’s okay no problem on interference because NSF said they can move the antennas around and this particular concern it’s in mitigation. A deal’s a deal no matter what, “who’s the king of the mountain?” Don’t one think that is the real game on top of Haleakala? I can’t help, but get a little bit stir crazy.
I keep writing new pieces because it disappears this would be my 4th attempt. I will attempt to construct and cut and paste latter! Kaohi
This document is shibai - see unresolved issues. The comment period was to end July 23, 2009 for all Sec 106 (of the National Historic Preservation Act)consulting parties--this project has to be in compliance. This means the State Historic Presevation Division, the Feds, Native Hawaiian organizations, and individuals have to come up with an agreement. Then on July 24 2009, there was to be a teleconference call to see if an Programmatic Agreement has been reached. .If no agreement reached then, the ATSTwill move forward under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
How they are trying to rairoad this project....dangling training for Native Hawaiian students in math and science. MCC administration is right behind it and OHA, Clyde Namu`o wrote in a letter as one of the Sec 106 parties that since the project is on State stolen crown lands that OHA would be entitled to the lease payments. You are right!!! Follow the kala...from the unions to the Maui Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce, Maui Tourism Board, everyone wants a piece of the stimulus pie to the tune of 146 million dollars. They''re going to build a visitors center in the lobby of this 14-story monstrosity. Sacred lands. The NSF has a habit of claiming that they are culturally sensitive but yet they fund projects such as this, one in the sacred Black Hills - a Deep Underground Science & Engineering Lab (DUSEL), no public hearing in Indian country even though the lands are still part of the Great Sioux Nation.
Yes, They already have their decision made........Aka,.He wao akua kela. `A`ole ka wao kanaka. He aha ka hopena o ko lakou mau hana kupono `ole? naone
Please someome enlighten me with your observations or wisdom. Mahalo Naone Kaohi
Taken from: Notes from June 8, 2009 Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST) Section 106 Consultation Meeting at Kula Community Center.
Who are these guys? I know who is Linda Colburn. Who are the federal agency?
"In our case, we have the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD),
Native Hawaiian organizations, individuals, and other interested entities involved. We also have the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation (Advisory Council) involved. They are the
Federal agency that is responsible for the regulations to implement Section 106 of the Act. Theyare involved as a consulting party to help guide us through this."
Registering....then becomes "The National Register is a
list of those types of resources that are significant to the nation." So our cultural living practice is just a thing, or a registered junk pile?
Here is the process: deal, avoid or minimize the effects to cultural (junk pile) according to the Act.
Timeline: Conspiracy theorist have been meeting since 2005, last two meeting June and August 2008
Community benefit package: includes educational programs, Hawaiian star compass place on the junk pile "somewhere" and we're expanding the area to study the road.
Process: Is designed for a give and take", as in the winner take all?
" Our minds are open...until June 22 than it closes."
"Linda Colburn: It depends on how vociferously we engage. If you guys have choke ideas then…My goal is to get these to you by the end of these meetings."
Craig Fotz: Caroline and I work for the NSF which is an agency of the Federal government. The mission of the agency is to fund (psuedo scienctist) science, engineering, research, and education; that’s what we do. We do that in response to requests from scientists. ” We don’t plan. What we do is listen to communities of (psuedo) scientists who say, “We need this array of telescopes.” This project dates back to 1990’s, when solar physicists and solar astronomers got together and decided what they needed was a telescope of substantial size to observe the effects of solar activities: sunspots, solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and so on. They approached the NSF back in 2001 to fund design of the telescope. That design was been funded by my (GOD) division, the Division of Natural Sciences, through the NSO. In 2004, the NSF received a proposal for the construction of the ATST. It’s a very expensive proposition. This is not the sort of decision that one makes lightly. (because I am GOD) Furthermore consideration of funding makes us, as a Federal agency, responsible for compliance with the statutes.
As Nainoa Thompson said last night, this is about money, not telescopes.
Let's follow the money:
Craig Foltz said, "I want to point out again that the NSF is a funding agency; it is not the executor of this project. If we fund this project, the project execution will be led by Jeremy Wagner and his team of professionals at the NSO. The scientists, engineers, technicians, and support staff of the NSO are not Federal employees. The NSF provides support to the NSO through a managing organization called the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), which is a non-profit corporation. It’s the NSF’s responsibility is to do the compliance and if the decision is made to fund the project, funds will flow through our agency to AURA.
Kaohi: I have been to Kitt peak in Arizona
Mmmmm...100 gallons of acids and chromium salts everytwo years are stored in an underground tank and trucked down the mountain and shipped over seas. Maybe we should hire Waianae Foster and he can toss the waste into Pele, wasn't that proposed by da 'True' corporation during the geothermal process. (don't quote me on this) and say he got a letter from DHHL to go and do it.
My question is, if the mirror already there, and they stay washing it already, what gives?
Oh, oh here comes the 'shall' thing, this sounds like the Akaka Bill.
Da Road?????
Liz Gordon: There are 11 archeological sites within 50 feet of the road.
Liz Gordon: The 11 archeological sites will not be directly affected, since activities associated
with the proposed project is confined to the road corridor.
Liz Gordon: Correct. They are outside of the road corridor. But I can’t speak for the impacts to
cultural practices.
Da cultural practice deaded????
Caroline Blanco: Could you describe a little more what the impacts to traditional cultural
practices are?
Mikahala Helm: Yes. Clearly, one of them would be noise; another would be visual. With these
vehicles transporting construction materials up and down, the regardless of what time of the day; that alone would be disruption when cultural practices are happening.
Craig Foltz: Are there currently cultural practices carried out at these sites?
Mikahala Helm: Yes.
Stan Truitt: At these 11 Sites?
Mikahala Helm: I’m talking about along the whole way. .
Cultural education, also too dead ended with 2 million, huh?
Clyde Sakamoto: At Maui Community College we have had extensive discussions with our
Native Hawaiian faculty. We are very interested as an educational institution in science and
technology. We’ve been struggling with the ATST and what it means to Hawaiian culture. Of
particular concern to the college is the education of our Native Hawaiian students and
opportunities open to them to explore leadership roles to cultural and science. We have a
proposal of to marry the education of science and culture with mutually respect; a synergy
between culture and science. This is a serious mitigation approach for the community, costing 2 million dollars a year for 10 years. This is a work in progress. I’m here this afternoon to listen
to what the community has to say about our proposal and explore what the dimensions of this
proposal might be.
Back on the cultural practices again, Niele Bitch!!!!! How many times a week do you shit Verna?
Verna Nahulu: I’d like to know how many cultural practices are done each year.
Verna: It seems very important to me. If there are only 4 per year, it doesn’t disturb much. I’d
like to see the numbers.
Da noise@#$%
Craig Foltz: Precautions for reducing noise comes at a very high cost.
Petral is a stupid, lolo head bird which reflects.... Go home and take your Transformer toy with you!
Craig Foltz: During a long period of the year, because of the petrel, a lot of activities will not be
allowed. I want to reiterate that this comes at great cost.
Our winds are not noise, they are sacred waves that Tevaka, Mau, Buffalo used when they sailed across the Pacific ocean. Like I say, psuedo scientist are not brothers, so as past history tells us these stupid toy players will not be in harmony with the environment and it's people. So why are they here?
UNION: Keep our kids here! yeah right! Wasn't Jesus nailed to the cross, the sun of a carpenter?
Ivan Lay: I'm representing the carpenters union. Our first concern is our apprentices here on Maui. They're educated and looking for work right now. What I see before us is two different cultures clashing against each other religion and science. Which one is more important? To me, They're both important. I'm hawaiian too. We need to work together to make this pono. Keeping our kid's here on Maui, that's what it's about.
Mikahala Helm: I know that this is a Section 106 meeting and I just wanted to mention two
things. I know that Maui Community College has proposed mitigation of $2 million per year,
over 10 years; that’s $20 million. I know that $23 million has been spent between 2001 and
2009 for the design of the project, and $146 million of stimulus funds would be used for
construction. When you look at the impacts of the proposed ATST, I find it insulting to use
educational programs in that amount of money to minimize the direct, adverse effects on the
Hawaiian people. So I’m here to represent not a mitigation proposal, but another other
option…avoidance. You can see how important Haleakalā is to us. The proposed desecration is physically painful. My other comment is that these meetings were scheduled when it is very
difficult for working people to make it.
Avoidance is good! Kaoh