



February 21


'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?

"Naone" Gwen Morinaga-Kama

No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?

No ke 'awawa o Manoa i ka ua Tuahine mai au.

ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?

Ke noho nei au me ko'u 'ohana i uka nei ma Makawao.

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  • Mahalo , yes I know what LHG is all about npt only on Maui but all over . Itʻs Henry Noaʻs group. they ried the same over here @ the palace on 1-16,17-2010.
    but when came time for action instead of a one for all type mode it turned into a "Henry Noaʻs Group" and dem other guyz "which happen to be US "Hawaii Nationals" with no permit,"NEVER NEEDED" but been going there on this day 1-17th for over 18 years to honor our Queen .

    this is what happened.
  • Mahalo for da add :)




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  • Aloha and Mahalo
    Welcome to our circle of friends
  • Aloha e Naone,
    Pehea oe?
    Ae, that pix was at the the Lakota Sioux performance. We hosted a dinner for them the night before the performance. Check my photos, I will post more from the event.
    Do me a favor please, would you check out my blog and if interested leave a comment. The blog is required for my Modern Issues of Hawaii class that I'm taking at M.C.C. I'm also taking a Hawaiian Literature in Translation class which are both taught by Kaleikoa Kaeo.
    Send me info anytime on upcoming events, workshops, fieldwork opportunities, etc.
    I look forward to reading your page and hope that we can keep in touch more frequently.

    Aloha no,
    K. Alohilani
  • thanks! Kaohi
  • Be smart on all three entities, they are part of the problem. That's how come and why I asked anakele if this is all talk. The DU exist in our bodies and our environment, however, we need the proof from a real scientist. Death and Dying is all that we can do, and do it well. As I said, if a baby has Leukimia they are told to move out of our community. Usually the cases exist in Maili community. It's a process--death that is, and our reality. Do I except this, no! I just can't have the talk be just talk while attending funerals. Winoa La Duke was a wash about twenty years ago here in Hawaii, although I didn't know that at the time that she had folded under pressure until I was confronted with the same issue in my community,we need a better strategy. On the time line, all three entities are involved with selling our DNA to an engineer firm. Unexceptible, but it happened straight up and I have yet to see the up swing out of the pit of hell. A solid educated population that can determine wrong and seek justice without the wavering would work. Malama-- Kaohi
  • kia ora ehoa kei tino pai to mahi it is awesome that you are keeping strong with your culture i have only seen bits and pieces of lua but it would be a honor to learn more and kia ora for you video comment , te wero is only a small part of maori art of mau rakau , te wero means the challenge

    ehara taku toa e te toa taku tahi
    he toa taki tini taku toa (i dont have the bravery of one warrior but many)
  • Aloha e ku'u makuahine e aloha nui ai!
    How u doing?
    i try fo call u yesterday but Ana said u was sleeping.
    comment me!
  • hi mom. :o)
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