Toxic Smells in Kekaha?

We received the email below from Kekaha, and wanted to post to see if anyone else has experienced this, or knows anything more about what's going on. If you have information, please email or call KAHEA toll-free at 888-526-6288:Today around 1030 a.m., I came home to my house in Kekaha and was overwhelmed with a strong chemical smell in the air. I usually leave my windows open to have the fresh air blow through, but as I entered my home, the smell was collected in my rooms facing the east. I opened all the doors in my house and the chemical smell became less apparent but still present. At about noon, I started feeling nauseas and had extreme head aches. I jumped in my care and drove to the beach to get fresh air. After about 15 minutes or so, I started feeling better.My daughter who attends Kekaha Elementary came home after 2 p.m. and told me that they had to evacuate their classes earlier in the day and go into the park because of the"chemical" smell, and that many of the children became ill. A neighbor of mines also mentioned that the EMT also had to visit St. Theresa's School in Kekaha.Someone is poisoning us, and if there is anyone out there who knows what's happening, please let me know. The only ones who would be spraying chemicals in our area is Syngenta or Pioneer.
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  • We were told about this at our class this past Sunday. I remember they said it had to do with GMO and the wind blowing the smell around. There's been a gentleman from Kauai that has been attending classes every Sunday and his main concern as well as with many other locals on Kauai is the GMO issue. A way will be devised to get those money hungry people out.
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