

March 11


'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?

Sarah Thornton

No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?


ʻO wai ke ahupuaʻa āu e noho nei? Where do you live?


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  • Yes, go to Anonui for an interactive site, where you can make your own family trees.
    The regular site is up also at :

    Wikipedia has links to the regular site, so that's why I leave it up, but I don't update it or it changes the links.
  • Hi Sarah,
    Hope all is well with you.
  • You were right, Mahie LOVED the sandy side of the pool... as well as the jacuzzi. It was hard getting him out of the pool to eat or leave. He was totally bummed that he wasn't able to go on the water slides - he kept trying to make himself taller in front of the sign. Hopefully he'll make the cut the next time we get a chance to go.

    By the way, MAHALO nui for the gifts ~ I love them all!!
  • Sounds great! I can't wait!
  • I just wanted to niele and ask how Waikoloa was. We're taking Mahie this weekend as a last fun "only child" getaway before baby arrives. Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated.
  • My brain has been screaming at me for the past four weeks, "What the hell are you doing?! Making me think this hard after being unused since 2001. How rude?! Nah, its going good! I'm already signed up for next semester. Geez, man!
  • Leinaʻala!

    Mahalo for your note and adding me as a hoa. Adjusting to living here has been difficult to say the least. Most of my time has been caring for my mother who has been in the hospital twice since moving here. Good thing that I am here though!

    I like what you have done with your Maoliworld page. Kiuke nō.

    Ke aloha nō,
  • Their apprehension is probably my fault - I've been trying to work on the lawena of this class because it's been going out the door this month! So I've... mentioned... that Kumu Trask isn't as forgiving as I am and that they had better get their acts together NOW so they don't experience the wrath of Kumu Trask. Kinda harsh, I know, but gosh, this class has gotten whinier, are really snappy with each other and are even being confrontational ~ I swear THEY have their ma'i!! Kumu Puahala and I are just tripping out.
  • Well, I have mixed feelings. Excited because school will be pau... but I'm not sure I'm ready to let the keiki leave. Ahem, well, not ALL of them anyway. ;o) Then, before you know it, baby will be here and we still don't know if it's a boy or girl. I REALLY want to know so we can be prepared. Hopefully my 3D imaging tomorrow will be more successful than this past Po'akahi.
  • Huuuiiii! Aloha mai kaua!
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