I an not only a 'niaupio' (not a leader) by DNA, and I have know intest in taking up the legacy of my father Kanaka Oo 'Niaupio.  My dad is ancient and now he is pau!  We are not the leaders of today. 


False leadership is among us so be careful and takecare of your families.


I kicked out Google Earth from our Hawaiian Homestead because I understand what the ramafications of their filming and how it affects everychild growing up on DHHL.  One can google any address on my homestead and go straight to my driveway. 


Need to ask many questions as to how ANA grants, OHA, and First Hawaiian Bank works arm in arm in their Malama Mortgages.  It is a deadly combination!  Claytan Hee had set up this mess and it is genocidal.  The Google Earth gives corporations the ticking bubble predictions as to when to sell and make huge profits.  In this combination Malama Mortgages and Google Earth its easy to control the goals of children.  Prison, no scholarships, foster-adoption all by numbers on a spread sheet called bean counting or falsifying the numbers to meet genocidal objectives should a board room member decides to get rid of you.  We already have lots of experiences with these actions.  Nine-hundred plus children are now at the affect in Waianae. 


The realestates out here are big business land sales five years ago jumped from $50,000 to a $1 million.  Today it's a death camp for all Na Kanaka living here.  So the question is what does that look like in three years, and five years down the road.  Our children today do not have a future in Waianae.  Nor will they have a home in Waianae.  If they do the real question is how?


Roman/Greek plus timelines are all part of the curriculum and I took Latin instead of Hawaiian Language. 

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