

February 16


'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?

'O Naomi ko'u inoa

No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?

Southern Oregon

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  • Aloha Kaua, Naomi. Makee sure you join Hawai'i TV Live on Maoliworld, under Groups. Hawai'i TV is also on Facebook and Twitter too. Just type in Hawaii TV Blog for Facebook and hawaiitvblog for Twitter. Mahalo Nui Loa to you and your ohana

  • Aloha kaua, Naomi. The Team and I will be up in Lynwood, Washington from May 19th - May 26th and would love to be able to see you in Oregon too. From Washhington, we were going to be heading to Sacramento, CA. Let me know if that works out for you. My direct number is 808.489.7065 or Email me at kaleo@hawaiitvblog.com. Can't wait to hear from you.

    With that i would like to leave one last quote, and it says that "There Comes A Time When One Must Take A Position That Is Neither Safe, Nor Political, Nor Popular, But One Must Take It Because It Is Right." If you are an individual that is wanting, willing, and ready to "Take a Position," come see me at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/hawaii-tv.

    Mahalo Nui Loa Naomi, to you and your ohana...

  • Aloha Naomi,
    You would have to look a little further north than N. Cal to find me. Me and my family live in SE British Columbia, but most of the rest of my family lives in N. Cal, Prunedale, Modesto, Santa Rosa, San Jose... Long story how we got here, but here is where we've been for the past 39 years. We are going to be traveling with our California ohana to Hawaii in November for a gathering of our ohana. Sure looking forward to it. I loved the pictures on your page... are those your family photos? They look so much like mine, maybe we are related... but then, we are all related are we not?
  • Aloha e Naomi!
    Thanks for the friend request! Do you want to join the Northern CA Actions and Allies? You can just go there and add yourself to the group. I don't think I have to invite you. I just tried -- but I am still kind of "all thumbs" when it comes to some of these features!
    Warm aloha,
  • Aloha Naomi,
    Welcome to Maoliworld. Please tell me a little about yourself. Have we met?

  • kala3.gif


  • Didn't have the time to discuss genealogy stuff with my Uncle Robert SR while in Hilo for our reunion meeting. I was the moderator for the meeting and had to leave...I got the meeting moving so we would end on time - you know hawaiian time we started 45 minutes later waiting for others who lived in town....I drove 2 1/2 hours one way to be at the meeting...LOL. But we're having our renion in July this year and I will have time later to discuss this with my uncle and see if there is connection with what you have told me so far. Take care and be well...aloha...
  • BTW...when did Samuel K. Naihe or Naehu die and what generation of Naihe was he and ahupua'a/island? Any other mention of any other Naihe in the line other than what you mention? By the way....I'm related to all the Naihe's in Waimanalo....there is only one 'ohana from there. My uncle Eddie (my dad's brother) married twice his first set of kids are on Kaua'i and older than I. I call them transplants because they are not born and raised on Kaua'i. Uncle Eddie's second marriage their kids I never spent time with. But my sister (10 years younger than I) Georgie, spent one summer there with them when she was younger and bonded with the kids her age...Uncle Eddie came to Kohala in 1991 to crown my sister Georgie who was May Day Queen here in Kohala - he was recovering from cancer surgery to his head at that time, my father passed away in 1988 so why he honored my sister in her crowning.
  • I will be in Hilo this weekend for a Naihe family reunion meeting to finalize our planning for our July, 2009 get-together. I will provide the information to my uncle & aunt on your link to Naihe and will be quite sometime
    when they will get back with me, but I provide them with your info and see if there is a link. Sometimes people took on Naihe as a change name, we have found this. I know of a young gentleman and his middle name is Naihe but he was not hawaiian and was just named Naihe and did not know the meaning of his name - he lives in the Hilo district. I came across his email on the internet selling his honda and his email had the name naihe in it. I asked if he was related to Naihe and he said it was only his middle name and knew nothing more.
  • Interesting. I know the Naihe's from Waimanalo. Even work with one of them (related by marriage). I wish we knew more about Manu, like what ahupua'a she was from.
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