Chief Tecumseh Brown Eagle of The Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation today issued his Tribe's opposition to the proposed Akaka Bill now before the US Congress."Native Hawaiians are not American Indians!To label Native Hawaiians as American Indians flies in the face of historical fact, truth, and the rule of law.It also undermines the inherent right of all to retain their national identity.If the national identity of Native Hawaiians can be wiped away with the stroke of a pen then all people everywhere may face the same fate.......To enact the Akaka Bill would continue this abuse of the US Constitution and support the unconscionable illegal overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai`i in 1893.......I urge everyone to contact their US Senator and oppose this legislation."
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  • Tee cumseh Brown Eagle is a not an American Indian,and neither is his "tribe". He created a fraudulent family history. He is a Black Muslim and a follower of the Nuwaubians, who claim that they were the original indigenous people of the Americas. For more information on him and his illegitimate "tribe" look at what real Indians have to say about him at New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans. He has allied himself with new agers who are into flying saucers. None of his credentials have proven to be true including altered documents (his parents death certificates). You cannot be "black" on your birth certificate and "American Indian" on your death certificate. No jurisdiction in the U.S. accepts his claims of being an Indian or his tribe as being legitimate. I will warn you that he is allied with some very dangerous people.The leader of his sect, Dwight York is in federal prison for child molestation for 135 years.I am really disgusted by these phonies trying to get what rightfully belongs to American Indian people.
  • Aloha Naone,
    Thank you for posting the link to the newage site. I am looking into this & will get to the bottom of it.
    Pono e pono.
  • AOLE ka Akaka Bill!
  • Aloha, Free Hawai`i and MaoliWorld members,

    I am posting this out of respect for Kanaka Maoli and my Indian friends and relatives. I am a graduate student in American Indian Studies and have lived in Indian Country for a few years. I would submit to you all that "Chief" Tecumseh Brown Eagle is not a chairman of a federally recognized Indian Nation as he claims to be. There are over 67 pages of posts on a web site...This specific post specifically disawows any association with Tecumseh Brown Eagle and the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation by David Redwolf the Taiaiak`on (Toronto)Historic Preservation Services Director;wap2

    Moreover, Tecumseh Brown Eagle aka Abdul Abdullah-Muhammed has tried to apply for membership in various Indian Nations such as the Seminole and the Saponi tribes to no avail. He operates a business Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation, LLC. which says it is T.E.R.O. certified ( Tribal Emploument Rights Ordinances)
    which means that a federally recognized tribe's TERO commission certified him as a legitimate federally recognized Indian contractor. I ask which tribe certified him, or was it his own "tribe" who certified him, who really can't since they aren't federally recognized.
    Read the 76 pages of posts from a woman from Tyendinaga Mohawk territory, where the clan mothers called him out for using a geneaology that was not his. There other posts and web pages that show his relationship to new age religion and Nation of Islam protocol. Why doesn't he just come out and say he is Nation of Islam; what is his motivation to claim Indian koko? Read the posts and decide. Mahalo for your time. naone
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