COW ~ inoa

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  • These same people who signed me and my ohana up a year ago, have been in contact with us to remove our names from the Kau Inoa list because they were mislead by OHA. Is everyone doing this? We did. Aunty Haunani says it's what we all should be doing.
  • Hi Pono.

    I agree with Hale:

    "There has to be a legal due process before an international court of law that decides and states the facts of illegality in Americaʻs crime to cover up of the conspiracy to illegally overthrow our royal Monarch and governing entities of the crown."

    That and peer review though sometimes innocent people are presumed guilty so sometimes the innocent people pay for what the few guilty have done. That's the part that I don't like :-)

    Malama PONO :-)

    A Brief Report
    Figuring Out Figueroa
    or How You Figah Figah-roa?

    This is an alert to whom it may concern, of what appears to be a scheme to co-opt the Hawaiian independence movement in order to line the pockets of certain ‘carpetbagger’ businessmen of highly questionable reputation.

    Primary Players:
    Richard “Kamahele” Figueroa, President and CEO of FullOn Holdings, Inc.

    Thayer Lindauer, Esq., Attorney for FullOn Holdings, Inc.

    Silent Partner:
    David W. McQueen, IOC Holdings (gambling investments in Bahamas), Diversified Global Finance – Prospective investor for FullOn Holdings’ ethanol production project.

    Richard “Kamahele” Figueroa

    Kanaka maoli, born and reared on the Big Island. He appears to have lived away from the islands since he left Hawaii for the military. He is probably in his fifties, is a U.S. citizen and currently resides in Cambria, on the central coast of California, near San Simeon.

    Figueroa is President and CEO of a corporation called FullOn Holdings, Inc. and is a self-proclaimed entrepreneur in pursuit of large US government contracts and other grandiose business schemes.

    FullOn Holdings, Inc. is a corporation that is registered through the normal regulatory agencies.

    It is also registered as a minority owned business (to access minority status advantages in government bids).

    Figueroa claims that FullOn has applied to the U.S. Department of Justice for registration under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). Maybe it got lost in the Washington bureaucratic maze, but as of yet, there is no record of this filing with the U.S. Department of Justice.

    Thus, FullOn Holdings, Inc. as a U.S. corporation and Richard Figueroa as its CEO is required by law to report to and comply with all the regulations of the IRS, the State of Hawaii, the U.S. Justice Dept., the Securities Exchange Commission and several other government agencies.

    The Board of Directors of FullOn Holdings, Inc. consists of Figueroa, his wife, his daughter and one other woman. Figueroa calls all the shots, the others are rubber stamps.

    The house on Laukahi St., overlooking Waialae, being used to court potential participants in the Hawaiian election (and as offices for Full On’s businesses), is not owned by Figueroa or FullOn as people are being led to believe.

    The house has been foreclosed upon and is a month to month rental at way below market price.

    The house was rented off Craig’s list from a person claiming his brother in Australia owned the house. Actually the title is in the name of the sister in law, not the brother. The bank found out about Figueroa’s occupancy when it came to inspect the house for the foreclosure. The bank people were surprised that Figueroa’s office staff was there.

    The house was intended to be living quarters for office staff brought in from California. FullOn’s actual operations were to be based in a suite of offices in Waikiki, but Figueroa would not (could not) provide the management company with proper financial statements. Thus, the office is in the house.

    The original staff brought in to manage FullOn’s businesses and the Hawaiian election are no longer working for Figueroa and are owed thousands of dollars in back pay and out of pocket expenses.

    Figueroa/FullOn Schemes

    Since 2005, Figueroa has surfaced in Hawaii with at least the following business schemes:

    • Modular Housing for the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. Figueroa claimed he was securing a huge contract from DHHL to produce and construct “15-30 thousand” homes for new Hawaiian Homes awardees. He claimed to have secured 13 acres on Hawaii island and was in the process of raising $5 million for start-up costs. Contract value to FullOn: $100+ million.

    • Shipping of initial manufactured houses (while plant is being built in Hawaii),
  • Kaina Reply:
    "Why you do stuff like that? Posting the photo as a mockery? Don't you have anything better to do? Shame on you. Why you like make trouble? You know I don't work for OHA any more, since I learned first hand how crooked they are.
    How Rude of you! Shows your true intent."



    Aloha mai kakou,

    To those affiliated with the website and the Kingdom Election office. I would like to remind you that any such election being declared and held in the name of the Hawaiian government is in FACT an illegal due process and will only create further declaration of another fallacy in the name of our true Hawaiian kingdom and the dominion of Ko Hawaii Pae ʻAina.

    Because there has yet to be a legal due process to adhere to Treaties and Governing policies left by our parliamentary predecessors and crown; it is impossible to hold any such election. This "government" you have created is as much a fallacy as the creation of the Provisional Government, The Republic of Hawaii, the U.S. Occupied Territory of Hawaii, and the now State of Hawaiʻi. All of which, created their governing entities upon the same principal in which you wish to hold this election, and all of which being as equally illegal.

    There has to be a legal due process before an international court of law that decides and states the facts of illegality in Americaʻs crime to cover up of the conspiracy to illegally overthrow our royal Monarch and governing entities of the crown. These are LEGAL facts and truths that I know as a member of the Hawaiian independence movement. I suggest you place your energies elsewhere so your called "election" is not held to public scrutiny in the Hawaiian community in the highest form.

    I support the cause to fight for independence here in Hawaiʻi and rid ourselves of the U.S. occupying forces, but I do not condone any such acts of governmental fallacy that creates more divisive confusion for our already largely confused populous of na oʻiwi and malihiniʻs here in Hawaiʻi and throughout our kumu honua.

    Mahalo nui loa,

    Hale Mawae
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