The Vultures in Maunawili Valley
A Sighting from The Catbird Seat
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Feb 26, 2001
Contributions Came on November 27, 2000
Nora Lum, Convicted Felon, Gave $2,000 to ‘Friends of Hillary’ and Sought Pardons Through Hillary’s Brother
(Washington, D.C.) Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that investigates and prosecutes government abuse and corruption, today called attention to $2,000 in contributions by Pardongate/Chinagate figure Nora Lum to Hillary Clinton’s “Friends of Hillary” fundraising operation on November 27, 2000.
Today’s Washington Post reports that Nora and Gene Lum were also seeking pardons from Bill Clinton through Hugh Rodham, Hillary’s brother, around the time the contributions were made. The Lums were not pardoned.
The bribery statutes prohibit not only the granting of government action in return for anything of value, but even special consideration of government action in return for anything of value.
Nora and Gene Lum, who plead guilty to making illegal contributions to Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA), were embroiled in scandals involving Bill and Hillary Clinton, former Clinton Chief of Staff Thomas McClarty, the late Ron Brown, and his son Michael Brown, to name a few.
“Why would Nora Lum, a convicted felon, give money to Hillary almost a month after her landside Senate victory? The answer is obvious – the Lums had previous illegal dealings with the Clintons and their ilk – they knew the pardons were for sale and these contributions were meant to ‘grease the wheels’ for ‘special consideration’ of their Hugh Rodham-endorsed pardon by Bill and Hillary Clinton,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
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June 12, 1995
City has Fasi legal bills under wraps
The case involves ousting Maunalani people for a golf-country club
BY IAN Y. LIND, Star-Bulletin
Bills for more than $300,000 in legal services by a private law firm defending former Mayor Frank Fasi are secret, a city official says.
Corporation Counsel Darolyn Lendio said the bills will remain confidential, at least for now, although they have been paid with public funds.
The invoices submitted by the law firm of Fujiyama Duffy & Fujiyama are considered "privileged and confidential" because they are part of pending litigation, Lendio said in a letter earlier this week.
The Star-Bulletin had requested access to the records after the City Council voted in April to authorize an additional $100,000 to be paid to the law firm, bringing the total paid out so far to nearly $360,000.
"We may reconsider your request once the litigation is completed," Lendio wrote.
Hugh Jones, staff attorney for the Office of Information Practices, said Hawaii law generally requires public disclosure of billing records and government contracts. Although his office has not issued a formal opinion on the matter, Jones pointed to a publication of the American Bar Association which concluded that such information is not exempt from public disclosure.
The firm represents Fasi in a federal lawsuit by Windward Oahu residents who were displaced by the controversial Royal Hawaiian Country Club in Maunawili. The 1989 suit alleges that the golf course developers made illegal contributions to Fasi's 1988 re-election campaign in exchange for favorable city action on their development.
The law firm was hired to represent Fasi in 1991 after the Office of Disciplinary Counsel ruled that city attorneys could not continue to represent the mayor because of various ethical conflicts.
The case took on renewed life last year after the Federal Election Commission found that dozens of foreign businesses and individuals violated federal law by contributing to political candidates in Hawaii between 1986 and 1992. The Royal Hawaiian Country Club and its owner, YY Valley Corp., along with major stockholders, were fined $46,000 by the FEC for illegal contributions.
Federal law prohibits foreign nationals from contributing to candidates or taking part in corporate decisions by organizations or political action committees making such contributions.
The FEC also found evidence that the Maunawili developers violated state law by contributing more than allowed by state law, and by concealing the actual source of the funds. A complaint now is pending before the state Campaign Spending Commission.
Lendio said her office scrutinizes the legal bills "to ensure conformity with the custom and practice in the legal community," and to assure that "costs expended are reasonable and necessary for the vigorous defense of the City and its officers."
She refused, however, to allow public review of the bills.
City records show the Fujiyama firm was paid $45,399.27 from October 1991 through June 1994. Following Fasi's resignation as mayor in July 1994, the pace of the court action and the payments have increased, with the following payments reported by the city:
Nov. 25, 1994: $23,873.78
Jan. 23, 1995: $15,892.06
Feb. 2, 1995: $74,834.89
March 15, 1995: $59,032.11
March 21, 1995: $40,967.89
An additional $86,960.93 in costs remained unpaid as of mid-April, according to a City Council resolution authorizing the most recent payments.
Copyright 1995 Honolulu Star-Bulletin
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For some insight into the silencing of a whistleblower, fly over to see CONFESSIONS OF A WHISTLEBLOWER!
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#8 - Vultures of the Sandwich Isles
#9 - Ron Rewald: Flying High in Hawaii
#10 - The Vultures in Maunawili Valley
sent this also to DOE and HPD:
Kaohi: We are a trusting culture its time to shut the doors on Amelia on her nose and her crazy head. Her assimulated US ways is slanderous! And her research 'pig shit'!
Reply by Amelia Gora
Reply by Pomaikaiokalani
Kaohi: This is an interesting book to view dad was the oldest livin...
Kaohi:We still have stories of 'Liliu' , Massie Case and many Japan...
Kaohi: We are a trusting culture its time to shut the doors on Amel...
MAUNAWILI: The Truth by Greg Wongham formerly of Corruption in Hawa...
Reply by Amelia Gora
Kaohi: We are a trusting culture..we let people in our homes, share...
Reply by Amelia Gora
Kaohi: We who are Hawaiian Activist face the firing squad the next ...
Reply by Kaohi
Kaohi:My brother and I spent the day on the Kailua side of Makai pi...
Reply by Kaohi
"PONO ALERT" The Hateful and Lies of Luwella KAOHI Leonardi
Reply by Pomaikaiokalani
From: amelia gora <>
To: "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 6:58 PM
Subject: Need to Seriously Review the Mental Health of Luwella Leonardi Fw: Complaint About Employee Luwella Leonardi, DOE Substitute/Special Ed Teacher /Employee
Need to Seriously Review the Mental Health of Luwella Leonardi Fw: ...
Kaohi: We are a trusting culture its time to shut the doors on Amelia on her nose and her crazy head. Her assimulated US ways is slanderous! And her research 'pig shit'!
Note: This is just one of her many toxic posts...... I have posted back and yet the continuous posts made by her affects not only myself but Pomai Kinney who has been taking the negative crap for more than a year now...........
Suggest that a Psychological Eval be made as soon as possible..... she has cracked! She's not well or even on the edge of insanity.
Please review.
Thank you, Sincerely,
Amelia Gora
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: amelia gora <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 7:27 PM
Subject: Fw: Complaint About Employee Luwella Leonardi, DOE Substitute/Special Ed Teacher /Employee
From: amelia gora <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 6:07 PM
Subject: Complaint About Employee Luwella Leonardi, DOE Substitute/Special Ed Teacher /Employee
Fw: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2009 Ge...
From: amelia gora <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2009 Genocide Activities File - Luwella Leonardi and Valerie Aquino from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, and as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, a living, human being
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