



Kaohao, Kailua, Oahu-a-Lua


March 4


'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?

O Kahikina ko'u inoa.

No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?

No Kaohao mai no.

ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?

Eia no au ke noho nei i Kailua, aina o ka lepo ai ia.

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  • VD1.gif
  • eh miss you too tita! howz the feathers going? hope better than me and my kapa! had one wedding to do(my son) and one daughter with a fussy pregnancy and just got promoted to executive something or other at work so like wow lau lau, i gotta WORK! what the hekka? but oh well, all good..give my aloha to your ohana
  • kumer i heard you on the radio yesterday.
    my friend was searching through the channels in the car i and heard your voice speaking hawaiian :)
    i was like "STOP! thats kumer!"
    so we listened and heard you play mapuna ka hala o kailua :)
  • Aloha Kahikina:) This is U'i...for some reason, I didn't get your other message and didn't realize that you were able to speak to my papa last semester. I thought you were really busy and couldn't make it :( Shucks! I can't believe I missed it! I was so swamped last year coordinating the May Day program for our school. The kids did great and I was so, so proud of them! I hope everything is well. I want to come back to kula nui to take up 'olelo. I need to retake all the classes again however:( Hopefully I will be in your papa again. It was so nice seeing you at Academy of Arts! You and your halau were awesome. I saw Noho Hewa last night and feel so inspired...doing research on burial. This is the time to unify and rise up:) Keli'i was in the film! Remember when we were all in your papa? So much fun! Learned so much. Well got to go back to curriculum writing so take cares and God bless.

    Malamapono ia 'oe a hui hou aku no:)
  • Aloha Kumu Kahikina,

    'O Keahi ko'u inoa. 'O 'Oe ka'u kumu 'Olelo Hawai'i ma ka papa 102 (i ka makahiki 2004). E 'olu'olu 'oe, ADD ME! ^^)

    Mahalo Nui,

  • ok kumer i'll see you then :)
  • haha :)
    how do you say "live green," in hawaiian?
    is it 'oma'oma'o ola?
  • sorry i didnt quite catch the olelo you left me.
    as in RAPS HAWAII!!!!!!
    something like...
    we all have to watch raps :)
  • oh my, you father is quite the talented composer now isn't he :)
    haha and the way i see it is that,
    maoliworld is typically just like email.
    so you know... im contacting a source :)
  • i spelt meant wrong :)
    haha :)
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