May 4
'O wai kou inoa? What's your name?
'O wau o Kaleiopuaonalani `Uweko`olani
No hea mai 'oe? Where are you from?
No ka mokupuni o Maui Nui A Kama mai au
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Aia i hea i ka paina(wedding)?
this is hilarious
I meant to tell you before you left....Itʻs okay! I love you.

Triple Trouble mostly the one in the middle!!Just another way to keep in contact with you.........Love You TITA!!!!
I have to make it fast cuz gotta go back work, but I might take you up on that idea of coming over to maui and visiting you. Would you mind if I stayed with you? I'll get the plane ticket and car so we can cruise but just need to make the time. Let me know what your schedule is and I'll tell you mine ok. Aloha and take care talk to u soon
I canʻt believe it, you wrote to me. lol You such a friend. Any whoo howz everything in the valley isle. Busy talking to your lover from Alaska. You better tell him that I donʻt like to share you with anyone lol. In about a month Iʻll be done with my probation at work and be released to be on my own. I hope that I can see you soon come and visit me. Oh and everybody else too hahaha. Have u talked 2 your friend whory. Well, heʻs been keeping his puka busy from what I hear hahahaha. Let me know how everything is k. Aloha love
I thought I would c u soon cuzz I miss u plenty. Anyway I heard that your best friend whory had a little bit to much fun when he visited you this past weekened. Anyway I was just enquiring what exactly happened because he had to go hospitol yah. Well let me know and could u read your blogs and tell me wussup or are u having too much fun with aunty Bobbets son lol. Could u right back please cuzz i've been writing to you for how long now. get back to me aloha