From Marion's post to KAHEA's blog at week, KAHEA submitted written testimony to the State Land Use Commission in opposition to "the proposal by Molokai Properties Limited to build 200 luxury estates at La'au Point" which will negatively impact the environment and culture.Our comments point out that: although there is overwhelming scientific evidence supporting that the main Hawaiian Islands serve as foraging and breeding grounds for monk seals and millions of dollars for research and monitoring have been set aside, little has been done by the state and federal governments to permanently protect habitat -- like that La'au point. The truth is that the single most important action we can take to save monk seals is provide them places of permanent pu`uhonua, true and forever sanctuaries. Monk seals survive best when left alone in a place where humans do not dominate the landscape, in sanctuaries marked only by the presence of blowing sands and waves crashing against jagged lava formations at the water's edge.Further, because "Molokai is one of a few communities that still have resources to sustain traditional subsistence", they need to be honored and protected to ensure the perpetuation of these traditional practices of gathering for their families and communities. The reason why these practices still remain today have to do primarily with the fact this shoreline is undeveloped and difficult to access.The proposed development will limit access to this 40-mile stretch of coastline by providing only two points of entry, one at each end of the proposed coastline development even though the "state law requires that public access to the shoreline be available every quarter mile" which is clearly not honored in this proposal.The Molokai community has voiced their undying concern regarding the relentless and greedy development plans of Molokai Properties Limited. The community has no interest in having a community split and culturally and socially restricted by the influx of big money. Today, they are standing up, protecting their inherent rights to collect what they need from the mountains to the oceans that keeps their culture alive.