

September 20


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  • Good Day,

    How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately.I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on this email( ubabawauh@gmail.com ) for the full details,
    Have a nice day

    Thanks God bless.

    Mrs Abiola.

  • Hi my beautiful tita,

    Thanks for sending me something really cool!!!! Your ipu pawehe is just gorgeous. I didn't know you were doing that, too. Salves, kapa, ipu, community cultural specialist, wife, and mom. YOU are the awesome one.

    So good to hear from you! Hope you, hubby, son, and Princess Sanoe are all doing well. As for me, I'm getting more momona and sassy every day that passes.

    Just coincidentally, Hiko, Marc, and I met at HPA yesterday to do some advance planning for the KHF grant award- - -just in case we get it. (We find out at the end of August.) Anyway, Hiko also used our meeting time to kapu the place for your kapa hui event. So far, everything is looking good for KHF and for your hui kapa. The gal we're working with explained that there is going to be new leadership at HPA, but, so far, she thinks they will be supportive of our art events.

    About the art studio- - -yeah, I just taking baby steps with that. I sketched my ideas out on paper and I took the drawing to a draftsman in Hilo. I just got the preliminaries back. Whoooo man. It took some moneys. But, since I don't have a hale where I can attach an art studio to, I gotta build from scratch. (I'm renting, right now) So, it's gonna be a combination art studio and residence...a bigger project than I thought it was gonna be. But, it's hard to get into my art in my present siutuation. I paint at the kitchen counter or on the floor. I don't have a full size table available. And no more room to put one in, anyway. So, I'm stoked about building something. Lucky I was able to sell my apartment in Honolulu. After I paid off some loans and my sucking mortgage, I have some left to start my studio project. I think I still gotta borrow from the bank, though. But, it's something I can leave to my daughter eventually.

    It was so thoughtful of you to keep in touch. I'm glad you got to see my Ho'omau series on tv. I produced that for the DOE long time ago. Was it about Uncle John Wailani, Uncle Fideles Aki, or Aunty Mona Kahele? I did those three Miloli'i people. Yeah, people have been telling me that they are seeing it on tv. I haven't seen them on tv, yet. But, I have the old original videotapes boxed and stored somewhere. They are probably deteriorated by now, since the life of videotapes are only 10-15 years. So, I'm glad they have been converted to CDs/DVDs and that the local stations are showing them from time to time. The series was a way to honor our kupuna- - -humble people living extraordinary lives based on Hawaiian values; continuing the culture.

    Wishing you and your 'ohana all God's blessings. And good luck with your kapa event. It sounds like a mini PIKO for kapa artists. I'm so excited and happy for you folks. Take care.
    Love and kisses to your hubby and precious keiki.
  • Aloha e Kauanoe...
    Pehea...I know you are busy as ever....:) Did you say you was getting one art studio? My husband and I was talking the other day and we decided we might do the same here. We got enough materials to do something and I've been working on ipu pawehe and you know between the kapa and my salves and stuff it would be great. but sis...I was just wanting to connect with you cause we saw your name on the t.v. again the other night for the Milolii film...Awesome! So I just thought I'd try to send you something cool. :)
  • alo.gif



  • Oh some of those pics are from my field ethnobotany expedition to Samoa in 2006. So I guess the slideshow is of my journeys through life. :)
  • actually, kapa wale no is small kine intimidating but I'm so proud of the work of all the kapa makers and it makes me feel like I need to go back to the drawing board. Wherever the drawing board is...but still searching in my lifelong quest for wisdom and knowledge through plants...and cultures...It is a awesome journey for me...
  • Maika`i e Kauanoe,

    Let me know when I can help. Anytime, anywhere, but I just gotta figure out the baby situation...:) Ooo...I'm so excited for your building your art room and your important position and a well deserved seat for you! I have been busy lady helping Keoua canoe club with a cultural educational component for their hui and it is keeping me good and busy and in the community. It is actually quite awesome. Making some wonderful discoveries with the plants...always...:) Just jugglin mommy world with kumu world and trying to pull it all together as graceful as possible. Most of the nature pictures are takin by me some by my friends. They probably think I'm so crazy cause I like take pictures doing the strangest things but oh well...kupaianaha is kind of cool. Alot of those pics were taken in my yard. but some here an there. Like the ohelo was from when we went for the PIKO. It was so awesome Kauanoe...I'm so glad to have met you....and experienced a few days as a "real" artist. lol! Congratulations on the creative juices flowing...go with the flow sis....you are an amazingly talented artist.

    The kapa stuffs is on hold till I can meet with Hiko but I didn't hear from him..so he must be a busy busy kane too. Thats actually great that we are all busy...but still cultivating wauke in the greenhouse in Kona and in my yard (re: pics on slideshow) and will possibly plant some at the canoe club...Mahalo for your comments on my pictures my sis....

    Let me know when I can help you....Love..love..
  • Sweet darling of aloha...
    Auhea wale `oe? How are you doing? I just thought I'd stop by to visit your sight. Are you still busy body lady? I'm sure you are...

    Hope all is well with you. :)
  • I would also love to see some of your artwork on this page...hint hint.... You can add a slide show and or use your artwork as the background. whatever you want. All you need to do is take pictures of what you want. and no throw your camera in the linen after. lol!!
  • Ai my goodness. I just found your reply today. Yes. I will wait to bother him and you can ask me anytime on how to bedazzzle your page. It's easy and fun and being that you are an artist, you can bedazzle it every week if you want. lol! Call me anytime or email me momishells@msn.com I'm not the expert but I can get you through the page set up....Let me know whenever you get a chance. There are two ways to do this. You can send me the pics and give me your pass word and change it after I do your page or we can kahea maluna ke kelepona and I can talk you through it. You'll be a wiz at this Kauanoe.
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