March 17
'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?
ʻO wau ʻo Mikihala Mahi.
No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?
No Hilo mai au.
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Well it is about time that you finally checked you Maoli! Into the facebook thingy too huh? Well I don't have one yet, and not sure about making one either... My life will revolve around this computer! Well just wanted to send a little weekend vibes your way!!!
♥ Kililani
Hello there Ms. Merrie Parade~
This year I didn't go to the Parade but the kids went with their father and their N-T Mommy.... I saw that you were in the Parade via hawaiian local channel. You were with the Kaleohanos. LIKE IT!!! This wasn't the first time that you were in it right? Well cuzin' take care and see you around this little town of ours.
I am more here than myspace, so forgive me if I don't type @ Myspace..... Kinda more into this than that! Just wanted to send a little something your way and wanted to say that I miss seeing you! Hope things are all good at your end.
♥ Kililani
e kala mai, aka ua hoa'o au e imi i kou palapala no ka volunteer hours. A ua nalowale 'ia paha i ko'u ho'one'e 'ana i ka hale hou. Hiki paha ia oukou ke ho'ouna hou i kekahi palapala no ka volunteer hours. Mahalo nui, Maile kekahuna
87-179 la'iku street
wai'anae HI, 96792
Hello Mikihala,
Sorry couldn't make it New Years Eve, BIG TRIPS that early morning of the eve... Dad had to come to the police station! Got arrested for criminal property damage @ Binach's GF's house!!! I was all plastered... Too much! Never again... One bitter end of the year, and one sweet year to come!!! ♥ Kili
Hey Miki,
I am not even done with the shopping yet, and we only have3 days!!! OMG gotta deal with the rush... Hope you have a Merry one!!! ♥ Kili
They claim my car as a total wreck.....
Have a good weekend cousin! *Kili*
Joined the Maoliworld and kinda liking it. So does dad, he is pretty intrested with it also!!! So the Artates are coming in town! Can't wait to see them. It's been since Anuhea's wedding when I last saw them..... I am looking forward to seeing all of us together again. Well have to get dinner ready to marinate. Making meatloaf!!! I am glad that you guys are in the 20th Century wtih the flat screen T.V Can we come over for SUPERBOWL?!? Nah, just kidding! Well have a good day and no work too hard.....
Your Cousin,
Kililani =)