This Inventoryʻs Making Quite A Story, But Thereʻs Really No Glory.

Who Ordered It Is No Hero, Instead Heʻs Just A Zero.

To This We Might Have To Say Farewell Because A Downgrade Could Persuade Him To Sell.

Watch This To Discover What Just Went Down & Why We Risk Losing What Once Belonged To Hawai`iʻs Crown.

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  • Thank you, for saying ceded lands (crown lands) as an inclusive of the crown lands.  However, I too prefer to include the ceded lands as the crown lands.  Confused, one should have been there in 1974 when the maps went on the wall, and those old ladies from DHHL ask for a cents (pennies) from the ceeded lands proceeds.  And the na Kanaka men produced OHA and Goldman Sachs, Group Inc.  I was sorta there, but too young to get that we needed income for the children.  My nose was to high and mighty and stuck in the American culture.  No longer so, one needs to listen to their own hearts (self) and transition over to ones own culture practices, and ones land base.  I am a native Hawaiian women living on DHHL and living off my hard earned money and instilling my ancestors knowledge into my own everyday life and the children both family and non-family each day. 


    Unfortunately, the tall white anglo men from the US Armed Forces consider my life as 'untruth' and undeserving of the proceeds from the ceded lands, thus, the big sale.  OHA candidates wanted to cash in too! And when it didn't happen they resorted to publications, foul mouth, and projecting negative white lies upon the women living on DHHL!  Nothing new!  Still the old game of calling 'Liliu' a nigger, Kaiulani a barbarian, and women on DHHL as defined as 50% plus bloodquantum as Hitler (lulu bells)! 


    Yes, the inventory is a bottom net rea lestate action and with the rightful native Hawaiian at the helm, I believe and its okay to differ--all genealogies will hang in the balance of possible extinction.  That was our thinking back in the early 70s when men of color (Native Hawaiian) created an 'aborton state'.  Check this fact out before you differ with that cause and effect of Na Kanaka men voting for native abortion.  Oh well, in sad and deep abyss, I don't think the native Hawaiian women got the strength to voice their opinion, so therefore, I don't think they can voice the inventory as a means of selling their aina.  Just a little blast from the past.  Keep trying!  Mahalo if this 'voice' doesn't meet the cut-no problem, but I hope it does!

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