About a little over a week now, I received the final bill from NHLC on the PAO'O case now closed. If I can recall, I believe it was either 420 or 470 hours of legal fees; include copies, faxes, phone calls; not included but provided: expert witnesses flown from Oahu others traveled from across our island driving, mainland witnesses by phone, meals, lodging, mapping and surveying the property all for a weeks worth of testimonies, etc etc, it was exhausting yet so exhilarating.We didn't get exposure in the local paper and maybe it's because of the big guns we went up against? Media propaganda? Politics? LOL.If you hadn't heard, the owner of the property decided to get a better attorney by the time we went to our hearings - KS Trustee Dougas Ing. Of course, Mr. Ing probably didn't see the information of request from the owner when this case went through his office. If he knew I don't believe he would have taken the case. At least this is my thinking, I'm giving him the better of the doubt because PAO'O is such a sensitive land issue. So sensitive that when I was cross examined, Mr. Ing questioned the value of the property on level of spirit. You know, the ".....if in fact, this place is __________, isn't it protocol to ________?" I said, you are correct but this place is very special and unlike what is the norm, in fact I have all this information (about an inch and a half of documents) to tell you about this place so if you ask I can tell you, but only if you ask, this is why I am here today because it isn't right, NO GOOD....." Mr. Ing understood and of course he didn't want to ask before eebee jeebee chiken skin kine stuff. So, because of this line of questioning and my answer back, And because this is OLD land OLD culture OLD history and not the norm he didn't dare ask. I know he knew what I meant and this was probably an awakening to his na'au, his koko and my mana'o to share because it was to PROTECT THIS LAND AND OTHERS.I hugged Mr. Ing during this week long testimony because in my opinion, he had the hardest job. The job of not knowing the whole story about the case because he came aboard at the very end. He wasn't there in the beginning when the crooked one was in action - at least he thought he was, he mustn't have been THAT good to be replaced by Mr. Ing's Firm.Our testimonies were wicked man, so right on and I wish more koko were there to see all this unfold. Did we win? I think we did on some level. We really wanted a final ruling but because the owner withdrew without prejudice with the option to file again he was scared on some level maybe or maybe he will wait to justify his development due to new development occurring close by.In any event, the land is safe for now and we kept it safe for all this time. Maybe we will need to regroup when the owner decides to take another stab at it. Maybe he will listen to me and build elsewhere for the sake of his family and their wellbeing. Maybe they don't care I don't know. But I do know that the permit is not happening now and the owner spent BUCKS on the fight till the end. If we had the ruling, we all believed it would have been awesome at least this being our hope differed thinking.So now the next project on the agenda is MAHUKONA....whew, like we all need a vacation after this case. But MAHUKONA is next. We have to set Surety Kohala straight on their a**. We start to the point in facts with a nice but firm letters to the county planning director - we haven't found out yet if the county let the permits expireMy daughter's pa'ina to celebrate her graduaton from KS is this month for it's 1:13am...SMILE. We're celebrating with 300 guests at MAHUKONA. The pavillion can hold only 64, I couldn't reserve all the camping permits to get the entire grounds if I did then I wouldn't have a valid excuse to not invite others who I would love to be there in attendance. So hard to plan a pa'ina when you have to cut your list down yeah? For you koko out there, who like to party you know what I mean...SMILE.So I was thinking this week and I had to TELL my daughter my plans for part of the decoration. She agreed and then LOL about her party being political....LOL. I told her that it was appropriate to do this because of Ephesians 1:3 and the land itself said to belong to Princes Ruth Ke'elikolani. So, I'm providing information about Princess Ruth from what PBS portrayed, Star Bulletin wrote an article. Why trust it? Because then it wouldn't feel so political for I have friends too that can't make up their mind on soverignty issues. I'm not there to offend them, I want them to have a good time, but they should know history of what was then and what is now. I decided to provide information on:1). The clouded title issue 2). Our Princess of the past 3). What Surety Kohala is doing to the landAnd because it will be hot there I will have all this information under a folding hand fan along with other decorations, I wonder if the information will have people talking about how important MAHUKONA is, or maybe they will just sit quiet and not say anything because it's a sensitive issue? Whatever the outcome it is something I feel the need to do in respect of 'Aina.The grounds of the pa'ina will look over the harbor point where the Navigational Heiau is - the crane and dozers were there when my daughter and I went down to check out the grounds again before completing our list of to do things. It saddens me when land owners with clouded titles don't truly do the right thing. They'll pay...heard some rumors that they don't have money or they are looking for investors who thought the project to be pono but could have found out it truly isn't.So, with all the kids going back to school it's hectic around my house. I'm going to picture all 2300+ people on this list and their extended families at my pa'ina - envision we all walking to the Navigational Heiau to pay respect and see how awesome this place is - to know we care what happens down there to give our energy, feel the energy to have the land fight back in all her honor....EXHALE...I have some ideas of what I would like to see happen if my colleagues and I are not able to stop Surety Kohala and their mischeivious deeds and politics but what I see is just entertaining thoughts for now in my head. Protecting Land of Old is not easy these days but we forge ahead and try....it's the "umph" we have to all go through to have that TRIUMPHANT moment.Cherish the ground you walk on today, the same ground some of you may be sleeping on or the home that is placed on it. We wash our feet and body from what she leaves on us each day for she is with us always protecting us through the night in allowing us to lay down our heads. The way she cradles us, the way she cares for us in food and water, the greenery she projects to give us oxygen to breathe. With all that 'Aina gives to us daily, we must stand at her side to protect her for it is only the right thing to do.
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  • I was rereading this blog and should have posted my comments back right away for understanding...let me further explain. A name is only a name unless you bring life to it in what it stood for from its birth. Bringing in a Baldwin (by marriage, not koko), is just that. We all have to follow the mission statement of the organization if not we are not worth anything for contribution to the organization. The KCLT is for preservation, protection of what first the community is...when you enter our town it says, "Welcome to Historic Kohala"...what is KCLT compromising except bringing a possibility of a person on board with a name that doesn't sit well. I know this feeling of names from the past and not sitting well...turns my spirit inside out too...but this is different, the purpose is people first (all concerned) and money second. We can't harbor hate on land issues it only becomes pilau and brings nothing to the community. I have an innate thinking of one either blesses or curses a community in what they do on land issues or even in naming a business in our hawaiian language...I say this at all public meetings when it comes down to what we always must remember. How pono is a person in what they do. For me, coming from my line, it is always the whole and not any one person, thing, entity, or organization. We work together or not at all and when we do, it is for the common good of ALL. Land issues must always be whole and not selfish...it is a selfless issue, a 4-letter word which should never be compromised. _ _ _ _ = 'aina, land, work, save, give, take (as in take back what is rightfully yours), etc. It is not a MINE issue. If I was to ever stray from a mission of what my calling is, then it will be the day that someone of right mind must say to me in love, "Stephanie you need to step down, your thinking is distorted and you're straying off the PATH." It's the same feeling I have when a pastor of a church falls...he/she must step down because if he/she doesn't then the house will never stand. Forgiveness is one thing but to keep a person in leadership who strays from the path...liken to someone being impeached, it has to be done or we know THE HOUSE SHALL FALL. So, I'm not worried, it is a fairness and a balance for the community when it comes to looking at the balance of the board and what each brings to the table for the common good....remember, in all boards in how it is organized, you can always vote someone out if it fits the make up of the organization in how it was organized...no worries. I was asked to be a part of KCLT and first declined and then when I heard the old board was wanting board experience if not they were going to dissolve the nonprofit I changed my mind for the sake of keeping the organization intact for something good. I bring board, financing and IRS experience; others may bring expertise in urban development or cultural development we are all different but same in the common goal and that is what matters in the end. It's all how you look at it...SMILE. What I bring is what is TODAY...however....

    ....when it concerns the past, yes I believe rightful owners is rightful owners...if the land belongs to a particular family then they are the rightful owners, if is for the people then it is "the whole". In my opinion, how the land was before the overthrow in what family members managed/caretaken, etc other than "the whole" should return rightfully to the family...if that was the case, not many koko would have land like they do with Hawaiian Home Lands. Here in Kohala we don't have HLL for residences - much are clouded titles which I know you know...but I can conserve and protect and manage so that we don't have homelessness, have agriculture for sustainability and no compromise on HISTORIC value. It's a community effort not just a koko effort.

    Anyway, for what it's worth this is the meaning behind the efforts here in Kohala.
  • Aloha Stephanie, We don't really need a land trust. The land is ours and we just vest up the paperwork for that land and take it from Surety Kohala. There are Kanaka families that own that land and have the only real, true, lawful deed to any land and if it's not private Kuleana and is crown or government than 33 1/3 of those lands belong to all of Kanaka. King Kauikeauoli set it up that way...on purpose, so the land could never be taken from the true, real, lawful, legal owners...us guys.

    Certain things I read and my stomach turns inside out. "Baldwin" does not set well with me...at all. I get this feeling I get when I watch a horror movie when the guy is in the cabin watching the people in the cabin and waiting for the right moment to come out and chop them up with an axe. I know the guy's in the cabin but they don't.

    native hawaiian in legalese terms = 50% blood quantum...does not set well with me...at all.

    If the land is to be developed it will be developed by the real, legal, lawful, rightful owners of the land, the Kanaka Maoli Oiwi, no one else has a say in how the land is to be used. That was done in the past and now they use it all like they own it when they know they don't. Fortunately for us King Kauikeaouliki caught it in time.

    We don't need them to assist us in decisions and we never did need them. They needed us, our land, our resources, our money backed by gold and silver where their money is backed by debt and worthless paper.

    Mahalo for letting me express myself. I know you're a wonderful person and do not in any way mean to kill your jag but honestly...not a Baldwin...please.
  • Lauren's Pa'ina Brochure.doc

    So here's the short version - highlighted condensed version of the history due to space on a brochure. I just remembered something....my church family in attendance at the pa'ina is just as appropriate as Princess Ruth's son "Kina'u" aka: Prince William Pitt "Kina'u" Leleiohoku was layed to rest at Kalahikiola Congregational Church for a week while Princess Ruth went off to Hilo to party - customary to celebrate death.

    It is said in the book entitled, "Father Bond of Kohala" by William Ellis that Rev Elias Bond was pretty pissed off when Princess Ruth left Kina'u at the church grounds for a week. It was said that there was tension between the Bonds and the royals during that time.

    The great, great grandson of the former Rev. Elias Bond will be at the pa'ina as well as he is a Kalahikiola member after relocating himself from Oahu to here in Kohala I believe in the early 90's or sooner. We have done community work together here in Kohala. In fact, after this past sundays service we discussed a Kohala Community Land Trust nonprofit that had approached us both for a board seat. We discussed decisions on this subject noting how difficult it is with juggling family and other personal obligations. Yet we know how important it is to be in conservation and protection where land issues are involved, especially here in birthplace of Kamehameha I.

    It is important to have the KCLT in action given the Hawaii County's effort of networking with development of the Community Development Plan. For Kohala it is said that the KCLT may possibly be utilized as a means of responsibility to land issues here in North Kohala. This discussion of a new board started I believe sometime almost a year or so ago. It might end up being an all woman board with only two native hawaiians. There might be interest with someone who recently moved into town who is said to be married to a Baldwin (yes "da kine you know da one") but we haven't heard what really is going on yet.

    I told Bond that even with two native hawaiians and three caucasions on the board it is very fair given the take of we as koko being pinpointed as a heavyweight to the large landowner in Kohala - Surety Kohala. Myself the sometimes patient yet practical one and the other koko, a former KS graduate and radical activist learning patience to get things done with more peace. Should be a riot to have an all wahine board of different flavor as far as background and expertise.

    Funny how Ke Akua brings one or more together to work for the common good.
  • Aloha, here's a link to an article on Hokulia. There's still so much land selling going on between land developers.

  • Ooooweee I just love your passion ((((Big Hugs)))). The stronger the passion the strength you have to be invincible in all you do for the good of ALL concerned.

    You are soo correct about things being published without getting to the real meat of the matter. Truth always prevails and we must look at things this way. Waiting is always the hardest but in wait you know things will happen, it's the timing. Timing is the key as in warfare, the battle. Time it right with good intentions and the outcome is usually good whether from the beginning, middle or end - in our case it's for the moment.

    Hokulia...oh my heart is sore on that. I guess that will be my next blog post...SMILE.
  • Aloha, You are so right, the newspapers will never publish the victories of the Kanaka. One reason is that they are partial owners, the other is that they'll lose advertiser's.

    To date, by applying our lawful rights as Kanaka Maoli Oiwi, vesting up paperwork and giving notice to the de facto State of Hawaii and Bureau of Conveyances, through the process of Koe Nae na Kuleana o na Kanaka, a process lawfully put in place by our Constitutional King Kamehameha III, we are together stopping developments across islands. A few to date:

    Moloka - Kaluakoi
    Maui - Hale Mua (investor's and lawyers/attorney's went bankrupt)
    Hawaii - Hokulia

    Across all 3 stopped developments there is a thread that runs through each one, Koe Nae na Kuleana o na Kanaka.

    As Kanaka Maoli Oiwi learn about and exercise their lawful rights we are able to, because we have these lawful rights, put up red flags around any deed or title to land developer's want to profit from. These red flags cause insurance companies to feel insecure about insuring a company with such a risky, and it can be made risky ONLY by Kanaka Maoli Oiwi, title to land.

    Will they ever print this in the newspaper? Why should they. How would it benefit them? It wouldn't. So, it is up to each Kanaka to learn on their own and that's what we are doing.

    Not everything is koe nae. Many pieces of land are privately owned through Royal Patents, Court Certificate of Titles (Land Commission Award - we are not wards of anyone), or Royal Patent Grants. These lands we cannot and will not trespass upon. All Crown and Government land is subject to Koe Nae.

    Through this process I am able to secure and insure, not assure, my children that they will receive 2 acres of land in Honuaula. They are told that this land cannot be sold and can only be passed to their children and to their children and so on. It is situated in such a way as to have enough land to build a house and to grow one's own food.

    I'm so thankful to Ke Akua for giving our Great Constitutional King Kamehameha III such keen and visionary insight and foresight. Without his akamai actions as King my children and all Kanaka children might truly be landless. As it stands, we are the richest country in the world, in land, and in gold and silver.

    Stepping into court is something the de facto absolutely Loves, especially if you are Kanaka Maoli Oiwi. They get more money, I believe 10x more from a Kanaka then from a foreigner. Also, it is their jurisdiction, their de facto laws we go by when we step into their court, which is really "The Hawaii Postal Savings Bank." We no longer step into "our bank" to answer to a teller, instead, we give them notice, this is our land.

    Private Royal Patents, if you can trace your genealogy to the ancestor who holds the only true deed to a piece of land there is paperwork that can be submitted that gives notice, I don't know the details of how that's done. I only know that it was done.

    Wal-Mart on Oahu had to vacate land because a present day descendant of a Royal Patent holder vested up her paperwork on the land. Wal-Mart was even ordered to put the 'Oiwi back.

    We have that kind of power (not junk power, good power) because:

    He kumu kanawai, a me ke kanawai hooponopono waiwai no ko Hawaii ne...

    If you click on the title above the link will take you to a free downloadable book.

    This is a very exciting time for Kanaka Maoli. As more and more becomes unveiled (the truth) more and more my feet are on solid lawful ground so as I step forward, each step being lawful in the sight of not only Ke Akua but the lesser humans (mankind), I am more and more empowered each day to do my part to set things right in our beloved Ko Hawaii Pae Aina.

    I am so happy to hear of your victory!!!
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