ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,

       Luwella KAOHI Leonardi has now centered her Hateful and Lies attacks on Amelia! 

       Mostly because Ameilia is an Open Minded person!

       An Open Minded person who shares her massive research with all of us on Maoliworld!

       It is my HOPE that all on Maoliworld will openly read all what is being said by KAOHI! 

       Look DEEP into the words of KAOHI.  You will find No MANA in the words of KAOHI!

       Only words of HATE and LIES! 

       Please do not look at this as Hawaiians FIGHTING among ourselves! 

        It is a FIGHT that has to happen and that is long over due! 

        As for far too long Hawaiians have been told that we need to STOP the Fighting!

       Stop the Fighting and let others work out our difference! 

       Well time has changed! 

       As the FIGHT to Restore the Kingdom of Hawaii has just BEGUN! 

Long Live The Kingdom of Hawaii, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National 1993



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  • ALOHA Kaua, e Bronson,

           Imua with your Court Case!  

           Give me a call later on if you can.  o Uncle Pomai


  • Right on Uncle Pomai
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