Re: Personal Opposition and Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Record No. 2012 -0021 Opposition to Sale of Lanai Island, etc. Cease and Desist
My name is Amelia Gora, and I am one of the Sovereigns/ Kamehameha's descendants/heirs in multiples of lines...........daughter of Kamehameha known as Kanekapolei; sons of Kamehameha known as Kaoleioku, Kalanihelemaiiluna, and Kanakaole/Keliikanakaole.
The highlighted ancestors were siblings of Kamehameha II - Liholiho; Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli, et. als.
Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli created the Mahele, conveying his properties, properties of the Sovereign Kamehameha to himself under the title of Crown Lands (wrongfully dubbed the "Ceded Lands" by those who premeditated and conspired against Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, etc.); set aside the Government Lands which is not the State of Hawaii; and the Chiefs, Konohiki, with rights of native tenants.
Royal persons are not subject to the laws and the amounts charged by the State of Hawaii Attorney General and the Court for the Crown Lands Lien(s) is temporarily minused from the rents and leases charges because the State of Hawaii Attorney General is sitting on our families private properties, the lands of Abner Paki who had brother Kalaniulumoku. They were Kamehameha /Sovereigns descendants.
The Kalanimoku building is sitting on our families properties being the lands of Kalaniulumoku. Abner Paki claimed to be his heir, and Kalaniulumoku had a daughter named Kalola who was the next of kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
Although the building was named Kalanimoku, he was also part of our family, he being the brother of Keoua - father-in-law of Kalola. Kalanimoku's last wife was our great great great grandmother and great great grandmother because her hanai was our great grandfather. Her name was Akahi/Chiefess Akahi.
Kalanimoku's heirs were his niece/hanai-adopted daughter name Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi (see Lanai land list) married to Kamehameha II/Liholiho (died in England -1824) and married Levi Haalelea (see Lanai land list).
Our families Oral History included the saying "When You're White, You're Right" and "When You're Brown You're Down"........and, we are part white as well due to our ancestors being John Young, and Isaac Davis who were counselors of the Sovereign Kamehameha who was recognized for being part of the Pacific Empire with Aetearoa/New Zealand and the Samoan Islands. The Sovereign Kamehameha was also on record as starting the Monarchy Government, a Government recognized in the Laws of Nations.
Copy(ies) sent to President Obama, Mrs. Hillary Clinton- Secretary of State, Honolulu Police Department, Prosecuter's -as instructed by the Supreme Court Justice years ago - Governor Abercrombie et. als. because the Permanent Friendship Treaty is maintained by the Sovereigns families, his descendants/heirs and successors.
Treaties supersede State of Hawaii Laws, an entity created by treasonous persons who usurped a Queen in 1893 and criminally assumed lands, assets, resources of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation, non warring nation. Support by the U.S., England and the bankers (JP Morgan bankers, Bank of England, etc.). Conspiracy(ies) have been researched, uncovered/discovered over time.
U.S. President Clinton is on record for admission of the crimes through Public Law 103-150 signed in 1993 or 100 years after the wrongful, criminally assumed the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii a neutral internationally recognized nation.
Note to everyone, our families are also the heirs of Kamehameha II - Liholiho, Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli, Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho, Kamehameha V - Lot Kamehameha, King Lunalilo, King Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani, with documented evidence/proof.
For the record, our families reformed the House of Nobles because some of us are descendants/heirs of Kahekili, Mataio Kekuanaoa through his oldest son Paalua, and his stepchildren through his last wife Kalima. Kekuanaoa was also the father or claimed father of Ruth Keelikolani (see Lanai land list), father of Moses Kaikioewa, Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV, Victoria Kamamalu (see Lanai Land list); stepfather of Alenoho (my /my families ancestor), Kapehe (my/my families ancestor), et. als.
I/our families are also part of the true trustees of Queen Liliuokalani's Trust, land title holders of lands criminally claimed by the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, et. als. who has deviously transferred our/Alii properties to Castle and Cooke who are conveying or claim to convey lands that they do not own.
Queen Liliuokalani was an heir of King David Kalakaua (see Lanai Land list). King Kalakaua did have two (2) of his own children and one of them legally adopted my grandmother. Grandmother, one of Kamehameha's descendants was also adopted by her own grandmother, a Kamehameha descendant. Our Grandmother was also the hanai/adopted sister of Queen Kapiolani/Kapiolani who was married to King David Kalakaua (see Lanai Land list).
I have the bloodlines of Kamehameha/the Sovereign and his Sovereign descendants/heirs: Kamehameha II, Kamehameha III, Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, King Lunalilo, Victoria Kamamalu (see Lanai Land list), her father being Mataio Kekuanaoa. Victoria Kamamalu's stepmother was Kalima.
Bernice Pauahi Bishop (see Lanai Land list) who married conspirator, treasonous banker, lawyer, plantation owner Charles Reed Bishop who promoted lies, deceit, etc. promoted, perpetuated with the criminal treasonous Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the last of the Kamehameha's. Bernice Pauahi Bishop WAS NOT the last of the Kamehameha's, and was a hanai/adopted daughter of Mataio Kekuanaoa with his wife Kinau.
The next of kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop was her cousin Kalola, my/our families ancestor. Kalola was a Kamehameha descendant/heir.
I maintain that Kamehameha's descendants/heirs exist maintaining that the Permanent Treaties with the U.S. and other nations supersede State of Hawaii claims and maintain that the State of Hawaii are not the owners of the Crown Lands wrongfully claimed as the "Ceded Lands" nor are they the owners of the Government Lands because the ano alodio/alodio system was set in place by Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli who headed the Hawaiian Government with his House of Nobles assisting him as the Permanent parts of the three part government.
The State of Hawaii has no jurisdiction over matters of the Hawaiian Government, a Monarchy/Constitutional Monarchy government. The State of Hawaii represents/evolved from the treasonous branch of the Hawaiian Government called the House of Representatives, a temporary voted in part which had/has only 1/3 authority say-so in a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation. Conspiracy(ies), Piracy(ies), Racketeering, theft, criminal conversions, genocide, etc. is recorded for this branch of government which was supported by the U.S., England, JP Morgan bankers/Bank of England, etc.
The State of Hawaii evolved from the Territory of Hawaii, which evolved from the Republic of Hawaii, which evolved from the Provisional Government, which evolved from the House of Representatives gone wrong, etc.
This also serves as a Cease and Desist instrument posted for the public and the World to see because the claims to the Island of Lanai by those perpetuating the crimes over time is opposed by others and myself, the true owners of most of the Islands of Lanai, Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, Kahoolawe, Kauai, Niihau which is part of the 133 Islands in the Hawaiian archipelago also known as the Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/ Hawaii.
Websites/Links for Hawaiian Nationals ………..researchers: Amelia Gora, Shane Lee, Kiliwehi Kekumano, Francis Keoua Gora, and unnamed others (2011)
Kamehameha III’s First Laws found at the Mission Houses Archives, behind Kawaiahao Church: https://docs.google.com/leaf? id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wZGIyMmNkNTMtZTczZ i0…
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Premeditation to Assume Pearl Harbor Coaling Station/the Hawaiian Islands – a Standing Order by Congress Eight (8) days BEFORE DETHRONING QUEEN LILIUOKALANI in 1893:
Page 1: https://docs.google.com/leaf? id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wZmFmMWE3YjEtNTAwM y0…
Page 2: https://docs.google.com/leaf? id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2RlYzdiOWMtNWJkY S0…
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President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani https://docs.google.com/leaf? id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2JkZjMxMzEtMDIyN i0…
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Genealogies 1867 (first part) https://docs.google.com/leaf? id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wMzBiZGJhMjMtY2FmZ C0…
Genealogies 1867 (second part) https://docs.google.com/leaf? id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wZDBjMDAyNjktMWQ1M i0…
Genealogies 1867 (third and last part) https://docs.google.com/leaf? id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wOTRlZmNhMDEtNGFkM S0…
Annexation Opposition by Queen Liliuokalani found by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano: https://docs.google.com/leaf? id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wOGJmZjg4MmQtNWRjM S0…
Annexation Opposition (page 2) https://docs.google.com/leaf? id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNWVlMTc0MjEtZWZiZ S0…
Annexation Opposition (page 3) https://docs.google.com/leaf? id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wY2RjYzZmNjQtMjUxY i0…
Annexation Opposition (page 4) https://docs.google.com/leaf? id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNmY2Mzk3ZTctZDEyM y0…
The Hawaiian Disgrace http://query.nytimes.com/mem/ archive-free/pdf?res= F70A1FF7345D117…
Shameful Conspiracy https://docs.google.com/leaf? id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2Y2YjAwOTItOTEwM C0…
Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Treasonous Person introduced Statehood in 1920 https://docs.google.com/leaf? id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wMzY0NzE3ZDUtZGE5M i0…
" The Bureau of Conveyances record summary of Lana'i land transactions between 1845 and 1961 is available here:
On the footnotes of page 222, in Professor Van Dyke's book it reads:
'[I]n 1923, one corporation first purchased the 48,000 acres that had previously been removed from the Ceded Lands through an exchange of lands. . . The corporation then acquired ownership to most of the remaining lands on Lanai (totaling 98 percent of the island) through a series of quiet title and other legal proceedings including adverse possession, by 1928." Makua to Makai, supra note 5, at 37.'
....... A curious point of contention: After the illegal overthrow of January 1893 there was no lawful Registrar at the Bureau of Conveyances let alone a legal Government." - Andrew, Maoliworld.com
This is the article printed BEFORE Mataio Kekuanaoa died in 1868 - He was the father of Paalua (k) (my ancestor); Ruth Keelikolani (see Lanai Lands above); Moses Kaikioewa; David Kamehameha; Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V (see Lanai Lands above); Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV (hanai of Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli); Victoria Kamamalu (see Lanai Lands above); stepchildren: Alenoho (my ancestor); Kapehe (my ancestor); Kapau/Pau; et. als.
Other references:
The following are Public Posts/Web Posts Showing Kamehameha's Descendants/Heirs Exist:
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Crown Land Owners in Hawaii [Kindle Edition]
Amelia Gora (Author)Digital List Price: | $5.00 What's this? ![]() |
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Book Description
Since the premediitation move by U.S. Congress who gave a standing order to assume our neutral, non violent, non warring nation by usurping Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, the criminal pursuit to assume all lands in Hawaii has been ongoing by Pirates on the high seas, American businessmen, conspirators, treasonous persons whose descendants perpetuate the frauds, criminal acts of their ancestors today.
The Royal Families descendants exist much to the dismay of many. Evidence shows that Hawaii is truly the Criminal Mecca of the United States. The pirates calling their entity State of Hawaii is illegal and occupies foreign soil amidst the true Crown Land Owners descendants and heirs who have lived here since 350 A.D.
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THE FOLLOWING SHOWS THE MAP AND THE OWNERS OF THE ISLAND OF LANAI BECAUSE OF THE Alodio/ Ano Alodio System is a Permanent System................btw WHAT Part of Permanent does the Bishop Estates, Murdock, Title Companies, State of Hawaii, etc. not understand?:
Now, Who are the Konohiki of Lanai?................Where are the Families, the bloodlines, next of kin? I, Amelia Gora am one of the family members and represent our families......we have the bloodlines.....and... the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees are Not Our Families.............but did you know that they claimed that they are the OWNERS? believe it..............we have the evidence! RACKETEERING, CORRUPTION FOLKS............BELIEVE IT! Wicked to the MAX..............
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ooklah the moc - Hellfire
Ad related to crown lands owners by amelia goraWhy this ad?
[ Footnote 17 ] 32 Stat. 691, 12.
[ Footnote 18 ] Greenleaf, Evidence (16th Ed.), 45a.
[ Footnote 19 ] Fletcher v. Fuller, supra, 120 U.S. at page 551, 7 S.Ct. at page 676; United States v. Chaves, supra, 159 U.S. at page 464, 16 S.Ct. at page 62; United States v. Chavez, supra, 175 U.S. at page 520, 20 S.Ct. at pages 162, 163.
[ Footnote 20 ] Fletcher v. Fuller, supra, 120 U.S. at page 552, 7 S.Ct. at page 676; Whitney v. United States, 167 U.S. 529, 546, 863; Jover y Costas v. Insular Government of the Philippine Islands, supra, 221 U.S. at page 633, 31 S.Ct. at page 667.
[ Footnote 21 ] 'Opinion Book
sources of information, I find that the authority of the Territory of Hawaii over these islands is as follows:
facie evidence in international law of our right to the same and would be the best evidence the government could make of its claim to the various islands in question.
[ Footnote 22 ] S.Doc.No.16, 55th Cong., 3d Sess., p. 4:
[ Footnote 23 ] The United States questions the effect on any title of the United States to Palmyra of the disclaimer of interest in Palmyra by Hawaii. The United States asserts that all public lands of Hawaii passed to the United States by the Joint Resolution of July 7, 1898, and the Resolution of the Senate of Hawaii of September 9, 1897. Rev. Laws, Hawaii, 1905, pp. 36, 40. Thereafter, in 1900, it is said, that Congress made provision for the disposition of such lands. Hawaiian Organic Act, 31 Stat. 141, 73 of the Organic Act, as amended in 1910, 5, 36 Stat. 444, 48 U.S.C.A. 663�677 ; 2432, Rev.Laws, Haw., 1905. The position of the United States is that there was no power in Hawaii to disclaim any interest that the United States might have in Palmyra in 1912. We need no resolve t his issue. The Land Court record is referred to as another instance of the claims of respondent to Palmyra adverse to the claim of ownership of the United States and its predecessors in title to the public lands of Hawaii.
[ Footnote 24 ] A statement of this Court in United States v. Pendell, 185 U.S. at page 197, 22 S.Ct. at page 627, is pertinent:
[ Footnote 25 ] See Fletcher v. Fuller, 120 U.S. 534, 543 , 672.
[ Footnote 1 ] 'And hence, as a general rule, it is only where the possession has been actual, open, and exclusive for the period prescribed by the statute of limitations to bar an action for the recovery of land, that the presumption of a deed can be invoked.' (Emphasis added.) Fletcher v. Fuller, 120 U.S. 534, 551 , 676. 'The possession must be adverse, exclusive, and uninterrupted, and inconsistent with the existence of title in another.' (Emphasis added.) Peabody v. United States, 175 U.S. 546, 550 , 221. The statement in the authorities that the possession must be uninterrupted has been qualified only to the extent that 'This presumption may * * *, in some instances, be properly invoked where a proprietary right has long been exercised, although the exclusive possession of the whole property to which the right is asserted may have been occasionally interrupted during the period necessary to create a title by adverse possession, if in addition to the actual possession, there were other open acts of ownership.' (Emphasis added.) Fletcher v. Fuller, supra, 120 U.S. at page 552, 7 S.Ct. at page 677. And the presumption of continuing possession which exists 'in the absence of evidence to the contrary,' Lazarus v. Phelps, 156 U.S. 202, 204 , 272, even if competent to furnish the basis for the further presumption of a lost grant, is here rebutted by the evidence which has been introduced. See note 2.
[ Footnote 2 ] The following summary of the island's history was given, with supporting record references, in note 3 of the dissenting opinion, 9 Cir., 156 F.2d 756, 760, 765, filed by Denman, C.J., with whom Bone, J., agreed, in the Circuit Court of Appeals: 'Zenas Bent visited the island in April, 1862, and left five men there. * * * In June annexation was formally proclaimed. * * * It does not appear how long the five men remained on the island but in December of the same year Bent transferred all his interest to Wilkinson. * * * Wilkinson died in 1866 and his will was probated in New Zealand giving his rights in Palmyra to his wife, Kalama * * *. Nothing further occurred until 1885 when the supposed title was transferred to the Pacific Navigation Company, a conveyance being executed by two of Kalama's heirs and Bent's deed being acknowledged, 23 years after its execution * * *. Thus, except for the five men left on the island by Bent in order to make the annexation effective, there is no indication that there was any possession or even visits to the island for the 23 years following annexation. On the contrary, the fact that Bent's deed was not acknowledged until 1885, after conveyance by Kalama's heirs, clearly indicates that, in the meantime, no claim of title or possession was asserted by anyone. 'Employees of the Pacific Navigation Company occupied the island for approximately a yea in 1885 a nd 1886 * * * and the company paid taxes in 1885, 1886, and 1887 * * *, not to the United States but to the Territory. ( The claimant placed the lands on the tax rolls and in many cases taxes were paid on public lands * * *.) This company's project apparently failed and there followed another long period when the island was vacant. Some time between 1889 and 1897 a British vessel visited the island and finding it uninhabited, claimed it for that country * * *. In 1912 at the instigation of Henry Cooper who had just acquired the supposed title and whose Land Court proceeding to register it was pending, a vessel of the United States Navy visited the island in order to confirm this country's claim to it * * *. No occupants were found on the island * * *. In 1913 and 1914 Cooper made short visits of two or three weeks to the island and built a house thereon * * *. However, the island was not permanently occupied and in 1914 evidence was found that since the 1913 visit Japanese bird poachers had been there * * *. 'In 1920 another attempt was made to commercially develop the island. It was leased by Cooper; a corporation, The Island of Palmyra Copra Company, was organized; and a 'settlement group' was sent to the island * * *. This project was not successful and its activities terminated after about a year * * *. The Fullard-Leos bought Cooper's rights in 1922 but only visited the island twice, once in 1924 for twelve days and again in 1935 for one day * * *. Between 1922 and the time this suit was commenced, no one lived on the island. It was most frequently visited by United States Navy or Coast Guard vessels which were in the neighborhood * * *. In fact, Fullard-Leo went on the Coast Guard vessel 'Itasca' when he visited the island in 1935 * * *. Occasionally, vacationists or scientists made short visits to the island * * *. During this period an unnamed man lived there for two or three months * * *. On another other occasion (1936) a party from Tahiti went there in an attempt to find a cargo of button shells which were rumored to have been jettisoned by an unseaworthy boat * * *. By 1938, the house which Cooper built in 1913 had collapsed and all the various visitors testified they did not see any evidence of occupation in recent times * * *.' From these facts the dissenting judges concluded: 'In the 77 years from the royal proclamation of taking in 1862 to the filing of the instant case in 1939, the occupancy of the island has been less than two and one- half years. Of this a year was in the years 1885�86 and a year in 1920. In the interim, from 1862 to 1939, there was no one residing there under a claim of possession�the occasional visitors' brief stays being for other purposes.' 9 Cir., 156 F.2d 756, 765; and see Id., note 3.
Making Sense of the Ceded Lands: A Historical Assessment
This article was published in the Hawaiʻi Independent during the US Supreme Court case regarding the ceded lands in 2009. Iʻm posting it here because there is no link to it on the Independent website:
A recent Honolulu Advertiser article stated that the State’s title to Hawaiʻi’s ceded lands was not in dispute in the current struggle over those lands. In her State of the State address, governor Linda Lingle said that the case was not over the State’s right to sell ceded lands, but over the title to such lands. Many assert that Hawaiians’ claim to the ceded lands is merely moral, not legal. Who is right? In this article I review the history of the ceded lands and make the case that, contrary to Lingle’s claim, Hawaiians have a legal claim to these lands.
The “Ceded” lands are the combined government and Crown (the monarch’s private) lands originally divided during the Māhele of 1848. The word ceded is often put in quotes because the term means “transferred, typically by treaty” – as there was no treaty of annexation, the very existence of “ceded” lands is questionable. These lands were taken by the government of the Republic of Hawai‘i (the formalized version of the overthrow-created Provisional Government), then transferred to the US government upon annexation. Many have pointed out that the State has never made in inventory of these lands, nor kept track of which were originally public and which private.
Confiscation of the ceded lands by the US Federal government began immediately after annexation. On September 28, 1899, an executive order issued by President McKinley suspended any transactions pertaining to the public lands of Hawai‘i by the Republic of Hawai‘i. This was after annexation but before the Organic Act that created the territorial government. It was in response to a report recommending that the current sites of Schofield Barracks and Fort Shafter on the island of Oʻahu be obtained through condemnation procedures. Five such executive orders were issued between 1898 and 1900 securing land for military purposes, and, according to the dissenting report of the Native Hawaiians Study Commission, “the military has made extensive use of Hawai‘i’s public lands ever since.”
In 1900, the Organic Act, which contained the provision that ceded the lands to the territorial government and charged it with their maintenance and management. In 1921, just under 200,000 acres were carved out of these lands, creating the Hawaiian Home Lands trust. These were some of the poorest agricultural lands out of the ceded lands, as sugar growers and ranchers retained the prime public lands. When Hawai‘i became a state in 1959, these lands were again transferred to the newly created state government. The Federal government “set aside” 287, 078 acres of public lands, of which 60,000 acres were used by the military. An additional 28,000 acres were obtained in fee through purchase or condemnation. 117,000 acres were held under permits and licenses. 87,000 of these acres were retained by the military, while 30,000 of these acres were obtained through leases of $1 for each lease for 65 years.
Upon statehood in 1959, the 5(f) provision in the Statehood Act named five purposes for the ceded lands, including the betterment of the conditions of Native Hawaiians. The proportion of revenue from these lands to be conveyed to Hawaiians was disputed in court for decades. Originally set at twenty percent, then struck down, negotiations are ongoing over a settlement for neglected payments to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Abuses of the ceded and Hawaiian Home Lands abounded. Included in this acreage is Mākua valley, used since World War II as a live fire military training area. The Hawai‘i state government has withdrawn 13,000 acres from the Hawaiian Homes trust through Governor’s Executive Orders (GEOs), primarily for game reserves, forest conservation, military, airports, and public services.
Title to the ceded lands, however, is a more contentious issue. Supreme court cases in 1864 and 1910 made the private Crown lands look more like public lands, reinforcing the government’s claim to them. As UH law professor Jon Van Dyke points out, however, in his book Who Owns the Crown Lands of Hawaiʻi, these lands have several potential breaks in the chain of title, which create a strong Hawaiian claim to these lands. Van Dyke recommends that they become the basis of a Hawaiian governing entity, presumably created by the Akaka bill.
Then there is the issue of title to the Hawaiian Kingdom government lands, acquired from a government that President Grover Cleveland described as owing its existence to the armed intervention of the United States. In real estate law, it is never what you claim to own, but what the previous owner can prove they owned, that is the basis for determining title. This seriously weakens the State’s claim, as the Federal government twice – in 1893 and 1993 with the apology resolution – denied the legitimacy of the Provisional Government, and by extension, the Republic of Hawaiʻi, the source of its title.
The State of Hawaiʻi may in fact have eminent domain, the right to confiscate lands, but they arenʻt claiming to have gained title through eminent domain. Unlike Britain and other countries, in US law, the government does not have any special rights as a land owner other than eminent domain, which, incidentally is not in the US constitution, but only asserted by the supreme court. Thus, the State’s assertion of title to the ceded lands is necessarily through their transfer from the Republic of Hawaiʻi. A final note: in Hawaiian Kingdom land law (which essentially continued after the overthrow, otherwise Kamehameha Schools and the Big Five wouldn’t own their land), the government did have special rights – called dominium – and all makaʻāinana were part of the government where land rights were concerned. These “native tenant rights,” at least theoretically, still exist today, and allow native Hawaiians to divide out the interest (or rights) and claim parcels out of government or private lands. They are not, as is commonly believed, gathering rights, but the right to a fee-simple parcel of land. This means no one owns their land absolutely as all original land titles contain the provision “ua koe ke kuleana o na kanaka” – reserving the rights of native tenants. So Lingle is right that this case is about title to ceded lands, she is wrong about who holds that title. The Hawaiian claim to the ceded lands is as much legal as it is moral.
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read The Hawai'i Independent - Click on link
ref: http://theumiverse.wordpress.com/2012/04/12/making-sense-of-the-ced...
The Star claim they had a part in the crown lands project http://chroniclingamerica.com/lccn/sn82015415/1893-05-18/ed-1/seq-5...
Princess Poomaikelani http://chroniclingamerica.com/search/pages/results/?state=&date...
kaluakini http://chroniclingamerica.com/search/pages/results/?state=&date...
G. Kaluakini esq. http://chroniclingamerica.com/lccn/sn83025121/1891-02-17/ed-1/seq-7...
death of Kaluakini 1893 http://chroniclingamerica.com/lccn/sn82016412/1893-01-11/ed-1/seq-2...
http://chroniclingamerica.com/lccn/sn83025121/1891-06-02/ed-1/seq-1... kaluakini parcel
newspapers discussing to cede Pearl Harbor to the U.S. http://chroniclingamerica.com/lccn/sn85047239/1886-11-03/ed-1/seq-2...
theiolani.blogspot.com (398 issues)
United States of America, December 23rd, 1826 (Treaty)
France, July 17th, 1839
France, March 26th, 1846 (Treaty)
Great Britain, March 26th, 1846
Denmark, October 19th, 1846
Hamburg, January 8th, 1848
United States of America, December 20th, 1849 (Treaty)
Sweden and Norway, July 1, 1852 (Treaty)
Netherlands, October 16th, 1862 (Treaty)
Italy, July 22nd, 1863 (Treaty)
Spain, October 9th, 1863 (Treaty)
United States of America, January 30th, 1875 (Reciprocity Treaty)
German Empire, 1879-80
Portugal, May 5, 1882 (Provisional Convention)
United States of America, December 6, 1884 (Supplementary Convention)
Return to the Hawaiian Independence Home Page or the Legal Documents Index
"When You're White, You're Right" and "When You're Brown, You're Down" ----oral history quote....
The 2009 article below is about the Whites who claim they suffer from Racial Prejudice, then note that the articles below suppress the Browns/Brownies in 1893 and even in the present time 2012 due to the significant, criminal deviance perpetuated by those who have no legal authority in the Courts, and operate on our families private properties and owe rents and leases.
The Attorney General called us "terrorists" recently in Court because we had filed a lien on the Crown Lands. The Liens were properly served, published in the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk time and time again, and sent to President OBAMA as well.
The Crown Lands owners, caretakers are here and are part of the Sovereign, and House of Nobles descendants/heirs.
The Hawaiian Government is made up of three (3) parts, 2 parts are permanent: 1) Sovereign - their descendants/heirs, 2) House of Nobles their descendants/heirs. The last part 3) House of Nobles is the voted in part, the temporary part which was made up of treasonous persons, those not related to the Sovereign, and the House of Nobles.
Mostly, they were and are made up of the " Whites" who are on record opposing the "Browns/Brown(ies)"
About Whites:
Hawaii Suffering From Racial Prejudice
Hawaii Has a Racism Problem
Roots of Resentment Go Way Back
By Larry Keller
Celia Padron went on a Hawaiian vacation last year, lured by the prospect of beautiful beaches and friendly people. She, her husband and two teenage daughters enjoyed the black sand beach at Makena State Park on Maui. But a Hawaiian girl accosted her two teenage daughters, saying, "Go back to the mainland" and "Take your white ass off our beaches," says Padron, a pediatric gastroenterologist in New Jersey.
When her husband, 68 at the time, stepped between the girls, three young Hawaiian men slammed him against a vehicle, cutting his ear, and choked and punched him, Padron says. Police officers persuaded the Padrons not to press charges, saying it would be expensive for them to return for court appearances and a Hawaiian judge would side with the Hawaiian assailants, the doctor contends.
"There is no doubt in my mind [the attack] was racially motivated," she adds.
With no known hate groups and a much-trumpeted spirit of aloha or tolerance, few people outside Hawaii realize the state has a racism issue. One reason: The tourism-dependent state barely acknowledges hate crimes. That makes it hard to know how often racial violence is directed at Caucasians, who comprise about 25% of the ethnically diverse state's 1.3 million residents. Those who identify themselves as Native Hawaiian — most residents are of mixed race — account for nearly 20%.
Professor Haunani-Kay Trask believes Native Hawaiians have every right to feel hostile toward whites.
Hawaii has collected hate crimes data since 2002 (most states began doing so a decade earlier). In the first six years, the state reported only 12 hate crimes, and half of those were in 2006. (All other things being equal, the state would be expected to have more than 800 such crimes annually, given the size of its population, according to a federal government study of hate crimes.) There was anti-white bias in eight of those incidents. But that doesn't begin to reflect the extent of racial rancor directed at non-Native Hawaiians in the Aloha State, especially in schools. For example:
Anti-white sentiments such as these have been more than 200 years in the making. The pivotal event occurred when American and European businessmen, backed by U.S. military forces, overthrew Hawaii's monarch in 1893 and placed her under house arrest two years later. The United States annexed the islands as a territory in 1898, and they became a state in 1959.
Little wonder then that as Hawaii prepares to observe the 50th anniversary of becoming the 50th state on Aug. 21, it will a muted celebration, devoid of parades or fireworks.
Classroom Warfare
Tina Mohr has lived in Hawaii for 25 years. She has Native Hawaiian friends. But in the 2003-04 school year, her twin blond-haired daughters, aged 11 at the time, began getting harassed by Native Hawaiian kids at their school on the Big Island. "Our daughters would come home with bruises and cuts," she tells the Intelligence Report.
One of her girls was assaulted twice in the same day. In one scuffle, she had her head slammed into a wall, and her attacker continued to threaten her. Her daughter suffered a dislocated jaw and had headaches for five weeks, Mohr says.
The torment continued in the summer between 5th and 6th grades. Native Hawaiian girls stalked and threatened her daughters and yelled "fucking haole" at them. Midway through the 6th grade, Mohr began to home-school her daughters.
She filed a complaint with the civil rights division of the U.S. Department of Education in 2004. It was only recently, on Dec. 31, 2008, that the division finally released its report. The report concluded there was "substantial evidence that students experienced racially and sexually derogatory name-calling on nearly a daily basis on school buses, at school bus stops, in school hallways and other areas of the school" that Mohr's children attended.
The epithets included names such as "f*****g haole," "haole c**t" and "haole whore," according to the report. Students were told "go home" and "you don't belong here." Most of the slurs were directed by "local" or non-white students at Caucasians, especially those who were younger, smaller, light-skinned and blond.
The report also concluded that school officials responded inadequately or not at all when students complained of racial harassment. Students who did complain were retaliated against by their antagonists. "They learned not to report this stuff," Mohr says of her own daughters.
The Hawaii Department of Education settled Mohr's complaint with a lengthy agreement in which educators promised to take various steps to improve the reporting, investigating and eliminating of student harassment in the future. Today, Mohr's daughters are again attending the school where they used to have trouble. They haven't been assaulted, but one was threatened on a school bus earlier this year.
Racial Legacies
The resentment some Native Hawaiians feels toward whites today can be chalked up in part to "ancestral memory," says Jon Matsuoka, dean of the School of Social Work at the University of Hawaii. "That trauma is qualitatively different than other ethnic groups in America. It's more akin to American Indians" because Hawaiians had their homeland invaded, were exposed to diseases for which they had no immunity, and had an alien culture forced upon them, he says. Stories about the theft of their lands and culture have been passed down from one generation to the next, Matsuoka adds. (One difference now, of course, is that Native Hawaiians in Hawaii are far more numerous than American Indians are in their own ancestral regions, where the Indians remain politically weak and largely marginalized by the far larger white population.)
Racial violence directed at whites in Hawaii, while deplorable, is minor compared to the larger issues underlying it, Matsuoka says. The Hawaiian spirit of aloha "is pervasive, but you have to earn aloha. You don't necessarily trust outsiders, because outsiders [historically] come and have taken what you have. It's an incredibly giving and warm and generous place, but you have to earn it," he says.
Further fueling the resentment that some Native Hawaiians feel for outsiders are attempts by the latter to usurp entitlement programs given the former to redress previous wrongs. In recent years, non-native residents have used the courts to try and rescind these entitlements on grounds that they are racially discriminatory and violate the U.S. Constitution.
Kenneth Conklin
Retired professor and "anti-sovereign" white activist Kenneth Conklin and others prevailed in a lawsuit in 2000 that challenged a requirement that trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs — OHA — be of Native Hawaiian descent. OHA oversees huge tracts of lands that the United States took from Hawaii when it annexed the islands as a territory, and collects revenues from them for programs that benefit Native Hawaiians.
The state government was going to sell 1.2 million acres of these lands to developers for two state-sponsored affordable housing projects when OHA and four Native Hawaiian plaintiffs sued to stop the deal. A state court sided with the government, but the Hawaii Supreme Court reversed in favor of the plaintiffs. This March 31, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the Hawaii high court erred and sent the case back for further action.
There also was an unsuccessful legal challenge to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, passed by Congress in 1921. The act allows a Hawaiian agency to make 99-year leases at $1 per year to Native Hawaiians (but not other residents) for authorized uses on lands ceded to the United States when it annexed Hawaii. More than 200,000 acres of land were designated for uses such as homes and ranches.
One of the more protracted legal battles involved a lawsuit filed in 2003 by a non-Native Hawaiian student against the hugely wealthy and influential private Kamehameha Schools. Kamehameha operates three campuses for the benefit of children of Hawaiian ancestry. The student's attorneys contended that violates civil rights laws. As the U.S. Supreme Court was about to announce last year whether it would hear the case, Kamehameha paid $7 million to settle it out of court.
'A Hateful Place'
A violent incident with racial overtones in 2007 near Pearl Harbor prompted a good deal of soul searching about race in Hawaii. A Native Hawaiian man and his teenage son brutally pummeled and kicked a Caucasian soldier and his wife near Pearl Harbor after the soldier's SUV struck the other man's parked car. The son shouted "fucking haole" while attacking the soldier. The husband and wife suffered broken noses, facial fractures and concussions. A prosecutor said the assault was a road-rage incident, not a hate crime. But it generated much debate on newspaper websites and blogs about the use of the word haole and whether whites are the targets of racism in Hawaii.
"It is a hateful place to live if you are white," wrote a woman on one Hawaii website's comments section. A Hawaii native who is white wrote, "Racism exists in Hawaii. My whole life I've never really felt welcome here." A sailor stationed at Pearl Harbor added that "this island is the most racist place I have ever been in my life."
Other white residents, however, wrote that they had had no such experiences. And many people maintained that arrogant mainlanders are the most likely to incur natives' wrath. It's their "cultural inability to be humble [that] is a huge contributing factor in a lot of violence against them," one person wrote. "There is a high degree of arrogance and lack of respect that mainlanders exhibit," added another.
A Hawaiian Studies professor at the University of Hawaii, Haunani-Kay Trask, is one of the most caustic critics of whites in the islands. In her 1999 book, From A Native Daughter, Trask wrote: "Just as … all exploited peoples are justified in feeling hostile and resentful toward those who exploit them, so we Hawaiians are justified in such feelings toward the haole. This is the legacy of racism, of colonialism."
In a poem titled, "Racist White Woman," Trask wrote: "I could kick/Your face, puncture/Both eyes./You deserve this kind/Of violence./No more vicious/Tongues, obscene/Lies./Just a knife/Slitting your tight/Little heart."
Trask's opposite number is Conklin, the "anti-sovereignty" white activist who has lived on Oahu for 17 years and says he loves Hawaii's culture, spirituality and history, but is labeled a racist by some of his detractors. He wrote a book entitled Hawaiian Apartheid: Racial Separatism and Ethnic Nationalism in the Aloha State.
"Here in Hawaii, there is no compulsion to speak out on racist attacks. There are all these hate crimes and violent things happening to white people and you don't hear sovereignty activists speaking out against it," says Conklin, who manages a massive website on Hawaiian issues. "The violence has been going on for years and it's always been hush-hush."
State and Race
It's against this backdrop that Hawaii approaches its 50th anniversary of statehood. The non-celebration will consist largely of educational events at various venues. Iolani Palace won't be one of them. Once home to Hawaii's monarchy and where the last monarch was imprisoned after her government was overthrown, the palace is a potent symbol of anti-statehood — and anti-white — sentiment.
Republican state Sen. Sam Slom learned that the hard way. Although Statehood Day is a holiday in Hawaii, there were no celebrations for about 10 years, until he organized one in 2006 at the palace. He and others were confronted by demonstrators shouting racial epithets. Slom, who is Caucasian and has lived in Hawaii since 1960, said the 30 to 40 "hard-core" protesters intimidated a high school band, which left early, as well as some spectators.
The 50-year anniversary events figure to be "soft celebrations" aimed at defusing sovereignty passions, Slom says. "It is a divisive wedge that some people have exploited," he says. "There are people who have made it a racial thing. [But] the vast, overwhelming majority are proud to be United States citizens."
Still, a statehood commission planning commemorative events opted not to re-enact the phone call to the Territorial House of Representatives meeting at Iolani Palace in 1959 informing representatives that Congress had voted in favor of Hawaiian statehood. Commission member Donald Cataluna strongly opposed a reenactment, according to the Honolulu Advertiser, saying he "didn't want any blood to spill."
That won't completely mollify sovereignty activists, Slom predicts. "There will be protests, there's no question about it."
About Browns:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDxRAx63ag4&feature=results_main... "the brownies get down and do it naturally"
Hawaii holomua = Progress., December 07, 1893, Image 2
About Hawaii holomua = Progress. (Honolulu) 1893-1895
Hawaii holomua = Progress., November 07, 1893, Image 2
About Hawaii holomua = Progress. (Honolulu) 1893-1895
Reference: HAWAIIAN HOLOMUA= Progress 'desperate Americans determined to hold on to offices and power they have fraudulently obtained..........."
Liliuo Free by Hawaiian Nation | Song | Free Music, Listen Now
Liliuo Free by Hawaiian Nation: Listen to, download, play and stream the song, Liliuo Free, on demand.
Special Note: The above are part of the complaints filed with the Honolulu Police Department, against the Judge, the Attorney General, including Dexter Kaiama who failed to properly represent our families in court.
The Judge wrongfully charged us with a $6,000+ cost for the Attorney Generals fees due to their suit against our families in Court.
We are Kamehameha's descendants in multiples of lines...........daughter of Kamehameha known as Kanekapolei; sons of Kamehameha known as Kaoleioku, Kalanihelemaiiluna, and Kanakaole/Keliikanakaole.
Royal persons are not subject to the laws and the amounts charged by the Attorney General and the Court is temporarily minused from the rents and leases charges because the Attorney General is sitting on our families private properties, the lands of Abner Paki who had brother Kalaniulumoku. They were Kamehameha /Sovereigns descendants.
The Kalanimoku building is sitting on our families properties being the lands of Kalaniulumoku. Abner Paki claimed to be his heir, and Kalaniulumoku had a daughter named Kalola who was the next of kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
Although the building was named Kalanimoku, he was also part of our family, he being the brother of Keoua - father-in-law of Kalola. Kalanimoku's last wife was our great great great grandmother and great great grandmother because her hanai was our great grandfather. Her name was Akahi/Chiefess Akahi.
Our families Oral History included the saying "When You're White, You're Right" and "When You're Brown You're Down"........and, we are part white as well due to our ancestors being John Young, and Isaac Davis who were counselors of the Sovereign Kamehameha who was recognized for being part of the Pacific Empire with Aetearoa/New Zealand and the Samoan Islands. The Sovereign Kamehameha was also on record as starting the Monarchy Government, a Government recognized in the Laws of Nations.
Copy(ies) sent to President Obama, Mrs. Hillary Clinton- Secretary of State, Honolulu Police Department, Prosecuter's -as instructed by the Supreme Court Justice years ago - Governor Abercrombie et. als. because the Permanent Friendship Treaty is maintained by the Sovereigns families, his descendants/heirs and successors.
Note to everyone, we are also the heirs of Kamehameha II - Liholiho, Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli, Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho, Kamehameha V - Lot Kamehameha, King Lunalilo, King Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani.
For the record, some of us in the House of Nobles are descendants of Kahekili, Mataio Kekuanaoa through his oldest son Paalua, and his stepchildren through his last wife Kalima. We are also part of the true trustees of Queen Liliuokalani's Trust, land title holders of lands criminally claimed by the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates who has deviously transferred our properties to Castle and Cook who are conveying or claim to convey lands that they do not own.
I have the bloodlines of Victoria Kamamalu, her father Mataio Kekuanaoa, Bernice Pauahi Bishop who was NOT the last of the Kamehameha's.
This also serves as a Cease and Desist instrument posted for the public and the World to see.
Informing many because..............
Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!
Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)
Tags: Clinton, OBAMA, browns, whites
this is part of a Genocide Activities filing with the Honolulu Police Department, Prosecuter's, President Obama, Mrs. Hillary Clinton, et. als..............aloha.