From: Amelia Gora
To:,,,, et. als.
Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom No. 2012-0005
Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs
Greetings President Obama, Trustees of the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, etc.
OPPOSITIONS to the Trustees of the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates and Charles Reed Bishop Estates aka's Remain -- This Public Notice Further Documents - CEASE AND DESIST!
GOLDMAN-SACHS Investors: Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustee AND LOOK WHAT GOLDMAN-SACHS is Up To...............

PO Box 8102
Chicago, Illinois 60680
FEC Committee ID #: C00431445
This report contains activity for a Primary Election
Report type: October Monthly
This Report is an Amendment
Filed 11/28/2011
Record of Kamehameha High Schools, Kamehameha Schools Contributions to Mason OBAMA:
GOLDMAN SACH & CO | 1,000.00 |
GOLDMAN SACHS | 32,688.86 |
GOLDMAN SACHS & CO | 850.00 |
GOLDMAN SACHS & CO, INC. | 1,000.00 |
GOLDMAN SACHS & CO. | 1,800.00 |
GOLDMAN SACHS AND CO. | 2,300.00 |
GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO | 8,350.00 |
GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO. | 3,943.00 |
GOLDMAN, SADRS & CO | 1,000.00 |
GOLDMNA SACHS | 250.00 |
ADD THESE FIGURES TOGETHER because the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates OWNS Shares in GOLDMAN-SACHS!
Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates was created on monies, lands of our Alii, our Royal Families.
Goldman Sachs
Tuesday, Jul 11, 2000 9:00 AM Hawaiian Standard Time
Hawaiian putsch
Sex, drugs, sunshine and suicide: How an esteemed philanthropic estate -- and one of Goldman Sachs' biggest outside shareholders -- wound up in the sewer.

In March 1999, Gerard Jervis, a trustee of the Hawaiian philanthropic institution known as the Bishop Estate, was caught having sex in a public bathroom with a woman who happened to be a Bishop Estate lawyer. The next day, the lawyer committed suicide by inhaling fumes from her car in a closed garage. Jervis then attempted suicide a week later by taking an overdose of sleeping pills. He survived.
Thus began yet another tawdry chapter of an ongoing scandal — once limited to the insular political turf of Hawaii — that has enveloped the trust and spread a stain that extends from the white gloves of the prestigious investment bank Goldman Sachs to the verdant links of a golf course near the nation’s capital. Today, along with stories of suicide, drug use and illicit sex, accusations of theft and political cronyism continue to rock the once-estimable Bishop Estate.
The princess wept
When Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop reigned in Hawaii more than a century ago, it’s hard to imagine she could have ever foreseen the likes of “Baywatch” being filmed on the shores of her family’s enormous property.
CEASE AND DESIST Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees, State of Hawaii who claims to be Parens Patriae.
The direct connection to the Masons/Freemasons affecting all nations economies is NOT O.K.
CEASE AND DESIST from Amelia Gora, one of the descendants of Kalola (w) - first cousin of Bernice Pauahi Bishop who married a treasonous person, a banker, a lawyer, a Mason /Freemason who had only a life interest in the Estate named Charles Reed Bishop. Kalola (w) was named as the next of kin on the Probate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
Charles Reed Bishop came to the Hawaiian Islands with his lover William Lee. Both worked for the the U.S. Consulate.
William Lee worked under the Hawaiian Government and played a part in helping to set up the Mahele/Great Mahele in 1848.
Charles Reed Bishop was a banker, an attorney associated with the syndicate bankers.
William Lee became one of the Justices for the Hawaiian Government Court.
Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III died. He was survived by Queen Kalama. His designated heirs were Alexander Liholiho, Lot Kamehameha and Victoria Kamamalu. Queen Kalama had dower rights which she conveyed to Alexander Liholiho. This was part of the Crown Lands.
His hanai son Alexander Liholiho became Kamehameha IV. Lot Kamehameha became his heir.
Alexander Liholiho married Emma who was Kamehameha's brother's grandaughter. Dr. TCB Rooke, a Mason/Freemason adopted Emma alone. His wife Grace Kamaikui had children of her own named Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis. Emma was a true cousin of theirs.
Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV died leaving his widow Emma. His heirs were Lot Kamehameha and Victoria Kamamalu. His oldest brother Moses Kaikioewa was killed by the missionaries according to oral history and credible informants.
Victoria Kamamalu died. Her only designated heir was Mataio Kekuanaoa whose other descendants/heirs existed then and exists now. Our families are also descendants and heirs of Mataio Kekuanaoa who died intestate.
Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V became successor. Many of his cousins existed including Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
The lies of Bernice Pauahi Bishop being the last of the Kamehameha's were perpetuated by the Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop and Friends. Piracy(ies) are documented.
William Charles Lunalilo was elected/selected to be the successor to the throne because he was the Senior Level of Kamehameha's widows.
Lunalilo became King William Charles Lunalilo because he was the oldest living son of Kamehameha and Liholiho/Kamehameha II's wife named Kekauluohi/Auhea (w). She married Kahea/Kaheakulani (k) and Charles Kanaina (k).
King Lunalilo died of tuberculosis as with his friend Robert Lewis Stevenson. They drank together and it's suspicious that during this period a Dr. Arnold, a longtime researcher in tuberculosis arrived during this period.
King Lunalilo's heir was Emma who publicly proclaimed that she was his heir. She said that she was the closest to the Kamehameha lines as her grandfather was Keliimaikai, the brother of Kamehameha.
The supposed Will of King Lunalilo was signed by Justice Albert Francis Judd, a Mason/Freemason.
Queen Emma was supported by the majority in the Hawaiian Islands. Due to her English roots, her grandfather being John Young/Olohana counselor of Kamehameha, the English military were ready to support her. Part of the Estates of the Young family was held by the English, and some of our families claim that monies are held by Lloyd's of London still.
An election was held and David Kalakaua a Mason/Freemason became King David Kalakaua with the help of Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop who requested for assistance from the American military during the period. Kalakaua had a minority vote and Queen Emma did not want to promote conflict, death, etc.
1876 - King Kalakaua signed a fraud deed over Halawa lands/Ahupuaa which included Pearl Harbor. He deeded an already deed land to Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa.
Grace Kamaikui, our ancestor died in 1866.
Mataio Kekuanaoa, our ancestor died in 1868.
1884 - Bernice Pauahi died in 1884 from breast cancer. She was given an exhorbitant amount of OPIUM for pain. Kalola (w) was the only person documented as next of kin. Another heir with only a life-interest was Charles Reed Bishop.
Charles Reed Bishop signed away his "life interest" to the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates. See Bureau of Conveyances, Liber 142/page 142. The Bureau of Conveyances sits on our families lands, the land of Kalaniulumoku brother of Abner Paki. Our families hold title to these lands.
1885 - The treasonous justices of the Supreme Court criminally assumed that their rules became law and moved as if they were in fact higher than the Sovereign AND the House of Nobles.
The Supreme Court Justices were but a body of non-bloods, not connected, descendants, heirs of the Sovereign and the House of Nobles - the two permanent parts of the Hawaiian Government.
They belonged to the third part of the Hawaiian Government, a temporary group which was named as the House of Representatives which became the treasonous branch called the Provisional Government, the Republic of Hawaii, the Territory of Hawaii, then the State of Hawaii with Oppositions by our Royal Families, subjects of Queen Liliuokalani, kanaka maoli, and subjects of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago over time.
The majority of the House of Representatives branch were treasonous Masons/Freemasons.
1887 - Masons/Freemasons held guns to their associate Mason/Freemason King David Kalakaua and forced him to sign a new Constitution giving them power. Under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, Kalakaua signed.
1891 - King David Kalakaua had stopped presenting medals to others. The medals were symbols of Mason/Freemason activities. It appears that he recognized the wickedness of the Masons/Freemasons. He had been married previously to a descendant of Kahekili of Maui and had two children. He married Kapiolani, a descendant of Kaumualii of Kauai and a widow who had an adopted son. Kapiolani was the hanai daughter of a Kamehameha descendant named Kaluakini my great grandfather. She was the hanai sister of my grandmother.
King David Kalakaua died. He had designated his brother, then his sister Liliuokalani who had married Mason/Freemason John Dominis. Others that he designated as heirs were his sister Likelike; his wife's sister's Poomaikelani, our great great grandmother; Kinoiki who was the mother of Princes Edward, Kuhio, and Kawananakoa.
1891 - Queen Liliuokalani became the successor based on the selections of King Kalakaua.
1892 - U.S. Representative Benjamin Tracy is documented as planning the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani in Makua, Waianae on the ranch of Lorrin Thurston's family. The Ahupuaa of Makua belongs to the Kamehameha descendants/heirs existing then and exists today. It had been under the care of King Kalakaua's and Queen Liliuokalani's mother Keohokalole (w).
1893 - January 3, `1893 - Hundreds of Masons/Freemasons from around the World gathered to celebrate THE NEW TEMPLE in Honolulu.
They proclaimed that Honolulu was the 'home city' of the Masons/Freemasons.
1893 - January 8. 1893 - Premeditation to take over Pearl Harbor was documented by Congress, and the former American Civil War General, a Mason/Freemason U.S. President who did help to plan the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani.
1893 - January 9, 1893 - the NEW YORK TIMES printed the standing order, a directive to take over the Hawaiian Islands through Pearl Harbor claims, a fraud claim which was recorded during King Kalakaua's period as the BLUNDERS of the Reciprocity Treaty(ies) etc.
Reference: researcher Shane Lee's find and other research by Amelia Gora
1893 - Queen Liliuokalani, to the horror of the Masons/Freemasons, destroyed the Constitution of 1887 - The Bayonnet Constitution.
They hurriedly put together a "purported Constitution" which they claimed was signed by Queen Liliuokalani and placed it in the U.S. Congressional Records. The supposed heirs to the throne was Masons/Freemasons Kuhio Kalanianaole and David Kawananakoa. Both were not related to the King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani's genealogy lines.
1895 - Queen Emma died. She was the widow of Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV. She had proclaimed that she was the heir of King Lunalilo after his father Charles Kanaina died. The Proclamation was made after King Lunalilo had passed away from tuberculosis.
Princess Poomaikelani died. Queen Liliuokalani called her a daughter. She had taken care of Prince Edward who died. His brothers were Masons/Freemasons Princes Kuhio and Kalanianaole. Princess Poomaikelani/Kapooloku/Kapapoko/Abigaila was our great great grandmother.
1897 - Queen Liliuokalani opposed the Annexation to the U.S. The true opposition signed by Queen Liliuokalani was found by Kiliwehi Kekumano in the National Archives in Maryland.
-Opposition to Annexation - 1897 Annexation Opposition by Queen Liliuokalani found by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wOGJmZjg4MmQtNWRjM S0...
Annexation Opposition (page 2) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNWVlMTc0MjEtZWZiZ S0...
Annexation Opposition (page 3) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wY2RjYzZmNjQtMjUxY i0...
Annexation Opposition (page 4) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNmY2Mzk3ZTctZDEyM y0...
-Other Evidence - see articles, pamphlets, books, the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web by Amelia Gora
Queen Liliuokalani's supporters of 40,000 also opposed Annexation. Their Oppositions/ signatures were hidden in the National Archives in Maryland and rediscovered by researcher Noenoe Silva, etc.
1899 - Queen Kapiolani died. She had given Masons/Freemasons Princes Kuhio and Kalanianaole a deed with the instructions to file it AFTER she died. They hurriedly filed it shortly after and did not wait till AFTER she died.
Queen Kapiolani publicly opposed the Deed's filings and it was recorded in the newspapers of the period. The case went to court and the Masons/Freemason Justices sided for the Princes Kuhio and Kalanianaole.
1917 - Queen Liliuokalani died. She was a hanai sister of Bernice Pauahi Bishop who was married to Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop. Bishop had denied her relationship in the Probates of Abner Paki, the father of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
Queen Liliuokalani had set up a trust with her hanai daughter Kaaumoana our ancestor. Unresolved issues remain.
Opposition to the Investment into Goldman-Sachs was documented by myself, Amelia Gora, in a letter sent to the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates in the past......copies delivered to the State of Hawaii, et. als., posted on the worldwide web over time as well.
We hold the titles to all the lands that the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees and hereby document that I, Amelia Gora, a Kamehameha descendant, Kamehameha III/Kauikeouli's heir, Kalola (w) descendants am one of the land owners and maintain that I have sent a letter to not invest further monies into the Goldman-Sachs which is under the umbrella of the Standard Oil Company which evolved into the EXXON Corporation with the permanent heads the Rockefellers.
Cease and Desist. You have been exposed and are Co-conspirators of WARS AGAINST INNOCENTS.
The investments of the Trustees will be set into another account separate from the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, which includes the Goldman-Sachs investments/fund.
These funds will be returned/made available to make corrections/ amends /peace,etc. with other nations, and not intended for the benefit of the Goldman-Sachs entity, etc.
The Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates will be under new management.
The true land owners, trust owners, title holders exists.
I, Amelia Gora, am one of the many Representatives of the new Trust set in place, and we have no affiliation/connection to entities which criminally claim our Royal Families properties, assets, resources, etc.
Our families have documented Sovereignty recorded in Probates through descendant status and hanai/adoption status.
Questions, etc. contact
Amelia Gora, a Royal person, also Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles
Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)
by sablancpm | 2 years ago | 4,201 views
Queen Liliuokalani prophesied and stated the following:
"Oh, honest Americans, as Christians hear me for my downtrodden people! Their form
of Government is as dear to them as yours is Precious to you. Quite as warmly s you love
your country, so they love theirs. With all your Goodly possessions, covering a
territory so immense that there yet remain parts unexplored, possessing islands that,
although new at hand, had to be neutral ground in time of war, do not covet the little
vineyard of Naboth's, so far from your shores, lest the Punishment of Ahab fall upon you,
if not in Your day, in that of your children, for "be not deceived, God is not
mocked." The people to whom your fathers told of the living God, and taught to call
"Father", and whom the sons now seek to despoil and destroy, are crying aloud
to Him in the time of trouble, and He will keep His promise, and will listen to the
Voices of His Hawaiian children lamenting for their homes."Kaulana Na PuaHidden behind a deceptively light tune, this protest song tells of the ardent opposition of Native Hawaiians to the annexation of their nation to ...
additional references:
articles, pamphlets written by Amelia Gora

Author Stephen Kinzer discusses his new book, "Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq." In it, he writes that the invasion of Iraq "was the culmination of a 110-year period during which Americans overthrew fourteen governments that displeased them for various ideological, political, and economic reasons." [includes rush transcript]
"The invasion of Iraq in 2003 was not an isolated episode. It was the culmination of a 110-year period during which Americans overthrew fourteen governments that displeased them for various ideological, political, and economic reasons."
So writes author Stephen Kinzer in his new book "Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq."
Kinzer writes that "The "regime change" in Iraq seemed for a time -- a very short time -- to have worked. It is now clear, however, that this operation has had terrible unintended consequences. So have most of the other coups, revolutions, and invasions that the United States has mounted to depose governments it feared or mistrusted."
- Stephen Kinzer, author of "Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq." He is a former New York Times foreign correspondent and author of several books, including "All the Shah's Men" and "Bitter Fruit."
AMY GOODMAN : Stephen Kinzer joins us today in Chicago. He is a veteran New York Times foreign correspondent, author of several books, including All the Shah's Men and Bitter Fruit. He has just recently left the New York Times. We welcome you to Democracy Now!
STEPHEN KINZER : It's great to be with you, Amy.
AMY GOODMAN : It's good to be in your city, Stephen.
AMY GOODMAN : Well, you are looking at 14 coups that the U.S. was involved with. What was the primary reason for the U.S. government's involvement in overthrowing other countries' governments?
STEPHEN KINZER : A lot of these coups have been studied individually, but what I'm trying to do in my book is see them not as a series of isolated incidents, but rather as one long continuum. And by looking at them that way, I am able to tease out certain patterns that recur over and over again. They don't all fit the same pattern, but it's amazing how many of them do.
You ask about the motivations, and that is one of the patterns that comes through when you look at these things all together. There's really a three-stage motivation that I can see when I watch so many of the developments of these coups. The first thing that happens is that the regime in question starts bothering some American company. They start demanding that the company pay taxes or that it observe labor laws or environmental laws. Sometimes that company is nationalized or is somehow required to sell some of its land or its assets. So the first thing that happens is that an American or a foreign corporation is active in another country, and the government of that country starts to restrict it in some way or give it some trouble, restrict its ability to operate freely.
Then, the leaders of that company come to the political leadership of the United States to complain about the regime in that country. In the political process, in the White House, the motivation morphs a little bit. The U.S. government does not intervene directly to defend the rights of a company, but they transform the motivation from an economic one into a political or geo-strategic one. They make the assumption that any regime that would bother an American company or harass an American company must be anti-American, repressive, dictatorial, and probably the tool of some foreign power or interest that wants to undermine the United States. So the motivation transforms from an economic to a political one, although the actual basis for it never changes.
Then, it morphs one more time when the U.S. leaders have to explain the motivation for this operation to the American people. Then they do not use either the economic or the political motivation usually, but they portray these interventions as liberation operations, just a chance to free a poor oppressed nation from the brutality of a regime that we assume is a dictatorship, because what other kind of a regime would be bothering an American company?
AMY GOODMAN : Stephen Kinzer, I want to begin where you do in the book, and that is, with Hawaii.
STEPHEN KINZER : Many Americans I don't think realize that Hawaii was an independent country before it was brought into the United States. In brief, this is the story. In the early part of the 19th century, several hundred American missionaries, most of them from New England, sailed off to what were then called the Sandwich Islands to devote their lives to, as they would have put it, raising up the heathen savages and teaching them the blessings of Christian civilization.
It wasn't long before many of these missionaries and their sons began to realize that there was a lot of money to be made in Hawaii. The natives had been growing sugar for a long time, but they had never refined it and had never exported it. By dispossessing the natives of most of their land, a group that came from what was then called this missionary planter elite sort of left the path of God, went onto the path of Mammon and established a series of giant sugar plantations in Hawaii, and they became very rich from exporting sugar into the United States.
In the early 1890s, the U.S. passed a tariff that made it impossible for the Hawaiian sugar growers to sell their sugar in the U.S. So they were in a panic. They were about to lose their fortunes. And they asked themselves what they could do to somehow continue to sell their sugar in the U.S.
They came up with a perfect answer: We'll get into the U.S. How will we do this? Well, the leader of the Hawaiian revolutionaries, if you want to call them that, who were mostly of American origin, actually went to Washington. He met with the Secretary of the Navy. He presented his case directly to the President of the United States, Benjamin Harrison. And he received assurances that the U.S. would support a rebellion against the Hawaiian monarchy.
So he went back to Hawaii and became part of a triumvirate, which essentially carried out the Hawaiian revolution. He was one part of the triumvirate. The second part was the American ambassador, who was himself an annexationist and had been instructed by the State Department to do whatever he could to aid this revolution. And the third figure was the commander of the U.S. naval vessel, which was conveniently anchored right off the shores of Honolulu.
This revolution was carried out with amazing ease. The leader of the Hawaiian revolutionaries, this missionary planter elite, simply announced at a meeting one day, "We have overthrown the government of Hawaii, and we are now the new government." And before the queen was able to respond, the U.S. ambassador had 250 Marines called to shore from the ship that was conveniently off the coast of Honolulu and announced that since there had been some instability and there seemed to be a change of government, the Marines were going to land to protect the new regime and the lives and property of all Hawaiians. So that meant that there was nothing the queen could do. The regime was immediately recognized by the United States, and with that simple process, the monarchy of Hawaii came to an end, and then ultimately Hawaii joined the U.S.
AMY GOODMAN : The queen called in ambassadors from other countries for help?
STEPHEN KINZER : The queen was a little bit shocked by all this, as were her cabinet ministers. In fact, they appealed to the United States and asked, "What instability is there? Who's in danger? Tell us, and we'll protect them." The queen had about 600 troops at her disposal. That was the whole Hawaiian military force. And her cabinet ministers actually called the ambassadors from foreign countries in Honolulu -- there were about a dozen of them then -- and said, "What should we do? Do you think we should fight the Marines?" And the ambassadors quite prudently told her that that would be foolish. "You should just accept it and then try to regain your throne by some other means." That never proved possible. But even then, it was clear to the ruler of this small, weak country that there was no hope in resisting U.S. military intervention.
AMY GOODMAN : It still took a few years before Hawaii was ultimately annexed.
STEPHEN KINZER : It's a very interesting story. Immediately after the revolution, the revolutionaries went back to Washington and, sure enough, President Harrison, as he promised, submitted to the U.S. Congress a law to bring Hawaii into the U.S., but there was a great resistance to this when it was understood how the coup was organized and on whose behalf it was organized, so the Congress did not immediately approve the annexation of Hawaii.
And right at that time, the presidency changed. The Republican, Benjamin Harrison, was out of office, and the new president, a Democrat, Grover Cleveland, came in. He was against annexation. He was an anti-imperialist. He withdrew the treaty. And that meant that Hawaii had to become an independent country for a few years, until the next Republican president came into office, McKinley. And then, at the height of the Spanish-American War, when the U.S. was taking the Philippines, Hawaii was presented to the U.S. as a vital midway station between California and the Philippines. And it was at that time, five years after the revolution, that Hawaii was actually brought into the United States.
AMY GOODMAN : We're talking to Stephen Kinzer. So, first came the missionaries, then came the Marines.
STEPHEN KINZER : Yeah, exactly. Sometimes we hear the phrase "Business follows the flag." But in my research, I found that it's actually the opposite. First comes the business operations, then comes the flag. It's the flag that follows business.
AMY GOODMAN : We're going to take a break, and then we're going to come back to this discussion about, well, the title of his book is Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq.
AMY GOODMAN : We're broadcasting from Chicago, where Stephen Kinzer is based, longtime foreign correspondent for the New York Times, author of a number of books, including All the Shah's Men, about Iran, Bitter Fruit, about Guatemala. His latest is Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq. He just recently left the New York Times. You talk about 14 countries that the U.S. intervened in: Hawaii, Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Chile, Honduras, Iran, Guatemala, South Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Panama. Let's talk about Cuba. What happened?
STEPHEN KINZER : The Cuban story is really a fascinating one, partly because it illustrates one of the main themes of my book, and that is how these interventions in the long run always produce reactions and ultimately lead to the emergence of regimes that are much more anti-American than the regimes we originally set out to overthrow. Here was the story in Cuba. Americans have had their eye on Cuba for a long time, ever since Thomas Jefferson was president. But it was in 1898 that this attachment to the cause of Cuba Libré really seized the hearts of many Americans.
Bear in mind that in 1898, the Cuban economy was totally dominated by Americans. It was a big sugar producer, and all the sugar plantations in Cuba were owned by Americans. Also, it was a very big market for American manufactured goods. About 85% of anything you could buy in Cuba had been made in the United States, so American business had very big interests there.
Now, Cuban patriots spent much of the late 19th century rebelling against Spanish colonial rule. In 1898 they seemed very close to succeeding. This was a little bit troubling to some of the American interests in Cuba, because the revolutionaries were also social reformers. They advocated land reform, which would have meant breaking up the big sugar plantations owned by Americans. They also supported a tariff wall around Cuba to allow the growth of domestic manufacturing, which would have made it more difficult for American companies to export their goods to Cuba.
AMY GOODMAN : And what year was this?
STEPHEN KINZER : These are in the late 1890s. So in 1898, the American press, in some ways excited by whisperings from American businessmen active in Cuba, began a campaign to portray Spanish colonial rule in Cuba as the most unspeakably brutal tyranny that could be imagined, and the American public was whipped up into a fervor about this. The fervor intensified when the U.S. battleship, Maine, was blown up in Havana harbor. "Our Warship Was Blown Up by an Enemy's Infernal Machine." That was the headline in the New York Journal that I reproduce in my book. Actually, it wasn't until 75 years later that the Navy convened a board of inquiry, which turned up the fact that the Maine was actually blown up by an internal explosion. The Spanish had nothing to do with it, but we didn't know that then, and the press seized on this to intensify the anger in the U.S.
Now, the Americans then decided we would send troops to Cuba to help the patriots overthrow Spanish colonialism, but the Cuban revolutionaries were not so sure they liked this idea. They didn't know if they wanted thousands of American troops on their soil, because what would happen after the victory was won? In response to this concern, the U.S. government, the Congress, passed a law, the Teller Amendment, which said very explicitly, "We promise Cuba that the moment independence is won, all American troops will be withdrawn, and Cuba will be allowed to become fully independent."
After that law was passed, the Cuban rebels agreed to accept American aid. American soldiers went to Cuba, including, famously, Teddy Roosevelt, who had his own uniform personally designed for him by Brooks Brothers in New York. In the space of essentially one day of fighting, the Spanish colonial rule was dealt its final death blow, Spain surrendered Cuba, and Cuba prepared for a huge celebration of its independence.
Just before that celebration was about to be held, the Americans announced that they changed their mind, that the Teller Amendment had been passed in a moment of irrational enthusiasm and that actually Cuban independence was not a very good idea, so the American troops were not withdrawn. We remained in Cuba for some decades, ruling it directly under U.S. military officers, and then, for a period after that, through local dictators.
Now, flash forward to 1959. That was when Fidel Castro's revolution succeeded. Castro came down from the hills and made his very first speech as leader of the revolution in Santiago, and in that speech, which I quote in my book, he does not talk about what kind of a regime he's going to impose, but he makes one promise. He says, "This time I promise you it will not be like 1898 again, when the Americans came in and made themselves masters of our country."
Now, any Americans who might have read a report of that speech, I'm sure, would have been very puzzled. In the first place, they would have had no memory of what happened in 1898, but secondly, they would wonder, "What could an event 60 years ago possibly have to do with this revolution in Cuba today?" What they had failed to realize is that resentment over these interventions burns in the hearts and souls of people in foreign countries and later explodes violently.
It's quite reasonable to say today that had we not intervened in Cuba and prevented Cuba from becoming independent, had we carried out our explicit promise to the Cubans in 1898, we would never have had to face the entire phenomenon of Castro communism all these last 40 years. Now, of course, we would love to have back a moderate democratic regime like the one that was going to come to power in Cuba in 1898, but it's too late for that, and it's an example of how when we frustrate people's legitimate nationalist aspirations, we wind up not only casting those countries into instability, but severely undermining our own national security.
AMY GOODMAN : Now, something we see today, for example, in Iraq, is the critical role, not only of the U.S. government perhaps protecting U.S. corporations, but the role of the media in all of this. Going back to Cuba, what was the role of the media?
STEPHEN KINZER : The press played a really shameful role in the run-up to the Spanish-American War. The Americans had never been particularly fond of the Spanish rule in Cuba, but it wasn't until the press, actually in a circulation war, decided to seize on the brutality, as they called it, of Spanish colonial rule in the summer of 1898 that Americans really went crazy.
Now, there's one very interesting aspect of the Cuban press campaign that I think we see repeated periodically throughout American history, and that is, we never like to attack simply a regime. We like to have one individual. Americans love to have a demon, a certain person who is the symbol of all the evil and tyranny in the regime that we want to attack. We've had this with Khomeini, with Castro, with Qaddafi, various other figures over history.
Now, in the case of the Spanish-American War, we first thought we'd like to demonize the king of Spain, but there was no king of Spain. There was a queen, who was actually an Austrian princess, so she wouldn't work. The regent, her son, was actually just a 12-year-old kid, so he wouldn't work, either. So then, we decided to focus on the Spanish general, who was the commander of Spanish troops in Cuba, General Weyler, and for a time, Weyler was thought of as the epitome of all the carnal brutality that we attributed to Spanish colonialism.
We see this pattern again coming right up to the modern age, when we're always looking for some individual to point at. The idea behind this is that the natural state of all people in the world is to have U.S.-style democracy and to be friendly to the United States. If they're not, it must mean that there's only one person or one tiny clique that is preventing the people in this country from being the way they naturally would be, and if we could only just remove this one individual or this tiny clique, the people in that country would return to the normal state of all people, which is to wish to have the U.S. system of government and politics and economics and to embrace the United States.
AMY GOODMAN : William Randolph Hearst, was he a key figure then?
STEPHEN KINZER : Hearst was a crucial figure, who very cleverly realized that he could push the circulation of his newspaper dramatically higher if he hammered away on jingoistic issues by pointing at foreign nations as constantly seeking to undermine the United States. There's an undercurrent, which we're still seeing today, of seeing the world in this very Hobbesian way, that there are terrible dangers everywhere, and it's very important for the U.S. to go out and attack here and attack there before those dangers come to shore. Clausewitz, who I read a lot while I was researching my book, had a great phrase for this. He called it, "suicide for fear of death." You are so afraid of what's happening to you in the world or what might happen to you that you go out and launch operations, which actually produce the result that you were afraid might happen if you didn't do these things.
AMY GOODMAN : Can you talk about John Foster Dulles, who he was, his role in these interventions, Guatemala, and just before that, Iran?
STEPHEN KINZER : One of the things I do in my book that I haven't done in my previous books is focus a lot on Dulles. I really believe that Dulles was one of the key figures in shaping the second half of the 20th century, and I devote some time to try to analyze him and figure out why he played this role. First of all, Dulles spent almost all of his adult life as America's most successful and most highly paid corporate lawyer. He represented all of the giant multinational corporations in America, not just United Fruit, but International Nickel and all sorts of resource conglomerates all over the world. So the whole way he saw the world was economics. He thought that American policy in the world should be oriented towards protecting American corporations.
Dulles also came from a family of clergymen. He was a deep religious believer. His father was a preacher. His grandfather had been a missionary in India, and this gave him another strain, which is very important in the American regime-change era, and that is this sense of religious mission, this belief that since the United States has been blessed with prosperity and democracy, we have, not just the right, but perhaps even the God-given obligation to go to other countries and share the benefits of all we have with them, particularly to countries that may not even be advanced enough to realize how much they want our political system. So Dulles saw the world in a strictly black-and-white way.
He saw, at that time, a communist conspiracy all over the world as working relentlessly to undermine the United States. For example, he opposed all cultural exchanges with any communist country. He tried for years to keep U.S. reporters from visiting China. He was against summit meetings of all kinds. He didn't want agreement with communist countries on any subject, because he thought any agreement would be just a trick to get America to lower its guard.
Now, when Iran nationalized its oil industry, when Guatemala tried to restrict the operations of United Fruit Company, Dulles did not see this as a reflection of a desire by people in a foreign country to control their own resources. He rather saw it as an anti-American move, undoubtedly manipulated from the Kremlin, which had a much more profound goal than simply bothering an American company. This was just the beginnings of an anti-American attack.
Now, one of the things I ask in my book is: Why did we so tragically misjudge nationalist movements in developing countries, like Iran and Guatemala and later Chile? Why did we interpret them as part of an international conspiracy, which, as documents later proved, they were not?
I think it was for this reason. American statesmen and diplomats who study the history of diplomacy are actually studying the history of European diplomacy. We're very Eurocentric. Our diplomats and our statesmen are very well versed in European political traditions. They're familiar with alliance politics and wars of conquest and big powers that use small powers secretly for their own means, but the desire of poor people in poor countries to control their own natural resources has never been a part of European history. It's not a syndrome that Americans who study Europe are familiar with, and that, along with an instinctive desire to protect American companies, I think led them to misjudge nationalist movements and misinterpret them as part of a global conspiracy to undermine the United States.
AMY GOODMAN : Or perhaps not care, but care about U.S. companies, as in Guatemala, United Fruit being able to have free reign.
STEPHEN KINZER : I think it was very much a sense that the companies must know what's best for the United States in those countries, but in addition, we managed to persuade ourselves that a government that was bothering American companies must also be harassing and oppressing its own people, and this is an argument that I think is very well tailored to the American soul. You know, we really are a very compassionate people, and Americans hate the idea that there are people suffering in some faraway country. American leaders who want to intervene in those countries for very ignoble reasons understand this, and they use that motive, they play on the American compassion to achieve support for their interventions.
AMY GOODMAN : So talk about what fuels Iran today, the feeling Iranians have for America, based on the coup the U.S. was involved with in 1953.
STEPHEN KINZER : It's hard to believe today that we could even use the word "Iran" and "democracy" in the same sentence, but the fact is Iran was a functioning, thriving democracy in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Because Iran nationalized its oil industry, rather than allow it to continue being exploited by foreigners, Iran became a target for foreign intervention, and the U.S. did overthrow the democracy of Iran in the summer of 1953.
We placed on the throne the Shah. He ruled for 25 years with increasing repression. His repression produced the explosion of the late 1970s, the Islamic revolution. That revolution brought to power a fanatically anti-American clique of mullahs who began their regime by taking American diplomats as hostage, has then spent 25 years oppressing its own people and doing whatever it could, sometimes very violently, to undermine American interests in the world, and that is the regime with which we are now approaching a very serious world crisis regarding the nuclear issue.
Now, had we not intervened in 1953 and crushed Iranian democracy, we might have had a thriving democracy in the heart of the Muslim Middle East all these 50 years. I can hardly wrap my mind around how different the Middle East might be now. This regime that's now in power in Iran would never have come to power, and the current nuclear crisis would never have emerged. This is a great example of how our intervention ultimately leads us to regimes much worse than the ones we originally set out to overthrow.
Now, how do you think that people in Iran react when Americans point a finger at them and say, "You're a tyranny over there. You're a brutal dictatorship. You should have a democracy. You should have a free regime"? Well, they say, "We had a democracy here, until you came in and overthrew it." Now, the United States today has some very legitimate complaints against the Iranian government, but we have to understand that Iranians also have some very legitimate complaints against us, and that should be a recognition that would lead us into negotiations with them at this point.
AMY GOODMAN : Stephen Kinzer, we're going to have to leave it there for today, but next week, part two of this discussion on Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq, looking at 14 coups of the last more than a century that the U.S. was involved with.
************************** oll/annexation/petition.html
Kue: The Hui Aloha Aina Anti-Annexation Petitions, 1897-1898

Reference: HARPER'S WEEKLY, Journal of Civilization, New York, Saturday, September 10, 1898, Vol XLII - No. 2177, Family Collection, weblinks cited above.
Amidst all the criminal activities around us.............the true bloodlines are here..............documenting criminals, documenting Oppositions against the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani who was and remained under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, genocide, along with her subjects/citizens, Royal families, et. als.; against Annexation; Against Occupation; Against Statehood; Against Pirates/Piracy(ies), Against the Akaka Bill - descendant of treasonous person Thomas Akaka who helped to plan the takeover/dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani from Washington, D.C. with Lorrin Thurston, Dr. Mott-Smith, S.B. 1520, Against Depleted Uranium, Against Nuclear Missiles, activities, Military, Agent Orange, GMO's/Genetic Modification Organisms, Contamination in the environment, in the Pacific Ocean, in the Air, Water, Experimentation, Pollution contributed by criminal deviants, criminal bankers, unwelcomed occupiers, Neil Abercrombie and Criminal deviants looking to kill off/terminate innocents/failures to protect the health, lives, safety of all, etc................many Nations are watching..........and we maintain a neutral, non violent nation....with much aloha to our families and friends..
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Premeditation to Assume Pearl Harbor Coaling Station/the Hawaiian Islands - a Standing Order by Congress Eight (8) days BEFORE DETHRONING QUEEN LILIUOKALANI in 1893:
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Genealogies 1867 (first part) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wMzBiZGJhMjMtY2FmZ C0...
Genealogies 1867 (second part) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wZDBjMDAyNjktMWQ1M i0...
Genealogies 1867 (third and last part) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wOTRlZmNhMDEtNGFkM S0...
Annexation Opposition by Queen Liliuokalani found by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wOGJmZjg4MmQtNWRjM S0...
Annexation Opposition (page 2) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNWVlMTc0MjEtZWZiZ S0...
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The Hawaiian Disgrace archive-free/pdf?res= F70A1FF7345D117...
Shameful Conspiracy id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2Y2YjAwOTItOTEwM C0...
Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Treasonous Person introduced Statehood in 1920 id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wMzY0NzE3ZDUtZGE5M i0...
Author's Website:
Author's Bio: Researcher (history, genealogy(ies), and legal), Writer, Editor, Publisher of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web from Hawaii.
Let's Also Look At the Other Trusts................They Operate on Questionnable Claims Even Today...............Did you know that Queen Liliuokalani declared FRAUD and pointed out issues in her Will and the Courts DISREGARDED IT?..........These operatives are also aligned with the bankers/JP Morgan bankers, the United States and England with other nations documented in the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona moving towards ONE WORLD ORDER/NEW WORLD ORDER and the intent to rid the World of Monarchy/Monarchical Governments Worldwide:
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Copyright © 2011 Queen Lili‘uokalani Children's Center
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Uncategorized « IOLANI – The Royal Hawk, Amelia Gora, have been assigned a Police File and have been sending ... meanwhile many of Queen Liliuokalani's families exist…………am from two ...OpEdNews - Diary: Why OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Hawaiian ...
2 hours ago – By Amelia Gora (about the author) Become a ... by Amelia Gora, one of Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, ... Queen Liliuokalani's families, et. als.OpEdNews - Diary: The Royal Families In The Hawaiian Islands and ... 17, 2012 – 'Wrongful Dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani Anniversary Special: THE ROYAL FAMILIES...and the ... By Amelia Gora (about the author) ...OPEN MESSAGE TO WIKILEAKS CONVEYED TO ALL or AN ... 13, 2012 – King Lunalilo's, King Kalakaua's, and Queen Liliuokalani's families also exists ... Aloha, Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of ...Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli/Aboriginal Hawaiian Truth: Queen ... 3, 2011 – Queen Liliuokalani's Issues Remained With the U.S. President Alone ...... dated 4/7/2009 - from Amelia Gora, Royal Families Representative, ...IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
4 days ago – UPDATING THE ROYAL FAMILIES GENEALOGIES. by Amelia Gora (2011). The following genealogies were arranged by Queen Liliuokalani.Uncategorized « Paradise 808 Liliuokalani's EVIDENCE on the Morgan Bankers/International Bankers, etc. ... Posted by Amelia Gora on September 11, 2011 at 1:51am Note: This article ... The Truth About the CORRUPT, PIRATED Trust of Our Families Named the ...The U.S. LIVING A LIE IN THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS - The ...
May 22, 2012 – Posted by Amelia Gora on January 23, 2012 at 8:20am in Politics ... Families of Queen Liliuokalani existed then, and their descendants exists ...Liliuokalani - Discussion Forum - Maoliworld 28, 2012 – All Discussions Tagged 'Liliuokalani' | Beyond myspace - it's our space! ... by Amelia Gora (Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands) Queen Liliu… ... of Queen Liliuokalani Anniversary Special: THE ROYAL FAMILIES...and the ...- [PDF]
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Feb 27, 2012 – konohiki heirs of the Families of Konohiki Kaaha who was married to ... Kalakaua, Queen Liliuokalani Posted by Amelia Gora on February 26, ...
posted on facebook:
2 minutes ago·
Let's take a step back and Review King Lunalilo, his true successor Queen Emma and the Problematic Issues:
Illness and death
King Lunalilo did not enjoy good health during his reign. He had some bad health habits; for example, he was an alcoholic and many other causes for his death. At about the time of the mutiny in the army, Lunalilo developed a lung infection. In hopes of regaining his health, he moved to Kailua-Kona. A few months later, on February 3, 1874, he died from tuberculosis at the age of 39, at his Marine Residence at Waikiki. Lunalilo had reigned for one year and 25 days.
On his deathbed, he requested a burial at Kawaiahaʻo Church, with his mother on the church's ground. He wanted, he said, to be "entombed among (my) people, rather than the kings and chiefs" at the Royal Mausoleum in Nuʻuanu Valley. This was due to a feud between Lunalilo and the Kamehameha family over his mother Miriam Auhea Kekauluohi's exclusion from the list of royalty to be buried there. Thus, in 1875, he was taken from the Mausoleum to the church. During this procession, eyewitness reports stated that a sudden storm arose, and that twenty-one rapid thunderclaps echoed across Honolulu which came to be known as the "21-gun salute."
Like his predecessor, Lunalilo did not designate an heir to the throne. He had intended for Queen Emma to succeed him, but died before a formal proclamation could be made. The most prevalent explanation of this delay is regarding his democratic principles: he wished to have the people choose their next ruler. However, the constitution of 1864 had charged the legislature, not the people, with the task of electing the next king. In the end, Kalākaua of the House of Kalākaua was voted to succeed Lunalilo as king.
Family tree
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if you miss the truth........... join the hawaiian genealogy society/hawaiian genealogical society at or read the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk on the web and review ;p!
aloha.....pass the info on to is only right for all in the World to know.......
off of
thank you Dwight for the info.....wicked! "strong arm Molokai" as long as everyone maintains neutrality, non-violence......oh, where are the konohiki? then again as families of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III we must move forward......aloha....always enjoy hearing from you! malama pono.
Molokai vs US Federal
...See More
45 minutes ago
On January 21st 2012 over 100 police, coast guard, us sheriffs, and fbi converged on the tiny isle of Moloka'i. To protect a private luxury yacht and it's 36...
Guardian newspaper:
Goldman Sachs sets aside $12bn to pay staff in 2011
The Wall Street investment bank reported full year revenue of $28.8bn – down 26% – while earnings almost halved to $4.4bn
Goldman Sachs set aside $12.2bn (£8bn) to pay its staff in 2011 – an average of $367,000 (£238,000) each – sparking criticism that the Wall Street firm was living in a "parallel universe".
The payouts sparked a backlash from unions, who regard them as evidence that David Cameron's government should take steps to ensure top pay is better linked to performance. Campaigners for a "Robin Hood tax" on transactions said it backed their case for new levies on banks.
"When even in a bad year each Goldman employee pockets an average of $367,000 – nearly 10 times the average UK salary – it's proof that banks live in a parallel universe to the rest of us," said a spokesman for the Robin Hood Tax campaign.
Goldman used a greater proportion of its revenue (42%) to pay its 33,000 staff in 2011, compared with 39% a year ago. The firm axed 7%, or 2,400, of its staff during the year and those who remain will learn the size of their bonuses in coming days.
The highest profile firm on Wall Street reported full-year revenues of $28.8bn – down 26% and earnings almost halved to $4.4bn. Lloyd Blankfein, chairman and chief executive of Goldman, blamed "global macroeconomic concerns".
The total payout per staff member of $367,000 – a figure which includes salaries, bonuses, equity awards and benefits – was down 15% on the $430,000 paid the previous year. The actual amount set side to pay staff was down 21% at $12.2bn.
David Viniar, Goldman's finance director, insisted "discretionary" bonuses were down "considerably more than revenues" during the year and said the firm had embarked on a strategy to cut $1.4bn of costs.
But the TUC general secretary, Brendan Barber, said: "Goldman Sachs are brazenly defying their own sliding profits by dishing out pay and top bonuses worth £240,000 a head. This latest example of excessive rewards for mediocrity should give the government the green light to get tough on top pay. Ministers should start by putting workers on remuneration committees and making pay and bonuses exceeding £260,000 liable for corporation tax."
The firm has recently disclosed more about its pay deals in the UK as a result of rules set out by the Financial Services Authority requiring firms to publish pay for "code staff" – those taking or managing risk. Regulatory filings for Goldman Sachs Group Holdings (UK) show that it had 95 code staff in 2010 who had an average pay deal of $6.2m (£4m) in 2010 – and had a further $595m awarded in a one-off mid-year award of shares in 2010.
"This past year was dominated by global macroeconomic concerns which significantly affected our clients' risk-tolerance and willingness to transact," Blankfein said.
"As economies and markets improve – and we see encouraging signs of this – Goldman Sachs is very well positioned to perform for our clients and our shareholders," he added.
The turmoil in the eurozone held back many of its business areas. Revenues in investment banking were down 9% while its business that underwrites share offerings was down 14%. Its fixed income, currency and commodities operations suffered a 34% fall in revenue.
"Although activity levels in 2011 were generally consistent with 2010 levels, and results were solid during the first quarter of 2011, the environment during the remainder of 2011 was characterised by broad market concerns and uncertainty, resulting in volatile trading and significantly wider credit spreads, which contributed to difficult market-making conditions and led to reductions in risk by the firm and its clients," the firm said.
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