

February 11


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  • Aloha koa
  • Keone,

    I will call you tomorrow afternoon. Thanks.

  • Aloha Keone,

    I'm in Honolulu. And you should be arriving home today.

    I'm ready - at your convenience.

    Unfortunately, this is the best avenue of communication I have, except that I could call you on the phone. I think I have your phone number on my other email (that I will make a search for).


  • Keone,

    I will be in HNL on June 2 - for 2 weeks. What's your schedule like for this time period?

    If possible - we go!


  • Keone,

    Nice to see you on here.

    Am thinking - time to do my uhi! If you're still willing.

    I'm planning on spending some time on O'ahu every once in awhile. Or if you're on Hawai'i island with time - I would be much obliged.


  • whats da deal orange peel how u been long time bra. anyways i been thinking of moving 2 moloka'i i dont know im getting sick wit all da po'e donkey's here anyway i jus mad venting catch up with u laters a hui hou malama porno!!
  • Aloha Mai I was just thinking about you. So how are you doing? I hope to talk to you soon. Take care and please Keep in touch
    Aloha Palala
  • This is HOTT, like Me!!!
    Aloha nui!
  • 'Ae, e hui pu kaua ma hope o ko kaua ho'i 'ana mai, e hele ana au i Bosetona a laila NYC i ka la 22 o Malaki a ho'i mai i ane'i i ka la 29. Aloha,
  • bro! these tim tams are burning a hole in my cabinet!
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