

March 31


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  • hiwa...............check maoli world out once in awhile...............kinda hard yeah? when u have kids and gotta work............. kahea mai ia'u later on!
    808*281*7152 ai'ole 572*5178 .............ko hoa hanau
  • and ur halau is performing on 12/20 at the iolani palace? that's good cause the boy will be here on 12/10 (tomorrow) and he'll be 10 days old by then.

    luv you lots!
  • did it happenn yet? i'm thinking it did :) he ola hou :) ho'opomaika'i no kakou!
  • sending some sunshine from the west side!
  • Aloha Tita!
    Pehea la oe e ke hoa? Ua hala elua paha makahiki mai ka manawa hope loa au i ike ai ia oe. He aha la ka nuhou? Pehea ka holomua o kau Halau? U a Maikai wale, ea.
    Ua ha'o nui wau ia 'oe me ma e leka hou mai ke loaa ia oe ka manawa kaawale.
    Iesu pu
  • yea.gif


  • Aloha mai no kaua e Kumu Hiwahiwa. haha. Mihi au ia oe. Ua kono oe iau e lilo i lala ma keia website ma mua, koe keia, paahana no au me ka hana ma Kauai a aole au i lilo i lala a hiki i keia la iau i noho ai ma ko kou mama hale. E kala mai...aka eia no au. lol. Mai poina aloha au ia oe a oiai nui na mea kunihi i kupu mai ai i kela hopena pule aku nei, nui ke aloha i na mea a pau ma ka punana ma ke kualona o Waahila. Paakiki no'u e kaomi i na mea nui (i ko'u manao) a puka mai wale na pua me ke aloha....haha.
  • Aloha Babe...Akahi no au i lilo i lälä ma këia website nei...Hoihoi wale!
    "ike au iä 'oe ma ka Papa hula i këia ahiahi......'O au nö....Mom
  • hey hiwa!
    HAU'OLI LA HANAU................ku'u hoa hanau............guess who?
    just me..............leihua (lu'uwai)...........jimmini-cricket...........i finally see
    a name and a face i recognize!..............yes.........paki sent this to me!
    believe it or not.............this is the 1st time ever doing something like this................by the way i have no picts, 'cause i'm not quite literate w/ the computer..............i'll ask kaulu or kawaikaunu to help me..............
    they're gonna love this................being able to write you guys in HNL.
    talk to you laters...........slightly late..............aloha nooooooooooooo!
  • Hey hiwa, how is everything with you. Hope well, great picture. Aloha,
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